And if you are only worried about the future of humanity, why would you put it all in the hands of a murderer and mercenary?
the fact that they couldnt even sneak her out of the city is clue enough that they dont know what they are doing
if they cant even sneak her out of the city - even if they DID get a cure how could they even distribute it to "all of humanity "???
which again shows you how fucked up they are because if they were going to help "all of humanity" does that mean that they will share the cure with FEDRA???
if you say YES youre delusional,
of course they arent - they were going to be as selfish as Joel, the added fact is they are evil -
NO doctor would do an operation that would kill a person ....let alone a child ..... its goes against everything that he is supposed to do as a person in Medicine- so not only is he evil but the nurses and all the other medical staff that are helping him are as well because EVERYONE in medicine takes that as an oath "first -do no harm"
if youre defending this doctor taking ellies organ without her permission or knowledge then its the same as people that do "organ harvesting"
- and that shit is considered murder. youre medically killing someone for someone elses benefit which is about as evil and act as you can get.