The Batman (2022) Starring Robert Patterson (Spoilers Discussion Thread)


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The Batman

A new knight rises


PRAISE: Director/writer Matt Reeves and writer Peter Craig take this Batman film close to the perfect level of 2008's The Dark Knight.
With a moody, noir and modern atmosphere Reeves weaves threads of loss,revenge, and vengeance.
Robert Pattinson is great as Bruce Wayne/ Batman as he wears sympathy on his sleeve there is also a coldness to him all while pushing full steam ahead in his crusade for justice. Andy Serkis was good as the ever doting Alfred still hopeful for Bruce.
There is a bit of an uneasiness to the "partnership" between Jim Gordon ( Jeffrey Wright) and Batman. Pattinson and Wright are the perfect dynamic duo.
The rest of the Gotham P.D still chafes at Batmans presence for the most part.
Paul Dano is perfect as the deadly,clever psychopath The Riddler.
I could tell Reeves stepped back and said ok man do your thing.
Zoe Kravitz is stunning and turns in a stunning performance as Selina Kyle/Catwoman . She also wears her emotions on her sleeve. She and The Bat don't see eye to eye at times but the actors have great chemistry.
I kept looking for Colin Farrell as The Penguin beyond the great make up job but this guy takes role immersion to another level.The voice, the mannerisms...amazing!!
I also must applaud John Turturro and Peter Sarsgaard for their roles in the movie.
The action sequences are great combined with a thunderous score by Michael Giacchino.
Secrets and revelations are plentiful which I loved....all giving the film dramatic weight and then some.There was definitely a Se7ven and Zodiac vibe throughout the movie.
There are some nice nods to Batman shows and films from the past.

PROBLEMS: It was odd how one obvious answer to a riddle plagued a few of the characters for at least half of the movie.
A couple of story threads were predictable.One predictable thread in the story really stood out because it was so unusually sinister for a certain character.
I started to feel the films almost 3 hour length when final act started being pieced together.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8½

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Slight spoiler in 2nd paragraph

They are absolutely bumping Detroit techno in the nightclub in ‘The Batman’


The Batman, the latest film installment featuring the popular DC Comics superhero, gets a wide release on Friday. We caught a preview screening on Tuesday and we are pleased to report that there is a nightclub depicted in the film, and they are 100% absolutely bumping Detroit techno in it.

The club in question is the Iceberg Lounge, which also serves as the home base for the series villain the Penguin. In this version, it's portrayed as a post-industrial club with a warehouse rave vibe, the kinds that Detroit used to be known for in the '90s and early 2000s. So it's perhaps unsurprising that they chose to soundtrack one scene there with the 2020 track "Frisk," a collaboration between Detroit techno icon Kevin Saunderson and U.K. DJ Patrick Topping.


Darth Furious

Platinum Member

I stopped too

I was sick of writing for like 2 different ESPN shows.

BRO. Stop playing my nigga. I thought that one of them cats was actually YOU in real life.

First time I heard no homo on TV my wife looked over at me like WTF? Same thing when we would go to the movies and hear a line of dialogue I wrote for one thing show up in a whole different film I even worked on.

Its clear we STAY influencing the culture from the shadows.

I'm ready!!

Yes sir! People going be losing their minds over this shit. Not in the way No Way Home hit folks but in a real good way!

Btw: Pano Dano hasn’t been this good since There Will Be Blood.


Winslow Wong

Rising Star
BGOL Gold Member
I liked not loved this movie - Lots to like about it - Heath Ledger is still the GOAT of Batman villains though Colin Farrell's Penguin is a great character - Jon Tuttoro's Carmin Falcone is slimy and I think way better than Eric Roberts' Falcone (Correction ER played Maroni not Falcone) . I don't know why everyone thinks paul dano did such a good job to me he was ok -

Now to BGOL content - I have never found Zoe Kravitz attractive, I used to see her in Manhattan at a Starbucks all the time and she looked like a aneroxic heroin addict - not attractive at all - so I was meh on her playing Catwoman because my barometer on Catwoman is do I want to fuck her - overall they have been giving us Cat Women I would like to fuck even up to Ann Hathaway who was just on the border - ironically the old Batman Series had Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt - both of whom had my young mind racing - so with that being said - I wanted to fuck Zoe Kravitz in this movie - she was just sexy from her first scene to her last - yeah she cleaned up good.

The one thing I have problems with is little women beating big grown men - one Batman shut that shit down real quick - appreciated that - second for the other men she fought - she used a quick elusive style that worked for her size and it didn't irk me so much - she wasn't trying to out muscle them bit finesse them and go after weak points and joints - think Judo master from Peacemaker

Overall - I liked the movie - Its dark tone is reminiscent of Zack Synder and the Syderverse with a bit of David Fincher thrown in for good measure.

An interesting thing I noticed - this movie was shot as an R but I guess WB wanted a PG-13 so there are several scenes completely blurred out that would seem like an artistic choice but were done to reduce the R rating. Similar to Tarantino making the big fight scene in Kill Bil black and white to prevent the movie from getting an NC -17
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Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Ending sets up for Joker in the next movie but don't see which Joker it will be.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For those that have seen it already, how was the cinematography? One early complaint that I've heard is that the movie is very dark, like that White Walker vs. Winterfell battle on Game of Thrones dark. Not sure I want to spend 3 hours trying to make out what the hell is going on in intentionally dimly lit scenes of Gotham.


Rising Star
OG Investor
I liked not loved this movie - Lots to like about it - Heath Ledger is still the GOAT of Batman villains though Colin Farrell's Penguin is a great character - Jon Tuttoro's Carmin Falcone is slimy and I think way better than Eric Roberts' Falcone. I don't know why everyone thinks paul dano did such a good job to me he was ok -

Now to BGOL content - I have never found Zoe Kravitz attractive, I used to see her in Manhattan at a Starbucks all the time and she looked like a aneroxic heroin addict - not attractive at all - so I was meh on her playing Catwoman because my barometer on Catwoman is do I want to fuck her - overall they have been giving us Cat Women I would like to fuck even up to Ann Hathaway who was just on the border - ironically the old Batman Series had Julie Newmar and Eartha Kitt - both of whom had my young mind racing - so with that being said - I wanted to fuck Zoe Kravitz in this movie - she was just sexy from her first scene to her last - yeah she cleaned up good.

The one thing I have problems with is little women beating big grown men - one Batman shut that shit down real quick - appreciated that - second for the other men she fought - she used a quick elusive style that worked for her size and it didn't irk me so much - she wasn't trying to out muscle them bit finesse them and go after weak points and joints - think Judo master from Peacemaker

Overall - I liked the movie - Its dark tone is reminiscent of Zack Synder and the Syderverse with a bit of David Fincher thrown in for good measure.

An interesting thing I noticed - this movie was shot as an R but I guess WB wanted a PG-13 so there are several scenes completely blurred out that would seem like an artistic choice but were done to reduce the R rating. Similar to Tarantino making the big fight scene in Kill Bil black and white to prevent the movie from getting an NC -17

Same here on the like not love.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
For those that have seen it already, how was the cinematography? One early complaint that I've heard is that the movie is very dark, like that White Walker vs. Winterfell battle on Game of Thrones dark. Not sure I want to spend 3 hours trying to make out what the hell is going on in intentionally dimly lit scenes of Gotham.
Close but not GOT dark got to realize Batman did majority of is work at night, and Gotham in the comics has always been a dark dime lit place that's what Tim Burton based his Batman off of till the studios had him add the neon lights in the third film. This movie went back to basics and is not a kids movie.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I enjoyed it.

Way different tone from any other batman film but it worked out well. I can see a nice trilogy on this batman.

This batman world is for sure self contained with no other superheroes lurking. I guess DC does better on the non connected films. They love the crazy mental cac shit though.

Jeffery Wright is a hell of an actor. Perfect for the role. Dude got range, dude played people's, mlk and Gordon lol
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Movie was fire af!!! When he started The Vengeance mobile(lol) I lost my shit. Loved him being the detective in the suit. Reminded me of the Arkham games. Figuring out clues was just as important if not more than the action. Using the fire extinguisher as the Batsmoke was cool. I loved the year two aspect. He’s still figuring it out but already has some knowledge and skills. I honestly feel he lost the fight but learned from it. Him not catching everything was beautiful. Reminded me of how the Avengers can’t win every battle. Sometimes heroes lose. The fight scenes were done fairly well. You could see the action. The car chase was dope af. I actually liked this portrayal of Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler and Gordon.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Movie was fire af!!! When he started The Vengeance mobile(lol) I lost my shit. Loved him being the detective in the suit. Reminded me of the Arkham games. Figuring out clues was just as important if not more than the action. Using the fire extinguisher as the Batsmoke was cool. I loved the year two aspect. He’s still figuring it out but already has some knowledge and skills. I honestly feel he lost the fight but learned from it. Him not catching everything was beautiful. Reminded me of how the Avengers can’t win every battle. Sometimes heroes lose. The fight scenes were done fairly well. You could see the action. The car chase was dope af. I actually liked this portrayal of Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler and Gordon.
I'm ready to go see it again


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Dam. Even wit emo Bruce Wayne and Catwoman?
Shit was fire.
You get the detective version of batman
Even more grounded than the nolan films
I heard it described as the movie Seven with Batman. Pretty accurate take.
To me it feels the most Batman out of all the Batman movies. Nothing corny in it.
If you are a fan of Batman from the comics you're going to be like this is fucking Batman.
Its long though so be prepared

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Movie was fire af!!! When he started The Vengeance mobile(lol) I lost my shit. Loved him being the detective in the suit. Reminded me of the Arkham games. Figuring out clues was just as important if not more than the action. Using the fire extinguisher as the Batsmoke was cool. I loved the year two aspect. He’s still figuring it out but already has some knowledge and skills. I honestly feel he lost the fight but learned from it. Him not catching everything was beautiful. Reminded me of how the Avengers can’t win every battle. Sometimes heroes lose. The fight scenes were done fairly well. You could see the action. The car chase was dope af. I actually liked this portrayal of Catwoman, Penguin, Riddler and Gordon.
Dude.. When that muthafucka roared to life I was SOOOO fucking glad I was in an Imax theater.

I swear that scene had its own theme for the vengeance mobile (which I believe had traces of vaders imperial March to it.)

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
Dam. Even wit emo Bruce Wayne and Catwoman?
I had no hopes for this movie and hated every incarnation of the penguin.

This movie made me like the vengeance mobile (which I hated when I first saw pics of it) the penguin was nicely done and emo Bruce worked for this modern day and age.

Another item I hated based on the pics and trailer was the bat suit (especially the cowling) imo it made him look more like the owl from the watchman than batman.

But in practicality and action scenes it works.

darth frosty

Dark Lord of the Sith
BGOL Investor
I have to do something I thought I would never do... I have to give thanks and props to Warner Brothers! At long last they got it right.

Instead of shrinking a movie to come in at a two-hour limit, so they can have more showings, they allowed this masterpiece to run its full necessary course of almost 3 hours for the fans.
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Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Dude.. When that muthafucka roared to life I was SOOOO fucking glad I was in an Imax theater.

I swear that scene had its own theme for the vengeance mobile (which I believe had traces of vaders imperial March to it.)

Lmao! Same here, bro. The way it started then it kept building up and building up until he took off!!! Then the music!!!! My G, the music during that scene was everything!!! I don’t cats will understand. Lmao


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I'm ready to go see it again

Man, if I didn’t have to work this weekend I would! I have to go to matinee showings because these people nowadays have no respect for shit. Talking all loud and shit throughout the entire movie, couples arguing and shit throughout the entire movie, kids asking 1500 fucking questions throughout the entire movie and shit! I go early these days just avoid that entire problem. Lol