Obama Critical of Black Lives Matter Movement

You should probably stop typing and go read...King was never a coon but it seems you have been fed a narrative that you swallowed.

And it was fed to you by crakkas
No ironic is I think you should read. He led blacks to get bit by dogs watee hosed down just to patronize white stores


BGOL Investor
revisionist history.

MLK went to the WH when invited but he wasn't part of the political system. His peoples movement is what caused the politicians to take notice.

His screaming and protesting what was wrong, his affecting their pockets, his refusal to back down and wait is what caused them to make the civil rights act.

And even then that wasn't enough and he was taking it to the poor people when he was murdered with help by that same government.

Obama wants them to work with the system ? Well he has had time and what has he pushed other than a summit ?

Going to the White house whether invited or not means you are speaking truth to power. It all goes back to having a clear agenda. How can your demands be met when you don't clearly tell people what those demands are?

People won't stop being racist by yelling at them "not to". You have to put laws in place to make them accountable and think twice before they put their racism into action. Screaming on politicians does what exactly? How does it get them to adopt policy? How does it get them to push that policy into become comprehensive law that actually get's done what you're screaming about in the first place?

I support BLM but they need to have a clear cut agenda with goals of that agenda becoming law.


BGOL Investor
No ironic is I think you should read. He led blacks to get bit by dogs watee hosed down just to patronize white stores

The fact that you can travel across America unhampered without the need of "The Green book" is something you are taking for granted. Same way you can blow your meager earnings at a casino and not be told to take it outside is a good reason MLK is no coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Going to the White house whether invited or not means you are speaking truth to power. It all goes back to having a clear agenda. How can your demands be met when you don't clearly tell people what those demands are?

People won't stop being racist by yelling at them "not to". You have to put laws in place to make them accountable and think twice before they put their racism into action. Screaming on politicians does what exactly? How does it get them to adopt policy? How does it get them to push that policy into become comprehensive law that actually get's done what you're screaming about in the first place?

I support BLM but they need to have a clear cut agenda with goals of that agenda becoming law.

BLM has visited the WH and Obama.. same thing

Then they go back to protesting and keeping their concerns fresh in the public so they don't go the way of the 24 hour news cycle......

Same as King

In reality they have to gain momentum and the vote because those politicians know exactly what is going on and until their cushy jobs are threatened they ain't doing shit.

Obama has made the same mistake as many in labeling every black protestor as a Black Lives Matter.

BLM is why Anita Alverez will no longer be the States Attorney in Chicago.....wasn't shit Obama or Emanual said or did.....

And that is the biggest disappointment of the Obama administration.....He isn't pushing legislation as a black man first president second...His black attorney general did next to nothing and then ran back to Wall Street and his comfort zone.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact that you can travel across America unhampered without the need of "The Green book" is something you are taking for granted. Same way you can blow your meager earnings at a casino and not be told to take it outside is a good reason MLK is no coon.

might not need a green book but traveling unhampered is questionable :lol:
The fact that you can travel across America unhampered without the need of "The Green book" is something you are taking for granted. Same way you can blow your meager earnings at a casino and not be told to take it outside is a good reason MLK is no coon.
I see you still jealous that I make more money than you and tell yourself I lose at gambling to convince yourself you still have pride despite having evidence contrary. You a hamite yahawah ba ha sham gonna destroy you you african. He was a coon. Hamite
See drayonis is a hamite. He wasnt born here he not one of us. He jealous cuz I make more moneu betting and use resources to bet smart while he pushing the clock. Same type of jealousy a worker making $15.00 makes has of another worker making $14.21 a hour because the minimum wage kicked in and he mad he doing all this work for 15.00 while someone making little effort makes more or less. I seen it people that make more money get jealous all the time of people that make less money. And im willing to bet no pun intended you do make more money than what ive made so far. But ironic thing is you constantly prove you are jealous by displaying all the classical signs of a jealous person.

You are a hamite. I bet $65 just today under 186 for the spurs

ahhhhhh my only issue is im not in vegas cuz I cant bet the amount on the net I want. Been times I wantes to bet a rack but they cap off at $330.

The true jews are negros deu 28:68

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Bullshit. she accomplishes things every day. We don't need the President's validation to do that and anyway, if you feel the President has very little power to reform local police departments, then how in the world could she have gotten more accomplished by going?

No one can break down the issues in detail in 90 censored seconds. And you're talking about 16 activists? You are also assuming that BLM doesn't already meet with various individuals who attended outside of that completely useless White House photo op. I don't personally dislike Barack. It is however hard to take him seriously when he invites a group of rappers to the White House to "discuss police reform".


Seriously, no one gives a fuck if she went or not. It's already forgotten. She got her bit of attention, now it's over.

And, it's not about the fact that I feel the President has little power to reform local police departments. I know he doesn't.
He doesn't have any authority over local police departments unless they break federal laws. But, maybe if she went, maybe she could have met someone there, maybe the President could have put her in touch with someone. Who the fuck knows. What I do know is that the only thing that got accomplished was that she got some attention, which is probably a big part of her goal.

Let her sit her ass down then. Then she will complain she doesn't get invited or asked to share her thoughts.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you want him to call out people?

How would that change a single law?

He does it in regards to LBGT and Immigrants everyday.

He has gone to other countries to fight for fag rights but won't fight for black rights here because it will look bad because he is black ?

Use the bully pulpit to change laws and enforce those already on the books

He doesn't have any authority over local police departments unless they break federal laws.

he controls much of their purse strings..

he is not powerless and he chooses where and when to use that influence.

to pretend there is nothing he could do is dishonest.......

and just like he can be a role model as a black man, he can also speak up as a black man

effort with failure is better than failure with no effort


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Going to the White house whether invited or not means you are speaking truth to power. It all goes back to having a clear agenda. How can your demands be met when you don't clearly tell people what those demands are?

People won't stop being racist by yelling at them "not to". You have to put laws in place to make them accountable and think twice before they put their racism into action. Screaming on politicians does what exactly? How does it get them to adopt policy? How does it get them to push that policy into become comprehensive law that actually get's done what you're screaming about in the first place?

I support BLM but they need to have a clear cut agenda with goals of that agenda becoming law.

People don't get this for some reason. You can't regulate people's hearts, but you can pass laws to help them modify their behavior.

I also like and support BLM, but I was beyond frustrated with them crashing events and then refusing to meet with people who are in a position to help them get their agenda passed. Saying "we have our policies and info on our site, read up on it", is not cutting it. Why are you popping up at a politician's event if you don't want an alliance or help with with your agenda? It's a mixed message. Most of the people who are in a position to help BLM do what they want aren't close enough to the black community to know what our issues are, and what needs to be addressed. They've basically said "we need help", and when asked what kind of help is needed, are telling people to go educate themselves. Shouting "we are here notice us, hear us, do what we want", and then refusing dialogue later when some signals they are willing to listen and get said education seems immature and short sighted to me. If you're truly seeking results/reform/change you have to interact with people. It doesn't mean you have to be friends and support the candidate if you work or meet with them. You don't have to be friends with someone to use them to get your agenda passed.

That said, BLM is not just ONE group, its several organizations doing the work under the banner/message of BLM. Not all are affiliated with the official BLM organization. There are pockets of people doing the work trying to get laws passed and address other issues such as economic empowerment etc. I think even the main BLM has other items than police reform on their agenda, tho you don't hear about it much. Like President Obama said tho, you need both the attention and the follow through if you want to be an ongoing, powerful force. In the age of social media with all the momentum they have right now, sweeping changes can be made: organizing locally to get politicians out who don't aid the movement, etc. Fear of losing their job is a strong motivator. Whether they truly support you or not, people will do the work for you and help you get what you want to keep their jobs. Again, they don't need to be your friend to work your agenda. This has already been seen in a couple of places, and I hope it continues.

The fact that you can travel across America unhampered without the need of "The Green book" is something you are taking for granted. Same way you can blow your meager earnings at a casino and not be told to take it outside is a good reason MLK is no coon.

Not to mention hospitals. If there wasn't a "colored" hospital nearby or a doctor willing to come to a black person's home, you were SOL.


BGOL Investor
There was some truth to his statement, when it pertained to organizing, but in the same breath he also catered to the racist "All Lives Matter" crowd via generalizing. He did the same thing during that Fathers Day speech @ that Black Church a few years ago....so im not surprised.

That whole "Black folks yelling and complaining" argument is what racist White folks have been using for years, and Obama just used the same argument, which indirectly let White folks know that he's on their side as well.

Obama's statement wasnt directed at the BLM people who've had meetings with local politicians or are trying to have meetings in the future, his message was directed at the emotional, yelling mofos who are more so concerned with using the BLM movement to make money or gain attention, more than they are preserving Black Lives.

^^^^^These are the type of niggas who are used as examples when folks try to justify why the BLM movement is bs.

The irrational/yelling mofos who cant organize are the ones that the media highlights at the Donald Trump rally. The irrational/yelling mofos who cant organize are the ones White folks use to justify why they dont like Black folks. The irrational/yelling mofos wont get what they want for years because it takes them years to calm down. Thats why people like Obama would rather address the "yelling mofos".


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So you want him to call out people?

How would that change a single law?

And equal protection means there has to be a law that specifically spells out an advantage for one group over another. If the local police cross the line, everyone has the right to sue. If you live in a racist state and elect racist jurors that let the cops off, how is the federal government going to change that?

Stop looking at any President to change that. The jew wouldn't be able to change that either. That has to be changed precinct by precinct. Period.

Although Sanders has called out Israel he wouldn't ignore the plight of jews..

That is the point. Obama ignores what is being done to black America like it would help him get the white folks to do things but it hasn't and won't so why ignore .

Stop acting like if the law doesn't change he should not be black....That is so Bobby Jindal and Halle of him.

I bet Hillary won't ignore woemn


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There was some truth to his statement, when it pertained to organizing, but in the same breath he also catered to the racist "All Lives Matter" crowd via generalizing. He did the same thing during that Fathers Day speech a few years ago....so im not surprised.

That whole "Black folks yelling and complaining" argument is what racist White folks have been using for years, and Obama just used the same argument, which indirectly let racist White folks know that he's on their side as well.

Obama's statement wasnt directed at the BLM people who've had meetings with local politicians or are trying to have meetings in the future, his message was directed at the emotional, yelling mofos who are more so concerned with using the BLM movement to make money or gain attention, more than they are preserving Black Lives.

^^^^^These are the type of niggas who are used as examples when folks try to justify why the BLM movement is bs.

The irrational/yelling mofos who cant organize are the ones that the media highlights at the Donald Trump rally. The irrational/yelling mofos who cant organize are the ones White folks use to justify why they dont like Black folks. The irrational/yelling mofos wont get what they wont for years because it takes them years to calm down. Thats why people like Obama would rather address the "yelling mofos".

so he can chastise them but doesn't say shit to the crakkas who screams at him.......

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
So you want him to call out people?

How would that change a single law?
He does it in regards to LBGT and Immigrants everyday.

He has gone to other countries to fight for fag rights but won't fight for black rights here because it will look bad because he is black ?

Use the bully pulpit to change laws and enforce those already on the books

he controls much of their purse strings..

he is not powerless and he chooses where and when to use that influence.

to pretend there is nothing he could do is dishonest.......

and just like he can be a role model as a black man, he can also speak up as a black man

effort with failure is better than failure with no effort

The entity that controls federal spending is the US House of Representatives.

And when he does speak out, white people call him a race baiter, and black folks say it's not enough because he doesn't call them crackers. He gets beat up for two weeks straight on both sides.

He's been using the bully pulpit hard for 8 years to get some form of gun control. Tell me how effective that bully pulpit has been at changing a single federal law.

We want to hear some words that make us feel that people are being called out. Once again, an emotional response. Instead, we should remove the emotion, come up with specific items, and action plans at the state, local, and federal level. Take meetings. push an agenda forward.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He does it in regards to LBGT and Immigrants everyday.

He has gone to other countries to fight for fag rights but won't fight for black rights here because it will look bad because he is black ?

Use the bully pulpit to change laws and enforce those already on the books

he controls much of their purse strings..

he is not powerless and he chooses where and when to use that influence.

to pretend there is nothing he could do is dishonest.......

and just like he can be a role model as a black man, he can also speak up as a black man

effort with failure is better than failure with no effort

See now we on the same page

I'm not gonna act like Obama hasn't disappointed me this 2nd term

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Although Sanders has called out Israel he wouldn't ignore the plight of jews..

That is the point. Obama ignores what is being done to black America like it would help him get the white folks to do things but it hasn't and won't so why ignore .

Stop acting like if the law doesn't change he should not be black....That is so Bobby Jindal and Halle of him.

I bet Hillary won't ignore woemn

What has Sanders ever done specifically for Jewish americans? Hell, he barely even acknowledges being a jew. If you didn't do research, you wouldn't even know.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What has Sanders ever done specifically for Jewish americans? Hell, he barely even acknowledges being a jew. If you didn't do research, you wouldn't even know.

because he is non-practicing ..

in any event you can never say you can't tell Obama is black because you can see.

so you defend Obama by bringing up others ?

Bottom line if when it comes to black people Obama bites his tongue and that has been a major disappointment.


BGOL Investor
so he can chastise them but doesn't say shit to the crakkas who screams at him.......

Dont bite the hand that feeds you.

Attacking Black folks who are already beat down and cant defend their position is the safer approach.

But anyways.....
Its all about prioritizing. Put the emotional mofos on the back burner and deal with the folks who are ready to work; that is if youre really SERIOUS about helping people.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He didn't say he didn't support them. While other groups are having meetings trying to get actual things changed or done. Getting the votes together. We're just satisfied with "calling out folks on their bullshit."

The President was trying to help them become more effective. Eventually, when all you do is yell, people tune you out. See also the Israelites in Manhattan.
Yep!!! C/s
Remember when some members they didn't want to meet with him becos of whatever reason? Barack is right on this one, !


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As little as she thought could get accomplished in 20 minutes is more that what got accomplished by her not going which is zero.

Secondly, the President has very little power to reform local police departments. They can tell him to fuck off and there's not anything really he can do.

BLM has shined attention on some issues, but I guarantee you this attention they're getting just by yelling will be short lived. They will be tuned out unless they do more than protest. That's a fact.

They need to decide, do they just want to be angry, or do they want to affect change.
The second part is not entirely true..the feds and justice department can reform local police..it happened in Ferguson and it's happening in Chicago..policy from the fed level can be forced onto the state level, it's called money...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep!!! C/s
Remember when some members they didn't want to meet with him becos of whatever reason? Barack is right on this one, !

why would you ask people to remember something that didn't happen. ?

one woman from the Chicago chapter refused what she called a photo op


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How about the equal protection clause to begin with ?

When is the last time he has spoken forcefully in regards to a black life taken without just cause and no one held responsible ?

He spoke out when Henry Lewis Gates was arrested at his own house and when the crakkas got done smacking him down he invited the cop to have a beer.

Sure he has mentioned a couple , his son would look like Trayvon....that's forcefull.

He may not be president for black people but he is black before he is president.

Saying congress won't let him do is a cop out. Does that mean he shouldn't try ?

He can't speak about what is happening to black America without including immigrants and gays and poor white trash.
You're right he can't speak about us only because whites run this country..let's not try to hide or deny that fact..so unless revolution occurs,which the majority of blacks are not down for, then we have to work with whites..regardless of how we feel that's truth..and plenty of people from krs1 to mlk to Harry B to Obama etc etc know this.......
People don't get this for some reason. You can't regulate people's hearts, but you can pass laws to help them modify their behavior.

I also like and support BLM, but I was beyond frustrated with them crashing events and then refusing to meet with people who are in a position to help them get their agenda passed. Saying "we have our policies and info on our site, read up on it", is not cutting it. Why are you popping up at a politician's event if you don't want an alliance or help with with your agenda? It's a mixed message. Most of the people who are in a position to help BLM do what they want aren't close enough to the black community to know what our issues are, and what needs to be addressed. They've basically said "we need help", and when asked what kind of help is needed, are telling people to go educate themselves. Shouting "we are here notice us, hear us, do what we want", and then refusing dialogue later when some signals they are willing to listen and get said education seems immature and short sighted to me. If you're truly seeking results/reform/change you have to interact with people. It doesn't mean you have to be friends and support the candidate if you work or meet with them. You don't have to be friends with someone to use them to get your agenda passed.

That said, BLM is not just ONE group, its several organizations doing the work under the banner/message of BLM. Not all are affiliated with the official BLM organization. There are pockets of people doing the work trying to get laws passed and address other issues such as economic empowerment etc. I think even the main BLM has other items than police reform on their agenda, tho you don't hear about it much. Like President Obama said tho, you need both the attention and the follow through if you want to be an ongoing, powerful force. In the age of social media with all the momentum they have right now, sweeping changes can be made: organizing locally to get politicians out who don't aid the movement, etc. Fear of losing their job is a strong motivator. Whether they truly support you or not, people will do the work for you and help you get what you want to keep their jobs. Again, they don't need to be your friend to work your agenda. This has already been seen in a couple of places, and I hope it continues.

Not to mention hospitals. If there wasn't a "colored" hospital nearby or a doctor willing to come to a black person's home, you were SOL.
So you think sitting in white only stores and getting spat on just to patronize white businesses was good? Its the obama effect.

Mlk was a puppet. Blacks were already boycotting white businesses when they was buying from black owned stores. They didnt change because we marched. the cost of doing white supremacy got higher and we were getting aggresive. And they wanted a man that was passive to make the change as opposed to the panthers who were aggresive that were going to make the same change. Mlk didnt do shit

True Real Info

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Going to the White house whether invited or not means you are speaking truth to power. It all goes back to having a clear agenda. How can your demands be met when you don't clearly tell people what those demands are?

People won't stop being racist by yelling at them "not to". You have to put laws in place to make them accountable and think twice before they put their racism into action. Screaming on politicians does what exactly? How does it get them to adopt policy? How does it get them to push that policy into become comprehensive law that actually get's done what you're screaming about in the first place?

I support BLM but they need to have a clear cut agenda with goals of that agenda becoming law.

Demands are only as good as the consequences that follow. A "demand" is basically a " do this or else" statement.With no internal control over resources in various communities there is no way to inflict consequences fir violations on regional politicians. Any resultant change. (Like getting someone out if office) will resultant in a new face for the same conditions. Wash,rinse,repeat.


Unapologetically Afrikan!
Platinum Member
Don't get it twisted I would vote for him again.

I always saw what was going on but I had hope and was giving him time.

Doesn't mean he can't be called out for what he wasn't doing and hasn't done.

At least he was a good role model for the young black kids who are always told what they can't do..

i feel the same way but this is also what ive been telling you for years

im just saying that you and some others would lose your minds whenever we said something critical of the dude

its refreshing to see the change tho

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
because he is non-practicing ..

in any event you can never say you can't tell Obama is black because you can see.

so you defend Obama by bringing up others ?

Bottom line if when it comes to black people Obama bites his tongue and that has been a major disappointment.

It's funny how you defend Sanders no matter what, but the president not so much. At any rate, you won't have to be disappointed much longer. Soon, you won't have to worry about Obama mistreating black folks.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So you think sitting in white only stores and getting spat on just to patronize white businesses was good? Its the obama effect.

Mlk was a puppet. Blacks were already boycotting white businesses when they was buying from black owned stores. They didnt change because we marched. the cost of doing white supremacy got higher and we were getting aggresive. And they wanted a man that was passive to make the change as opposed to the panthers who were aggresive that were going to make the same change. Mlk didnt do shit

If you think the MLK agenda was only so we could shop, you either haven't paid attention or have bought into the white washed version of MLK that white ppl invoke to try to keep blk ppl from showing out. The only thing promoted in the media about the March on Washington is a dream about black folx and white folx getting along, but that wasn't the main message at all.
If you think the MLK agenda was only so we could shop, you either haven't paid attention or have bought into the white washed version of MLK that white ppl invoke to try to keep blk ppl from showing out. The only thing promoted in the media about the March on Washington is a dream about black folx and white folx getting along, but that wasn't the main message at all.

mlk was passive whites portray only one side. Only side of mlk they didnt like was his last speech before he died about the promise land and we gods chosen people and his stance on vietnam


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
mlk was passive whites portray only one side. Only side of mlk they didnt like was his last speech before he died about the promise land and we gods chosen people and his stance on vietnam

Yeah he was killed because he was so white ppl friendly. Great analysis.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i feel the same way but this is also what ive been telling you for years

im just saying that you and some others would lose your minds whenever we said something critical of the dude

its refreshing to see the change tho

actually go back and read what I always typed.

i corrected specific things that were typed ...some things i made excuses for like drone strikes

had this specific grip been typed you would have never seen me do anything but either be quiet or cosign......since that was before the like button.

i still am not sure how much he could have gotten done but my beef is he didn't try

and some of those I'm black so it would look bad boxes he put himself in but it's easy for people to blame congress or Fox

he could advocated and some things he could have used executive order. the same things he has done for fags and illegal immigrants.

people seem to forget he cut HBCU funding.

and with 3 supreme court appointments he couldn't find a qualified black ?

so he pandered to the hispanics and he pandered to the moderates but why Kagen ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's funny how you defend Sanders no matter what, but the president not so much. At any rate, you won't have to be disappointed much longer. Soon, you won't have to worry about Obama mistreating black folks.

i don't defend Sanders at all...I support the platforms he is advocating......Notice I said my issue with Obama is his lack of advocacy ?

And since you like revisionism let me help you. I defended everything Obama did and didn't do for over 7 years..

You're right I don't have much longer because there won't be another black president and Obama squandered and opportunity to be more than what all the white presidents have been to black people.

I never said he mistreated black people I said he ignored them. Just like all the other white presidents

And his policies weren't progressive so that we might be able to feel some benefit.