Obama Critical of Black Lives Matter Movement


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LONDON — President Obama offered an indirect critique of the Black Lives Matter movement during a town-hall-style event here on Saturday, encouraging activists to engage with the political process and cautioning them that social change can be a slow and incremental process.

At a meeting with young people on the second day of his visit to Europe, during which he championed a new trade deal between the United States and the European Union, the president took questions on a variety of topics, including Northern Ireland, transgender rights and racial profiling.

After responding to a questioner who suggested that his administration had not done enough to address racial profiling at airports — a practice that Mr. Obama said he adamantly opposed — the president turned his attention to the Black Lives Matter movement.

He praised the movement as “really effective in bringing attention to problems,” but said young activists should be more willing to work with political leaders to craft solutions instead of criticizing from outside the political process.

“Once you’ve highlighted an issue and brought it to people’s attention and shined a spotlight, and elected officials or people who are in a position to start bringing about change are ready to sit down with you, then you can’t just keep on yelling at them,” Mr. Obama said.

“And you can’t refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position,” he continued. “The value of social movements and activism is to get you at the table, get you in the room, and then to start trying to figure out how is this problem going to be solved.”

Mr. Obama began his career as a community organizer working on local initiatives in poor neighborhoods in Chicago. Sometimes, he said, solving a problem means accepting a series of partial solutions.

“You then have a responsibility to prepare an agenda that is achievable, that can institutionalize the changes you seek, and to engage the other side, and occasionally to take half a loaf that will advance the gains that you seek, understanding that there’s going to be more work to do, but this is what is achievable at this moment,” he said.

It was not the first time that he has cautioned Black Lives Matter activists that social change cannot happen overnight. Ina private meeting at the White House in 2014, Mr. Obama told a group of young black activists that change was “hard and incremental,” one participant said at the time.

When some activists at that meeting said they felt that their voices were not being heard, Mr. Obama replied, “You are sitting in the Oval Office, talking to the president of the United States.”


Sidenote: CACs think they're slick with that "Mr. Obama" shit. Never heard a Mr. Bush or any reference like that towards any president.
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BGOL Investor
“You then have a responsibility to prepare an agenda that is achievable, that can institutionalize the changes you seek, and to engage the other side, and occasionally to take half a loaf that will advance the gains that you seek, understanding that there’s going to be more work to do, but this is what is achievable at this moment,” he said.

Everything he said was the truth. You have to put "policy" in place and then work to get it done. Screaming on people isn't going to actually do anything. Yes it makes people aware (that's very much needed)

But let's make new laws to put criminal police away and make it harder for them to get off, from video tampering to the way DA's handle these cases.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“Once you’ve highlighted an issue and brought it to people’s attention and shined a spotlight, and elected officials or people who are in a position to start bringing about change are ready to sit down with you, then you can’t just keep on yelling at them,” Mr. Obama said.

“And you can’t refuse to meet because that might compromise the purity of your position,” he continued. “The value of social movements and activism is to get you at the table, get you in the room, and then to start trying to figure out how is this problem going to be solved.”

I have no problem with either of these statements. There's a point where yelling outside the gate just becomes extra noise.
MLK is not your hero bitch?
No he was a coon but I see he was yours. Malcolm X was my guy. Because Martin Lucifer Coon we dont have black businesses he wanted black people to protest for the right to patronize white businesses that had no n199er signs on them. Why patronize theirs when you got black businesses you can. I see you are a coon and got a coon in your rib cage where your heart should be. Fuck you and Yahawashi gonna murk you bitch

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Not enough gay in it for support I see. I see you Barry.

He didn't say he didn't support them. While other groups are having meetings trying to get actual things changed or done. Getting the votes together. We're just satisfied with "calling out folks on their bullshit."

The President was trying to help them become more effective. Eventually, when all you do is yell, people tune you out. See also the Israelites in Manhattan.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
No he was a coon but I see he was yours. Malcolm X was my guy. Because Martin Lucifer Coon we dont have black businesses he wanted black people to protest for the right to patronize white businesses that had no n199er signs on them. Why patronize theirs when you got black businesses you can. I see you are a coon and got a coon in your rib cage where your heart should be. Fuck you and Yahawashi gonna murk you bitch
Fuck you and the air you breathe faggit.
bingo......Obama didn't say anything wrong. phase 2 of BLM should be more on elections i.e. what did to the Chicago DA race
The constitution was made by whites for the benefit of whites. The Constitution relegates blacks as cattle 2/5 of a human a commodity. So to hear a black man talk about exercising his political power is nuts. Whites want blacks to keep thinking real change happens in politics. It doesnt. They throw us a bone here and there to keep some of you under the illusion change can come by politics but truth is try starting a petition to end white supremacy. See if you get the signatures and where that goes after that


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
He didn't say he didn't support them. While other groups are having meetings trying to get actual things changed or done. Getting the votes together. We're just satisfied with "calling out folks on their bullshit."

The President was trying to help them become more effective. Eventually, when all you do is yell, people tune you out. See also the Israelites in Manhattan.

Yes Obama is tell them to look at the big picture....I hate the tea party but you all seen what they did in 2010

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Obama was put in office by the white people to work for the white people interests
No he's not the president of Black people only. Imagine him catering to us, then the next president is another cac who hates us. How would that work out. You think Obama is a king? Even if he wanted to go all in the fuck you think Congress would do? Foh

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
He praised the movement as “really effective in bringing attention to problems,” but said young activists should be more willing to work with political leaders to craft solutions instead of criticizing from outside thepolitical process.

Fair criticism by Obama.

But wait I thought this was the point of having these movements in the first place that someone was trying to reach out to politicians to formulate a way to change things?
No he's not the president of Black people only. Imagine him catering to us, then the next president is another cac who hates us. How would that work out. You think Obama is a king? Even if he wanted to go all in the fuck you think Congress would do? Foh
Dummy he dont have to be the president of black people to work for and assist us. He aint the president of faggots but some how he work overtime for them

Mr. Bizkits

Rising Star
No he's not the president of Black people only. Imagine him catering to us, then the next president is another cac who hates us. How would that work out. You think Obama is a king? Even if he wanted to go all in the fuck you think Congress would do? Foh

Agreed and exactly.

The White Supremacists are our true presidents/kings/rulers under the system of racism/white supremacy.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Everything he said was the truth. You have to put "policy" in place and then work to get it done. Screaming on people isn't going to actually do anything. Yes it makes people aware (that's very much needed)

But let's make new laws to put criminal police away and make it harder for them to get off, from video tampering to the way DA's handle these cases.

Problem is that people only listen to others in their group. So if you on Facebook and tell someone they doing it wrong, they block you. Meanwhile, if someone encourages the screaming and dumb shit, they 'get it' and are encouraged to post. In order to be more effective, a group has to take criticism into account. It leads to adaptation and changes. Can't have everyone always nodding their heads yes to every fucking idea. People then get scared to speak up even when shit is going off the tracks.

One of the problems is people have to keep explaining over, and over, and over, and over, and over again why the movement is called Black Lives Matters. Not for nothing, but if a slogan has to be explained so often, it's going to be a loooooooooooong road ahead. But who is going to get that in the movement if they are always being told what they want to hear? All other criticism is from haters and people who don't get it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why would any white person want to hear about the evils of their ways? Of course they're going to tune that out. Policy? Where? How? If state legislatures are an egg, white supremacy is the yolk. You're not making any policy that's going to harm the majority of the population.

Barry has cash, why isn't he funding a campaign against stand your ground?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
He praised the movement as “really effective in bringing attention to problems,” but said young activists should be more willing to work with political leaders to craft solutions instead of criticizing from outside thepolitical process.

Fair criticism by Obama.

But wait I thought this was the point of having these movements in the first place that someone was trying to reach out to politicians to formulate a way to change things?

I think it's more effective to reach out to the masses and manipulate them. In order to flip the masses, you need PR. Sadly, the movement is failing in the PR department.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I think it's more effective to reach out to the masses and manipulate them. In order to flip the masses, you need PR. Sadly, the movement is failing in the PR department.
Fail with their PR? That's a odd way of telling it. Their message is affront to every white person out there. There's not much you can do with that message.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No he's not the president of Black people only. Imagine him catering to us, then the next president is another cac who hates us. How would that work out. You think Obama is a king? Even if he wanted to go all in the fuck you think Congress would do? Foh

every president caters....making the excuse that Obama could basically ignore black people and the issues they face because of what the next president might do is simply crazy.

of course Obama faced obstruction but he himself has done some self-imposed shit trying not to look like he is black or there are concerns

congress could never stop him from being forceful they can only stop legislation

and him not going in for black folks hasn't made it any easier so how has catering to everyone but black folks worked out ?

congress wasn't going to pass his immigration plan but that hasn't stopped him from going all in for that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"Wait til his second term, he'll get gangsta.":rolleyes:

Instead he's closer to the end and even more bitch.

I was sure guilty of that thought process..

made every excuse known to man

but with a black president, black attorney general, black homeland security head yet no advocacy for black people because it wouldn't look right to advocate for black people because congress might be mad

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
every president caters....making the excuse that Obama could basically ignore black people and the issues they face because of what the next president might do is simply crazy.

of course Obama faced obstruction but he himself has done some self-imposed shit trying not to look like he is black or there are concerns

congress could never stop him from being forceful they can only stop legislation

and him not going in for black folks hasn't made it any easier so how has catering to everyone but black folks worked out ?

congress wasn't going to pass his immigration plan but that hasn't stopped him from going all in for that

What federal black folks plan did you want him to go all in for?