Tariq Nasheed VS Antonio Moore - FBA vs ADOS - The Fight Has Begun! [UPDATE] Now Attacking Byron Allen


Rising Star
Tariq FBA conference isn't really necessary, we already got the attention of the Democrats... I don't see a need unless he's aiming for CNN and MSNBC to speak on it if it's a packed event but looking at the numbers he won't break 100k...

People are kinda tired of the donating thing at this point, we need the Dems to move now... no need for the donations anymore...

No offense to Tariq I stand by dude, he gets the streets amped up but this even is unnecessary.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This fool is debating with an actual business lawyer.....smfh.

Tariq is just sloppy.

So Jared Taylor, Stephen Miller, Milo Yiannofagulous, them atomwaffen fags James Mason or Brandon Russell and that other far right wing fascist fucker from Breitbart wasn't available for the gilling eh? :confused::rolleyes:


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Tariq's conference funding seems to have stalled.
Niggas tired of paying for his exotic family vacations bruh, it’s holiday time, kats gonna spend that dough on they own kids, not his crumb snatchers...plus Yvette buried that nigga

He will still get to keep whatever he has raised: "This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its funding goal."

And I guarantee this convention won't ever happen.

This fool is debating with an actual business lawyer.....smfh.

Tariq is just sloppy.

Sloppy in a sense but it caters to his audience. Tariq has a street nigga mentality and a disdain for formal education, just like his audience does. So dissing "nerds" like this guy, Tone, and Yvette, is right up their alley. They think they know more than people who are formally educated and trained in a subject.

Fox News does this kind of shit with scientists who study climate change.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was a 5 star post and you should continue to share it.

Of course they won’t read it because it isn’t on MSNBC or in Roland Martin and Rachel Maddow’s show. That is where they get all of their information.

And they wonder why we are the least respected people on the planet. The most powerful held down by the weakest all because of brainwashing and sellouts :smh:

How is it, its so hard for the masses to see this shit!!! I dont get it!! A part of me wants to say fuck it and another part of me cant let that happen!! Ill keep putting up all this public record information!! One day, they gotta see whats going on right in front of their noses.. A large percentage of our people have bought into a dream that has imprisoned our minds!!!
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BGOL Investor
i already answered your question, YOU dont like the answer.

my turn,
how are you comfortable begging for reparations by forcing a politician to agree, when we have NO POLITICAL POWER?

Who's begging for reparations? ADOS?

And your answer is bullshit. Blacks should be able to live anywhere they want in the United States. Segregation robs them of that.


Rising Star
Who's begging for reparations? ADOS?

And your answer is bullshit. Blacks should be able to live anywhere they want in the United States. Segregation robs them of that.

so just like you accused @COINTELPRO of not answering your question, i see you cant answer questions either.

fitting, but expected.

you're confused, segregating ourselves doesnt mean we CANT live anywhere we want, its us CHOOSING to segregate in order to get our bearings.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He will still get to keep whatever he has raised: "This campaign will receive all funds raised even if it does not reach its funding goal."

And I guarantee this convention won't ever happen.

Sloppy in a sense but it caters to his audience. Tariq has a street nigga mentality and a disdain for formal education, just like his audience does. So dissing "nerds" like this guy, Tone, and Yvette, is right up their alley. They think they know more than people who are formally educated and trained in a subject.

Fox News does this kind of shit with scientists who study climate change.

Quite honestly, I don't see Tariq maintaining his popularity going into the 2020s, I think by 2030 he'll be done and making his living doing something else, especially when you consider he'll be rounding 60 by that time. This younger generation, that is starting to come of age after the Millenials are going to much quicker to question things and Tariq is not going to be able to insult his way out of things, we are starting to see that now.

This nigga is a country boy from Alabama turned street nigga from LA and it seems he's had the greatest run of a luck that a street nigga can have to end up with a cute wife, kids and a million dollar house but that's simply not realistic for a lot of people and I think when people dig into that, it will further the disconnect with the coming generation.
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That is pricey plus he’s been getting a lot of money from Ados already for his past work. Is this conference actually going to do anything? This can’t be similar to the Million Man March which just was a waste of time going to DC to hear a speech. A speech that could’ve been heard over the radio,
Woah! Did you go to the Million Man March in 95? That was a beautiful day. For black men to mobilize like that and shut DC down was a beautiful experience. To be able to greet your brothers from different cities and not be no smoke was beautiful. To see the NOI and the FOI in the crowd was striking. For one day, one week a lot of black men were moving in one direction we could’ve did so much more with that knowledge of self we got that day. My God that was a beautiful day. I am so thankful to had been able to experience it.


Rising Star
In some ways yes but you and the other brother were talking about physical segregation (where we chose to live).
(physical) sure, it doesnt have to start out that way. they control too much for us to start out like that. we have to build up to it.

history tells me they will never respect us so 100% separation is the only solution

as on board i am with that idea i also feel we need other cultures in order to thrive

but we have to work on US first

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor
I’m going to start keeping these tweets. This muthafucka isn’t coming back from this.

Not to mention the recent Jason Derulo post gives him another excuse to post a bare chested man......smfh.



Rising Star
Quite honestly, I don't see Tariq maintaining his popularity going into the 2020s, I think by 2030 he'll be done and making his living doing something else, especially when you consider he'll be rounding 60 by that time. This younger generation, that is starting to come of age after the Millenials are going to much quicker to question things and Tariq is not going to be able to insult his way out of things, we are starting to see that now.

This nigga is a country boy from Alabama turned street nigga from LA and it seems he's had the greatest run of a luck that a street nigga can have to end up with a cute wife, kids and a million dollar house but that's simply not realistic for a lot of people and I think when people dig into that, it will further the disconnect with the coming generation.

Obama opened up the doors for all these niggas to become philanthropist and make money hustling feelings and emotions, I thinking the whole thing might be done soon as everyone is tired of talking and nothing getting done. Also these cats getting money off youtube and other speaking events so their gonna piss off their low income fans and cats who not doing well.

Tariq is already running outta steam but he had a great run, a huge come up at the right time since the macking is pretty much dead on 2010 and beyond, hoes don't care about that stuff they want them white girl benefits now that street stuff is a dead lane.

So he went pro black at the right time and came up with some movies, dvds and speaking arrangements but it's a dead hustle since it's recycled material now and he knows that, same with Crispy cash, dude is done, kissing his audience ass to pay his bills...

It gets boring after a while, just knowledge to say you got...it's all gonna die eventually. Tariq did well for hisself considering where he came from and never went to school. I expect him to get hitched on some liberal site once his youtube and podcast die down and I think it will, he's still recycling information from years back. He'll get hitched on some little group and do some behind the sceens work to keep up his bread.


Greatest Of All Time
BGOL Investor
Obama opened up the doors for all these niggas to become philanthropist and make money hustling feelings and emotions, I thinking the whole thing might be done soon as everyone is tired of talking and nothing getting done. Also these cats getting money off youtube and other speaking events so their gonna piss off their low income fans and cats who not doing well.

Tariq is already running outta steam but he had a great run, a huge come up at the right time since the macking is pretty much dead on 2010 and beyond, hoes don't care about that stuff they want them white girl benefits now that street stuff is a dead lane.

So he went pro black at the right time and came up with some movies, dvds and speaking arrangements but it's a dead hustle since it's recycled material now and he knows that, same with Crispy cash, dude is done, kissing his audience ass to pay his bills...

It gets boring after a while, just knowledge to say you got...it's all gonna die eventually. Tariq did well for hisself considering where he came from and never went to school. I expect him to get hitched on some liberal site once his youtube and podcast die down and I think it will, he's still recycling information from years back. He'll get hitched on some little group and do some behind the sceens work to keep up his bread.

Tariq is fall off proof. Half of his subscribers are his haters who keep him relevant. Soon as Tariq tweets or goes on IG, Mr. Met or exiledcoon are posting it. :lol: Fall off proof I said. :yes: And these "Tariq is done" threads have been made the last 5 years on BGOL (same as Dame Dash who lives better than 98% of the board) and Tariqs movies and notoriety continues to grow despite the fact. Hc5 is his most successful film to date and its the most recent. Tariq has 40 to 50,000 more subscribers than other more "celebrated" black youtubers, has relationships with mainstream media, and has helped a looooooot of other folks make money the last 10 years in the so called "conscious" community. That never gets mentioned for some reason. Not to mention hes one of the few public figures to openly address WS before it became fashionable. Until an alternative is presented, Tariq will still have threads devoted to him on BGOL 5 years from now just like they were 5 years ago.

This thread itself was supposed to be the end of ADOS but morphed into a Tariq vent session. Meanwhile FBA ADOS still working and I havent stopped posting the ADOS thread so...


Rising Star
Tariq is fall off proof. Half of his subscribers are his haters who keep him relevant. Soon as Tariq tweets or goes on IG, Mr. Met or exiledcoon are posting it. :lol: Fall off proof I said. :yes: And these "Tariq is done" threads have been made the last 5 years on BGOL (same as Dame Dash who lives better than 98% of the board) and Tariqs movies and notoriety continues to grow despite the fact. Hc5 is his most successful film to date and its the most recent. Tariq has 40 to 50,000 more subscribers than other more "celebrated" black youtubers, has relationships with mainstream media, and has helped a looooooot of other folks make money the last 10 years in the so called "conscious" community. That never gets mentioned for some reason. Not to mention hes one of the few public figures to openly address WS before it became fashionable. Until an alternative is presented, Tariq will still have threads devoted to him on BGOL 5 years from now just like they were 5 years ago.

This thread itself was supposed to be the end of ADOS but morphed into a Tariq vent session. Meanwhile FBA ADOS still working and I havent stopped posting the ADOS thread so...

Fam I've known about Tariq since early 2000s when I was a youth, I actually bought "The act of mackin" way back in the day. I got no hate for Tariq at I and I respect his hustle but it gets tired consuming information all day without making no money or getting anything back from it. Tariq just turned it into a hustle he fucked a young peanut off the backs of niggas who bought his books with him being easily 20 years old than her least 15 years.

My point was Obama kinda showed everyone how a lot of these hustles work and they getting tired now.

Everybody blew under Obama, Bill Oriely become rich ten times over bashing O.

Tariq is 50 now so how much beard coloring and hair transplants can he do? He's getting past his audience in terms of age and we see how we respect the elders they do farewell with the youth like that.


Rising Star


Rising Star
Quite honestly, I don't see Tariq maintaining his popularity going into the 2020s, I think by 2030 he'll be done and making his living doing something else, especially when you consider he'll be rounding 60 by that time. This younger generation, that is starting to come of age after the Millenials are going to much quicker to question things and Tariq is not going to be able to insult his way out of things, we are starting to see that now.

This nigga is a country boy from Alabama turned street nigga from LA and it seems he's had the greatest run of a luck that a street nigga can have to end up with a cute wife, kids and a million dollar house but that's simply not realistic for a lot of people and I think when people dig into that, it will further the disconnect with the coming generation.
By 2030? Shit..I predict by 2021 he'll be begging Fox News to hire him as their in house, house negro.


Rising Star
OG Investor
Bitch, stay the fuck out this conversation. You fucking foreigners always sticking your noses in Black American business. What the fuck Ados has to do with you?

Fucking immigrants feel this entitlement shit. This shit has got to stop. Bitch, you foreigners have your own countries to go to. But ain’t shit popping there.

But you couldn’t get ahead in your own country that’s why you came here to reap what Ados fought for. You were too lazy to do it in your own black countries.

you sound dumb as fuck...but then again you have a whole decade's worth of portfolio exposing you for the self hating bitch ass nigga that you are. I said it once, i'll say it again. I am pretty sure some african dude snatched your girl from you a while back and that's why your dumb ass stay on africans' dicks. go fuck yourself. trust me, you don't want to use the "anybody is lazy" narrative to describe Africans cos if that's the game you wanna play, you will lose big time. even your master tariq himself has said it on numerous occasions, african immigrants are one of the the most educated demographic if not theee educated demographic in america, period. he himself said it. we come here, we work hard, we go to school and we do what we gotta do. are some of us lazy? of course. there are plenty of lazy ones. no one has a monopoly on laziness...but if you reeeeeeallly wanna play that game, trust, we can go there. I have never been one to play that whole Africans vs African-Americans divide game and it pisses me off when anyone from either group does it either. that's why i am so dissapointed in tariq ever since he's switched gears and has injected this false narrative that just about everything that ails ADOS is because of non ADOS immigrants. do you realize how retarded that sounds? but then again he needs dumbasses like you to feed you that garbage and make money of you cos you can't think for yourselves. your feeble mind really thinks for a minute that true ADOS by itself can accomplish much without non ADOS blacks? your dumb ass really thinks that? maan, your mother should've swallowed you.


BGOL Investor
I’m going to start keeping these tweets. This muthafucka isn’t coming back from this.

Not to mention the recent Jason Derulo post gives him another excuse to post a bare chested man......smfh.

So dude has turned into the black Tucker Carlson?