Shameless Is About The Craziest Shit I have seen


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
:smh: @ ian losing it, with the suitcase scheme

:roflmao:@ frank playing detective for the missing money, shit was wild

:dunno:@ how fiona just married dude on a whim; does he even know about fiona's responsibilities with the kids?

:smh:@ carl goin down the path of a street dealer

:cool:@ lip actually gettin some guidance :)smh:mad: him in the preview doing dumb shit though)

have the feeling debs is gonna get shut down from dude at the gym soon though:dunno:

homegirl orgasmed on the dance floor, but it's still kev's fault:rolleyes:

1) Ian's mental disorder is turning him into a horder. Mickey commented on most of the contents being bullshit and had no resale value. Ian is collecting junk, he is losing his mind.

2)Frank reminds me a lot of my uncle. He is always cooking up a scheme or blowing through cash on bullshit and alcohol.

3)There was a moment of fear in Fiona's face when she realized what she had done. Fiona is busy taking care of the kids, and jumping at the chance to do something this crazy reminds her of someone...her mother.

4)Carl always manages to benefit the most doing something 'bad'. His being a dick to older girls has him being the neighborhood muff diver.

5) If Lip stops the bullshit "don't forget where you're from", he's on his way to locking down a winner(A little crazy, smart, parents are well off, and her dad is starting to like him). You know how much a father's approval're good enough for his daughter, and that guy is a elitist douchebag.

6)Debs is the typical hood girl. She wants to grow up too fast. The man of the house would be the one to step in and tell Deb that she's trying to impress the wrong people...but then I remember how fucked up the family is.

7)V might be the hottest black woman on tv. Kev needs to start smashing that again...ASAP or I have a feeling some side dick will make its way into her life. There's a huge difference between a horny man and a horny woman. A horny dude has to get pussy, a horny woman gets dick.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
I hate the Ian and Debbie story lines

I guess nobody caught that the whole reason for the first suitcase was to trick Ian into taking the pills. But The Hoarder shit is sic. I like Ian story line, his is always the most tense. Debbie eh I wouldnt miss her for a whole season.

:smh: Frank Blows fucking fortunes.

Carl still my favorite character. He thought he was gonna be a gangsta :dance:

The flash cards at the end had me rolling

I wonder if Frank let him fuck the Asian hoes.

Fianna is a force of nature and I guarantee that dude is crazier than her, why would else would he marry her.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Ian is a fag and bipolar like his mom. What's to like about his storyline? All he brings to the show is gay sex.


BGOL Legend
Frank spent the entire episode playing "Dude where's my money?"
Debs might get her heart broken
Fiona is insane. Getting married where is she going to live? Does she expect him to live in that rathole? They...shit..good luck.

Carl poor poor carl only person who checks on him is frank

Lip finally getting encouraged. The dad likes him and sees his potential this might actually work out now that ol girl move to bumfuck with kenyatta.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
Frank spent the entire episode playing "Dude where's my money?"
Debs might get her heart broken
Fiona is insane. Getting married where is she going to live? Does she expect him to live in that rathole? They...shit..good luck.

Carl poor poor carl only person who checks on him is frank

Lip finally getting encouraged. The dad likes him and sees his potential this might actually work out now that ol girl move to bumfuck with kenyatta.

The Gallagers are known fuck ups. Lip is about to ruin all that in the next episode.

And Frank doesn't check on Carl, Carl checks on Frank.


Rising Star
Fiona just married dude to prove Sean wrong, to prove that she isn't a conduit of chaos and that she can be stable.

Ol boy is a straight sucker though. You know she lives in squalor with three underage kids and you wife her? Jimmy tried that shit last time but Fiona in the past was stronger, more level headed, she knew she had to take care of the fam.

The Technician

Formerly Commandernchief
BGOL Investor
Fiona just married dude to prove Sean wrong, to prove that she isn't a conduit of chaos and that she can be stable.

Ol boy is a straight sucker though. You know she lives in squalor with three underage kids and you wife her? Jimmy tried that shit last time but Fiona in the past was stronger, more level headed, she knew she had to take care of the fam.

I'm just waiting for Jimmy to return and fuck up everything for Fiona.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess nobody caught that the whole reason for the first suitcase was to trick Ian into taking the pills. But The Hoarder shit is sic. I like Ian story line, his is always the most tense. Debbie eh I wouldnt miss her for a whole season.

You might have missed the point yourself, there. The pills that they pulled from the first suitcase were Lisinopril, a script for high blood pressure. That had nothing to do with Ian's bipolar disorder.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
You might have missed the point yourself, there. The pills that they pulled from the first suitcase were Lisinopril, a script for high blood pressure. That had nothing to do with Ian's bipolar disorder.

Bruh Last episode, Lip told him that Ian need to take pills, Micky Said I will handle it. So its just Fucking coincidental that Micky comes home with a suitcase and Causally gets Ian on board to pop "random" pills.

Well ok then.


Well-Known Member
BGOL Investor
I'm just waiting for Jimmy to return and fuck up everything for Fiona.

Like muthafucking clockwork too! :angry::angry:

This bitch can't find one lick of sanity and happiness in her life. I hope she lets this nigga Jimmy go and sticks with Gus.

I'm glad Lip is realizing what he can be, as opposed to what he's leaving behind. Dude has always been sharp. Glad he's putting that brain of his to use.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like muthafucking clockwork too! :angry::angry:

This bitch can't find one lick of sanity and happiness in her life. I hope she lets this nigga Jimmy go and sticks with Gus.

I'm glad Lip is realizing what he can be, as opposed to what he's leaving behind. Dude has always been sharp. Glad he's putting that brain of his to use.

Glad Lip is gone.. He better keep that chick, especially with the connections her pops got


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
Glad Lip is gone.. He better keep that chick, especially with the connections her pops got

happy to see Lip get his shit togther but he a Gallagher.
how soon before Mandy come a knocking with a black eye and white baby


Rising Star
Like muthafucking clockwork too! :angry::angry:

This bitch can't find one lick of sanity and happiness in her life. I hope she lets this nigga Jimmy go and sticks with Gus.

I'm glad Lip is realizing what he can be, as opposed to what he's leaving behind. Dude has always been sharp. Glad he's putting that brain of his to use.

Jimmy has to be a boss or major player now to have survived that night.

You know she ain't going to chose Gus voluntarily, I have a feeling dude might get "disappeared" by Jimmy the Don.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Damn good episode tonight.

I'm glad Kev is holding firm with their kids and not giving in to V's bullshit.

And I was crying laughing at Kev going to get a hand job in a kids playground, his fucked up way of trying to explain it, and the fucking mace :lol:

I'm surprised Fionna hasn't snapp d on her boss yet. I mean he is right but he's starting to act like a jealous bitch.

Glad Lip is leaving (though it will obviously be temporary), I thought for sure he was getting popped that night. Mickey a sucka for leaving him like that. And the fucked up thing is he's the only one that didn't bust his gun yet his gun was left behind with his prints so he's fucked.

Frank comparing not being to drink to that woman losing her son, and with a real sense of loss:lol:

I'm jive glad to see Jimmy back I'm anxious to see how they explain his disappearance, how he got off that boat alive, and where has he been since.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Like muthafucking clockwork too! :angry::angry:

This bitch can't find one lick of sanity and happiness in her life. I hope she lets this nigga Jimmy go and sticks with Gus.

I'm glad Lip is realizing what he can be, as opposed to what he's leaving behind. Dude has always been sharp. Glad he's putting that brain of his to use.

To me Lip always seems the most like Franks child.

Frank is obviously super smart but let addiction and his environment hold him back as opposed to really doing something with his intelligence.

Lip is the same way. He always wavers on which way he's going to go but its almost like watching what Frank would be like before he became Frank the Plank.


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
To me Lip always seems the most like Franks child.

Frank is obviously super smart but let addiction and his environment hold him back as opposed to really doing something with his intelligence.

Lip is the same way. He always wavers on which way he's going to go but its almost like watching what Frank would be like before he became Frank the Plank.

Lip is an example of why College is such a great place for young black men. :yes:


BGOL Legend
I was wrong those who said he didn't get killed that night was right. Got damn he came back... I wonder how long he would have kept sending the woman in there and giving her money if she hadn't reported back that she was married?

Fiona has a big ass choice to make now damn.

Carl should've been in school he would know how to add and subtract.

Debbie taking the lessons and beating them untrained girls ass was great.

V with her shit, cheat on me too. Then trying to make Kev choose between her and the kids? Come on now, this ain't no party it's a family. She just liked the idea but not the actual family part I guess.

Ian is a fucking nut

Lip.. I'm glad he got his ass out of dodge. Fuck all of them dudes trying to hold you down. They left you outside the car and took off not giving you a 2nd thought. Go back to school and be something and move your fucked up family out of there.

Frank is the ultimate hustler. Got some weed got food got pussy got new clothes. Right when he hits bottom he makes a way out of no way. He really could probably be a millionaire if he wasn't so destructive.

Fucking hilarious Frank running down the street in perfect shape talking bout he can do this for miles then proceeds to hit the corner on her ass and is ghost like it ain't nothing.


Rising Star
^^ Word, go back to page 4-5, most people didn't think Jimmy died, it's actually funny seeing how people predicted his fate.

The cardinal rule in a show is to see a dead body, otherwise the writers always can create a story arc to bring a character back.


International Member
I was wrong those who said he didn't get killed that night was right. Got damn he came back... I wonder how long he would have kept sending the woman in there and giving her money if she hadn't reported back that she was married?

Fiona has a big ass choice to make now damn.

Carl should've been in school he would know how to add and subtract.

Debbie taking the lessons and beating them untrained girls ass was great.

V with her shit, cheat on me too. Then trying to make Kev choose between her and the kids? Come on now, this ain't no party it's a family. She just liked the idea but not the actual family part I guess.

Ian is a fucking nut

Lip.. I'm glad he got his ass out of dodge. Fuck all of them dudes trying to hold you down. They left you outside the car and took off not giving you a 2nd thought. Go back to school and be something and move your fucked up family out of there.

Frank is the ultimate hustler. Got some weed got food got pussy got new clothes. Right when he hits bottom he makes a way out of no way. He really could probably be a millionaire if he wasn't so destructive.

Fucking hilarious Frank running down the street in perfect shape talking bout he can do this for miles then proceeds to hit the corner on her ass and is ghost like it ain't nothing.


With regards to lip, peer pressure can be a mother fucker for many ppl, at least he came too far in the opposite direction to truly let himself get bogged down in bullshit...hopefully the gun he didn't use doesn't come back to bite him on the ass tho.

And I hope we get a flashback with how jimmy almost died or something, hope it wasn't some bullshit secret agent shit he pulled out his ass at the last second.


BGOL Legend

With regards to lip, peer pressure can be a mother fucker for many ppl, at least he came too far in the opposite direction to truly let himself get bogged down in bullshit...hopefully the gun he didn't use doesn't come back to bite him on the ass tho.

And I hope we get a flashback with how jimmy almost died or something, hope it wasn't some bullshit secret agent shit he pulled out his ass at the last second.

That might be the turning point for Lip. Until the bottom eventually falls out which we can never forget is coming strictly because of who he is..a gallagher


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
I'm still wondering why the Army hasn't caught Ian yet. He probably threw them off a little using his brothers name, but it's only a matter of time before they catch up with him. Probably at the moment he gets his shit together.

Lip's prints are on the gun, but so what? Ballistics would prove that it was never fired at the coffee shop and Lip is smart enough to effectively defend himself on that point. The only problem would come from whatever Mickey did with that gun before firing into the shop. Knowing him that gun probably has a shady history.


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor
Frank is the ultimate hustler. Got some weed got food got pussy got new clothes. Right when he hits bottom he makes a way out of no way. He really could probably be a millionaire if he wasn't so destructive.

Frank is a classic textbook sociopath. He fits every single criteria.

Here are the telltale signs

Consider the individual's personality and mannerisms. Sociopaths are usually extremely charming and charismatic. Their personalities are described as magnetic, and as such, they generate a lot of attention and praise from others. They also tend to have a strong sexual energy, and may have strange sexual fetishes or be sex addicts.

Sociopaths are great orators. They usually use poetic language and are able to carry on long monologues or stories that are hypnotic and capture the attention of those around them.

Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others.

Sociopaths are rarely shy, insecure, or at a loss for words. They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience, or annoyance, and constantly lash out at others and respond hastily to these emotions.

So far so Frank....

Take the person's past and present behavior into account. Sociopaths exhibit abnormally spontaneous and daring behavior.They seem to act outside of the realm of social norms, and may do bizarre, risky, or outrageous things without assessing the potential repercussions.

Sociopaths can be criminals. They may be con artists, kleptomaniacs, or even murderers. Most sociopaths are not violent criminals, however.

Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.

Okay, so Frank hasn't killed anyone (that we know of yet) and is rarely violent. Aside from that his face belongs in the dictionary next to the word.

Consider the person's relationship with others. Because sociopaths are such dominant leaders, they are usually able to attract a following of some kind. The followers tend to be weaker, more passive individuals who have been intoxicated by the sociopath's charm.

Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions. They rarely apologize for their behavior, and while aware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions on others, they just don't care (and may even enjoy inflicting and witnessing such effects).

Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.

Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing love, and likely will not have had healthy romantic relationships in the past. They are only concerned with their own interests, and use compassion as a tool to manipulate others, but are not genuinely compassionate.

Frank may not be a leader per se, but he has spearheaded movements strictly for his own personal gain (remember the time he became a spokesman for gay marriage?)

He did have a somewhat loving relationship with his ex-wife, but last time he saw her he tried to use her to pull off a scam. Their relationship was completely unhealthy to say the least. Over the last few seasons he's mooched off Sheila and ripped her off for thousands of dollars.


Although it's not mentioned here, sociopaths tend to be drug addicts and alcoholics.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yo, this last episode was nuts!

Yeah I was surprised Fiona gave into Jimmy that quick. He's obviously not coming back as a regular at this point so I'm wondering how often he'll appear, particularly this season.

They revisited Franks drinking and drugs in regards to his liver, I wonder how they'll deal with that the rest of the season.

I swore Lip was going to end up getting popped for that weed Carl had in the car which would have led to him getting popped for that gun he dropped. Luckily it didn't happen but I'm pretty sure he'll get charged with that before the season is over.

Oh and he completely mishandled the situation with his rich girlfriend. He may not know it now but that lesbian is about to take his place and with it all the perks of dating a spoiled rich kid. He should have just moved in with her and rode the gravy train while he was in college.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
I don't like how they are trying to make it seems like Jimmy is special, it's obvious by now that Fiona is a slut, and he was only with her for a couple months just like any of her boyfriends

Max Headrom

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah I was surprised Fiona gave into Jimmy that quick. He's obviously not coming back as a regular at this point so I'm wondering how often he'll appear, particularly this season.

They revisited Franks drinking and drugs in regards to his liver, I wonder how they'll deal with that the rest of the season.

I swore Lip was going to end up getting popped for that weed Carl had in the car which would have led to him getting popped for that gun he dropped. Luckily it didn't happen but I'm pretty sure he'll get charged with that before the season is over.

Oh and he completely mishandled the situation with his rich girlfriend. He may not know it now but that lesbian is about to take his place and with it all the perks of dating a spoiled rich kid. He should have just moved in with her and rode the gravy train while he was in college.

Yeah man, this episode touched on SO MUCH shit! It's almost like they fit an entire season worth of stories into one episode. Gonna definitely be interesting to see where this goes the rest of the season. And Ian lost ALL OF HIS SHIT this episode!


RawStrippers&Nut N Models
Certified Pussy Poster
I don't like how they are trying to make it seems like Jimmy is special, it's obvious by now that Fiona is a slut, and he was only with her for a couple months just like any of her boyfriends

Its like a first real love sort of thing. He was her first love and the first one to accept and truly know her and the crazy that is the Gallagers.

Jimmy May or may not come back. I am more interested in what the hidden demons her husband has.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Well her husband can write some good love songs now and use her to further his career. He should go public on her ass for cheating and be the male Taylor Swift