The Coon Catalogue

big pimp

Rising Star
What gets Pres Obama off the hook for some is his past and present. The fact that he has a Black Wife, Black kids, did "Pro-Black" things in the past etc. But at the end of the day Pres Obama is working under the same regime that most of the other guys that you all posted did. And he's playing the role according to how they want him to play it...saying slick shit...just not as blatant as the why cant he be considered a coon?


What about you?

Don't you hate black men and date nothing,but white men?

Why the fuck do you clown ass niggas keep quoting that fucking man esther? Seriously, why the fuck?!?@!?%!@#$ He's a fucking gay white man who's in love with white men. He is the epitome of jackass and you niggas quote him every chance you fucking get.

big pimp

Rising Star
What gets Pres Obama off the hook for some is his past and present. The fact that he has a Black Wife, Black kids, did "Pro-Black" things in the past etc. But at the end of the day Pres Obama is working under the same regime that most of the other guys that you all posted did. And he's playing the role according to how they want him to play it...saying slick shit...just not as blatant as the why cant he be considered a coon?



The Dark Lord
BGOL Investor
I was struck speechless by that HK Edgerton bullshit. I'd heard of him but had no idea this was what he was about.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor

"Did someone say cooning???



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Here's another one....a huge one......

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

:smh: this shit here is hard to watch for some reason. Looks like a Dave Chapelle or In Living Color skit it's so over the top.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster

That's really not what we're talking about here. This thread is chock full of ingratiating, step 'n' fetchit-ass negroes who go out of their way to diminish their people so they can curry white favor.

thats why i havent once answered this question in my own thread. They KNOW what a fucking COON is. I want even enterain their questions :hmm:


Transparent, tasteless, odorless
OG Investor

Point out the negativity my brotha. Post the threads that have this so called 'history'. Call me out. I fuckin dare you.

That's how you phony ass niggas operate. When your ideas are challenged and you have ZERO credible response you go to the 'he must be white' defense. I could be purple and your ideas are still bullshit.

Like I said, post my history or shut the fuck up.

Everyone can click on your posts and see the hate out your pores, still haven't forgotten you downing the achievement of that 16yr old black girl who passed the bar exams

But I will oblige you for 2 mins and post your shit

Soooooo....why are there more black people in jail than white people? Even proponents of the "blacks commit more crimes on a percentage basis than whites theory" don't have an answer to that question.


so why would we send love out to them when we get none in return don't make sense does it?

i don't understand it.

love us and show love back to us

let everything else figure itself out

empathy towards a group that is actively hunting our men and children

actively dissing our women and trying to hold them to standards of beauty that isn't meant for them?

actively passing laws to fuck us up

actively trying to shame us actively trying to control our very speech?... and ONLY our speech?

There is no "us".

Boycott Florida For Trayvon
Trayvon who?:hmm:
Ol fake ass internet black pantha. Go back to playing Xbox.

Game Changing Mission? African Americans Could Invest $230 Billion In Africa By 2017
Unless africa starts selling luxury cars, hair weave, and gym shoes, I don't see this plan working out to well.

Florida teen (Black Woman) makes history as youngest person ever to pass UK bar exam

This is total bullshit. And before you morons break out the coon gifs I ask that you google "Liberty University" first....

I think I will like to rest my case after 2 mins

Go play in some traffic you negative motherfucker!


Man of the People
Has anyone (especially on BGOL) ever defined coon? Or is it a general term used on BGOL to describe various Black people take issue with?


Rising Star
Has anyone (especially on BGOL) ever defined coon? Or is it a general term used on BGOL to describe various Black people take issue with?

I think it depends. If you're with white women? = Coon.
If you don't support your community? - Coon.
If you bask in or BEG for white acceptance? = Coon.

I offer exemptions. To me a coon has to know or have access to their true history in order to be a coon. A black person never exposed to their history can't be called a coon, they've just been kept as a house pet by the whites. They don't know any better.

But when you've been to college? Been out in the world? Have seen the degradation heaped upon your own people? And you still want white acceptance? Still do not see the truth? Well you're just a plain old coon.


Man of the People
I think it depends. If you're with white women? = Coon.
If you don't support your community? - Coon.
If you bask in or BEG for white acceptance? = Coon.

I offer exemptions. To me a coon has to know or have access to their true history in order to be a coon. A black person never exposed to their history can't be called a coon, they've just been kept as a house pet by the whites. They don't know any better.

But when you've been to college? Been out in the world? Have seen the degradation heaped upon your own people? And you still want white acceptance? Still do not see the truth? Well you're just a plain old coon.

Coon has become BGOL's go-to word to describe various Blacks they have taken issue with. The lack of a clear cut definition or context makes the word useless which is only exacerbated by its over-usuage on this board.

The reality is coon is just an insulting term for Black people. It has no real context to the type of Black person as it's historical context is likening Blacks to raccoons. So black people calling other black people coons are simply calling them black. It's fucking silly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I think the true definition would be a black person who is or at least seems (based upon their words/behavior, etc) more comfortable and/or happy not just being amongst and seemingly accepted by white people, but taking that to another level where they obviously get gassed up by saying things about their own race that they know certain white people want to hear. You can almost sense that they're thinking "see white folks...I'm not like those other black people... I think everything you do and have done is great, and we should stop harping on past/present wrongs and just emulate you and blame ourselves for everything".

It doesn't have to be a conservative black person, but these days it usually is (or at least they stick out more).

Any black person who voices an opinion that's disagreeable to another black person. :hmm:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Coon has become BGOL's go-to word to describe various Blacks they have taken issue with. The lack of a clear cut definition or context makes the word useless which is only exacerbated by its over-usuage on this board.

The reality is coon is just an insulting term for Black people. It has no real context to the type of Black person as it's historical context is likening Blacks to raccoons. So black people calling other black people coons are simply calling them black. It's fucking silly.

Spoken like a coon or cac ! U just answered ur question

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Man of the People
and he still no get it :D

Sent from my Note using Tapatalk 2

Get what? I asked what does coon mean because this board throws the word around freely with no clear definition of what the word means? What is the context of the word? Who does it apply to? When should it be used instead of tossing it around whenever a Black person disagrees with the BGOL popular belief?

If I call you coon, what does that mean? If I call you a Tom, that is clear. If I call you a pickaninny or a samba, those are clear. Coon is a slur derived from the word Raccoon. It is a word used by whites to describes black in general. So black people calling other black people coons means what? Nothing in context!

Debates like this reminds me that this board is primarily a porn board that attracts people primarily interested in porn. Logic and critical thinking are not part and parcel with porn hunting.


Rising Star
Coon has become BGOL's go-to word to describe various Blacks they have taken issue with. The lack of a clear cut definition or context makes the word useless which is only exacerbated by its over-usuage on this board.

The reality is coon is just an insulting term for Black people. It has no real context to the type of Black person as it's historical context is likening Blacks to raccoons. So black people calling other black people coons are simply calling them black. It's fucking silly.

I just said mine. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. It's not what you said. Your opinion is yours. Mine is what counts ;)


Man of the People
I just said mine. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. It's not what you said. Your opinion is yours. Mine is what counts ;)

coon (kn)
1. Informal A raccoon.
2. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.
[Short for raccoon.]

Coon Blacks Probably refers to the Portuguese word for slave pens or barracks "baracoons". Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal.

Now after these definitions, for those who want to argue, please explain how this word definition fits into the context that the word coon is used on BGOL. I'll be waiting.


Get what? I asked what does coon mean because this board throws the word around freely with no clear definition of what the word means? What is the context of the word? Who does it apply to? When should it be used instead of tossing it around whenever a Black person disagrees with the BGOL popular belief?

If I call you coon, what does that mean? If I call you a Tom, that is clear. If I call you a pickaninny or a samba, those are clear. Coon is a slur derived from the word Raccoon. It is a word used by whites to describes black in general. So black people calling other black people coons means what? Nothing in context!

Debates like this reminds me that this board is primarily a porn board that attracts people primarily interested in porn. Logic and critical thinking are not part and parcel with porn hunting.

porn does not Prevent logical critical thinking u stupid cac. u asking some shit like, "teach me to dance?" u can be shown the steps, but not given the rhythm. brothers 'know' when they around a coon. when we see coons coonin, cac, its obvious
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Rising Star
coon (kn)
1. Informal A raccoon.
2. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person.
[Short for raccoon.]

Coon Blacks Probably refers to the Portuguese word for slave pens or barracks "baracoons". Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal.

Now after these definitions, for those who want to argue, please explain how this word definition fits into the context that the word coon is used on BGOL. I'll be waiting.

I just said mine. I don't really care what anyone else thinks. It's not what you said. Your opinion is yours. Mine is what counts ;)



International Member
Get what? I asked what does coon mean because this board throws the word around freely with no clear definition of what the word means? What is the context of the word? Who does it apply to? When should it be used instead of tossing it around whenever a Black person disagrees with the BGOL popular belief?

If I call you coon, what does that mean? If I call you a Tom, that is clear. If I call you a pickaninny or a samba, those are clear. Coon is a slur derived from the word Raccoon. It is a word used by whites to describes black in general. So black people calling other black people coons means what? Nothing in context!

Debates like this reminds me that this board is primarily a porn board that attracts people primarily interested in porn. Logic and critical thinking are not part and parcel with porn hunting.
Stop acting coy,if you step into this thread,read the original posts by the op or on bgol in a semi regular basis you know what the word means.

you pretentious mofos are weird with your platitudes and overall drivel.


Man of the People
porn does not Prevent logical critical thinking u stupid cac. u asking some shit like, "teach me to dance?" u can be shown the steps, but not given the rhythm. brothers 'know' when they around a coon. when we see coons coonin, cac, its obvious

Never said porn prevents critical thinking. My point is that the primary function of this board is based on porn which doesn't prevent critical thinking but certainly isn't a requirement for active participation.

You're saying you can't define it? You lack the critical thinking?

And I'm not a CAC, which must mean I'm a coon whatever that means…


Man of the People
Stop acting coy,if you step into this thread,read the original posts by the op or on bgol in a semi regular basis you know what the word means.

you pretentious mofos are weird with your platitudes and overall drivel.

Coy? The OP threw out a bunch of people without a commonality between them maybe besides being Toms or displaying Tom-like qualities.

My issue is just because the vocal BGOL majority says something is so doesn't mean they are correct or informed. Might doesn't equate to right. All I am asking for my sake or many on this board's sake is clarity. And this makes me pretentious? Too many on this board allow it to be base instead of engaging in spirited discussion. You can learn something on here if you tried.


International Member
Coy? The OP threw out a bunch of people without a commonality between them maybe besides being Toms or displaying Tom-like qualities.

My issue is just because the vocal BGOL majority says something is so doesn't mean they are correct or informed. Might doesn't equate to right. All I am asking for my sake or many on this board's sake is clarity. And this makes me pretentious? Too many on this board allow it to be base instead of engaging in spirited discussion. You can learn something on here if you tried.

"I'm just asking for my sake or many of the board's sake is clarity"

Man stop your pretentious nonsense.

if youre looking to debate it say so,dont act like you dont know what coon means around here.

there is nothing to learn from your stupidness in this particular predicament.