Supreme Court rules Trump is immune from prosecution for "official" acts

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Trump is showing the world that you can fuck everything up to include the highest court in the land. This guy is a shit stain on America
Word. :smh:



Rising Star
Platinum Member
They keep trying to to diplomatic with these fools and every-time to go an extra mile to show their ass.

Term Limits should be on the table for the Supreme Court.
Because it’s not real. They’re playing Good Cop, Bad Cop. The intelligent people will say that the Overton Window is shifting. The Democratic Party has us on a conveyer belt towards annihilation.

They don’t want to make D.C a state because they refuse to get rid of the filibuster. They refuse to expand the court. They want us to vote ourselves into oppression. They want to show they’ve done the bare requirements to absolve themselves of evil. The first time in human history slaves voted for enslavement.

Folks really believe Thurgood had a dope statement instead of the US wanted to show the world that the Russians were exaggerating the truth about how we were being treated to the rest of the world.
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Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
These MAGA fools are all over social media saying his NYC fraud case and his felon case fall under his immunity :roflmao2: These idiots are dumb as rocks. Also now they getting mad and the MAGA politicians are getting scared cause I'm guessing they have figured out that immunity also applies to Dark Bardon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This is the part! It’s clear Trump is even more and now the SC just said you can do whatever and you’re immune?

I’m actually shocked they went that far.

It’s such a dangerous ruling for the entire country.

You better believe a 2nd term and who’s if longer Trump is going to push the absolute limits of what an unchecked POTUS can do.

Absolutely unconscionable ruling!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What's yours since I was responding to your post in the first place.
Slavery has changed throughout human history. The slavery we experienced was the worst.

As the former president avoids jail like Stevie Wonder avoids pedestrians walking against traffic, I’m left thinking about the Chris Rock joke about low expectation having brothers who are proud to declare they haven’t ever experienced incarceration.


Rising Star
One of the CRAZINEST things I’ve ever seen.

I’m TRYING to find someone that can rationalize why Justice for LIFE makes sense?
You are aware that the constitution was written by wealthy, white, male slave owners who typically ranted about freedom by day, and raped prepubescent slaves by night, are you not?

If you are, then it all makes sense.


Rising Star
Again, this is what they did in Poland, this is what they did in Hungary.

They stacked the courts. Once the strongman is in place, anything goes.

Putin has been "elected" how many years now?

Time to put these assholes talking about leaving dems behind on ignore.

It just got a whole lot real-er.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor

I'm reading the US v. Trump SCOTUS opinion myself. It is much worse than I expected. My thoughts below. A thread.
First off, the "absolute immunity" SCOTUS invents is Absolute. If it falls within "core constitutional powers" there is no order than can be given that can be reviewed by the courts AT ALL. Image
I'll expand on this later, but that means no court can review acts under Art. II, Sec 2 powers. Those powers include those of Commander in Chief, including state militias if called to fed service; AND THE POWER TO PARDON/COMMUTE. So corrupt

pardons are off the table. Image

SCOTUS affirmatively green-lights a number of very scary points in which it holds POTUS immune. LIKE FIRING ANY FEDERAL EXECUTIVE BRANCH EMPLOYEE AT WILL. Goodbye federal civil service. Image
Neither Congress nor the Courts - in SCOTUS's dystopian vision - can limit or "examine" POTUS powers. This even throws Congressional oversight into doubt. Image
If a foreign enemy gave a POTUS's son-in-law 2 Billion dollars in exchange for a core powers official act like blockading Qatar, I do not see how Congress or the Courts could do anything about that under this ruling.
This is one of the most terrifying sentences in the history of the Supreme Court. "We thus conclude that the President is absolutely immune from criminal prosecution for conduct within his exclusive sphere of constitutional authority."
Moving on to non-core powers. I assumed that SCOTUS would be skeptical of immunity there. I was dead wrong. SCOTUS imposes a virtually impossible test to any prosecution. Off the top of my head I cannot think of a single act a POTUS could not claim was immune Image
And so, POTUS is immune from basically any act related to any conduct that is discussed in the US code; or anything that any court has said is related to the US Code. That's not everything, but its everything if one is the slightest bit creative about claiming its everything
SCOTUS does conclude that there is no immunity for "unofficial acts" which sounds like it might be useful, but it isn't. Trump and the prosecution AGREED that some charged conduct was unofficial - Trump will never make that mistake again. Image
SCOTUS calls it a "difficult question" about whether ordering the VP to break the law was official. But its an easy question that illegal orders to the DOJ were official. Discussions with private parties? "difficult." The proposed test will mean that any savvy POTUS is immune.
SCOTUS outlaws inquiry into MOTIVE. So any act that can be said to be within the scope of any authority remains official and immune EVEN IF DONE AS THE RESULT OF A BRIBE. Image
Under any normal analysis of whether an act is within the scope of their job, one of the first questions is whether the act was illegal. But that doesn't matter for a POTUS. They can do corrupt, illegal things and be immunized, as long as it relates to an official act Image
Threatening DOJ officials who resist illegally weaponizing the DOJ? Official acts immunity. Image
Ordering the DOJ to aggressively pursue specific prosecutions and discussing individual investigations and prosecutions with the DOJ? Official acts immunity. Image
And of course we have already established that POTUS is immune from prosecution for firing a DOJ employee who won't play ball. And that no court or congress may inquire into whether that act was corrupt. (I wrote this before realizing SCOTUS specially emphasized this) Image
Immunity for ordering your VP not to allow the peaceful transfer of power. Image
The headline is that the case is remanded to see which acts were unofficial, but the tests above mean that they were all official because they involved federal elections. The case is over. We lost. Image
Trump's exhorting the crowd to attack the capital? "most of a President's public communications are likely to fall comfortably within the outer perimeter of his official responsibilities." THE CASE IS OVER. WE LOST. Image
I'm going to read the dissents too, but here is Chief Justice's snipe - it is absolutely gaslighting. This decision is a complete grant of immunity to POTUS for everything especially including corrupt pardons - which means its EVERYTHING and no can do anything about it. Image
Fxn "Justice" Thomas concurs that a POTUS can anything that he wants in weaponizing the justice department but finds an exception Special Counsel.
The dissenters agree with my conclusions above - this is a grant of absolute immunity, because it will be impossible to prove unofficial acts (and no POTUS would ever agree to that again). Image
The dissenters make an important point - the framers could have provided immunity - but they did not. (As I have repeatedly noted, Scalia, Thomas, Alito et al only go to the text when its convenient to their predetermined outcomes). Image
Justice Sotomayor attempts to game out how this works - and she agrees with my conclusion - POTUS is no longer subject to criminal law. Image
Assassinations of political rivals are only a crime if a prosecutor could prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it was not an official act. FCK. Image
Only judges can hold that a POTUS act is not immune. But POTUS can execute the judges. So that's that. The republic as we knew it last week is gone. I'm not sure what to say or do. Image


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This guy...

How much egg on your face before you realize the game is rigged? He won't face a single consequence of his many many crimes.
He’s white. They’re playing a different game than you. His role in the game is to throw you a bone whenever you come close to quitting. Democracy is a game of chance. Can you quit the game?