San Francisco Black DA fires staff


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
I remember during this MFs hearing back in the day our people were behind him getting in and said the Cacs were against a black man being on The Supreme Courts wonder how those same people feel now. :idea:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Or if you work for the government.

I also know someone who was fired for malfeasance that was proven to be false. The organization as you stated could have just parted ways stating unsatisfactory performance. But, they stated malfeasance on her termination letter. She sued in civil court, proved the allegation false and was awarded back pay and other damages. Well over $250K total.

Depends on the state.

In many states, the only grounds for wrongful termination is an "ism"




Truth Teller
Depends on the state.

In many states, the only grounds for wrongful termination is an "ism"



I think the direction they went in was libel. Because the letter was an official part of her publicly accessible record and she (her lawyer) argued that the published false allegation ruined her reputation and was preventing her from gaining employment.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I personally was almost railroaded by Kamala Harris so u gotta excuse my skepticism.

What did she do?

You're a conservative

What they all refuse to admit, especially BKF. Ask him about Obama's bank bailout.

The worst part about this thread is that the pro-whites are still lying which shows malicious intent. Now the tactic is “fake Twitter sources” (although these are people that were fired and are giving first hand accounts) and the new DA is getting co-signed by Sean Hannity. The line of thinking “blue = good”, “red = bad” is the mindset of someone that is lost. This is a battle that the pro-whites can’t win but they are still trying to defend the indefensible while claiming to be “pro-black”. They just want to feel good despite the cost or the repercussions because they are libertines that have one goal and that is acceptance by the so-called white man, which they will never get anyway because they don’t respect cowards :smh:

Blue MAGA!

Of course not.

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
District Attorney Brooke Jenkins under fire for six-figure disclosure

San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins has been in the hot seat this week following an income disclosure showing that she received over $100,000 from a nonprofit linked to the effort to recall her predecessor, Chesa Boudin.

Why it matters: The recent revelations raise ethical concerns around whether Jenkins intentionally misled the public about her role in the recall.

  • Jenkins, who was appointed to the position in July and is up for election in November, had previously said she volunteered for the recall efforts.
  • These disclosures could make it difficult for her to garner enough support to win in November.
Catch up quick: Recently filed ethics records show Jenkins was paid in the months leading up to her appointment to consult for Neighbors for a Better San Francisco, a nonprofit focused on improving public safety and quality of life.

  • A group with a similar name, Neighbors for a Better San Francisco Advocacy, spent millions of dollars to support Boudin's recall.
  • The organizations are legally separate entities, but share wealthy hedge fund manager William Oberndorf as a board member. Oberndorf was one of the biggest donors to the group backing the recall efforts.
What she's saying: Jenkins said she used her "career and prosecutorial experience to help provide a new source of income to help support my family and children," CBS reports.

  • She added: "My work for the nonprofit organization focused on public safety … and other legal work supporting communities ranging from formerly incarcerated women to helping advise the business community on public safety concerns and issues."
The other side: "I think there's serious questions about not disclosing it, and I think there are serious questions about why someone who is district attorney has taken money from this entity, given its politics," District 5 Supervisor Dean Preston told the San Francisco Chronicle.

What's next: The San Francisco Ethics Commission could launch an investigation to determine whether Jenkins broke any laws, either at its own discretion or in response to someone filing a complaint. City law, however, prevents the commission from disclosing information about complaints or ongoing investigations, the commission told Axios.

  • If the commission were to launch an investigation, it's unclear whether the matter would be resolved by the election in November.
  • Jenkins will likely be up against two former San Francisco police commissioners: Joe Alioto Veronese, the grandson of former SF Mayor Joseph Alioto, and John Hamasaki. Both filed their paperwork to run for the position this month.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Shut the fuck up , you only posting this to carry your anti democrat agenda to keep trying to keep Blacks from voting. The last DA was a cac who was recalled so again, what incoming DA would keep the ousted staff and possibly get herself recalled for not making any changes? You’re a fucking cracka
hey Doc
elaborate about the past DA
i want to here about it from an informed native


A Goddamn Sailor!
BGOL Investor
here we go with that bullshit. We black folks got some shit with us that we need to deal with and stop blaming whitey for our own fuckery!! You may not be a fan of crooked ass cops (i'm not) but not all cops are crooked and the same non crooked ass cops I need them to lock up them crooked ass black folks.. not the non-crooked ass black folks.. just the ones that be on that bullshit!