Poor whites who vote GOP ARE NOT voting against their own interests


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
No one said best interest

She said they're voting on their own SELF-INTEREST.

noun: self-interest
  1. one's personal interest or advantage, especially when pursued without regard for others.
by definition, self interest is a choice and not about what's best for someone.

Even still, in this case they think it is both.

You are conflating best interest with self interest. And rather aggressively lol
That's the same definition bruh...advantage. and again...yall not realizing that in the greatest stroke of irony in the history of mankind is that white supremacy is driving white folks into extinction.


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
That's the same definition bruh...advantage. and again...yall not realizing that in the greatest stroke of irony in the history of mankind is that white supremacy is driving white folks into extinction.
Its not the same definition though famo

You stressed how things detrimental to their health are clearly not in their best interest, so I'm not sure how now you are using the term advantage.

Best interest and self interest could be aligned and they could be diametrically opposed. One you can choose, the other is just what it is.

I don't understand where you're not getting it, or why you're shitting on propane Jane so hard.

But hey its America right lol

Darth Furious

Platinum Member

You should read the thread, bruh. It’s not simply a matter of semantics. Whites would rather be poor and destitute than to provide a foothold to non-white communities of people. If their highest value is white supremacy (and supremacy means nothing if someone isn’t beneath you) and everything else comes second, then how are they voting against their self-interests? They’re not. They’ve got what they wanted.

and water is wet :dunno:

this is common knowledge to everyone but them

No its not. Some of them good white folks didn't understand what they were dealing with until it happened. Some blacks don't get it at all.


They don’t care about a better tomorrow. That’s not why they voted for Trump. White Americans are like the Joker in The Dark Knight. They’d rather watch the world burn than to dismantle their privilege. You don’t put a dangerous, woefully inept demagogue like Trump in the White House if you want a better future.

I try to explain this shit to my kids, they looked at me like I was crazy. We were watching the Dark Knight one day and this example hit them in the face. Suddenly they got it.

Matter fact, I work with a Trump supporter who comes to work everyday, PROUDLY displaying the Trump stickers on his 99 Durango. Read that again...


This man is a vet, married with kids and a makes at least 60k a year. He has nothing else to identify with Trump except the color of their own skin. He's not a racist, not a Christian, nowhere near conservative, hangs out with blacks at lunch all the time, listens to country and rap music and yet, there is some sort of disconnect with reality. Or is there? He knows what Trump is all about. He knows what all these battles with the public are about too. Folks that don't know his car, could never believe that he was a Trump supporter either.

There is full support here without him having to do anything himself. They want Trump to be the wrecking ball. For better or worst, it doesn't matter. Let him take all the hits and do all the things that everyday whites would love to say and do themselves but can't in public.

These are people that fully understand there are winners and losers in life and have NO problem being a loser just as long as it's not your black ass passing them.


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Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

No its not. Some of them good white folks didn't understand what they were dealing with until it happened. Some blacks don't get it at all.

I try to explain this shit to my kids, they looked at me like I was crazy. We were watching the Dark Knight one day and this example hit them in the face. Suddenly they got it.

Matter fact, I work with a Trump supporter who comes to work everyday, PROUDLY displaying the Trump stickers on his 99 Durango. Read that again...


This man is a vet, married with kids and a makes at least 60k a year. He has nothing else to identify with Trump except the color of their own skin. He's not a racist, not a Christian, nowhere near conservative, hangs out with blacks at lunch all the time, listens to country and rap music and yet, there is some sort of disconnect with reality. Or is there? He knows what Trump is all about. He knows what all these battles with the public are about too. Folks that don't know his car, could never believe that he was a Trump supporter either.

There is full support here without him having to do anything himself. They want Trump to be the wrecking ball. For better or worst, it doesn't matter. Let him take all the hits and do all the things that everyday whites would love to say and do themselves but can't in public.

These are people that fully understand there are winners and losers in life and have NO problem being a loser just as long as it's not your not passing them.


So damn true. Think about how spiritually unsalvagable you have to be to root for others to lose instead of for yourself to win.
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still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
Its not the same definition though famo

You stressed how things detrimental to their health are clearly not in their best interest, so I'm not sure how now you are using the term advantage.

Best interest and self interest could be aligned and they could be diametrically opposed. One you can choose, the other is just what it is.

I don't understand where you're not getting it, or why you're shitting on propane Jane so hard.

But hey its America right lol
white supremacy is causing the global extinction of white people.

that IS not in their self interest, their best interest or any other kind of interest.

every artificial change theyve caused to the environment is killing them. their lack of pure spirituality is killing them. their false religion is killing them. they are causing their own demise.

so they dont know it and sacrifice themselves at their altar of the dumbass idol god of thievery and greed.

so they THINK it serves the greater purpose of promotion of the whites at the top of their pyramid.

so they think thats a good thing.

none of that actually makes it good for them.

it is disadvantageous to be a cog in the white supremacy machine.

Mentor B

"All literature is protest."
white supremacy is causing the global extinction of white people.

that IS not in their self interest, their best interest or any other kind of interest.

every artificial change theyve caused to the environment is killing them. their lack of pure spirituality is killing them. their false religion is killing them. they are causing their own demise.

so they dont know it and sacrifice themselves at their altar of the dumbass idol god of thievery and greed.

so they THINK it serves the greater purpose of promotion of the whites at the top of their pyramid.

so they think thats a good thing.

none of that actually makes it good for them.

it is disadvantageous to be a cog in the white supremacy machine.

My father and I were having a phone conversation a couple nights ago and this is what he proclaimed.

White supremacy will be the cause of their own demise. Their own hatred of us will eventually kill them all.

A good example is the opioid epidemic.

Doctors wouldn't prescribe the drug to Black People out of racism and the collateral damage backfired on them.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
Its not the same definition though famo

You stressed how things detrimental to their health are clearly not in their best interest, so I'm not sure how now you are using the term advantage.

Best interest and self interest could be aligned and they could be diametrically opposed. One you can choose, the other is just what it is.

I don't understand where you're not getting it, or why you're shitting on propane Jane so hard.

But hey its America right lol

Man. Stop wasting your time. he's dug it on an irrelevant point and he's still completely missing the entire premise. He's not even stating her argument premise correctly.

The argument is not whether or not white supremacy hurts some whites or not. He keeps circling back to the same supposition because he's confused.

He also doesn't get that the effect of the action is irrelevant. The reasoning behind the decision is the essence of the argument. He's posting articles and shit and I've probably created threads about the decline of white populations worldwide. It's irrelevant to the central point Propane is making.


Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
white supremacy is causing the global extinction of white people.

that IS not in their self interest, their best interest or any other kind of interest.

every artificial change theyve caused to the environment is killing them. their lack of pure spirituality is killing them. their false religion is killing them. they are causing their own demise.

so they dont know it and sacrifice themselves at their altar of the dumbass idol god of thievery and greed.

so they THINK it serves the greater purpose of promotion of the whites at the top of their pyramid.

so they think thats a good thing.

none of that actually makes it good for them.

it is disadvantageous to be a cog in the white supremacy machine.

OMFG! Nigga. The argument was never whether or not it was good for them :lol:.

And stop saying they don't know. There is a fucking video in this thread with a white person very clearly saying he knows his vote for the GOP hurts him in multiple ways but it's better than voting for a party that "gives handouts to 'lazy' people".

This is babble bullshit above :lol:. None of that this is irrelevant. You're overcomplicating a very simple value decision tree. This doesn't require a reference to Yurugu.
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Elite Poster
BGOL Investor
white supremacy is causing the global extinction of white people.

that IS not in their self interest, their best interest or any other kind of interest.

every artificial change theyve caused to the environment is killing them. their lack of pure spirituality is killing them. their false religion is killing them. they are causing their own demise.

so they dont know it and sacrifice themselves at their altar of the dumbass idol god of thievery and greed.

so they THINK it serves the greater purpose of promotion of the whites at the top of their pyramid.

so they think thats a good thing.

none of that actually makes it good for them.

it is disadvantageous to be a cog in the white supremacy machine.

All this babbling and you're still missing the point. We're talking about the "reasoning" of a decision.

Another thought experiment for you.

Kid needs to get an A on a test to pass a class.

Kid wants to go to an event to hang out with a girl he likes and wants to be his girlfriend.

Kid knows that going to the event means he'll likely flunk the class.

Kid goes to the event.

Girl doesn't show up.

Kid flunks class.


Because the kid valued the girl more than passing the class. He made the decision out of self-interest and the girl ranked higher on the value tree. It was the wrong decision. You can make a thousand arguments about why the kid should have chosen to study and pass his class. It's irrelevant.

On his hierarchy of values, he saw a bigger payback with the possibility of being with the girl.

You're posting all the articles with shit about declining white populations. Most people on bgol know all about that. We already know this. What's causing it also is irrelevant.

The whole point of the argument (and despite your pleas that you understand despite an immediate response talking about non-relevant consequences of the decision as opposed to the WHY behind the decision) is to give an explanation as to why people make decisions where they seemingly get nothing back from it.
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Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
if something is not good for you, your attitude towards it doesnt change its malevolence towards you.

saying anything else is both dishonest and factually incorrect.

saying white folks are stupid for supporting self extinction is fine. saying its to their best interest is total bullshit.

No one is saying it is to their best interest. They are saying they BELIEVE it is in their best interest and they VALUE WS above living well as long as they get to feel superior to someone else and feel they are preventing someone else they feel is beneath them from living well they are not going to change.

People are trying to reason with these folks and think they can make them see the light. Living well isn't their foremost goal. It's making sure you don't. They don't think brown folks contribute. They think the pot is filled by white folks and everyone has a spoon in it. So they will eliminate every safety net there is to ensure brown folks don't benefit off what they believe to be white folks labor.


Rising Star
No its not. Some of them good white folks didn't understand what they were dealing with until it happened. Some blacks don't get it at all.

I try to explain this shit to my kids, they looked at me like I was crazy. We were watching the Dark Knight one day and this example hit them in the face. Suddenly they got it.

Matter fact, I work with a Trump supporter who comes to work everyday, PROUDLY displaying the Trump stickers on his 99 Durango. Read that again...


This man is a vet, married with kids and a makes at least 60k a year. He has nothing else to identify with Trump except the color of their own skin. He's not a racist, not a Christian, nowhere near conservative, hangs out with blacks at lunch all the time, listens to country and rap music and yet, there is some sort of disconnect with reality. Or is there? He knows what Trump is all about. He knows what all these battles with the public are about too. Folks that don't know his car, could never believe that he was a Trump supporter either.

There is full support here without him having to do anything himself. They want Trump to be the wrecking ball. For better or worst, it doesn't matter. Let him take all the hits and do all the things that everyday whites would love to say and do themselves but can't in public.

These are people that fully understand there are winners and losers in life and have NO problem being a loser just as long as it's not your black ass passing them.



Speaking facts

I remember standing online at Wegmans this elderly lady didn't have enough for her groceries i ended up paying and helping her put the heavy stuff in her truck.

As she drove blindly away I spied a MAGA bumper sticker. She ain't the only one. U got folk out here gotta choose between their pets eating, high medication cost and getting food themselves.

Maybe i live in an alternative universe. I don't get how u gonna ride with someone who will cut off your only way toward affordable healthcare?


A lot of folks are describing what W.E.B. Du Bois referred to as "psychological wages".

When cacs came over from Britain they brought poor whites and negroes to work as servants. Both groups grew tired of their lower, empoverished positions in what they saw as a growing and increasingly prosperous society. Both poor whites and blacks rebelled in various riots, the most popular of which was the Bacon Rebellion to try to get a share of the wealth.

The more wealthy cacs figured, by giving poor white laborers legal dominion over all blacks, enslaved or free, they could secure their racial loyalty. Poor whites would cherish their privileged status over blacks—and this is what Du Bois called their “psychological wage”—rather than joining with blacks to fight for a more equitable society.

In the 21st century, poor cacs are still looking to receive these payments in exchange for their loyalties. I would imagine now more than ever when considering the fact that for eight years one of these Blacks, who were supposed to be kept at an inferior station to them held the highest office and other recalcitrant, unrepentant negroes make millions of dollars and don't respect the flag and other symbols that these poor cacs hold dear.

These poor whites want somebody, anybody, that will respect this more than four hundred year old social contract and give them their agreed upon fee, regardless of how fucked up their lives really are. They want their wages.


still not dizzy.
Platinum Member
They are saying they BELIEVE it is in their best interest and they VALUE WS above living well as long as they get to fell superior to someone else and feel they are preventing someone else they feel is beneath them from living well they are not going to change.
i know this. i never disagreed with that.

i asked a LONG time ago if the writer is actually saying white supremacy IS to their interest.

cause from reading her tweets, it seems shes stating the affirmative, and 2 people have made the argument that if why peepoe THINK it is and are willing to die for it, then IT IS.

Darth Furious

Platinum Member

I almost blew a gasket talking to a flat earther irl yesterday. If you knew what I did for a living you'd really understand why. I legit asked that nigga if he was @cashwhisperer or @14damoney smh.

Fuck you say?? You sure we don't work together??


I met a flat earther yesterday too. He was undercover for a long time. Next thing I know we debating about pseudo quantum mechanics of Asgard, the movie Inception and UFOs determining the distance between their worlds and our dome - I said NIGGA WHAT DOME?? OH NO! YOU ONE OF THEM...

I said have you ever been on a cruise ship? Or an airplane?

He said no, why?

I said then we're done here son.



Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Fuck you say?? You sure we don't work together??


I met a flat earther yesterday too. He was undercover for a long time. Next thing I know we debating about pseudo quantum mechanics of Asgard, the movie Inception and UFOs determining the distance between their worlds and our dome - I said NIGGA WHAT DOME?? OH NO! YOU ONE OF THEM...

I said have you ever been on a cruise ship? Or an airplane?

He said no, why?

I said then we're done here son.

I honestly don't know wtf is going on around here lol


No one is saying it is to their best interest. They are saying they BELIEVE it is in their best interest and they VALUE WS above living well as long as they get to fell superior to someone else and feel they are preventing someone else they feel is beneath them from living well they are not going to change.

People are trying to reason with these folks and think they can make them see the light. Living well isn't their foremost goal. It's making sure you don't. They don't think brown folks contribute. They think the pot is filled by white folks and everyone has a spoon in it. So they will eliminate every safety net there is to ensure brown folks don't benefit off what they believe to be white folks labor.
This is correct and interesting.

Off topic: The sad thing about this is that black folks practice this shit too...only with each other. It’s called ‘crabs in the barrel’. A lot of us hate to see other black people succeed. We look down on the less fortunate among us. Some black folks thrive when we see our fellow brother down. I am saying this because my only concern is with black people and how we can help each other succeed in this white mans world.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Doctors wouldn't prescribe the drug to Black People out of racism and the collateral damage backfired on them

thats why i keep trying to push for self realization and just build with each other.... teh war will not be won with guns & steel but do prepare and arm up adequately but as the good book say "he who diggeth a pit he himself shall fall into it "


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
This is correct and interesting.

Off topic: The sad thing about this is that black folks practice this shit too...only with each other. It’s called ‘crabs in the barrel’. A lot of us hate to see other black people succeed. We look down on the less fortunate among us. Some black folks thrive when we see our fellow brother down. I am saying this because my only concern is with black people and how we can help each other succeed in this white mans world.

We actually have a number of people like that around here in regard to other races as well. I started to comment earlier but didn't want to throw the thread off.

Even though it is to our advantage to join together with other PoC And white folks actively working against WS, they don't want to do it. They want the water protectors to stand alone, Muslims, Mexicans and every other group because "they didn't help us". Even though there have been periods of times they have.

They don't want to work with white folks on social justice issues because they "can't be trusted" and all benefit from WS. White folks are the judges, juries and prosecutors, ifwe aren't reaching them and all they have to fall back on is racial stereotypes and a blind trust of officers, the majority of innocent black men in front of them are going to jail.

They are chasing a unicorn of black folks overcoming together, by ourselves, and that has never been our history in this country. The civil rights era was a multicultural effort with white allies. Slavefolk escaping had white assistance also.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
You're a lackey for the democrats though. Of course you'd feel this way.

Currently what is the alternative? We have democrats that might not give a damn about black folks and other PoC, but who at least for the most part aren't actively trying to make us extinct, who are electing more women and PoC and whom we can pressure on issues to our advantage or the GOP who not only don't give a damn about our interests but are actively working against them and who if they (and far too many of their supporters) had their way, would have black folks not only be unable to vote, but we'd still be picking cotton for free. None of the third party candidates I've seen were sound, nor were they able to garner enough support to win. Or are you another one advocating we don't participate at all?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No one said best interest

She said they're voting on their own SELF-INTEREST.

noun: self-interest
  1. one's personal interest or advantage, especially when pursued without regard for others.
by definition, self interest is a choice and not about what's best for someone.

Even still, in this case they think it is both.

You are conflating best interest with self interest. And rather aggressively lol
It's a perceived self interest told to them by the powers that be.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I stopped reading at the first PoC.

What troll averages the low amount of posts I do per day?
Fuck from round me, lame. Go strangle yourself with your cape.

If this were true, you wouldn't have known there was more than one. I must say I am disappointed though. I didn't expect a GOOD answer to the question, but I did expect one.