FAR the funniest thing I have seen ALL WEEK!!!!
I assume someone smart as already started a Gotham central Twitter account...
Cause if no, they losing out. FAR the funniest thing I have seen ALL WEEK!!!!
This is gonna win awards for costumes set design editing make up score and cinematography
Cause it LOOKS incredible
Just wow the director and writer had a very distinct vision
And on screen so far?
It looks epic
But that don't make a good movie.
Fingers crossed we will soon see
nopeThis is gonna win awards for costumes set design editing make up score and cinematography
yes... I'm seeing the gaps
yes... I'm seeing the gaps
granted this isn't finished product...
issues - editing of fights and fight choreography
the Bat costume...
and Paterson...
mofos gave the whole movie away in the trailer dam....Covid Batman in 3 months
mofos gave the whole movie away in the trailer dam....
It looks okay, feels like it could end up being underwhelming, Something just doesn't let me get excited for this. There's just a lack of intensity or any one moment that grabs me, it's like I've seen all these bits and piece before, a bit of begins(color pallet, look of Gotham) a little ertha Kitt catwoman, a little year one, a little heath ledger type spin on riddler, just make it younger. I guess I'm also not the biggest fan of Matt reeves so that's throwing me off. I can't say I'm very excited. With that said I'm going in cautiously optimistic that it'll at least be good.
Hell it can't be worse than the matrix.(come back to this comment after the premiere to see if these are famous last words)
<geek>It's got Nolan,Timm, Burton, '66, Tim sale, etc influences
Fingers crossed I actually WANT to see a good batman movie.
Unrelated to this Batman installment but.....
Saw the DC cinematic sub Reddit in shambles over The Flash movie leaks. This is what I found.