Picard Patrick Stewart New Star Trek Series


Rising Star
BGOL Investor





Rising Star
It's been a few episodes I've enjoyed but I do not like it overall tbh. I feel asleep on two episodes so far including the one on Thursday lol.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
It's been a few episodes I've enjoyed but I do not like it overall tbh. I feel asleep on two episodes so far including the one on Thursday lol.
Yeah it has that modern science fiction vibe and not the classic star trek vibe. The Orville is the closest to a modern series feeling like classic star trek.


Rising Star
Yeah it has that modern science fiction vibe and not the classic star trek vibe. The Orville is the closest to a modern series feeling like classic star trek.
Agreed im just not getting what I want from a trek series tbh. For the last 10 years ive felt like they wanted trek to be star wars so badly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
STAR TREK: Picard Episode 8 Breakdown + Ending Explained | Spoiler Review & Episode 9 Predictions



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
All episodes of Star Trek: Picard are now free to non-subscribers

By James Hibberd
March 24, 2020 at 02:36 PM EDT

More entertainment fodder for your shelter-in-place: Star Trek: Picard is now free to non-subscribers to CBS All Access.
Or, put more accurately: Non-paid subscribers. You'll still have to sign up for the CBS streaming service to watch the show, but now there's a coupon code that unlocks Picard: "GIFT." The will unlock a one month free trial which includes all shows on the service (so if you want to check out Star Trek: Discovery or old episodes of Next Generation, you can do that too).
There are nine episodes from the show's first season available now, and the season finale drops on Thursday.
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Here's star Patrick Stewart announcing a second season and the giveaway:

The second season of the Star Trek would normally air next year, but that could change given the coronavirus pandemic.


Rising Star
OG Investor
If they haven't already filmed season 2, it might be a while before you see another episode after tomorrow.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I like this show...Look, nothing will ever be good enough for the Trekkie diehards...Once you accept that fact, this show IMHO is one of the better offshoots...By comparison, Discovery had potential to be great, but the writing and acting have been way overdone and repetitive.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
They just snuck the LBGT-ABCDEFG agenda at the end.
Every damn movie and every damn tv show.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
They just snuck the LBGT-ABCDEFG agenda at the end.
Every damn movie and every damn tv show.
I missed it. Was surprised that I was able to binge the entire series without the the director trying to get his cool points with the alphabet people, but I guess they snuck one in.

I wish it wasn't so predictable with picard's 'do the right thing' speech. I'd rather him have called Q to shut that fucking portal and fix his mind. :eek: How the fuck they have Picard without Q.


Autodidact / Polymath
Platinum Member
I missed it. Was surprised that I was able to binge the entire series without the the director trying to get his cool points with the alphabet people, but I guess they snuck one in.

I wish it wasn't so predictable with picard's 'do the right thing' speech. I'd rather him have called Q to shut that fucking portal and fix his mind. :eek: How the fuck they have Picard without Q.

It's in the last 10 seconds as they panned out.
I was also hoping to see a Q appearance as well. His story is integral with that of Picard's.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why are they having physical fights in the future?
Shouldn't they just hit people with phasers?
They can set phaser to stun or set phasers to kill.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I don't like the concept of bringing characters back from the dead. It completely cheapens their death.

Even though his character is not "gone", they could have given him a better death than that.


aka * My Name Is Not $lam *
Super Moderator
lol...i never watched a single ep of the TV show but i kinda liked this ..

i was lost at points but i was entertained....


Rising Star
OG Investor
A few more thoughts.

1. The Romulans were right the whole time.

2. The AI was a rip off of the sentinels from the matrix.

3. Seven and Rafi getting close was shoehorned in. You have two standoff-ish characters that are closed off to everyone they don't know, yet they end up holding hands after knowing each other for only a couple of days.

4. Picard is DEAD. They didn't transfer his mind, they copied it.

5. The treaty of Algeron reference made no sense. There is no more Romulan Empire, nor a Neutral Zone. They put it in, just to say it.

6. The Romulan attack on the planet was poorly written and was slowed down simply for the plot. They took their sweet time targeting the planet with some planet sterilization #5 shit and then had to slowly retarget the federation fleet.

Remember the DS9 episode The Die is Cast. They got to the planet and started shooting. When the Jem'Hadar showed up they started shooting at them. No big ass delay for targeting.

7. From what I could see, all of the starfleet ships looked the same. There was no variety at all. They just copied one ship 200 times. There's never been that large a collection of homogeneous starfleet ships in Star Trek.

Good show, bad Star Trek.


Invincible under the sun
Rolumans needed to charge weapons like dbz or some shit, that was such nonsense. Photon or quantum torpedos would wiped out those 20 andriods theyre so scared of.

That doctor should been taken into custody by the federation for murder she shouldve been locked in the brig and stayed there. You dont get free murders.

I wanted to see the way 30 year later federation ships looked but they just had the same ship 200 times what a dissappointment. There shouldve been variety of ships, did they run out of money?