San Francisco Black DA fires staff

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Lmbaoooo the cac right wing faggot ass troll Russian scum OP has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about. This woman appointed by London breed fired the staff of the recalled and fired DA who was letting the city go to hell. People shop lifting like crazy , crime out of control. Why would she keep the staff of that goofy cac that the people of San Francisco voted to have recalled?

Oh that’s right the OP is a Republikkklan loving piece of shit stupid fucking troll trying to stir shit up again


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lmbaoooo the cac right wing faggot ass troll Russian scum OP has no idea what the fuck he’s talking about. This woman appointed by London breed fired the staff of the recalled and fired DA who was letting the city go to hell. People shop lifting like crazy , crime out of control. Why would she keep the staff of that goofy cac that the people of San Francisco voted to have recalled?

Oh that’s right the OP is a Republikkklan loving piece of shit stupid fucking troll trying to stir shit up again
Of course the Asian loving coon would disagree

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Whites calling people coons again I see. Disagree with what you stupid ass fake white bitch who lives in upstate New York talking about The Bay where he’s never been in his life. I’m here, facts are no incoming DA keeps the staff of an ousted one you stupid faggot ass bitch. A bunch of cacs at that and you sit here with your fake outrage but silent happiness because all you care about is “Democrat” . You ho ass miserable fuck boy scum. I hope you die in the next mass shooting


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Whites calling people coons again I see. Disagree with what you stupid ass fake white bitch who lives in upstate New York talking about The Bay where he’s never been in his life. I’m here, facts are no incoming DA keeps the staff of an ousted one you stupid faggot ass bitch. A bunch of cacs at that and you sit here with your fake outrage but silent happiness because all you care about is “Democrat” . You ho ass miserable fuck boy scum. I hope you die in the next mass shooting
The post isn't only about your cities DA fool. It's about black people in power who are beholden to the cracka ass system

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
The post isn't only about your cities DA fool. It's about black people in power who are beholden to the cracka ass system
Shut the fuck up , you only posting this to carry your anti democrat agenda to keep trying to keep Blacks from voting. The last DA was a cac who was recalled so again, what incoming DA would keep the ousted staff and possibly get herself recalled for not making any changes? You’re a fucking cracka
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Black folks in a position of power can be worser than the Pig'lice,Drump supporters and the KKK because they'll do their job for them and they know it.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Fuck this bitch!!! She finna be the next Kamala Harris

That bitch aint black!!
She's going to hire nothing but spanish bitches.

Jenkins grew up in Union City, California. She was raised by her mother because shortly after being born, her father had to leave the country due to his student visa status.[2] Her father is from El Salvador.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Black folks in a position of power can be worser than the Pig'lice,Drump supporters and the KKK because they'll do their job for them and they know it.
Because Massa knows they will do anything to maintain that power. To maintain that big house in the suburbs. To maintain that expensive car. They will sell out their mother in order to stay in that powerful position

We don't need more cops. Cops don't make me feel safe. We need more accountability for cops who fuk up. We need cops to be scared to fuck up. Scared enough to act right or else

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
LOL y’all being played by the cac OP . She’s doing this because the city’s last DA allowed the crime to get out of control . Stores that help poor city residents moving out like CVS etc. You ok with this shit?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
LOL y’all being played by the cac OP . She’s doing this because the city’s last DA allowed the crime to get out of control . Stores that help poor city residents moving out like CVS etc. You ok with this shit?

Ya cape is flying hard...they aren't getting fooled by me. They can read for themselves


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Brooke Jenkins calls herself a progressive prosecutor. Should we believe her?

Justin Phillips
July 17, 2022

During interim San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins’ swearing-in ceremony on July 8, applause erupted after she said she planned to “restore the accountability and the consequences that have been lost in the criminal justice system in San Francisco.”

Jenkins softened her tone toward the end of the ceremony with a request: “I ask that you give ... a chance to get to know me and what my vision is for the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office and for San Francisco.”

One week into her new job, Jenkins’ public pledges, a policy position and her first personnel decisions are offering glimpses at that vision and the kind of district attorney she plans to be: Someone willing to bring back cash bail, charge juveniles as adults, revoke plea deals that could keep immigrants from being deported, and support expanding police surveillance, all to make sure San Franciscans feel safe.

Jenkins was once a prosecutor in Chesa Boudin’s office and a supporter of some of his early work. In 2020, according to The Chronicle, Jenkins emailed Boudin to express her “love” for the post-conviction unit he created. Jenkins left Boudin’s office in October, frustrated over his anti-carceral policies, and played a prominent role in the successful recall campaign against him.
As is common for a new district attorney, Jenkins has started firing staffers who worked under Boudin — including the chief attorney who oversaw the post-conviction unit she previously praised — and has hired four people to lead her management and transition teams. As The Chronicle reported, some of the hires butted heads with the previous administration.
It was Boudin’s office in 2020 that eliminated cash bail, which reinforces the racial biases in police stops and arrests. Instead, his office used public risk-based assessments to determine who to keep incarcerated before trial. According to a national report by the Prison Policy Initiative in 2019. “Black and brown defendants are at least 10-25% more likely ... to have to pay money bail,” and the amounts are “twice as high as bail set for white defendants.”

Boudin’s office also stopped the use of three relics of California’s tough-on-crime era: charging minors as adults, the “three strikes” law and gang enhancements. Based on The Chronicle’s reporting of state prison data, 92% of the inmates serving sentences with a gang enhancement were either Black or Latino in August 2019. Never mind that these disparities are fueled by biased California gang laws created to target people of color. Meanwhile, the draconian “three strikes” law, which increased punishment for repeat offenders, never had a demonstrable impact on reducing violent crime, according to the Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice.

California’s criminal legal system didn’t pack prisons overnight. It did it systematically through the 1980s and 1990s with discriminatory policies, culminating with a prison overcrowding crisis that California is still digging out from under today. Jenkins said she wants to make these policies the pillars of her administration, while telling outlets such as the New York Times that her office will be “extremely thoughtful” in how it uses them.

In an interview with The Chronicle, Jenkins touched on the intersectionality of her own identity, being Black and Latina, while discussing her approach to handling drug cases involving immigrants. She said in the dozen of cases she’s reviewing from under Boudin where a plea was offered to keep someone from being deported, it’s possible her prosecutors could rip up the deal.

“My father is not a citizen of the United States; he’s from El Salvador,” Jenkins told The Chronicle. “So this is a very sensitive issue for me and something that will be considered. But we have to still have accountability in some form or fashion.”

Jenkins also submitted a letter to the Board of Supervisors’ Rules Committee supporting legislation that would expand law enforcement’s ability to tap into the live feeds of privately owned security cameras throughout the city, even to investigate a misdemeanor. The city’s current ordinance, which was put in place in 2019, doesn’t allow such access.

The San Francisco Police Department has been accused in the past of violating the existing ordinance, and a recent poll commissioned by the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California showed the 60% of San Francisco residents opposed expanding access to private cameras.
While Jenkins suggested that expanding police’s surveillance powers could facilitate investigations into police misconduct, her letter was more about how the amended legislation “can help address the existence of open-air drug markets” in the city and “send a message to those scheming to prey on our city that there will be consequences for their actions.”

Jenkins asked the public for time to understand her vision for San Francisco. Slowly, one is emerging. It’s just hard to believe a self-described progressive prosecutor is behind it.



Rising Star
overall crime was down with Boudin as DA, he got recalled cause he didn't care to do the song and dance with the SF NIMBY crowd

LOL y’all being played by the cac OP . She’s doing this because the city’s last DA allowed the crime to get out of control . Stores that help poor city residents moving out like CVS etc. You ok with this shit?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Lmbaoooo y’all caping for a cac who 60% of the city voted to toss out while trashing a Black woman who ain’t been in office for a month and hasn’t even started the job. Y’all really do hate Black women. Bitch doesn’t even get a chance before y’all act like pre cogs about what she hasn’t even done yet. OP is also a white boy . Smfh pathetic
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Lmbaoooo y’all caping for a cac who 60% of the city voted to toss out while trashing a Black woman who ain’t been in office for a month and hasn’t even started the job. Y’all really do hate Black women. Bitch doesn’t even get a chance before y’all act like pre cogs about what she hasn’t even done yet. OP is also a white boy . Smfh pathetic

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Are you in the Bay or are you another outsider trolling.

"(The biggest misconception of me is) that I want to return to some tough-on-crime, very, very conservative approach. I want people to truly understand that reform is personal to me, right? Fairness and equity in our system is personal to me. It is a part of why I do this work. I wanted to be a diverse reflection in the courtroom not just on the defense side but on the prosecution side, which historically has not been diverse," Jenkins said.

She said her office will continue the work that her predecessor started in uncovering wrongful convictions. She also emphasized that she will hold the police accountable.

"My family has been impacted by police violence and misconduct. I am Black and Latina. It affects my communities the most and so it is not something that, again, is theoretical for me. It's a part of my lived experience and so it is something that I take very seriously and I believe that we can both have a working relationship with the police department and also explain to them and make it clear when there is misconduct. There will be accountability on that side, too."

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
Full disclosure on OP.
She’s been in office 4 days and everybody is already making assumptions. This woman has already been all over the news saying racism with police will not be tolerated and she will go after bad cops and over turn wrongful convictions.

I know the OP is a right wing MAGA loving cac troll but what the fuck these other niggas complaining about? Especially ones not even in the Bay let alone California.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She’s been in office 4 days and everybody is already making assumptions. This woman has already been all over the news saying racism with police will not be tolerated and she will go after bad cops and over turn wrongful convictions.

I know the OP is a right wing MAGA loving cac troll but what the fuck these other niggas complaining about? Especially ones not even in the Bay let alone California.
I can handle other ppl here having different opinions and talking shit. But, the OP should have his disclaimer attached to everything he post.
Told you I'm in Moscow
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Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I can handle other ppl here having different opinions and talking shit. But, the OP should have his disclaimer attached to everything he post.
That cracka is here to stir shit up like a typical honky. He got niggas in this thread fooled. That’s why I’m even responding to his foolishness. He should be banned on GP for calling me a coon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That cracka is here to stir shit up like a typical honky. He got niggas in this thread fooled. That’s why I’m even responding to his foolishness. He should be banned on GP for calling me a coon.
Good on you. I give him what for every now an then, and his comrades come running to his defense and I just laugh at them. They are so obvious its a comedy . They have no interest in the betterment of black people in this country or elsewhere. They're just here to play their part in the whole divide an conquer strategy. Hopefully the majority of folks here see it.