San Francisco Black DA fires staff


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The worst part about this thread is that the pro-whites are still lying which shows malicious intent. Now the tactic is “fake Twitter sources” (although these are people that were fired and are giving first hand accounts) and the new DA is getting co-signed by Sean Hannity. The line of thinking “blue = good”, “red = bad” is the mindset of someone that is lost. This is a battle that the pro-whites can’t win but they are still trying to defend the indefensible while claiming to be “pro-black”. They just want to feel good despite the cost or the repercussions because they are libertines that have one goal and that is acceptance by the so-called white man, which they will never get anyway because they don’t respect cowards :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is whackjob fantasy bullshit. Bruhs need to stop talking out of their ass around here.
Not sure where he is located but it is becoming more prevalent. It isn’t specific to women though but they are more likely to follow the game plan without questioning. The liberal woman anyway, which is funny because if a person listened to the media, they would think the opposite.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
White man ice isn't colder to me. How would I think that when I refuse to vote for any on the other hand voted for Biden who has a history of anti who thinks the white man's ice is colder?

Bitch STFU. You talk a lot but can't post your hand and I'm supposed to think you're Black. You sound like every DSA or Sunrise Movement faggot out here with both sides bullshit and elected Black people are all bad. I'm just waiting for you to start spouting neoliberal and centrist.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
Lmao you think socialism and communism is a white thing?

In the US it's a hugely white thing by upper middle class white people. Hence the constant attacks towards Democrats and especially Black democrats.

Look at the DSA and Sunrise Movement......bunch of white kids. DSA stopped releasing their demographic info cause it was so white.


Truth Teller
You’re a fucking moron, of course he’s a democrat. It’s San Francisco . No Republikkklans hold office in the city. What the fuck is your stupid ass point?
My point is as it has always been. Voting for a person strictly based upon their political affiliation is idiotic and a waste of a vote.

SF has created a system similar to other cities where if you are not democrat, you might as well not run. But, to run, you have to be hand picked by the white elite of the party.

This happens in both parties.

Yes, both sides.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
My point is as it has always been. Voting for a person strictly based upon their political affiliation is idiotic and a waste of a vote.

SF has created a system similar to other cities where if you are not democrat, you might as well not run. But, to run, you have to be hand picked by the white elite of the party.

This happens in both parties.

Yes, both sides.
Considering 99.9% of Republikkklans want to take everything away from Blacks and turn the clock back to the 50’s , there’s absolutely ZERO reason to vote for a modern Republikkklan unless you’re a Rich Cac, self hating coon or a racist dumb cac

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
This was the reply to asking Supersav to say something positive about Black people.
He’s a racist cac from some rural area pretending to be a Black man from Housing Projects in Red Hook Brooklyn. It’s like he’s playing every stereotype he can think of about a Black man. The reason I know he’s a fraud cac is because that area he’s pretending he’s from , he claimed the area right next door has a large Black area . When there is literally no Large Black Area of Sunset Park. He’s a god damn clown ass white man and these dumb fucks are falling for it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is whackjob fantasy bullshit. Bruhs need to stop talking out of their ass around here.

Don't get's ok not to know how the game actually works homie..



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Don't get's ok not to know how the game actually works homie..

I've been practicing law for a looong minute, but I need a cracker on a Black porn board to tell me how the legal system works? Go the fuck back to Moscow.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I've been practicing law for a looong minute, but I need a cracker on a Black porn board to tell me how the legal system works? Go the fuck back to Moscow.
These stupid fucks don’t realize how many Lawyers are on here. A bunch of Twitter and YouTube scholars trying to act intelligent. It’s wild ridiculous


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In the US it's a hugely white thing by upper middle class white people. Hence the constant attacks towards Democrats and especially Black democrats.

Look at the DSA and Sunrise Movement......bunch of white kids. DSA stopped releasing their demographic info cause it was so white.


Truth Teller
Considering 99.9% of Republikkklans want to take everything away from Blacks and turn the clock back to the 50’s , there’s absolutely ZERO reason to vote for a modern Republikkklan unless you’re a Rich Cac, self hating coon or a racist dumb cac
I've asked this before. Please share with the board what these "Republikkklans" are attempting to take away from just black folk.



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I've asked this before. Please share with the board what these "Republikkklans" are attempting to take away from just black folk.


The federal court in Richmond found that the primary purpose of North Carolina's wasn't to stop voter fraud, but rather to disenfranchise minority voters. The judges found that the provisions "target African Americans with almost surgical precision."



Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
I've said it a million times before. Tito and a few others on here are way too pussy to admit they're Black Republicans cause then they have to explain why anyone should take them seriously when that party is racist towards Black people.

Oh and please don't fall back on that both sides bullshit or the "I'm an independent" bullshit either. Independents are just people too pussy to say Republican.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've asked this before. Please share with the board what these "Republikkklans" are attempting to take away from just black folk.

Supreme Court Blocks New Majority-Black Louisiana House

US District Judge Shelly Dick said the federal Voting Rights Act required Louisiana, which is 33% Black and has six congressional districts, to create a second majority-Black district for the US House.

Yet a divided US Supreme Court reinstated a Republican-drawn congressional map in Louisiana for this year’s election, blocking a trial judge’s order that required a second majority-Black voting district.

Over the dissents of the three liberal justices, the court granted a request by state officials who sought intervention on an emergency basis. The majority gave no explanation.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm tired of this don't vote narrative. Voting in the general is the easiest and very much the most minimal thing an American voter can do.

What people constantly ignore is voting in primaries or ballot initiatives because that's when it tells the party what direction they should go.

Constantly primary turnout is 5% or less.

This situation was caused by a republican push that only need less signatures than the city's homeless population and a election turnout of 200K.

If people are upset of Breed's choice, they can recall her but we know no one will be motivated to make that move.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

The federal court in Richmond found that the primary purpose of North Carolina's wasn't to stop voter fraud, but rather to disenfranchise minority voters. The judges found that the provisions "target African Americans with almost surgical precision."

Hey Tito where you at coward?


Truth Teller

The federal court in Richmond found that the primary purpose of North Carolina's wasn't to stop voter fraud, but rather to disenfranchise minority voters. The judges found that the provisions "target African Americans with almost surgical precision."

On this. I 100% agree that racist Republicans are using their playbook to limit black voters.

I am not excusing this tactic. It's not new. However, I'm on record of saying this before, why do we allow these CACs to c9ntrol us like this? Why can't we simply say f it, we are all going to push to get every8ne tge proper IDs necessary so noone can control what we do?

Again, I agree this is a targeted tactic aimed at "minorities" in North Carolina. However, I disagree that it's taking anything from us..........unless we allow them to do so. They can't take away our right to vote. Can they make it more difficult? Sure. That's the craker way. But, we are resilient people and something as simple as an ID should not prevent most people from voting.

Again, I do agree it's a dirty and targeted attack.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
On this. I 100% agree that racist Republicans are using their playbook to limit black voters.

I am not excusing this tactic. It's not new. However, I'm on record of saying this before, why do we allow these CACs to c9ntrol us like this? Why can't we simply say f it, we are all going to push to get every8ne tge proper IDs necessary so noone can control what we do?

Again, I agree this is a targeted tactic aimed at "minorities" in North Carolina. However, I disagree that it's taking anything from us..........unless we allow them to do so. They can't take away our right to vote. Can they make it more difficult? Sure. That's the craker way. But, we are resilient people and something as simple as an ID should not prevent most people from voting.

Again, I do agree it's a dirty and targeted attack.

You are bullshiting and you're trying to make it the fault of the people instead of what is going on. What you have the Republicans doing is changing what's required to vote and then on top of that making sure it's as difficult as possible to get the new required id. You saw that in Wisconsin where the DMV would only issue licenses or IDs on the third Wednesday of the month. You saw that in some southern states where they were closing d m v in Black parts of the city.


Truth Teller
You are bullshiting and you're trying to make it the fault of the people instead of what is going on. What you have the Republicans doing is changing what's required to vote and then on top of that making sure it's as difficult as possible to get the new required id. You saw that in Wisconsin where the DMV would only issue licenses or IDs on the third Wednesday of the month. You saw that in some southern states where they were closing d m v in Black parts of the city.
And I agree that all of that is f'd up.

But I have always said and will continue to say, we have to continue to overcome what we can and not allow anyone to hold us back. Getting IDs is a solution WE can make happen.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

The federal court in Richmond found that the primary purpose of North Carolina's wasn't to stop voter fraud, but rather to disenfranchise minority voters. The judges found that the provisions "target African Americans with almost surgical precision."

this dumb nigga really didn't know about the voter suppression that was specifically targeting black areas?

Yes I'm talking you @Tito_Jackson

The question was what are republicans doing to attack just black people, ASKED AND ANSWERED.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
And I agree that all of that is f'd up.

But I have always said and will continue to say, we have to continue to overcome what we can and not allow anyone to hold us back. Getting IDs is a solution WE can make happen.
The only ones holding back Black people with laws are the Republikkklans so stop trying to toe the line with your bullshit


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So someone who is supposed to be a lawyer tweeted that he was fired for no reason.

You ain't union, they don't need a reason.

If you are any good you will have a new job before you get 30 shares.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
....However, I disagree that it's taking anything from us..........unless we allow them to do so. They can't take away our right to vote. Can they make it more difficult? Sure. ...
Poll taxes and literacy test did the same thing. They didn't take away our right to vote, they just made it much more difficult for us. There is no real ideological difference between those tactics and these. The plan is to restrict and over burden just enough of us to provide their chosen candidate a sufficient advantage to affect a win.


Truth Teller
they don't need a reason.
Or if you work for the government.

I also know someone who was fired for malfeasance that was proven to be false. The organization as you stated could have just parted ways stating unsatisfactory performance. But, they stated malfeasance on her termination letter. She sued in civil court, proved the allegation false and was awarded back pay and other damages. Well over $250K total.


Truth Teller
Poll taxes and literacy test did the same thing. They didn't take away our right to vote, they just made it much more difficult for us. There is no real ideological difference between those tactics and these. The plan is to restrict and over burden just enough of us to provide their chosen candidate a sufficient advantage to affect a win.
I agree.