Official Discussion: Loki on Disney+ June 11 2021 UPDATE: Season 2 - Oct. 6


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Well damn....that's what she look like huh? :eek2:

Oh Fam you didn't know...

Tara Strong has some nice ones.




" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Part of me is happy for that but then the other part of me is kind of disappointed since none of the other shows said that....but I mean I guess I really don't even want a Wandavision season 2 it kind of wrapped up everything and Captain America is probably focused on their actual movie.
It's been known that Wanda vision was going to have 2 seasons but lol I season 2 is a surprise i thought it was going to be 6 episodes. How many shows are slated for more than 1 season? We had Hawkeye, she hulk and a moon knihht series in ths works.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Don't Forget Eternals and Shang-Chi...

More than likely they will have some Multiverse surprises too....

And with Variants running around along with the Skrull's Secret Invasion....

I dont know if I want another over arching story in the upcoming phase im exhausted from the infinity saga. It wojld take another 10 years to resolve unless they do it in 2 or 3 movies and some tv series spin offs. Just do that and habe some one off movies where the heroes deal with their own shit in this connecred universe.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
Humm.....very interesting
For the casual fans, this episode was good b/c it introduced the character ****
But for the comic book heads already in the know
Not sure if ya'll are going to like this season ending episode or not?
A lot of dialog, a lot of story telling
A lot of setup for season #2, and setup for the upcoming marvel movies

:dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
I liked it and im not worried thats kang. Hes exhausted from being the one who remains so he bated Sylvie into killing him because he knew the outcome be knew would it would bring and that he would still win. Now his more sinister varient is taking over. The time line was so shook up mobiusdidnt even remember Loki existed its as if they never met
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's been known that Wanda vision was going to have 2 seasons but lol I season 2 is a surprise i thought it was going to be 6 episodes. How many shows are slated for more than 1 season? We had Hawkeye, she hulk and a moon knihht series in ths works.
Oh is Wandavision getting a 2nd season?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You ok bro? You writing like you drunk.

Loki was teleported to a different timeline.

It isn't that they didn't remember him.

They never met him.

I liked it and im not worried thsts kang. Hes exhausted from being the one who remains so he hated Sylvie into killing him becajze he knew the outcome be knew would it would bring and that he would still win. Now his more sinister varient is taking over. The time lime was so shook up movie didnt even remember Loki existed its as if they never met


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
You ok bro? You writing like you drunk.

Loki was teleported to a different timeline.

It isn't that they didn't remember him.

They never met him.
I'm not drunk either my eyes are going bad or I'm fat thumbing when i text. I need to shut off the autocorrect I'm used to typing fast on a laptop or PC keyboard where I make less errors so when I'm texting with my phone I dont look at the keypad because I'm used to typing that way.


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I liked it and im not worried thats kang. Hes exhausted from being the one who remains so he bated Sylvie into killing him because he knew the outcome be knew would it would bring and that he would still win. Now his more sinister varient is taking over. The time line was so shook up mobiusdidnt even remember Loki existed its as if they never met


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I dont know if I want another over arching story in the upcoming phase im exhausted from the infinity saga. It wojld take another 10 years to resolve unless they do it in 2 or 3 movies and some tv series spin offs. Just do that and habe some one off movies where the heroes deal with their own shit in this connecred universe.

Well that's what your getting...

The Mouse Don't Give a Fuck... Lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
2 nitpicks.

1) Sylvie said she was "pruned way before Loki existed". That is not true. Sylvie was pruned in episode 4.
2) People need to be clear that the Multiverse and Multiple Timelines are 2 different and distinct things.

Kangs are originally from multiple universes but the variants are from different timelines within the same universe.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You need to go watch DC movies if you want a rushed bullshit movie bro. There are options.

But this Marvel shit is epic world building shit.

I dont know if I want another over arching story in the upcoming phase im exhausted from the infinity saga. It wojld take another 10 years to resolve unless they do it in 2 or 3 movies and some tv series spin offs. Just do that and habe some one off movies where the heroes deal with their own shit in this connecred universe.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
For the last few weeks,
I've been telling young peeps at my job that THIS is the way that character (Yeah. I'm still respecting those who haven't seen it yet) will be introduced to the MCU.

Just like some "predictions" I made with "WANDAVISION",
I'm going to hear,


When I show back up at work in a few days.

Johnathan Majors is that BREAKOUT Dude!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the last few weeks,
I've been telling young peeps at my job that THIS is the way that character (Yeah. I'm still respecting those who haven't seen it yet) will be introduced to the MCU.

Just like some "predictions" I made with "WANDAVISION",
I'm going to hear,


When I show back up at work in a few days.

Johnathan Majors is that BREAKOUT Dude!

I didn't think they'd whip out Majors for the finale.......seems like we had been hoping for this with the past few Disney Plus series........never really got introduced a big time character that will appear in the films...maybe you can count Julia Dreyfus character since she did end up in Black Widow? But yeah not of this magnitude.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
It was a different TIMELINE. Not a different UNIVERSE.
Kang literally explains it right here.....

Different Kangs from Different Universes .... "Each Variant Fighting to preserve their own Universe"

That was a different Kang from another Universe that was the Statute in the TVA..

The Ancient One also explained all this to Bruce in Endgame when she was talking about Realities and the time stone ... How removing one Stone creates new realities IE new universes....



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Isn't the Multiverse the collective term for all parallel dimensions and timelines in existence?

It is the scientific definition

The multiverse is a hypothetical group of multiple universes. Together, these universes comprise everything that exists: the entirety of space, time, matter, energy, information, and the physical laws and constants that describe them. The different universes within the multiverse are called "parallel universes", "other universes", "alternate universes", or "many worlds".



BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
I think Marvel established that their Time Travel rules are different and that Alternate Timelines don't work how you normally think... Here time isn't Fluid meaning that Time Branches... We only move in straight line
