PlayStation ® PS5


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Allegedly, you can just pop them white plates off and have somebody paint that shit black, stick 'em back on there.

I saw a company out there already planning to sell people color plates.

Actually, scratch that. Sony sent a cease and desist to the company Platestation that was going to sell the color plates and they refunded everybody who pre ordered color plates.

Sony's probably gonna sell their own.

But I hear a can of plastic paint is cheap, and you can peel that shit right off when you done with it. I might fuck with that.

This dude painted one already:

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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
See how fast games start on ps5



The Plutonian

The Anti Bullshitter
BGOL Investor
Sony plans to sell 7.6 million PS5s by March 2021:

Hardware sales of the new console are likely to contribute “a small minus” to Sony’s bottom line over its first few months, the CFO added, confirming expectations that it will be a loss leader to begin with.

“Sony will spend a lot of money to deliver many units of the PlayStation 5 to the U.S., probably by air,” said Ace Research Institute analyst Hideki Yasuda. “The hardware would be sold at a slight loss as well.”

So worse case scenario, if you don't get one this year, you should be able to get one by March.

Thx. Cut me then salt the wound on the way out.

Silk Dogg

BGOL Investor
If resell market is ridiculous at launch, I'll sell both of my pre-orders. Treat them like Hypebeast Jordans