PlayStation ® PS5


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
somebody spent a grip over the years


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm at NG+ 5 or something, DLC been hard asf but I love it. I've beat a lot of bosses but Messmer was a bitch, I left him alone and finally beat that bastard yesterday lol. I'm getting close to the end but I like exploring and getting new items. I found a few areas I had no idea about.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
has anybody been able to do the jumping puzzle at the Church district entrance part of the elden ring DLC? it's very frustrating.

update - i figured it out. had to learn to hold the buttons/controller differently (i'm on the ps5) with left thumb go forward, while pressing x (to jump) and circle to sprint AT THE SAME TIME without letting go of either button or the stick. that worked on the first try. however i may have unleashed hell on myself, cause every path to take leads to a major boss fight & i'm getting stomped lol.
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Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
So i found and took down Rellana last night in the elden ring DLC. What worked for me was to summon mimic tear to distract her. That chick is very aggressive and will one shot you. I kept distance and hit her with rock sling to chip away at her while mimic kept her engaged. Whenever she would react and come after me, i'd then switch to bloodhound fang +10 and get some licks in. i actually staggered her a couple of times. Surprisingly i beat her on my first attempt yesterday, after getting my ass kicked a few days ago.

I'm currently at Castle Ensis where she's at. I heard that Rennala is much harder than her sister that's in the base game.

I'm trying to get more Scadutree's before fighting her....


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I'm currently at Castle Ensis where she's at. I heard that Rennala is much harder than her sister that's in the base game.

I'm trying to get more Scadutree's before fighting her....
she does this thing where she pulls out dual swords - looks cool as shit. I literally started at my screen like "get the fuck outta here" lol

but yeah she is aggressive and way stronger than Renalla.


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
she does this thing where she pulls out dual swords - looks cool as shit. I literally started at my screen like "get the fuck outta here" lol

but yeah she is aggressive and way stronger than Renalla.

I just played her, few minutes ago. She's about that

She's the total opposite of her sister..

I didn't use my Mimic but I'm gonna use Tiche cuz she can keep up with Rellana.And,plus it wouldn't be fair to use my


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I just played her, few minutes ago. She's about that

She's the total opposite of her sister..

I didn't use my Mimic but I'm gonna use Tiche cuz she can keep up with Rellana.And,plus it wouldn't be fair to use my
man fuck that. i did use my mimic and kicked her ass in 3 tries lol
she smashed me the first 2 because i was unfamilar with her move set