The Batman (2022) Starring Robert Patterson (Spoilers Discussion Thread)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Circle the wagons.
White boys wont have any complaints about this Selina Kyle because she almost looks white. I got nothing against Kravitz, she’s fine. But I bet you won’t hear one person complain that Selina Kyle is traditionally white.


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
Not a fan of Batman just walking through a barrage of bullets like a T-100 Terminator. I appreciate them making sure it's known that the suit is bulletproof but Batman is still all bout creating fear and intimidation through ninja-like stealth
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not a fan of Batman just walking through a barrage of bullets like a T-100 Terminator. I appreciate them making sure it's known that the suit is bulletproof but Batman is still all bout creating fear and intimidation through ninja-like stealth

Right. Even though I'm still hyped to see the movie. Batman walking through bullets isn't something that needs to be overdone. And they had two scenes where he gets shot at point blank range in the trailer. If Batman is in that position, it's because he's exhausted his options and shit has really hit the fan, but he still one step ahead. Seeing him just say fuck it and walk up folk shooting guns isn't how he'd handle goons he could have easily outsmarted.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
[better than I thought it would be as far as trailer.. this movie giving me the 2nd Batman with Michael Keaton vibes.. a darker look.. funny how the same characters penguin and cat woman were in both that movie and this 1 to give that darker vibe.. I like that vibe


Retired ManWhore
BGOL Investor
that shit demonstrates that these writers and director never understood Batman
sameway Snyder doesn't get Superman

Makes me wonder how & why these writers & directors don't consult with the people who do the animated movies especially the Batman ones. The animated stories & representation of how Batman gets down has been spot on. It's ridiculous how out of touch the live-action movies are in comparison to the animated ones


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Now if only DC would get the mainline DCEU Batman straightened out..they better just go with Keaton after The Flash movie and honor Affleck's wishes since he said he's done


Potential Star
BGOL Investor
Not sure how I feel about the Moonlight star taking the batman role. It almost looks like Robin borrowed Batman's costume while Bruce was on vacation. Still looking forward to it though. Just hope the character doesn't come out bisexual.