Star Wars: The Mandalorian (official Series Discussion Thread) Update (Season 3 drops Feb 2023)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Since he is always to wear armor. Anyone can be in the suit. Pedro better cool out if he wants to stay.
If it wasn't covid he probably would leave before season 3 but now people might need a check...

....thinking on something. Hear me out.

I rewatched season one in prep for season two, and in the last episode when the Mandalorian blacksmith welded the signet of the Mudhorn into Mando's armor, she mentioned "you are a clan of two now." Baby Yoda was also given the Mandalorian necklace charm of the Mythosaur.

My theory, the Mandalorian referenced in the show title isn't actually Mando (Din Djarin) but Baby Yoda himself.

Remember, Mandalorian isn't a race it's a creed.

With the news of there being issues with Pedro Pascal getting screen time this season, I think this is where the series is headed. This is probably why the issues surfaced. He probably thought he was the main attraction but it's really Baby Yoda instead...

This is a perfect way to introduce animated characters into the live action world as they try to get Baby Yoda to his people.

Calling it now, Mando will sacrifice himself to save Baby Yoda, a fellow Mandalorian in a future episode, not saying it happens this season but in the future.

This is the way.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

Why is there only one Darksaber? Why haven't the Mandalorians built more of them? Is its construction a secret that cannot be replicated?

That is because there has only been one Mandalorian who was ever accepted into the Jedi Order.


The Darksaber

Tarre Vizsla of house Vizsla, was was the only Mandalorian who ever joined the Jedi order.




The Jedi order allowed Tarre Vizsla to use the technology and training of how to build a lightsaber because every Jedi Knight must build his own lightsaber.


Tarre Vizsla combine the skills of creating in a light saber And created a unique blade and weapon that would be familiar to Mandalorian but in form and function and ability it would act exactly like a lightsaber.


It was the only one ever made. it was as unique as Tarre Vizsla himself.

After Tarre-Vizsla Death the Jedi kept in the dark saber in the temple on Coruscant. Pre-Vizsla of house Vizsla and Leader of Deathwatch an extremist Mandalorian group broke into the Jedi Temple On Coruscant during the clone wars and stole the darksaber back.


Pre-Vizlsa with Darksaber

The Mandalorians have always felt that the dark saber was their property and it was a point of contention among many points of contention the Jedi and Mandalorians had.


Pre-Visla dueling Obi Wan

Pre-Vizsla ancestor was Tarre Vizsla and he personally felt that his family owned the darksaber and should be with his clan.


Maul defeated Pre-Viszla in fair combat and won the Darksaber for time

The darksaber Became a weapon of mystery and reverence and anyone who wheels it has at least a claim to rule all of Mandalore.

The ability and how Tarre Vizsla built The dark Savior has been lost to history. No one knows if there was even a wrecker kept.
In any event the ability and secret died with Tarre Vizsla.

The Jedi and the Mandalorian so had had a terrible history and a bitter war that the Jedi was responsible for starting and relations have been terrible between them for hundreds of years.

I would imagine that there were other Mandalorians who are force he is hers or force sensitive but I have no interest in being involved in the Jedi and honestly vice versa.

It is a secret that has been lost to the ages.

The Darksaber was constructed 1000 years ago and yet it works just as well and efficiently today as it did then.

The Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus obtained the darksaber and trained the Mandalorian Sabine Wren of house Wren.

This clip if you’ve never seen it is a good encapsulation of the dark sabers ability strength and its use against a lightsaber.

Bo-Katan Kryze, Who was already legendary and a hero to the people of Mandalore finally for gave herself her past sins and accepted to rule Mandalore. She finally accepted the darksaber!

The Darksaber is currently in the possession of Moff Gideon.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not a boba fett fanboy so the episode was okay to me... Boba Fett was a one off character who had little effect on the story and DIED in Return Of The Jedi...yes he died, he was supposed to, you know why, because he's just a side character! I get it, Boba Fett is cool looking, with the helmet and the gear and jet pack, I totally get it, believe me. He's a space bounty hunter for cryin' out loud! If man ever colonizes space, I guarantee you there will be a line around the corner for intergalactic bounty hunter and I'll be at the head of it. I even had the classic Boba Fett poster as a kid.


So yes Boba Fett is the motherfucking man. But that doesn't negate the fact that he was just a side character. His fanboy popularity is the reason Lucas shoehorned him into the prequels and even in that it's pretty clear his presence is even more marginal than it was in 4 and 5. Every fan fiction story has Fett surviving the Sarlacc Pit so now I guess its canon with The Mandalorian.

I personally don't see a need to bring him back but fanboys keep creaming over him so I guess that's enuff of a reason...

Other than that it was an okay episode to me...just another adventure in his life... If that was setting up a more specific storyline this season it'll be interesting to see what that is...otherwise I count this as a filler fanservice episode.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
I'm not a boba fett fanboy so the episode was okay to me... Boba Fett was a one off character who had little effect on the story and DIED in Return Of The Jedi...yes he died, he was supposed to, you know why, because he's just a side character! I get it, Boba Fett is cool looking, with the helmet and the gear and jet pack, I totally get it, believe me. He's a space bounty hunter for cryin' out loud! If man ever colonizes space, I guarantee you there will be a line around the corner for intergalactic bounty hunter and I'll be at the head of it. I even had the classic Boba Fett poster as a kid.


So yes Boba Fett is the motherfucking man. But that doesn't negate the fact that he was just a side character. His fanboy popularity is the reason Lucas shoehorned him into the prequels and even in that it's pretty clear his presence is even more marginal than it was in 4 and 5. Every fan fiction story has Fett surviving the Sarlacc Pit so now I guess its canon with The Mandalorian.

I personally don't see a need to bring him back but fanboys keep creaming over him so I guess that's enuff of a reason...

Other than that it was an okay episode to me...just another adventure in his life... If that was setting up a more specific storyline this season it'll be interesting to see what that is...otherwise I count this as a filler fanservice episode.
I agree wholeheartedly.

Honestly Jango Fett was a better character and Bounty Hunter. He actually took motherfuckers out.

Mando (Din Djarin) ALREADY has surpassed both Jango and Boba as far as coolness and capability.

.....But if you're going to have a Mandalorian show, you have to include Boba, so I understand....


Rising Star
yea boba was TRASH. niggas was obsessed with a bumbling bounty hunter that got inadevertly got worked by a blind man with a staff.

din djarin >>>> jango >>>> boba trash fett

Database Error

You're right dawg
OG Investor

"The Mandalorian season 2 premiere contains a major connection to A New Hope. Disney+ is currently streaming the first episode, with episode 2 arriving next Friday. The first episode of season 2 is nearly an hour long and it finds Din Djarin back on Tatooine with the Child as they search for another Mandalorian. Tatooine is a major destination in the Star Wars universe, mainly because it's the homeland of Anakin and Luke Skywalker. There are SPOILERS for The Mandalorian season 2 below.

When C-3PO and R2-D2 first arrive on Tatooine in A New Hope, the large skeleton of a snake-like creature can be seen in the background. Star Wars fans later found out that this was the skeleton of a Krayt Dragon, and one of them is featured alive in The Mandalorian's season 2 opener as the villain of the episode. It came as a shock to hardcore fans, and confused others who were not well-versed in the Krayt Dragon's history within the franchise, both in official canon and Legends.

The 1996 game the Star Wars: Customizable Card Game features a few Krayt Dragon cards, with one of them titled "Krayt Dragon Howl," which is a reference to Obi-Wan's shout that scares off the Tusken Raiders in A New Hope. As it turns out, the Jedi Master was mimicking the sound of a Krayt Dragon, a fact that was mentioned in the novelization for A New Hope. Now, Star Wars fans understand why the Tusken Raiders were so scared of that shout from Obi-Wan Kenobi, as they did not want to see a Krayt Dragon appear. This shows just how far Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni are going to satisfy new and old fans.

The Wild West-style season 2 opener of The Mandalorian goes a long way in humanizing the Tusken Raiders too. The raiders have a common enemy with Cobb Vanth's community in the Krayt Dragon, and they have to unite in order to take it down, even though they have fought against each other in the past. After they make their deal and work as a team to take down the Krayt Dragon, the Tusken Raiders start taking apart the insides of the massive dragon.

At the end of the episode, the Tusken Raiders pull out a Krayt Dragon pearl from the innards of the giant beast and they celebrate it. In the Star Wars universe, the pearls are incredibly valuable and can be used for lightsabers too. However, using a part of the Krayt Dragon pearl to set up a new lightsaber is rather difficult and takes a lot of time and effort. The pearl is featured in the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and Star Wars: The Old Republic video games, along with new canon material, most notably the Heir to the Jedi book, and now The Mandalorian. The episode proves that Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni are pulling from deep Star Wars lore to tell their new stories. You can head over to the official Disney+ website to stream The Mandalorian season 2."


Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
I'm not a boba fett fanboy so the episode was okay to me... Boba Fett was a one off character who had little effect on the story and DIED in Return Of The Jedi...yes he died, he was supposed to, you know why, because he's just a side character! I get it, Boba Fett is cool looking, with the helmet and the gear and jet pack, I totally get it, believe me. He's a space bounty hunter for cryin' out loud! If man ever colonizes space, I guarantee you there will be a line around the corner for intergalactic bounty hunter and I'll be at the head of it. I even had the classic Boba Fett poster as a kid.


So yes Boba Fett is the motherfucking man. But that doesn't negate the fact that he was just a side character. His fanboy popularity is the reason Lucas shoehorned him into the prequels and even in that it's pretty clear his presence is even more marginal than it was in 4 and 5. Every fan fiction story has Fett surviving the Sarlacc Pit so now I guess its canon with The Mandalorian.

I personally don't see a need to bring him back but fanboys keep creaming over him so I guess that's enuff of a reason...

Other than that it was an okay episode to me...just another adventure in his life... If that was setting up a more specific storyline this season it'll be interesting to see what that is...otherwise I count this as a filler fanservice episode.
I agree and season 2 episode 1 is all we need to see of boba fett. If he made a full appearance it would be so cheap


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
felt like a filler episode with spiders
yeah..and we see that baby Yoda is a douchbag too...I get the spaghetti western/lone wolf and cub feel of the show.. but I hope they get into something with more teeth story wise...I know you can't hit a home run every episode but the last two felt like base hits more than anything


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
I'm good with no more Boba. But the kid is there for merchandise. I knew that going in. They sneak in the cute shots to sell toys and keep casuals around. It's Slimer all over again so hopefully the rest stays solid. And am I the only one bothered by the constant egg thing?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm good with no more Boba. But the kid is there for merchandise. I knew that going in. They sneak in the cute shots to sell toys and keep casuals around. It's Slimer all over again so hopefully the rest stays solid. And am I the only one bothered by the constant egg thing?

no youre not... that shit wasn't anywhere as cute as they thought it would play....colllider did an article on it.. the fact that there isn't a slew of posts here after that episode is indicative of something about that episode that turned people off.

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Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
no youre not... that shit wasn't anywhere as cute as they thought it would play....colllider did an article on it.. the fact that there isn't a slew of posts here after that episode is indicative of something about that episode that turned people off.

Oh thank god.


Resident Cool Nerd
BGOL Investor
So many excuses out there.
"But chickens lay eggs..." "They weren't fertilized..."
Mofo chickens also don't walk and talk and work and contribute to society and collect paychecks to raise families. WTF. If a chicken walks up to me and complains about the amount of rent they have to pay then I'll stop eating chicken eggs.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Call it a filler episode if you want but i like this show. Its good to see a world of stawars that happening outside of the while Jedi vs Sith thing. New worlds new creatures and characters fresh stories to be told I'm all for it. Thats why i like the solo movie and I hope we get more movies like that in the future. On a side note I dont consider solo canon. I look at it as a one shot anthology type thing or legends basically because of the silly way they ga e his last name and how he met up with chewie. I look a the .i be as if Han solo story was told by the people closest to him but everybody's details are a little off.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Disney is doing the right thing with these Disney+ shows. They are damn near erasing the Kathleen Kennedy Sequel Trilogy from existence in focusing on stories that take place either directly after Jedi (as is the case with the Mandalorian) or prior to the Original Trilogy with the upcoming Obi Wan series.

They can ignore the failure of the sequel Trilogy and just focus on Star Wars stories that are closer to the time frame that was well loved.

Stop these faggits!

Jackie Reinhart is a lady
Disney is doing the right thing with these Disney+ shows. They are damn near erasing the Kathleen Kennedy Sequel Trilogy from existence in focusing on stories that take place either directly after Jedi (as is the case with the Mandalorian) or prior to the Original Trilogy with the upcoming Obi Wan series.

They can ignore the failure of the sequel Trilogy and just focus on Star Wars stories that are closer to the time frame that was well loved.
Yeah but they are kind of dancing on the edge of the new trilogy by having the new republic in it. I wonder if there is still an ongoing battle between them and the remna ts of the empire


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Why is there only one Darksaber? Why haven't the Mandalorians built more of them? Is its construction a secret that cannot be replicated?
That is because there has only been one Mandalorian who was ever accepted into the Jedi Order.


The Darksaber

Tarre Vizsla of house Vizsla, was was the only Mandalorian who ever joined the Jedi order.




The Jedi order allowed Tarre Vizsla to use the technology and training of how to build a lightsaber because every Jedi Knight must build his own lightsaber.


Tarre Vizsla combine the skills of creating in a light saber And created a unique blade and weapon that would be familiar to Mandalorian but in form and function and ability it would act exactly like a lightsaber.


It was the only one ever made. it was as unique as Tarre Vizsla himself.

After Tarre-Vizsla Death the Jedi kept in the dark saber in the temple on Coruscant. Pre-Vizsla of house Vizsla and Leader of Deathwatch an extremist Mandalorian group broke into the Jedi Temple On Coruscant during the clone wars and stole the darksaber back.


Pre-Vizlsa with Darksaber

The Mandalorians have always felt that the dark saber was their property and it was a point of contention among many points of contention the Jedi and Mandalorians had.


Pre-Visla dueling Obi Wan

Pre-Vizsla ancestor was Tarre Vizsla and he personally felt that his family owned the darksaber and should be with his clan.


Maul defeated Pre-Viszla in fair combat and won the Darksaber for time

The darksaber Became a weapon of mystery and reverence and anyone who wheels it has at least a claim to rule all of Mandalore.

The ability and how Tarre Vizsla built The dark Savior has been lost to history. No one knows if there was even a wrecker kept.
In any event the ability and secret died with Tarre Vizsla.

The Jedi and the Mandalorian so had had a terrible history and a bitter war that the Jedi was responsible for starting and relations have been terrible between them for hundreds of years.

I would imagine that there were other Mandalorians who are force he is hers or force sensitive but I have no interest in being involved in the Jedi and honestly vice versa.

It is a secret that has been lost to the ages.

The Darksaber was constructed 1000 years ago and yet it works just as well and efficiently today as it did then.

The Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus obtained the darksaber and trained the Mandalorian Sabine Wren of house Wren.

This clip if you’ve never seen it is a good encapsulation of the dark sabers ability strength and its use against a lightsaber.

Bo-Katan Kryze, Who was already legendary and a hero to the people of Mandalore finally for gave herself her past sins and accepted to rule Mandalore. She finally accepted the darksaber!

The Darksaber is currently in the possession of Moff Gideon.


Great summary, fam

Just a couple things:

1. It was said that Tarre-Vizsla was the 1st Mandalorian to join the Jedi Order so there may be other Mandalorian Jedi over the thousand years or so history. SW will need to fill in the blanks on that one.

2. Pre-Visla mentions that it was his ancestors that broke into the Jedi temple to reclaim the Darksaber during the fall of the Old Republic, not his current Clan House.

The Darksaber is dope :yes:
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm good with no more Boba. But the kid is there for merchandise. I knew that going in. They sneak in the cute shots to sell toys and keep casuals around. It's Slimer all over again so hopefully the rest stays solid. And am I the only one bothered by the constant egg thing?
Me too


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
no youre not... that shit wasn't anywhere as cute as they thought it would play....colllider did an article on it.. the fact that there isn't a slew of posts here after that episode is indicative of something about that episode that turned people off.

Here is my assumptions on the egg eating. Before baby yoda ate the eggs he touched the jar and the eggs moved towards him or he moved the eggs.

I think during that time he sensed they were evil and when they get to her planet she may not be as trust worthy as claimed to be.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So many excuses out there.
"But chickens lay eggs..." "They weren't fertilized..."
Mofo chickens also don't walk and talk and work and contribute to society and collect paychecks to raise families. WTF. If a chicken walks up to me and complains about the amount of rent they have to pay then I'll stop eating chicken eggs.
I think after baby yoda touched the egg jar he sensed they were evil. I don’t think the frog lady is as trust worthy as claimed to be and she not telling the full story.