Star Wars: The Mandalorian (official Series Discussion Thread) Update (Season 3 drops Feb 2023)


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

Like Rogue One.... it's reminding me of how I felt when I first Watched Star Wars...



X-pert Professional
Platinum Member
This shit is so fucking good....

I can't deal with this once a week shit...


Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni .... Need to be assigned a Star wars movie..

Granted this has the budget of a Blockbuster ... but I need a full movie.
I'm waiting till they all drop


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Maybe The Mandalorian Should Just Be About Baby Yoda?
By Jen Chaney@chaneyj
Baby Yoda, doo doo doo doo doo doo … Photo: Disney+
Spoilers ahead for The Mandalorian’s first two episodes.
After watching the second episode of The Mandalorian, I have decided that the Disney+ series should change its name to Butch Boba and the Sundance Yoda. Or even better, it should turn its focus completely where it belongs: on Baby Yoda, the big-eyed infant that the Mandalorian takes into custody in his role as intergalactic bounty hunter. Then it could be called The Chronicles of Baby Yoda, and I can guarantee it would instantly increase the number of Disney+ subscriptions threefold. (Not that it needs any help in that department.)
The first episode of The Mandalorian, which debuted Tuesday, provided only a brief glimpse of Baby Yoda, who looks like a baby version of Yoda even though his (or her!) name is probably not Yoda. Baby Yoda is apparently 50 years old, which is still very young in Yoda creature years, so he has the appearance of a baby. And, oh my God, he’s cuuuuute. Look at him! He’s got peach fuzz on his little head, eyes as big as Dagohbah, and a nose that is just begging to be booped. This is a controversial statement, but I am going to make it anyway: Baby Yoda is more boopable than a porg. That’s right. You heard me.
There’s even more Baby Yoda to enjoy in episode two, because, seriously, there’s no way Disney would CGI-conjure something that adorable and not put it to more extensive use. Picking up from where the first episode left off, the Mandalorian begins to head back home with Baby Yoda and his floating crib in tow. The sight of the two of them together as they make their way across the sci-fi Western landscape is both lovely and hilarious. It’s like looking at a movie poster for Star Wars Presents: The Pacifier.


Throughout the episode, it’s obvious that Baby Yoda has the ability to use the Force, so it’s just a matter of time before he does it. That’s pretty much the reason we’re all watching now, right? Everything else that happens — Jawas stealing parts from the Mandalorian’s ship, his effort to get those parts back, and a ship-repairing montage that doesn’t last long yet feels like it goes on forever — is kinda dull. Once it’s hinted that Baby Yoda might be able to move shit with his mind, I’m just waiting for the moment when he will actually, telepathically move some shit.

That moment arrives when the Mandalorian has to battle a huge beast — I’m sure that beast has a name, but I’m too preoccupied with Baby Yoda to check Wookieepedia — and it becomes clear that he’s going to lose in devastating fashion. Then along comes Baby Yoda, who rises from his crib, unfolds his three, itty-bitty fingers, concentrates very hard, and freezes the beast in midair, thereby creating a new childhood-development milestone for parents to obsess over. (“Most kids aren’t able to do Jedi mind tricks until they’re around 50, but my Dylan did his first when he was only 2. Our pediatrician said she’s never seen anything like that before. Then she strongly suggested I limit his lightsaber time to just one hour per week.”)

Watching Baby Yoda use the Force is like watching a Pembroke Welsh corgi do yoga, or a kitten call an Uber, or a bunny look concerned while filling out his income taxes. It fits into a very specific subcategory of cuteness, which is Babies Doing Things That Are Clearly for Grown-ups. It’s cute because Li’l Yoda is a wrinkly wee child, but it’s extra cute because he’s a wee child behaving like an all-powerful elder. And, for the record, he’s succeeding.

As soon as he finishes his Force business, Baby Yoda drops back in his crib, clearly spent and ready for a nap. (By the way, what do you call it when Baby Yoda takes a nap? The Force doesn’t awaken! Classic Star Wars dad joke.) It’s hard to know what’s going on in that teeny head between those two batwing ears, but I’ve got to assume Baby Yoda is thinking, If this show is about the Mandalorian and how cool he is, how come I am the only one who can fend off killer pseudo-buffalo without a gun?

The bottom line is that Baby Yoda is the best part of The Mandalorian so far, and right now, the main thing persuading me to watch more episodes. Hear me now: If the Mandalorian brings that sweet little swamp dweller back to Werner Herzog’s Space Nazi and he actually kills him, as God is my witness, I will never watch another Werner Herzog film. Well, unless he casts Baby Yoda in it. Then, and only then, will I make an exception.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Maybe The Mandalorian Should Just Be About Baby Yoda?
By Jen Chaney@chaneyj
Baby Yoda, doo doo doo doo doo doo … Photo: Disney+
Spoilers ahead for The Mandalorian’s first two episodes.
After watching the second episode of The Mandalorian, I have decided that the Disney+ series should change its name to Butch Boba and the Sundance Yoda. Or even better, it should turn its focus completely where it belongs: on Baby Yoda, the big-eyed infant that the Mandalorian takes into custody in his role as intergalactic bounty hunter. Then it could be called The Chronicles of Baby Yoda, and I can guarantee it would instantly increase the number of Disney+ subscriptions threefold. (Not that it needs any help in that department.)
The first episode of The Mandalorian, which debuted Tuesday, provided only a brief glimpse of Baby Yoda, who looks like a baby version of Yoda even though his (or her!) name is probably not Yoda. Baby Yoda is apparently 50 years old, which is still very young in Yoda creature years, so he has the appearance of a baby. And, oh my God, he’s cuuuuute. Look at him! He’s got peach fuzz on his little head, eyes as big as Dagohbah, and a nose that is just begging to be booped. This is a controversial statement, but I am going to make it anyway: Baby Yoda is more boopable than a porg. That’s right. You heard me.
There’s even more Baby Yoda to enjoy in episode two, because, seriously, there’s no way Disney would CGI-conjure something that adorable and not put it to more extensive use. Picking up from where the first episode left off, the Mandalorian begins to head back home with Baby Yoda and his floating crib in tow. The sight of the two of them together as they make their way across the sci-fi Western landscape is both lovely and hilarious. It’s like looking at a movie poster for Star Wars Presents: The Pacifier.


Throughout the episode, it’s obvious that Baby Yoda has the ability to use the Force, so it’s just a matter of time before he does it. That’s pretty much the reason we’re all watching now, right? Everything else that happens — Jawas stealing parts from the Mandalorian’s ship, his effort to get those parts back, and a ship-repairing montage that doesn’t last long yet feels like it goes on forever — is kinda dull. Once it’s hinted that Baby Yoda might be able to move shit with his mind, I’m just waiting for the moment when he will actually, telepathically move some shit.

That moment arrives when the Mandalorian has to battle a huge beast — I’m sure that beast has a name, but I’m too preoccupied with Baby Yoda to check Wookieepedia — and it becomes clear that he’s going to lose in devastating fashion. Then along comes Baby Yoda, who rises from his crib, unfolds his three, itty-bitty fingers, concentrates very hard, and freezes the beast in midair, thereby creating a new childhood-development milestone for parents to obsess over. (“Most kids aren’t able to do Jedi mind tricks until they’re around 50, but my Dylan did his first when he was only 2. Our pediatrician said she’s never seen anything like that before. Then she strongly suggested I limit his lightsaber time to just one hour per week.”)

Watching Baby Yoda use the Force is like watching a Pembroke Welsh corgi do yoga, or a kitten call an Uber, or a bunny look concerned while filling out his income taxes. It fits into a very specific subcategory of cuteness, which is Babies Doing Things That Are Clearly for Grown-ups. It’s cute because Li’l Yoda is a wrinkly wee child, but it’s extra cute because he’s a wee child behaving like an all-powerful elder. And, for the record, he’s succeeding.

As soon as he finishes his Force business, Baby Yoda drops back in his crib, clearly spent and ready for a nap. (By the way, what do you call it when Baby Yoda takes a nap? The Force doesn’t awaken! Classic Star Wars dad joke.) It’s hard to know what’s going on in that teeny head between those two batwing ears, but I’ve got to assume Baby Yoda is thinking, If this show is about the Mandalorian and how cool he is, how come I am the only one who can fend off killer pseudo-buffalo without a gun?

The bottom line is that Baby Yoda is the best part of The Mandalorian so far, and right now, the main thing persuading me to watch more episodes. Hear me now: If the Mandalorian brings that sweet little swamp dweller back to Werner Herzog’s Space Nazi and he actually kills him, as God is my witness, I will never watch another Werner Herzog film. Well, unless he casts Baby Yoda in it. Then, and only then, will I make an exception.
Just to be clear, I am not attacking your post. With that being said, did they really post a monster ass spoiler in the title and then the next line warn you about spoilers?


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Just to be clear, I am not attacking your post. With that being said, did they really post a monster ass spoiler in the title and then the next line warn you about spoilers?

Oh DAMN....

sorry fam

you KNOW I usually check that...

but wait a minute upon further review

I thought this thread was ok for spoilers @fonzerrillii ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Oh DAMN....

sorry fam

you KNOW I usually check that...

but wait a minute upon further review

I thought this thread was ok for spoilers @fonzerrillii ?
Personally, I didn't care. (a) I knew the spoiler and (b) I am never naive enough to go on the internet and not expect to hit with a potential spoiler (when it happens, I just say fuck and keep it moving).

I just thought it was hilarious that the author put a spoiler warning in his article after spoiling the surprise in his big ass headline.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
Totally ok with the once a week. I ain't got time for super binge watchers shouting from the rooftops all of the major plot points on day 1. But 2 episodes every 5 days would be fine since they are so short.
Same here but my only complaint is the episode length.

First one as 40 minutes.

Second one was 30 minutes.

These need to be at least 50 minutes each.


Curry Is My God
BGOL Patreon Investor
Don't care about opinion pieces and critiques as I'm clueless about anything star wars outside of the movies.

I'm enjoying this slow burn journey and in it for the long haul.


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
No one confirmed anything. This Mandalorian is a new character.

Boba and Jango weren't true Mandalorians.


It was confirmed in “Clone Wars” that Jango was not a Mandalorian and the armor he had was not true Beskar. Also Jango Fett has stolen that armor from somebody.

Boba was a clone of Jango from Episode 2 “Attack of the Clones”.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It was confirmed in “Clone Wars” that Jango was not a Mandalorian and the armor he had was not true Beskar. Also Jango Fett has stolen that armor from somebody.
please post proof of Jango not being Mandalorian- give the ep # or wookieepedia entry

Jango's armor & later when Boba made an armor were dura steel because planet Mandalore had been stripped mined of almost all beskar


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
please post proof of Jango not being Mandalorian- give the ep # or wookieepedia entry

Jango's armor & later when Boba made an armor were dura steel because planet Mandalore had been stripped mined of almost all beskar
It's from one of the animated series Obwan asked as a mandalorian and he said Jango was not. We don't know if that story line is canon though.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
It's from one of the animated series Obwan asked as a mandalorian and he said Jango was not. We don't know if that story line is canon though.
The Clone Wars cartoon series is canon - and I've seen every episode....

I didn't see them address Jango as not being mandalorian
not in the eps with young Boba nor the eps built around Satine and /or Vizsla

Jango was not related by clan or house to any of the mandalorians in Clone Wars or Rebels -
clan Fett existed but it had no presence in any of the stories told in Clone Wars & Rebels


The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
please post proof of Jango not being Mandalorian- give the ep # or wookieepedia entry

Jango's armor & later when Boba made an armor were dura steel because planet Mandalore had been stripped mined of almost all beskar

If you have access to Clone Wars, the episodes were the Deathwatch episodes.

Those are listed in Season 2, Episodes 12, 13 and 14.

Episode 12 - The Mandalore Plot
Episode 13 - Voyage of Temptation
Episode 14 - Duchess of Mandalore

These were the episodes that showed us how the Mandalorian were split between siding with the Empire and the Rebellion.

I don’t have the episodes, I don’t have access to the episodes, I don’t have links and I don’t know the exact point of when they discussed Jango Fett.

I’m not 100% sure if Jango was talked about in these specific episodes, but I do know that him not being a Mandalorian was revealed in Clone Wars. I had seen the episode, but it has been years since I seen Clone Wars.

I hope that helps.


El Pirate Del Caribe
BGOL Investor
please post proof of Jango not being Mandalorian- give the ep # or wookieepedia entry

Jango's armor & later when Boba made an armor were dura steel because planet Mandalore had been stripped mined of almost all beskar
From Wookiepedia

"A Human from Concord Dawn, Fett was adopted by Mandalorian warriors following the murder of his parents and the disappearance of his older sister Arla in 58 BBY. Years later, he would go on to lead them through much of the Mandalorian Civil War as Mandalore."


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Its great well made series so far and I'm a bit confused with some of the "doesn't stand on it's own" or whatever complaints. I'll take this over the MeToo feminist stuff denying fans a better story line with the current SW trilogy.