Supreme Court rules Trump is immune from prosecution for "official" acts


Rising Star
Platinum Member

proclaim a state of emergency, identify the usual suspects (Alito, Thomas, Congress members, and tRump) as the ENEMY COMBATANTS THEY ARE, and lock them the fuck up.

Those Kenyan soldiers aren’t really in the hemisphere for Haiti. They are here to protect us in our time of need.

Ain’t nobody coming to save us. What if Juneteenth being a holiday is to mark the day the war turned in their favor?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think someone is gonna do the thing we all wish was done if a certain person wins again. This is too much and I think someone will fall on their sword and do it.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor

This shit is pissing me off just as much as the Supreme Court.

All these assholes are grandstanding and making proclamations about what they're going to do knowing damn well they don't have a plan and that they will not have the numbers to get shit like this done since the Republicans will not play ball, not even the ones who on private are just as concerned about this ruling.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This shit is pissing me off just as much as the Supreme Court.

All these assholes are grandstanding and making proclamations about what they're going to do knowing damn well they don't have a plan and that they will not have the numbers to get shit like this done since the Republicans will not play ball, not even the ones who on private are just as concerned about this ruling.
Brother they could've done all that when we had the majority years ago it's just all BS at this point.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
Brother they could've done all that when we had the majority years ago it's just all BS at this point.

I agree that it's all BS but disagree about what they could have done when they had the majority since some of those Democrats came from areas that were very conservative and therefore could rarely vote in concert with other Democrats.


Zod's Son
BGOL Investor

A constitutional amendment requires a two thirds majority in both houses of congress and three quarters of the states.

It has zero chance of ever happening.
This shit is pissing me off just as much as the Supreme Court.

All these assholes are grandstanding and making proclamations about what they're going to do knowing damn well they don't have a plan and that they will not have the numbers to get shit like this done since the Republicans will not play ball, not even the ones who on private are just as concerned about this ruling.
Brother they could've done all that when we had the majority years ago it's just all BS at this point.
In Other Words...The Dems Will Do Nothing Because They Want to Fearmonger All the Way to November....Right Now Literally the Phrase "DO SOMETHING" Is Trending Number One on Twitter


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This shit is pissing me off just as much as the Supreme Court.

All these assholes are grandstanding and making proclamations about what they're going to do knowing damn well they don't have a plan and that they will not have the numbers to get shit like this done since the Republicans will not play ball, not even the ones who on private are just as concerned about this ruling.
If the Democrats were serious they would have erased every Republican seat in New York and California. If ain’t just politics, Jamal Bowman would run 3rd party. But if he doesn’t it reminds you he knew he was cooked years ago.


R.I.P. shanebp1978
BGOL Investor
True but getting republicans on record discussing it could be used against them

I hear you but I don't think it matters.

The Republicans have said and done so much wild shit without any repercussions that they know it will mean nothing.

This verdict should frighten and wake up everyone but I guarantee you in a week (if that) people will be back to talking about how old Biden is, abstaining from voting, both sides are the same, etc.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
A constitutional amendment requires a two thirds majority in both houses of congress and three quarters of the states.

It has zero chance of ever happening.

No, they are turning the temperature up to see how you respond. What is an official act? Let me guess, that has to be done by Congress and ratified into the constitution?

Good luck with that shit.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude They too Busy Trying to Have Decorum and Go High When They Go Low :rolleyes2:
Man, that ain’t nothing but white people sticking us back on the plantation in an orderly manner. I need those Mothafuckas to act like they did when Ukraine was under imminent attack.

That punk senator from Illinois is trying to sound like a nazi leading Jews into the chambers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm a little disappointed in Biden saying that he will continue to respect the limitations on presidential power. It sounds noble of him but also weak. The rpubs won't, so why should he. They need to understand that two can play that game and know he has time to make things happen to them. I mean if he's being accused of weaponizing the DOJ, then do it. The USSC just said it was OK for him to have direct control of that agency, so why not take a few dozen or more hand picked agents to mar-a-lago and arrest trump for selling secrets which is treason. Sounds official to me.