This was just lazy! Batman meets an incel(s)!?!?! It starts off WAY too much like Punisher: War Journal or Rorschach.
Bruce doing the: 'You're not my father!' to Alfred, he was too old to have that kind of attitude. By this age he should be able to see that he has put his life on hold to care for him and his parents estate.
I get this is a younger Batman so he isn't as refined as the Batman we're all used to, but this guy was trained at a MMA gym not by the League of Shadows. Used NONE of the fear tactics that he has been known to use (granted still a less refined Batman, but still NOTHING?)
Batmobile stalling was a nice touch.
Last couple of "Batman" movies the legacy of Thomas Wayne has been taking a beating!!! Joker made him seem like Trump and this he's hanging out with mob bosses.
I think everyone is desperately trying to avoid the Christian Bale Batman voice.
They started off with the Riddler being a serial killer, but then turned him into someone pissed off that they didn't get asked to prom which was a let down. I was expecting this Kevin Spacey 7even guy and they ended with: 'I'm an orphan and nobody cared for me, but they cared about the most successful family in our city orphan.' If I was an incel, I'd be offended!
The scene with Batman and Riddler at Arkham was hard to watch. I DON'T know you identity, but let me give this long drawn out speech that makes you think I do.
The relationship with Batman and Gordon was LAUGHABLE! He just walks Batman into an active crime scene with what looks like AN ENTIRE POLICE FORCE!!! Fcuk, even a public defender would be able to get you off due to a technicality this big. It just takes one cop to talk shyt on Facebook and any case that involved Gordon or Batman gets thrown out.
Catwoman was not really Catwoman. She was more Helping out a friend-woman, so they just shytted on her character.
Didn't use the acting ability of Andy Serkis, practically neutered him. He is a good actor and an even better director. So that was just a waste, but he exists in both MCU and DCEU so I am not mad at him.
I thought the movie was weak Robert Pattinson was not a good Batman and a less convincing Bruce Wayne