I was JUST talking to my old man about Quincy Jones & Barry Gordy still hanging on and I wake up to this sh!t!
My maternal grandmama's favorite person, which in turn, made me a life long fan of his as well.
The most accomplished producer/composer/songwriter to ever live in documented history, that's my take.
Any time someone is trying to decide if a producer is great, I would always hear, "Well, he ain't Quincy Jones."I am going to go a step further, Quincy Jones is quite likely the most singularly responsible person for directly entertiaining us.
We cannot begin to count the tentacles this man's work has all of us in a chokehold in.
Arguably, he could be THE most important figure of the 20th century.
There are two amazing documentaries out on him that I cannot call the name of right now. Take this week to view them. Worth every second.
Mr. Jones, I will definitely see you on the other side.
Rest in Power and we have got your legacy from here.