Poor whites who vote GOP ARE NOT voting against their own interests


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
That doesn't even make sense. lol
I can just eyeball your post and tell there was more to come, after seeing the term PoC used right at the beginning.

Well fine let me rephrase it. Instead of Black folks and other PoC, insert Blacks, Muslims, Asians, Indians, Native Americans, Haitians, Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, and.. and.. and.. and...

I use "black" or "African-American" when I'm specifically referring to black people. I use "PoC" when I am referring to more than one non-white racial group.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I know what PoC means and why you used it. Which is why I stopped reading. :lol:

You know what? Never mind. You can respond to 20 different posts except for the one with the question on it. ...lmao...

Y'all kill me complaining about black folks voting for dems, as though the GOP is interested in doing anything for black folks or other PoC.

Not to mention we can advocate for ourselves AND give a damn about what happens to other groups also. It's not either or. Yeah put ourselves first, but this fear that if we advocate for others, we won't have enough for ourselves sounds like a diseased white mind, which is part of the reason we have Trump now.


Transnational Member
They are voting to protect white wealth and seek to block anything that will transfer it. Instead of living equally with a high standard of living for all us, they would rather just have white billionaires and them/us living in poverty.

Since the government is funded mostly by the wealthy, a single payer system will get funded in the same way rather than each of us paying $600 a month no matter your income. This is why they use coded language like Obamacare, putting a black face to these social programs.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
A "diseased white mind" wouldn't want black people focused on their issues solely.

I was speaking of fear of lack resulting in all these bad decisions and lack of cooperation across racial groups, not focusing on our issues. You knew that, though.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
I stopped reading at the first PoC.

What troll averages the low amount of posts I do per day?
Fuck from round me, lame. Go strangle yourself with your cape.
trolling ain't about the number of posts you pedo.

If this were true, you wouldn't have known there was more than one. I must say I am disappointed though. I didn't expect a GOOD answer to the question, but I did expect one.
nobody even takes this bell pepper nosed hemorrhoid seriously lol


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
First troll, now pedo?
You're just pulling shit out your ass you street faggot.
Oh wait no I got you mixed up with another cat.

You didn't deny that bell pepper nose though lol so that part was right you oxygen hogging fairy

II Dxnum

Rising Star
Oh wait no I got you mixed up with another cat.

You didn't deny that bell pepper nose though lol so that part was right you oxygen hogging fairy

And you've still got me fucked up since that dude isn't me either.
Go bump that failed ock thread to make yourself feel better though.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
And you've still got me fucked up since that dude isn't me either.
Go bump that failed ock thread to make yourself feel better though.


darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
02/07/2018 09:55 am ET
White Women Who Enable Trump Do Not Deserve The Benefit Of Your Doubt

Jessie Daniels

Guest Writer


Hope Hicks in a White House meeting.

It’s easy to see Donald Trump’s presidency as an assault on women. The “grab them by the pussy” president has continued to find new ways to humiliate women, appointed a Cabinet made up almost entirely of white men, and created policies on reproductive rights that are draconian and deadly. Many will argue that the Women’s March and #MeToo movements are reactions to this dystopian feminist novel come to life. But that is too simple a story.

Lost in this telling of events is the role white women play in this nightmare presidency. White women helped Trump ascend to power, and are working to keep him there. They are part of Trump’s base, his funders and his administration. Yet they continue to get a pass for the far-reaching, generational damage they are helping Trump to unleash on this country, and particularly on black and brown people.

A majority of white women ― 53 percent ― voted for Trump. This oft-repeated data point tends to disappear from coverage of the Women’s March and the #MeToo campaign. Instead, feel-good accounts of the resistance repeat a cheery narrative about women in pink hats as a fixed, biological category of people who all experience the world in the same way and uniformly hold center-left political views.

That narrative papers over reality: Many white women are enabling Trump.

Trump won the votes of millions of white women, but before he did that, he won the support of Rebekah Mercer, who is arguably his most powerful white female backer. Mercer, the daughter of hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer, insisted in the summer of 2016 that Steve Bannon take over the Trump campaign. Bannon’s Breitbart-tested message about the need for border walls to protect us from Mexican immigrants, who he has portrayed as drug dealers and rapists, appeals to white women.


Rebekah Mercer and her father, Robert.

The majority of white women have voted Republican for decades, and that pattern is rooted in systems of white supremacy and patriarchy: When white women marry white men (and around 90 percent do), their economic interests are yoked to those of their husbands. Most people writing and talking about Trump don’t put “white” and “women” together as a demographic category. Instead, the white women who voted for Trump are lumped together as “Republican” or “rural” or “white evangelicals,” but whiteness and the way it changes woman-ness slips away in these configurations.

It’s hard for us to grasp the idea that white women are culpable, because it doesn’t fit the widespread culture image of us as benevolent, peaceful and nurturing. These assumptions allow white women to behave in ways that materially harm non-white people, without being held accountable. Let me tell you a story about how this works.

A white woman I knew in graduate school ― I’ll call her “Jolene” ― had a job as a convenience store clerk. It was miserable, because she was often at work alone on the overnight shift. But Jolene kept at it, because when she reconciled the cash drawer each morning, she skimmed a little off the top for herself. Before electronic inventory tagging, computerized databases and surveillance cameras, she could simply pocket money from cash sales and discard the paper receipts without being detected. The additional income enabled her to pay for grad school and take an annual winter trip to the Bahamas. It the vacations that prompted me to ask a mutual friend how a fellow broke graduate student could afford this lifestyle. My friend explained Jolene’s side hustle. How did she get away it? I asked. “She’s a white woman,” my friend replied. “It never occurred to her boss that she would ever do such a thing.”


“It never occurred to her boss.” That has stayed with me as an archetypal example of how white women get away with materially harming other people: Their whiteness insulates them from suspicion, which makes it far less likely they’ll be caught and held accountable.

The white women in the Trump administration are using their considerable, albeit provisional, power to drive the country into a ditch. Consider the case of Hope Hicks. Hicks is the director of communications at the White House, and, until recently, she had mostly stayed out of the press. An article published in the Los Angeles Times last week details her background (PR is the family business), and reports that she may be implicated in activities that sound a great deal like obstructing justice ― activities that carry some heavy consequences, like incarceration. Instead of collective outrage, the breadcrumbs of criminal activity elicited responses more like this:

This was one of many expressions of concern for Hicks, that wayward child of Democrats who finds herself tangled up in this mess of an administration. Surely she didn’t truly choose this path; surely she’s been led astray; surely we are obligated to help her. This assumes that Hicks is collateral damage of Trump’s administration, not one of its chief architects.

Then there’s fellow architect Kellyanne Conway, who has called herself “the face of Trump’s movement.” Along with Bannon, Conway crafted a consistent message for the Trump campaign ― one that featured, as The Hollywood Reporter called it, a “remade economy and a disdain for liberal culture.”Conway has often been the voice of the movement, too. “Alternative facts” was her turn of phrase; she used it during a media appearance in which she defended the president’s brazen lies about the size of his inauguration crowds.


Since then, as “counselor to the president,” she has scaled back her media presence. Still, she attends significant meetings in the Oval Office, making her one of the most powerful women in the White House and in the nation. But aside from the Kate McKinnon’s devastating satire, Conway has largely escaped the kind of scrutiny that Bannon has received. That’s partly sexism: A man will get the accolades for something on which a woman worked just as hard. And it’s partly white supremacy: A white woman doing real damage will fly under the radar, because the dominant culture doesn’t know how to tell a story about white women doing reprehensible things without turning it into some sort of Cruella De Vil parody.


Kellyanne Conway and Melania Trump in a White House meeting with experts and people affected by the opioid crisis.

Conway also got away with violating White House ethics rules last February. When Nordstrom pulled Ivanka Trump’s clothing line from its stores, Conway shouted “buy Ivanka’s stuff!” during a broadcast television interview. An official giving a free commercial for a member of the president’s family was a clear violation of ethics policies. White House counsel briefed Conway about ethics ― twice ― but there were no other consequences for her.

And then, of course, we come to Ivanka Trump herself. Her photogenic appearance makes it easy for her to run interference for her father’s hateful policies. Last January, as she posted on Instagram about her glamorous lifestyle with husband, her father’s administration rolled out its first attempt at a Muslim ban. The timing of one of her posts created outrage in some quarters, but her “elegant,” soft-focus Insta-life has sailed on, unimpeded by criticism. The groomed exterior Ivanka presents to the world, and the things she gets away with as a result, are wrapped up in her whiteness.

It can be tricky to come for Ivanka. “You’re not supposed to criticize someone’s daughter,” New Yorker writer Emily Nussbaum has observed. And if anyone does come for Ivanka ― as when she broke protocol and took her father’s seat at the G-20 ― the president scores points by defending her, both with his base and a broader range of people who see it as a reasonable response.


Ivanka’s cover story has been that she is a progressive influence on her father’s more retrograde impulses. The first year of the Trump administration, during which “the most powerful woman in the White House” was unable to prevent the president from advancing an anti-climate science, anti-LGBTQ and anti-health care agenda, should have shattered this collective delusion. It has not.

As we look for explanations for this presidency, and all the destruction it has wrought, we must hold white women accountable for their active role in our collective misery. White womanhood bought my old friend Jolene freedom from suspicion and annual trips to the Bahamas. For the women making Trump’s regime possible, it’s buying much more than that ― and America will be paying for it for generations.

Jessie Daniels is a Professor of Sociology at Hunter College and The Graduate Center, CUNY, and the author of the forthcoming book Tweetstorm: The Rise of the “Alt-Right” and the Mainstreaming of White Nationalism.

II Dxnum

Rising Star
Your first response in this thread quoting me, dummy.
Now kick rocks.
Don't you have a meeting with Chinese businessmen to attend?
Fuck from round me.
Last edited:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"There ain't a white person in the world that would trade places with me, and I'm rich!" - Chris Rock
He is full of shit many cacs secretly

Wish they were eumelanin rich. .

Some will admit it some never will

What they won't want to give up
.are the handouts aka perks that come

With eumelanin deficiency

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

    1. New conversation

    2. I think it’s worth noting that in their deafening silence, the establishment @GOP is neither declaring an intention to support Mueller’s firing nor an intention to protect him from being fired. In other words, they’re intentionally being ambiguous.

    3. Also it isn’t as if the @GOP’s been shy about following Trump off the cliff when it comes to *everything but* Mueller’s investigation. They haven’t hesitated to attempt political suicide except as it relates to the Russia probe. That alone should tell you all you need to know.

    4. Thus far, the establishment @GOP has successfully been able to prevent Donald Trump from doing two things: 1) firing Jeff Sessions and 2) firing Robert Mueller. It’s their silence aka lack of permission that keeps him temporarily at bay.

    5. Obviously Jeff Sessions gets to stay because he’s busy making Jim Crow great again and literally perjured himself to conceal Trump’s collusion/treason, but the GOP’s tacit protection of Mueller is ultimately about throwing Trump to the wolves in hopes of salvaging the party.

    6. Donald Trump is officially damaged goods and no one understands this better than today’s GOP. Every major race he’s attached his disgraceful name to has been lost, and their prospects for November 2018 and 2020 only become more abysmal with each day that he’s unlawfully POTUS*.

    7. Truth be told, most of the establishment @GOP was backing every other candidate besides Trump in the primary and only jumped on his bandwagon at the last minute because they had no other choice and wanted to win at any cost. There’s NO LOYALTY or HONOR amongst thieves.

    8. Today’s @GOP will NEVER openly admit they sold America out to Kremlin and signed a deal with the orange devil for personal gain, but they will most certainly sit in silence while Mueller pieces together the puzzle that ultimately frees them from their unholy alliance with Trump.

    9. The establishment @GOP doesn’t have the courage or conviction to stand on its feet and hold Trump accountable for the numerous impeachable offenses he’s committed thus far, they’re just sending secret thoughts and prayers in Mueller’s direction every night.

    10. The establishment @GOP is willing to throw Trump, Pence and everyone else who was ignorant and/or sleazy enough to sign onto this criminal enterprise under Mueller’s bus if it means the party apparatus never has to take full responsibility for unleashing this disaster on America.

    11. The @GOP will play the victim and pretend they had absolutely no fucking clue that they were nominating a treasonous sociopath to lead and represent them. Their voters will gladly accept yet another invitation to blame the mess they created on someone else.

    12. The @GOP isn’t giving Trump permission to fire Mueller because they need Mueller to fire Trump. They’re exercising their right to remain silent until Trump is proven guilty in a court of law.
    13. The @GOP is diligently preparing themselves to be like
      and shocked/awed that there’s gambling going on in this casino when Trump is finally indicted for obstruction of justice and colluding w/Russia. They’re desperate for as much plausible deniability as they can get.

    14. Propane Jane™ Retweeted The Hill

      Don’t just take my word for it, ask Mitch McConnell:

      Propane Jane™ added,


      The HillVerified account@thehill
      McConnell praises Mueller: It was "an excellent appointment" http://hill.cm/22LxqZv

    15. Propane Jane™ Retweeted The Hill

      While you’re at it, check with @SpeakerRyan. He’s never wanted anyone to have a job this badly before.

      Propane Jane™ added,


      The HillVerified account@thehill
      Ryan defends Mueller after Trump attacks: Let him do his job http://hill.cm/qoXyPEa

    16. Propane Jane™ Retweeted The Hill

      And look at Lindsey Graham clutching his pearls and using the “I” word all of a sudden...

      Propane Jane™ added,


      The HillVerified account@thehill
      Lindsey Graham: Trump firing Mueller would probably be impeachable offense http://hill.cm/JNNVi0T

    17. No one in the establishment @GOP wants to be forced to hold Donald Trump accountable for his misdeeds. They’re hoping Mueller will take out their trash and clean up their mess, and they’re providing him just enough implicit cover to do it.

    18. Propane Jane™ Retweeted who?, what?

      Even the King of GOP overreach knows the party can’t afford to aid and abet Trump’s obstruction of Mueller’s investigation

      Propane Jane™ added,

      who?, what?@pannlewis44
      Gingrich: Trump should stop targeting Mueller and 'focus on being president' - The Hill @docrocktex26 @Ireland0828 @rick00979

    19. The Republican Party apparatus is desperately hoping it can survive the Russia probe without being swept up in the whirlwind, it serves them no purpose to undercut the *lifelong Republican* they basically handpicked to be special counsel.

    20. Bottom line is Donald Trump is disastrous dead weight that the establishment @GOP can’t wait to kick to the curb. They just don’t have the guts or glory to do it without a permission slip from Robert Mueller.

    21. Whether they’re “forced” to impeach him because he takes unprecedented steps to fire Mueller, or because Mueller’s completed investigation reveals unprecedented crimes against America, the @GOP is resigned to silence and inaction because it can’t kill its own Frankenstein.

    22. If it could, Trump would never have been granted the @GOP nomination in the first place. They’re waiting to be delivered from not just Trump but their delusional constituents who refuse to believe fat meat is greasy and that their alleged savior is a Russian attack on America.

    23. They’re also waiting to lose all their damn seats in Congress, because if/when they don’t hold Trump accountable for his misdeeds even in light of Mueller’s conclusions, the American people’s only recourse will be voting them ALL the FUCK OUT.

    24. This is truly a lose-lose situation for the @GOP and they deserve every last ounce of it.

    25. Propane Jane™ Retweeted The Hill

      “Economic anxiety.”

      Propane Jane™ added,


      The HillVerified account@thehill
      THE MEMO: Republicans fear disaster if Trump fires Mueller http://hill.cm/MjnCdud



Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Oh they are. They're just too stupid to realize that theyre house cats, but that lion in the mirror, is really the lion outside, and that mirror is a window... The lion represents the rich elites. The window is the gulf that separates them, and only the house cat thinks they're remotely similar beyond a basic DNA level.
GotDAMN That's deeper than Atlantis


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
I have not read thru the entire thread so I don’t know if it was mentioned.

A section of Whites in this country are in panic mode after the US Census reported that Whites will officially be listed as a “Minority” after the 2040 Census.

It’s possible they maybe listed as a minority as early as 2030.

It’s the main reason Trump is getting away with all that Latino detention shit on the border with the families and children.

The Latino population is getting larger and they will be a Majority in numbers in the near future. That became clear after the 2010 Census.