Obama Critical of Black Lives Matter Movement


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I love it when a lot of our folks call People like MLK and President Obama slurs like "coon" and shit. Shows that most Black folks still have no sense of history and can't see the forest for the trees.

The major problem with groups like BLM is that at the end of the day, they're talkin' loud and sayin' nothing.

Yeah. All that screaming and high-jacking events (except Republican ones) may get you social media points. But at the end of the day, you still haven't accomplished shit.

Others Here have mentioned the Tea Party as the perfect example of how initial yelling turned into action politically.

Want another example?
Look at all those Chinese/Asian folks who came out for Peter Liang. And got that fucker off. Not only were those people protesting" silently", but they sure as hell were working behind the scenes too. That community kept their shit strategic. And look at the result.

But screaming, looking for attention and shit ain't going to get a DAMN thing done.
But if you're going to do that, make sure you got folks working all other avenues behind the scenes too.


BGOL Patreon Investor
of course she has been on TV because Chicago been pooping for various reasons.

the coverup of the McDonald murder

the efforts and success of the get out to vote to get rid of Anita Alverez

The call to oust Rahm

Holman Square

and of course the amount of shootings.

Just as they kept Deray on the news when Baltimore was in the news for the joy ride killing.

And to clarify Derays organization you mentioned is an offshoot from his work in Black Lives Matter just as his run for mayor is.

Again there is no central leadership of black lives matters......only local leadership

but just as she has been on TV the national media has ignored the group of mothers who have been out doing work...
There is a central leadership who gives the local chapters a great deal of autonomy. There is also a hierarchy. Your information is incorrect. Stop being emotional fam. You have previously said some true and good things. But this isn't a good look. The things you mentioned in regard to Chicago, BLM has had their hand in up to the elbow from day one and has had a major hand in exposing those things to the masses. Before BLM started speaking on it, Homan Square was not something widely known in Chicago, let alone the nation.

The things that you are trying to correct me on are coming from the perspective of an outsider looking in.

I do appreciate that you find articles and such to reference rather than just blurting out your opinion all the time as some do. However, msm is not in the know about the inner workings of BLM.


BGOL Patreon Investor
I love it when a lot of our folks call People like MLK and President Obama slurs like "coon" and shit. Shows that most Black folks still have no sense of history and can't see the forest for the trees.

The major problem with groups like BLM is that at the end of the day, they're talkin' loud and sayin' nothing.

Yeah. All that screaming and high-jacking events (except Republican ones) may get you social media points. But at the end of the day, you still haven't accomplished shit.

Others Here have mentioned the Tea Party as the perfect example of how initial yelling turned into action politically.

Want another example?
Look at all those Chinese/Asian folks who came out for Peter Liang. And got that fucker off. Not only were those people protesting" silently", but they sure as hell were working behind the scenes too. That community kept their shit strategic. And look at the result.

But screaming, looking for attention and shit ain't going to get a DAMN thing done.
But if you'regoing to do that, make sure you got folks working all other avenues behind the scenes too.
I would never support calling MLK a coon and am not yet ready to apply that term to Barack either. I am ready to call him what he is, a politician. But as for the rest of your points, you really should read the rest of the thread to get a better idea of what BLM does besides highjacking events - which btw has proven successful in getting presidential candidates to address our concerns.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
ballscout1 you are getting mired in semantics. To be wrong about something is not a disgrace. No one is right 100% of the time. You originally quoted from ultraconservative rag, breitbart.com in a failed attempt to correct me. you are not in Black Lives Matter Chicago. You likely don't know the names of those who are leaders. You can quote as many mainstream media articles as you want to but it won't change those facts in bold. The mainstream media is not more in the know than someone close to Chicago BLM leadership.

It's not about "what I consider a leader", sir. It's about WHO IS a leader: who is organizing, who cofounded, who is planning actions, obtaining and creating resources for those actions, reporting back to national leadership and who is accepted as a leader by those whom she leads. Stop making assumptions just to be right. I'm speaking on who I know and what I am part of.

first i wasn't quoting Breitbart i was looking for the reference since it was a couple months ago...

How do you know what I am a part of ?

and where was I speaking of Chicago only or at all except to say she refused and why ?


Rising Star
I love it when a lot of our folks call People like MLK and President Obama slurs like "coon" and shit. Shows that most Black folks still have no sense of history and can't see the forest for the trees.

The major problem with groups like BLM is that at the end of the day, they're talkin' loud and sayin' nothing.

Yeah. All that screaming and high-jacking events (except Republican ones) may get you social media points. But at the end of the day, you still haven't accomplished shit.

Others Here have mentioned the Tea Party as the perfect example of how initial yelling turned into action politically.

Want another example?
Look at all those Chinese/Asian folks who came out for Peter Liang. And got that fucker off. Not only were those people protesting" silently", but they sure as hell were working behind the scenes too. That community kept their shit strategic. And look at the result.

But screaming, looking for attention and shit ain't going to get a DAMN thing done.
But if you're going to do that, make sure you got folks working all other avenues behind the scenes too.
What were they doing behind the scene?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There is a central leadership who gives the local chapters a great deal of autonomy. There is also a hierarchy. Your information is incorrect. Stop being emotional fam. You have previously said some true and good things. But this isn't a good look. The things you mentioned in regard to Chicago, BLM has had their hand in up to the elbow from day one and has had a major hand in exposing those things to the masses. Before BLM started speaking on it, Homan Square was not something widely known in Chicago, let alone the nation.

The things that you are trying to correct me on are coming from the perspective of an outsider looking in.

I do appreciate that you find articles and such to reference rather than just blurting out your opinion all the time as some do. However, msm is not in the know about the inner workings of BLM.

Context is everything and I was speaking in a broad manner by saying leadership was local instead of national and named the groups I was comparing that structure too..

2. It’s a leaderless movement. The Black Lives Matter movement is a leaderfull movement. Many Americans of all races are enamored with Martin Luther King as a symbol of leadership and what real movements look like. But the Movement for Black Lives, another name for the BLM movement, recognizes many flaws with this model. First, focusing on heterosexual, cisgender black men frequently causes us not to see the significant amount of labor and thought leadership that black women provide to movements, not only in caretaking and auxiliary roles, but on the front lines of protests and in the strategy sessions that happen behind closed doors. Moreover, those old models leadership favored the old over the young, attempted to silence gay and lesbian leadership, and did not recognize the leadership possibilities of transgender people at all. Finally, a movement with a singular leader or a few visible leaders is vulnerable, because those leaders can be easily identified, harassed, and killed, as was the case with Dr. King. By having a leaderfull movement, BLM addresses many of these concerns. BLM is composed of many local leaders and many local organizations including Black Youth Project 100, the Dream Defenders, the Organization for Black Struggle, Hands Up United, Millennial Activists United, and the Black Lives Matter national network. We demonstrate through this model that the movement is bigger than any one person. And there is room for the talents, expertise, and work ethic of anyone who is committed to freedom.


BGOL Patreon Investor
first i wasn't quoting Breitbart i was looking for the reference since it was a couple months ago...

How do you know what I am a part of ?

and where was I speaking of Chicago only or at all except to say she refused and why ?
When I googled it, I saw it came from breitbart.com. But that's a minor point to argue.

To answer your question:
  • I gathered from your misconceptions you had about BLM, you're probably not in it (yet)
  • I know because I'm not on the outside, brother.


International Member
I dont see why these ppl are upset over this.

i mean they marched and protested and got the attn to the masses of what the issues are.

now what?

how are they planning on getting laws passed,and changes without positioning themselves
to be influential without sitting down at a table with people(politicians,businesses) who can help make things happen.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
of course she has been on TV because Chicago been pooping for various reasons.

the coverup of the McDonald murder

the efforts and success of the get out to vote to get rid of Anita Alverez

The call to oust Rahm

Holman Square

and of course the amount of shootings.

Just as they kept Deray on the news when Baltimore was in the news for the joy ride killing.

And to clarify Derays organization you mentioned is an offshoot from his work in Black Lives Matter just as his run for mayor is.

Again there is no central leadership of black lives matters......only local leadership

but just as she has been on TV the national media has ignored the group of mothers who have been out doing work...

I like how the leadership is set up. WhitePeople™ always want a someone with whom they can negotiate, with the expectation that every black person in America will fall in line and follow their lead. They want to put us in a box and be able to check us off on their to do list hoping we will pipe down so they can move on to issues they really care about . When we are out of sight we are out of mind. Their leadership model is far more effective, imo. When you have a central leadership figure, it's also easy to stop momentum and create chaos by taking them out, as they did with MLK and MalcolmX etc..

Again, I'm not against their boldness and how they agitate events for visibility. I just don't think you can stop at that, and shunning people who are in a position to help you is, if not counter productive, at least the long way to go about getting things done. I'm not on the front lines tho. I amplify voices and donate a lil money when I can, but they are doing the grunt work. I'm ok with them doing it their way, I just have a vision where they could be an international power force, similar to the Jewish anti-defamation league. (Color of change has been effective also.) They aren't required to share my vision tho and it is what it is. You have to start small and local before you can expand anyway. It's said familiarity breeds contempt, so I can understand not wanting to get in bed with folx, so to speak, I just think having powerful allies who know other powerful people helps more than it hurts.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like how the leadership is set up. WhitePeople™ always want a someone with whom they can negotiate, with the expectation that every black person in America will fall in line and follow their lead. They want to put us in a box and be able to check us off on their to do list hoping we will pipe down so they can move on to issues they really care about . When we are out of sight we are out of mind. Their leadership model is fall more effective, imo. When you have a central leadership figure, it's also easy to stop momentum and create chaos by taking them out, as they did with MLK and MalcolmX etc..

Again, I'm not against their boldness and how they agitate events for visibility. I just don't think you can stop at that, and shunning people who are in a position to help you is, if not counter productive, at least the long way to go about getting things done. I'm not on the front lines tho. I amplify voices and donate a lil money when I can, but they are doing the grunt work. I'm ok with them doing it their way, I just have a vision where they could be an international power force, similar to the Jewish anti-defamation league. (Color of change has been effective also.) They aren't required to share my vision tho and it is what it is. You have to start small and local before you can expand anyway. It's said familiarity breeds contempt, so I can understand not wanting to get in bed with folx, so to speak, I just think having powerful allies who know other powerful people helps more than it hurts.

I do to and think it was very smart to do it that way.

Every other group or movement was destroyed because they had that single target or a few that they attacked or discredited...

This model makes that almost impossible which is why they always do stupid shit and either try to define them as a whole or attach things not connected


BGOL Patreon Investor
I like how the leadership is set up. WhitePeople™ always want a someone with whom they can negotiate, with the expectation that every black person in America will fall in line and follow their lead. They want to put us in a box and be able to check us off on their to do list hoping we will pipe down so they can move on to issues they really care about . When we are out of sight we are out of mind. Their leadership model is fall more effective, imo. When you have a central leadership figure, it's also easy to stop momentum and create chaos by taking them out, as they did with MLK and MalcolmX etc..
Well said.

LOL @ "WhitePeople™"

I do too and think it was very smart to do it that way.

Every other group or movement was destroyed because they had that single target or a few that they attacked or discredited...

This model makes that almost impossible which is why they always do stupid shit and either try to define them as a whole or attach things not connected

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
Hill, Bill and Barry are setting it up to toss black folk under the bus to appeal to moderate Republicans on the fence with Trump and y'all are too dense or too spellbound to catch it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hill, Bill and Barry are setting it up to toss black folk under the bus to appeal to moderate Republicans on the fence with Trump and y'all are too dense or too spellbound to catch it.

Koch brothers already talking about supporting Hillary..


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Hold up.

Did you finally turn on President Obama and stop supporting him after being ride or die for 7 years? What changed?

If i may.... a lot of people were giving the benefit of the doubt, waiting,watching and hoping ....expecting by the middle of his second term he would be kicking ass and taking names.... naw.... still trying to compromise ....... except on LGBT issues, he dont take any shit from the Republicans when it comes to gender bending rules.


Support BGOL
Surprised by this, Obama speaking out against a group founded by one of his handlers...The "Black Lives Matter" movement is a fraud...Not a group thats really concerned with black lives at all, it's funded and created by George Soros and other fake white liberals...