Supreme Court rules Trump is immune from prosecution for "official" acts


Pope Gooch is currently brunching with the Devil.
LOL!! Not unexpected and surely expected.

That's why I laugh at a lot of the BGOL political pundits who claim to know so much about politics.

The movie "Vice" featuring Dick Chaney covers this.

Just to give you a reference. Another thing a lot of the highly opinined and uninformed don't have.

I mentioned this before and the same people dismissed the movie.

Presidents have to make dirty decisions. There isn't a leader alive who is going to give up immunity when it comes to making executive decisions.

They can't be concerned with the legal system when it comes to making every decision. Our legal system would eat anyone who was President alive.

It's bad enough that the legal system has tried to use sex hush money cases as legal precedent to deem a person unfit for office. Something that was strictly a personal matter was used simply for political gains.

Trump is no saint but if all you have on him is hush money and election fixing, then he looks like your typical DC politician. Our legal system is the same one that split up families to the point our birth rate is at a new low. Incarcerates with little morality.

If you want to make the US a even bigger shit show, give the lawyers the power over the politicians. You still get to elect the President,
Good or Bad. Do you really want the largest law firm in America a running the country?

We currently have politicians who have made the personal calls on good people dying and innocent people suffering. It's a lot more people than Trump who had a sigh of relief when the SCOTUS made their decision.
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Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dems need to be sending 1 message. Elect Dems until Thomas and Alito retire, replace them with liberal judges and undo all of this.
The Dems are controlled by the corporations. This system only works with free labor. Thats the only way the economies of scale works. Biden isn’t old and feeble. Joe Biden is complicit.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
The Dems are controlled by the corporations. This system only works with free labor. Thats the only way the economies of scale works. Biden isn’t old and feeble. Joe Biden is complicit.
Since that'e the case, nothing will ever change and there is no use in you paying attention to or commenting on any political posts or threads.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

No no no, SCOTUS. Do NOT try to quote Alexander Hamilton to support this horrendous immunity decision.

Hamilton's Federalist No. 77 *SPECIFICALLY* cites "prosecution in the common course of law" as a check on the president.

And you amateur historians just ignored it.

"Original intent" my ass. You're making it up as you go, in whatever way suits you.

Federalist 77:

Does [the presidency, as created by the Constitution,] also combine the requisites to safety, in a republican sense, a due dependence on the people, a due responsibility? The answer to this question has been anticipated in the investigation of its other characteristics, and is satisfactorily deducible from these circumstances; from the election of the President once in four years by persons immediately chosen by the people for that purpose; and from his being at all times liable to impeachment, trial, dismission from office, incapacity to serve in any other, and to forfeiture of life and estate by subsequent prosecution in the common course of law.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Bruv, are you interpreting the same news as everyone else is today or???
Man... I'm just saying that nothing is going to happen to this guy that will hurt him. He will die rich and never serve a day in prison.

The most important thing right now is to get out and vote.

Always vote!! Locally and nationally.

A lot of these politicians rely on certain groups in certain areas not voting.

Prove them wrong and show them how powerful one vote can be!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man... I'm just saying that nothing is going to happen to this guy that will hurt him. He will die rich and never serve a day in prison.

The most important thing right now is to get out and vote.

Always vote!! Locally and nationally.

A lot of these politicians rely on certain groups in certain areas not voting.

Prove them wrong and show them how powerful one vote can be!!!

That unfortunately doesn't serve me personally. I'm sitting it out until they offer something


The Legend
BGOL Investor
Sir please, republicons are trying to marry children, make child labor great again and keep getting caught Diddying kids. If fact you sound just like them just before they get caught. You might want to chill out with them MAGA talking points.

Dude is off his meds most of the time. He has no idea what he's saying.