Tariq Nasheed VS Antonio Moore - FBA vs ADOS - The Fight Has Begun! [UPDATE] Now Attacking Byron Allen

Walter Panov

Rising Star
Yeah that’s the only one I could think of too but the volume of and level of vitriol is insurmountable in comparison to someone that looks like him. He on video calling that CAC Jared Taylor sir and shit :smh:
Yeah I remember that sir, sir BS. But against Dr. Umar Johnson and Roland Martin he made a least 2 shows each. He's the biggest, out-of-code, walking contradiction I've ever seen.


Rising Star
Yeah that’s the only one I could think of too but the volume of and level of vitriol is insurmountable in comparison to someone that looks like him. He on video calling that CAC Jared Taylor sir and shit :smh:
He looks for easy targets. That's because "He don't want it with Hov! No....!"

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Black Sexxxploitation

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is y’all’s hero. When all else fails, in with the corny jokes.

This is what Tariq does best. That's why he NEVER passes up a potential target if he deems them to be an easy mark. That's why almost every single seemingly civil disagreement he's ever had with anyone eventually morphs into a full-on long running feud. He doesn't have the intellectual stamina for a real political debate. That's why he always gives into his own admittedly petty nature and tries to play the shit off to his followers like it's cute. His followers continue to eat that shit up, almost as if they secretly know their zoot-suited emperor has no clothes.


A crowd pleasing man.
OG Investor
This is what Tariq does best. That's why he NEVER passes up a potential target if he deems them to be an easy mark. That's why almost every single seemingly civil disagreement he's ever had with anyone eventually morphs into a full-on long running feud. He doesn't have the intellectual stamina for a real political debate. That's why he always gives into his own admittedly petty nature and tries to play the shit off to his followers like it's cute. His followers continue to eat that shit up, almost as if they secretly know their zoot-suited emperor has no clothes.
This is when resorts to "bumper sticker" responses like "negro bed wench" & "butter biscuits". They're short, simple, and easy for his followers to grasp.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dr. Darity is cool but he is an employee of Duke University.

Byron Allen is being exposed everyday what his lawsuit is really about.

The disappointment is the lack of research our community does and rely on mainstream media which DOES NOT HAVE TO REPORT FACTUAL INFORMATION. @roots69 has posted the law several times. These “news” outlets are all spreading propaganda to appease their benefactors and the sheep fall for it every time. It’s pathetic.

Heres that Act/Law that has allowed the media the ok to push false propaganda on the citizens!! This law was hidden inside another law and was signed in the middle of the night..

h.r. 5736 smith-mundt modernization act 2012-- Read and understand the act/laws we are living under.. Its time to remove the rose colour glasses and stop fall for these distraction and start seeing what going on right in front of your faces... Then again, dont!!!!!



Transnational Member
And go back to using the green book to travel across America?


We had black Wall Street which is a perfect example of how to reverse the effects of slavery. The wealth gap has been made worse because of integration into highly racially biased white, Asian, Indian companies that dominate the market and preferentially hire their own for the last 50 years. Slavery has played a part but we have made it worse with integration.

To counter the effects of this, you are going to have to start businesses with a racial bias towards ADOS. It is that simple. There are a lot of opportunities such as retail, hospitality, fast food, real estate, banking, etc. It does not need to be a complete segregation. When you go grocery shopping it is at a black-owned store, you pay for your food with a credit card from a black bank.

Their solution is begging for reparations and using our political power to force a politician to agree. Antonio Moore is a clown that needs to sit down. This is why we don't need anymore lawyers in government making business decisions.


The faculty at HBCUs is considerably more diverse than the faculty at predominantly white institutions. For example, data in a recent article in Diverse Issues in Higher Education, which used 2013 data from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), revealed that 56 percent of full-time faculty members across 99 HBCUs were black, 25 percent were white, 2 percent hispanic and 10 percent Asian. By comparison, on the national level in 2011, 79 percent of full-time faculty were white, 6 percent black, 4 percent hispanic, and 9 percent Asian or Pacific Islander, according to data from the NCES.
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FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
Hmmm, could it be this scam is all for medical bills?:idea:

You can’t mink slide like you used to at 50.

This is a ploy to play on sympathy. This muhfucka ain't in no real pain. He's trying to subliminally raise donations aside from The Hidden Colors Conference.
I remember him claiming to have a family of racoons and rats in his attic that caused roof and electrical damage...hint, hint, hint...the Building Fund needs an inflow. :lol: :money::money::money:


BGOL Investor
We had black Wall Street which is a perfect example of how to reverse the effects of slavery. The wealth gap has been made worse because of integration into highly racially biased white, Asian, Indian companies that dominate the market and preferentially hire their own for the last 50 years. Slavery has played a part but we have made it worse with integration.

To counter the effects of this, you are going to have to start businesses with a racial bias towards ADOS. It is that simple. There are a lot of opportunities such as retail, hospitality, fast food, real estate, banking, etc. It does not need to be a complete segregation. When you go grocery shopping it is at a black-owned store, you pay for your food with a credit card from a black bank.

Their solution is begging for reparations and using our political power to force a politician to agree. Antonio Moore is a clown that needs to sit down. This is why we don't need anymore lawyers in government making business decisions.


That's not what I asked you. Do you want us to go back to traveling the US with the Greenbook?


Rising Star
OG Investor
And go back to using the green book to travel across America?
Nah, he wants us to live on the equivalent of a Indian reservation, leaving the most prosperous country in the world to start another one. And those immigrants coming from Africa and the Caribbean? Oh we won’t have to worry about them anymore, cuz out of the America we leave and the America we form, guess which one they will want to immigrate to. Duh.

Those people are already leaving all black ethnic nations, the very type he wants to make, as if they aren’t already made lol


Rising Star
OG Investor
That was corny, but the stans will think it' funniest thing next to Patrice O'neil.

I cant front, some of Tariq's antics are funny, but this aint it
Shit reminds me of the pimpin Curly skits 50 cent made , while Rick was dropping smash hits, and still is. Luckily for 50, he was able to move into tv, cuz in music he’s irrelevant.


Transnational Member

We had black Wall Street which is a perfect example of how to reverse the effects of slavery. The wealth gap has been made worse because of integration into highly racially biased white, Asian, Indian companies that dominate the market and preferentially hire their own for the last 50 years. Slavery has played a part but we have made it worse with integration.

To counter the effects of this, you are going to have to start businesses with a racial bias towards ADOS. It is that simple. There are a lot of opportunities such as retail, hospitality, fast food, real estate, banking, etc. It does not need to be a complete segregation. When you go grocery shopping it is at a black-owned store, you pay for your food with a credit card from a black bank.

Their solution is begging for reparations and using our political power to force a politician to agree. Antonio Moore is a clown that needs to sit down. This is why we don't need anymore lawyers in government making business decisions.


It works like this you buy something at a large mega company started by a white founder in a predominately black area. They may have all-black employees at that location to appear diverse. However, the headquarters is located in a predominately white area. They retail other products that are biased towards whites in their store. Every dollar that you put in, the black community will get back less after each cycle. I call this racial inflation where your purchasing power decreases over time relative to other groups. Because these other groups are gaining wealth and your purchasing power is decreasing over time it becomes harder and harder to survive. It would be equivalent to taking somebody from a poor country and requiring them to pay our prices with their dollar a day wages. One of things that have helped is imports from low wage countries like China. Once that is taken away, that is when you will feel the effects of integration with a larger hostile group.

During segregation we might have had less money compared to whites but we had access to cheap goods and services made by us that we could buy. It is hard to quantify wealth differences during and after segregation. This graph is misleading because the whole economic dynamics have changed. During segregation it was like we were a separate country so comparing their money to our money would not work even though it looks the same. Integration forces us to buy their expensive products with their higher wages which his analysis excludes.

We are the opposite of somebody from Mexico that sends their money back home and can buy everything up. Here we send our money back home, to buy expensive products made by whites with higher wages. We need economists that can track this data and understand what is going on.


BGOL Investor
It works like this you buy something at a large mega company started by a white founder in a predominately black area. They may have all-black employees at that location to appear diverse. However, the headquarters is located in a predominately white area. They retail other products that are biased towards whites in their store. Every dollar that you put in, the black community will get back less after each cycle. I call this racial inflation where your purchasing power decreases over time relative to other groups. Because these other groups are gaining wealth and your purchasing power is decreasing over time it becomes harder and harder to survive. It would be equivalent to taking somebody from a poor country and requiring them to pay our prices with their dollar a day wages. One of things that have helped is imports from low wage countries like China. Once that is taken away, that is when you will feel the effects of integration with a larger hostile group.

During segregation we might have had less money compared to whites but we had access to cheap goods and services made by us that we could buy. It is hard to quantify wealth differences during and after segregation. This graph is misleading because the whole economic dynamics have changed. During segregation it was like we were a separate country so comparing their money to our money would not work even though it looks the same. Integration forces us to buy their expensive products with their higher wages which his analysis excludes.

We are the opposite of somebody from Mexico that sends their money back home and can buy everything up. Here we send our money back home, to buy expensive products made by whites with higher wages. We need economists that can track this data and understand what is going on.

You still haven't answered my question about us going back to the Green book to travel since you want us to segregate.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dr. Darity is cool but he is an employee of Duke University.

Byron Allen is being exposed everyday what his lawsuit is really about.

The disappointment is the lack of research our community does and rely on mainstream media which DOES NOT HAVE TO REPORT FACTUAL INFORMATION. @roots69 has posted the law several times. These “news” outlets are all spreading propaganda to appease their benefactors and the sheep fall for it every time. It’s pathetic.

Bruh, you know I put the ACT/LAW up for to read and even put a video that explained the law.. Only a few kats commented on it.. These people tell you what their doing right in front of our faces, but nobody want to read whats being done... Im going to keep putting the laws and videos up, sooner or later our people gotta snap outta the trance/illusion/dream!!!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
#blexit is about “minorities”. That excludes the so-called black Native American as people in this thread have effectively made us 4th class citizens with their voting habits.

And yep, with Obama’s trickery there would be no #blexit or trump
b..b..b..but..... obama


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was a 5 star post and you should continue to share it.

Of course they won’t read it because it isn’t on MSNBC or in Roland Martin and Rachel Maddow’s show. That is where they get all of their information.

And they wonder why we are the least respected people on the planet. The most powerful held down by the weakest all because of brainwashing and sellouts :smh:

Bruh, you know I put the ACT/LAW up for to read and even put a video that explained the law.. Only a few kats commented on it.. These people tell you what their doing right in front of our faces, but nobody want to read whats being done... Im going to keep putting the laws and videos up, sooner or later our people gotta snap outta the trance/illusion/dream!!!!