The Coon Catalogue

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
who Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash has long been hailed by the Black community as an ageless beauty with classic love-interest potential. She played Dionne Davenport in the ‘90s cult classic movie and subsequent television series Clueless. She was also the lead role on VH1’s “Single Ladies” for a short-lived season, before unexpectedly walking away from the show. But aside from appearing in a few rap videos, failing to launch a singing career, and starring in a particularly explicit webisode, Dash’s career has been relatively lackluster.
On the white mans dick

  • Shots Fired: Dash tweeted, “Vote For Romney. The only choice for your future. @MittRomney @TeamRomney #mittromney #VOTE #voteromney,” plus a photo of herself wearing a red bikini in front of the American flag last October.
  • Shots Fired: “God does everything for a reason @Paula_Deen Only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show (only way she can get me to cook),” Dash tweeted in June.
  • The 46-year-old actress, who doesn’t shy away from her conservative views, was appalled by the media mogul drawing a comparison between Martin’s killing and that of 14-year-old Emmett Till. Winfrey felt the case of Till, who was killed in Mississippi in 1955 during the Civil Rights movement for allegedly flirting with a white woman, was the same as Martin’s. “If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing – Malcolm X,” Dash tweeted Aug. 16. She then included a link to a Fox News story that slammed Winfrey for her comments adding, “Shame on you @oprah.” Read more:
  • “Do you care that The Jay-Z's have taken the capital you have given them,” Dash tweeted, “and funded a communist oppressive regime?”
  • In regards to President Obama "I feel like he could give a sh** -- excuse me -- he could care less."
  • Asserted on Wednesday that Jada Pinkett Smith was a “hypocrite” for expecting some black actors to be nominated for an Oscar while the black community was enjoying special privileges like Black History Month and the BET channel.







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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
who Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash has long been hailed by the Black community as an ageless beauty with classic love-interest potential. She played Dionne Davenport in the ‘90s cult classic movie and subsequent television series Clueless. She was also the lead role on VH1’s “Single Ladies” for a short-lived season, before unexpectedly walking away from the show. But aside from appearing in a few rap videos, failing to launch a singing career, and starring in a particularly explicit webisode, Dash’s career has been relatively lackluster.
On the white mans dick

  • Shots Fired: Dash tweeted, “Vote For Romney. The only choice for your future. @MittRomney @TeamRomney #mittromney #VOTE #voteromney,” plus a photo of herself wearing a red bikini in front of the American flag last October.
  • Shots Fired: “God does everything for a reason @Paula_Deen Only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show (only way she can get me to cook),” Dash tweeted in June.
  • The 46-year-old actress, who doesn’t shy away from her conservative views, was appalled by the media mogul drawing a comparison between Martin’s killing and that of 14-year-old Emmett Till. Winfrey felt the case of Till, who was killed in Mississippi in 1955 during the Civil Rights movement for allegedly flirting with a white woman, was the same as Martin’s. “If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing – Malcolm X,” Dash tweeted Aug. 16. She then included a link to a Fox News story that slammed Winfrey for her comments adding, “Shame on you @oprah.” Read more:
  • “Do you care that The Jay-Z's have taken the capital you have given them,” Dash tweeted, “and funded a communist oppressive regime?”







stacy dash isn't a coon, she's a bed wench!! :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
who Stacey Dash

Stacey Dash has long been hailed by the Black community as an ageless beauty with classic love-interest potential. She played Dionne Davenport in the ‘90s cult classic movie and subsequent television series Clueless. She was also the lead role on VH1’s “Single Ladies” for a short-lived season, before unexpectedly walking away from the show. But aside from appearing in a few rap videos, failing to launch a singing career, and starring in a particularly explicit webisode, Dash’s career has been relatively lackluster.
On the white mans dick

  • Shots Fired: Dash tweeted, “Vote For Romney. The only choice for your future. @MittRomney @TeamRomney #mittromney #VOTE #voteromney,” plus a photo of herself wearing a red bikini in front of the American flag last October.
  • Shots Fired: “God does everything for a reason @Paula_Deen Only God can judge your heart BTW my daughter loves your show (only way she can get me to cook),” Dash tweeted in June.
  • The 46-year-old actress, who doesn’t shy away from her conservative views, was appalled by the media mogul drawing a comparison between Martin’s killing and that of 14-year-old Emmett Till. Winfrey felt the case of Till, who was killed in Mississippi in 1955 during the Civil Rights movement for allegedly flirting with a white woman, was the same as Martin’s. “If you aren’t careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed and loving the people who are doing the oppressing – Malcolm X,” Dash tweeted Aug. 16. She then included a link to a Fox News story that slammed Winfrey for her comments adding, “Shame on you @oprah.” Read more:
  • “Do you care that The Jay-Z's have taken the capital you have given them,” Dash tweeted, “and funded a communist oppressive regime?”






Make it so bad dude used to beat her ass also

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
who Stephen A. Smith

Stephen Anthony Smith is a former American sports journalist, now talk show host, and television personality. He currently hosts The Stephen A. Smith and Ryan Ruocco Show on ESPN Radio New York 98.7 FM, and is a featured columnist for
where Cooning regularly on ESPN
  • on 1st Take that white people have been more progressive in our upward mobility than we have, and before that he said black celebrities are afraid to speak out out because they don't want to ruin their chances on Madison Ave & Hollywood. So let me get this straight white people have done more to help the black community, and at the same time they've muzzled us so we don't jeopardize our chances at fitting in with them

  • “We all make mistakes. It forces me to look at my community and be intellectually honest about this. In sports, when we go into the locker room and we hear the music blaring … we hear pro athletes echoing these same words. Most in the black community would be hypocrites if we denied that we used the word ourselves. Obviously it’s different when we hear the word from someone outside of our community. With the level of comfort Riley Cooper used the word, what responsibility do we have when we use the word in the presence of people outside of our community? The black community must ask ourselves do we play a role in the ease that it comes out of other people’s mouth?” Smith said.




moar coonin
defending Mark Cubans "hoodie remarks"

Wishes Every Black American Would Vote GOP for One Election
defending the CAC Atlanta Hawks owner
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Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

I aint getting into this who is/isn't a coon convo. It bugs me to see mofos turn on niggas for voicing their opinion. To me voicing an honest opinion isn't cooning. Deion and Chuck didn't say that shit to pander to white people, they said that shit because that's what they believe. I disagree but I dont think them to be coons.

I hate when people throw words out like that. Some people are coons (Patterson) but most of the time people that are coon calling can't properly articulate their opposition to a particular thought or idea.

How do continental Africans, people who are directly under the true emperialism from the white power structure, view us? They can make a case that every black person in America is a coon for living, working and contributing to a social and economic paradigm that overtly denigrates sons and daughters of the african diaspora. I'd disagree with them but they use the same line of thought thats goin on in this thread.

Moreover, what qualifies someone to label someone a coon. People callin coon would have to live and die two times to enhance the black experience more than some of the guys they are attacking. Y'all know how many black kids Deion has sent to school. I know two guys that made it through college on Barkley scholarships. Gates, West, Smiley, Powel!

This whole convo saddens me. I wish we can get to the point where we can agree that there is not a black monolith and we all wont agree with each other and leave it at that.

True cooning is self-denigrating so the coon will ultimately lead to their on demise even if it is personal, moral or spiritual, so why pile with wasted energy by calling names.

The ironic part of all of this is the coon callers lend validity to the true coons by even acknowledging them. They implicitly say, see I'm legit because black people hate me! Our goals should be to debate and engage in discourse that will enhance our cognitive abilities when we disagree. If the person you're engaging with doesn't care to contribute to positive discourse, then ignore them and don't shed any light to their nonsense! We do a lot of fire fanning by even acknowledging some folks!

I'm conflicted about your post. On one hand, I agree that calling someone a coon is divisive. On the other hand, any black person who eagerly denigrates other black people so that he or she can publicly show support for whites (whites who don't really care about them, btw) - IS a coon and/or an Uncle Tom.

The stakes for black Americans are far too fucking high for us to allow people like Deion or Chuck Barkley (good men though they may be) to get away with that kind of brainless tapdancing.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Ben Carson

Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr., is a retired American neurosurgeon. Among other surgical innovations, Carson did pioneering work on the successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the head
2013 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

Politics and medicine collide as Doctor Ben Carson criticizes the Affordable Care Act, which went into effect October 1.

“Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is, in a way, it is slavery,” Dr. Carson said.[/B]

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Rising Star
When Dr. Carson came out of the Coon Closet, that pissed me off! I use to look up to this guy. But, now fuck this stupid, tap dancing feet shufflin', boot lickin', cupcake, bitch ass COON!:hmm:

Ben Carson

Benjamin Solomon "Ben" Carson, Sr., is a retired American neurosurgeon. Among other surgical innovations, Carson did pioneering work on the successful separation of conjoined twins joined at the head
2013 Values Voter Summit in Washington, D.C.

Politics and medicine collide as Doctor Ben Carson criticizes the Affordable Care Act, which went into effect October 1.

“Obamacare is really, I think, the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery. And it is, in a way, it is slavery,” Dr. Carson said.[/B]



Rising Star
Homie, it can't be both ways.

I know Obama is our president, but he is the face of the government that we all agree is responsible for the oppression of blacks.

I said the other day that, Obama seems to be a very conflicted human being. On one hand, he seems to have great compassion for the common man. On the other hand, there are things he cosigns/enforces whatever, that is completely out of touch with the common man.

There is no way to be innocent, and be the president of the United States of America. It's just not possible.

The issue is, many of us are finding it difficult to reconcile our admiration for our black president, with the realities of the position he holds.

I get it, tho'. We'd rather plunge our head in the sand, and only look at all the positive things Obama has done. He has done positive things. That's undeniable. But, the job he signed up for will not only allow him to go but so far w/ his good deeds, but it will force him to get on board with shit that has a very negative impact on not only black Americans, but many people around the world.

I can understand anyone who feels that the Prez has not done enough for blacks in America or the African continent, but to place him in this category makes no sense. All of the OPs candidates have shown or voiced disdain for the black community but I wouldnt go that far with Obama. The Zimmerman case brought a lot of folks out of the closet beacuse they couldn't relate to Trayvon. Obama did and as a sitting President at that. How often have we seen the leader of the free world ever speak out on a racially device issue and in the favor of blacks. Most would stay mum or distance themselves from their black roots, but he identified with them. This is not the first time either. He spoke out against racial profiling on a national stage when Henry Louis Gates was arrested for trying to enter his own home. In both of these situations, he enfuriated the white community for relating to his black side. Claim he hasn't done enough but please don't put him in this category.


International Member

I fail to see the coonery of this quote, did you miss and post the wrong pic? Break it down for me, bruh...

Mr. Met

So Amazin
BGOL Investor

I fail to see the coonery of this quote, did you miss and post the wrong pic? Break it down for me, bruh...

He doesn't see Republicans as racist.

The truth is they're both racists but that talking point resonates with CAC conservatives.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What gets Pres Obama off the hook for some is his past and present. The fact that he has a Black Wife, Black kids, did "Pro-Black" things in the past etc. But at the end of the day Pres Obama is working under the same regime that most of the other guys that you all posted did. And he's playing the role according to how they want him to play it...saying slick shit...just not as blatant as the why cant he be considered a coon?

Simple, O does operate out of self-hate & he is in a unique situation none of the others mentioned are in. He carries himself with dignity. He got a beautiful black wife, which he loves & respects. His kids seem like they have sense.

Sent from the terrordome via Tapatalk

King of Pain

Potential Star
BGOL Investor a "Coon" anyone who has an opposing or conservative point of view? I get it with the Larry Elders and Armstrong Williams and Stacy Dashes of the world that seem to take a conservative position for profit, but does disagreeing with the common path on subjects regarding our culture make one a coon?