Kennedy, Johnson, Abrams and company didn't understand Star Wars.
Surprising on Kennedy's part since she has been a film producer for almost 40 years.
I'm about to sound like a He-Man woman hater right now but fuck it....
Disney fucked up by focusing on marketing Star Wars to girls instead of focusing on the stories that already existed that had strong women characters.
The whole "forced" push to have Rey be the new Luke killed the sequel trilogy from the start.
I have no problem with a female lead, nor do most Star Wars fans, hell many of us have been clamoring for an Ahsoka series.
Disney just tried too hard to push Rey and the whole "Force is Female" shit that it really killed the excitement for fans that have been there since day one.
That and the terrible writing and dumb decisions like trying to include women in every aspect of Star Wars.
Whenever I play new Star Wars games on Xbox One or watch the new films, when they show female officers of the Empire or First Order, I'm like, GTFOH. Hearing a female voice as an Empire Commander takes me out of Battlefront 2. Dumb, I know, but why ruin a good thing.
The Empire was based on Nazi's. Hell, their uniforms looked like Nazi garb, yet Disney wanted to include women so bad they started putting them in the Empire and First Order?
That shit is just so unrealistic in this unreal galaxy we have grown accustomed to over generations.
The bad guys are almost ALWAYS CAC men.
When they started adding in Black and Asian females to the Empires ranks, it just reeked of forced inclusion with no real reason why.
There weren't any women in the Empire's ranks. Don't retcon that shit now.
There WERE women in the Rebel Alliance. X-Wing and Y-Wing pilots, hell Mon Mothma was the leader of the Rebel Alliance. Princess Leia...
I'm all for strong women characters so long as they give them something to do.
The way Disney set about making new Star Wars movies with female leads killed the excitement because these characters were just poorly written with no real reason to care for them.
Shit was corny in the sequel Trilogy. Corny in Rogue One. Corny in elements of Solo. The story mode in Battlefront 2.
Cara Dune, a strongman (woman) character CAN be an interesting character so long as they continue to allow her character to grow.
Bo Katan, Ahsoka, hell, would love to see Assajj Ventress make an appearance....
These are female characters that Disney could never create.
Hope we see more of them going forward. Favreau and Filoni seem to have a grasp of how to build their universe and satisfy all the fans without shitting on the past.