it's YOUR inference that Stringer was a coat-tail rider, there's no evidence to support this.
no inference required. in this thread, in the show, there is a paucity, a dearth of evidence to support a claim that stringer bell contributed
positively in ANY way, shape or form to the organization.
i'll make it plain. the stringer bell character had all the accoutrements that one needs to masquerade as a businessman. that's why he has so many fans. it certainly can't be a following based on MERIT. because stringer bell has NONE.
he rode hard with Avon throughout their childhood (balcony scene where they spoke about String stealing a badminton set)
thanks for providing another example of how STUPID stringer bell was from childhood. avon (the wiser of the 2) advised him not to steal the badminton set, as they both recall (and agreed) that stringer had absolutely NO use for it.
on into adulthood (scene where when Avon was released from jail and saw that his corners were being run by Marlo, he and String spoke about going to war, String says "Take a long deep breath...know that if you call the shot we @ war, I'm there like I always been!", does that sound like the words of a coat-tail rider and if he was, why didn't Avon call him on it???
did you really watch the episode? do his words ring true to you? isn't that the same scene that avon chastises the lowly stringer bell for talking out of turn? wasn't stringer bell nervously frantic that avon would discover his disloyal machinations at that time?
The real estate was not land purchased waiting for right-of-way rights, nor was it any "land banking" scheme, the condos were already being built (remember , this was where Stringer was killed @), Stringer wanted the untapped faucet of federal money which would have meant more money for him and Avon, regardless of that THEY STILL OWNED CONDOMINIUMS, NOT JUST LAND!!!
funny that you use the same word that clay davis used in the CON. "faucet"
it sounds as though you bought into the same CON that stringer did.
you're looking upon them as an asset, when they were simply money pits used to drain a mark.
Lester was tracking the real estate purchases that B&B had already made, this was how he was going to take down the Barksdale set-up, if this stuff was worthless, why bother tracking it???
and you say i'm making inferences?
part of any good narcotics investigation is investigating the money trail. this is done to prepare a list of assets for potential forfeiture. did lester freamon (or anyone else) ever establish that the various properties were fruit of any criminal enterprise?
You are also discounting the moves Avon was doing behind bars, it was Avon who called in Brother Mouzzone from behind bars and told Stringer it was already done, which was the beginning of the end for Stringer and the Barkdale set-up.
how you figure i'm discounting that? i fully credit avon for that call. and it was the right call. avon had no way of anticipating that stringer bell would prove to be MONUMENTALLY stupid and venture out UNILATERALLY with his dumb ass double dealing play with prop joe.
this is just more evidence that stringer bell was a panicky BITCH. their situation got hot, they lost their connect, and stringer bell decides to make an executive decision he wasn't qualified to make.
i agree that STRINGER'S stupid ploy was very much the beginning of the end for the barksdale organization.
Remember that because Stringer lied to Omar about Brother and Brother finding this out after Omar shot him, the Barksdale crew had a hard time securing serious muscle AND Brother and Omar went straight for Stringer for setting BOTH of them up.
yes. i've pointed this out in threads myself.
but this is MORE evidence of how stringer bell was a nervous BITCH, who concocted childish schemes while miserably attempting to play a grown man's game.
Stringer acknoledged that he should have taken care of Marlo earlier, and he FURTHER fucked up by trying to treat Marlo as a businessman, but they would not have gotten that far if they didn't work together, it was because they were working separately that led to their downfall!!!
again, yes. MORE examples of how useless stringer bell was.
in their meetings, marlo ALWAYS let that dumb ass stringer run his mouth. marlo sized him up correctly every time, and knew that stringer was more cut out to be a used car salesman, not a player in the game.
and a small distinction: it isn't really sufficient to claim that avon and stringer were working separately. it's more accurate to say that stringer bell was working AGAINST avon barksdale.