I love how the show & game were damn near in parallel with how the story played out including dialogue. I never played the game but this definitely has me wanting to do so now

She also was the voice of
Back then u had tv stars and movie starsI liked it and I'm looking forward to season 2. I played the game like twice, they were spot on with damn near everything. Some people thought it was rushed but most series are when it's only 8 or 10 episodes. Back in the day TV series was much longer, season 2 of Dallas was 22 episodes, hell season 8 of Dallas was 30.... Lol
The girl playing Ellie is British...
When I first seen her I said that's not going to work but she did a great job of playing Ellie.![]()
On episode 5 now...
I cannot stop watching this thing.
Like I said earlier I was apprehensive this thing was massively over rated.
This is incredibly well done
The acting casting writing set design
I know OF the game but never played it.
If it's anything close to this?
Amajorfucup as the doctor: if she dies she diesFoh. You're talking one inconsequential human life vs all of humanity. Its a no brainer. Even for Elle.. which is why Joel lied to her. Joel is the fucking villain of this story. His inability to reconcile losing his daughter has caused him to lose his fucking mind and doom all of mankind. Him choosing a personal relationship over civilization is literally insane.
the game is WAY better than the show -On episode 5 now...
I cannot stop watching this thing.
Like I said earlier I was apprehensive this thing was massively over rated.
This is incredibly well done
The acting casting writing set design
I know OF the game but never played it.
If it's anything close to this?
Amajorfucup is Kansas City Karen - "kids die everyday Henry "Amajorfucup as the doctor: if she dies she dies
How is she inconsequential? she is the only immune personFoh. You're talking one inconsequential human life vs all of humanity. Its a no brainer. Even for Elle.. which is why Joel lied to her. Joel is the fucking villain of this story. His inability to reconcile losing his daughter has caused him to lose his fucking mind and doom all of mankind. Him choosing a personal relationship over civilization is literally insane.
It's exactly like the game! The story was so good, it's why people fell in love with the game plus it was a PS3 game. It was the best game graphically that had ever came out at the time.On episode 5 now...
I cannot stop watching this thing.
Like I said earlier I was apprehensive this thing was massively over rated.
This is incredibly well done
The acting casting writing set design
I know OF the game but never played it.
If it's anything close to this?
Nah a few others are immune, Joel mentions itHow is she inconsequential? she is the only immune person
And they don't know that they can find the cure - this doctor or scientist THINKS she could provide a cure and he gonna kill her which makes NO SENSE
And in every instance this show has stressed choosing the personal relationship over the greater good
Bill the Officer at FEDRA , Henry Tommy even Riley and yes even Joel chose to act in the interest of the person they care about over ideals or military goals
He literally says to ellie in the car that you do what you do for family first
They didnt.make a game centered on a villian not even the creators of the game regsrd Joel as a villian
Dude you talking crazy
Foh. You're talking one inconsequential human life vs all of humanity. Its a no brainer. Even for Elle.. which is why Joel lied to her. Joel is the fucking villain of this story. His inability to reconcile losing his daughter has caused him to lose his fucking mind and doom all of mankind. Him choosing a personal relationship over civilization is literally insane.
Inconsequential in comparison to all of humanity. Engage your brain. Inconsequential to a hospital staff including nurses, guards, surgeons and neuro scientist during a got dam apocalypse. What he says to Elle is the car is immaterial.. The point is he is making piss poor decisions based on the mourning of his daughter and unprocessed emotions from 20years prior.. Decisions that are to the detriment of mankind.How is she inconsequential? she is the only immune person
And they don't know that they can find the cure - this doctor or scientist THINKS she could provide a cure and he gonna kill her which makes NO SENSE
And in every instance this show has stressed choosing the personal relationship over the greater good
Bill the Officer at FEDRA , Henry Tommy even Riley and yes even Joel chose to act in the interest of the person they care about over ideals or military goals
He literally says to ellie in the car that you do what you do for family first
They didnt.make a game centered on a villian not even the creators of the game regsrd Joel as a villian
Dude you talking crazy
So your endgame is since she is immune to do nothing? What kinda fucking sense does that make? Let her age out and/or risk dying in the elements in a uncivilized lawless society? If you have the opportunity to cure all of humanity and your hypothesis is based in science vs doing NOTHING, then you absolutely go with science. Are you niggas retarded?!Hell nah, nigga! Yo ass about to clip this young chick based off a hunch nigga? You trippin! Get all the way the fuck outta here with that shit! Lmao! And what if you kill her and find that keeping her alive would’ve been the better option? Answer that, smart nigga!
She’s the only immune person on record. It ain’t like you got a gang of immune mofos running around. Fireflies lost half they crew just to get to the city with the hospital to do the surgery. Joel and Ellie barely made it themselves. So, how many you think spread out across the country you going to find that are immune?
Joel had to kill them all because like he said, they weren’t going to stop coming for her. I wish they could’ve found a better way to make it happen because killing the best chance you got for a cure/vaccine is dumb af, my G. That goes for Joel as well, but I get why he did it.
man youre living up to your nameInconsequential in comparison to all of humanity. Engage your brain. Inconsequential to a hospital staff including nurses, guards, surgeons and neuro scientist during a got dam apocalypse. What he says to Elle is the car is immaterial.. The point is he is making piss poor decisions based on the mourning of his daughter and unprocessed emotions from 20years prior.. Decisions that are to the detriment of mankind.
So your endgame is since she is immune to do nothing? What kinda fucking sense does that make? Let her age out and/or risk dying in the elements in a uncivilized lawless society? If you have the opportunity to cure all of humanity and your hypothesis is based in science vs doing NOTHING, then you absolutely go with science. Are you niggas retarded?!
Yes moron.. So you kill a hospital full of medical personnel, go against proven science all hide this "most consequential" human alive in a got dam cult commune in the mountains that serves no purpose other than coddling your mourning and emotions. Foh.she is THE most consequential person there is - shes immune -
Yes.. relevant to them.. Which underscores my point that he is willing to sacrifice humanity for personal satisfaction. How is this not abundantly clear to you? Its really not that difficult. The muthafucka says "find someone else" and is immediately told "there is no one else".. Every action after that is purely emotional and irrational as it pertains to human society on a whole. This isnt debatable.what he says to Ellie in the car already forshadows what kinds of decisions he makes - the encounters in the story foreshadow what the subtext of the story is which is people make personal decisions relevant to them..
Bitch Nigga i dont play no got dam video games.. Nor am i referencing one. I am specifically speaking about the show and the acts committed by lead character. Based on everything shown to viewers thus far, Joel is a got dam self centered, shortsighted villainous murderous muthafucka that has chosen personal feelings over global good. Again, this aint debatable.for those that played the game that Doctor who is supposed to do the operation plainly says he DOESNT KNOW WHY SHE IS IMMUNE
I would have gotten her out of there too. They didn't know what the fuck they was doing they was just hoping. Those motherfuckers we're hoping what they were doing could, keyword COULD make a vaccine. They weren't even sure they could do itman youre living up to your name
she is THE most consequential person there is - shes immune -
you saying "engage your brain" but clearly you arent engaging yours
what he says to Ellie in the car already foreshadows what kinds of decisions he makes - the encounters in the story foreshadow what the subtext of the story is which is people make personal decisions relevant to them...they may have huge consequences but what motivates people are the things they find relevant and can affect themselves. its a reoccurring theme again and again. Tess chooses to be with Joel not because he is the baddest motherfuker on the block but because she loves him - despite the fact that its an un requited love because he is so emotionally stunted but he is devoted at least to her and only her.
Bill who only devotion is to surviving makes a choice to actually "live" in order to be with Frank .
Henry does THE EXACT SAME THING AS JOEL in killing KC Karens Brother to save his brother. he chose his personal devotion to his brother over the people of KC having a leader who actually was good. and it left all of KC at the mercy of his sister who was a total vengeful asshole.
you saying "engage your brain" - the whole story is about a person choosing the person they love OVER the benefit of others - that causes and creeds and allegiance to causes are the source of why the situation is all fucked up .
Ely CHOSE to stay with Joel and save him - he should have died for sure- yet she saved him . even when he wanted to die she saved him .
now shes about to be killed by a group of people that lied to her they didnt tell her the truth about what they were gonna do - it already shows that they are assholes and arent going to do anything close to benefit "everyone" they are going to use a cure as a tool ....as leverage for the fact theyve been failing for over 10 years. again as you say , "engage your brain" - the Fireflies are one faction of many dozens of factions all over the country that have seized control if they over threw FEDRA. what do you think they will do just give the vaccine to anyone that asks> you think they will share the vaccine with FEDRA ??? think about it - if the Fireflies actually found a cure would they share that cure with FEDRA ....you already know that FEDRA wouldnt share it... so what do you think the FF will do?
but back to joel - she chose Joel over the importance of her getting to the hospital . he finally has that eureka moment and realizes that he has someone as devoted to him as he once was to his daughter ...how could he NOT save her from a bunch of deceptive assholes who are about to use her??? again as you say , "engage your brain" they wouldnt have lied to ellie about what they were doing - they would have told her what they were going to do and given her a choice.
as for the Fireflies - a group that in 20 years hasnt done anything - his brother left the fireflies because they were so fucked up. even with all the shit he did with Joel he left them because they were just assholes using kids to bomb places , killing and shootin indiscriminately - they were /are terrorists.
FEDRA was fucked up just as bad lets make no mistake they were oppressive and controlling. But the fireflies were the gang that "couldn shoot straight" - again as you say , "engage your brain"
they had to hire someone like Joel to get Ellie out of the city - who in their right mind would really do that for THE MOST VALUABLE thing you could find? ther group they were supposed to meet was killed by infected days before - they had no clue that occured . it shows they kid of just make shit up as they go along - they really dont know what they are doing - they havnt known what they were doing for over 10 years of fighitng with FEDRA ....FEDRA arent some crack elite military unit - they are bedragged, tired, morale in the toilet, mallcops, with rifles and tanks. any real resistance should be able to have over thrown them.
at least as far as the show- if the FIreflies are that incompetent in just protecting their assets ...in communicating or even arranging a cross country travel which makes no sense as to why that would be attempted bythe LEADER of the Boston Resistance ( why would marlene need to travel there? shes not a doctor or a scientist. shes in boston doing Boston things) - noone leaves their organizational resisitance to go across the country when they cant even sneak out of the city
again as you say , "engage your brain" -there is no need for her to BE there other than bad choices and bad planning on the part of the Fireflies who if you didnt get it or understand it are only a hair better than.....
the KC rebels....and they were a total shitshow- they were as bad as FEDRA - they were led by KC Karen who also believed in "a cause" which was to overthrow FEDRA ...but beyond that? Nothing. she makes bad choices and does fucked up things and ignores actually acting for the benefit of the population of KC and the subtext you should get is that what the KC rebels did is exactly what the Fireflies will do....
so not only do they ALLOW Joel to live and then they TELL HIM what they are going to do ( which again shows they dont make good choices or have a plan really ) if they are that shitty logistically and personel-wise.
what do you think it means they have as a "scientist"???
for those that played the game that Doctor who is supposed to do the operation plainly says he DOESNT KNOW WHY SHE IS IMMUNE - he has no clue what makes her immune - but his solution is to do a procedure that will kill her? he says he has to "replicate" her body chemistry but he doesnt know what in her body chemistry is stopping the Fungus ......so how can you replicate it?????
noone is saying do nothing but the scientist/ surgeon doesnt even know what he is looking FOR. - and it indicates that just as FEDRA is shitty low capability soldiers, and the Fireflies are shitty low capability "revolutionaries" it mean that they got a shitty low capcbility doctor /resercher
they got the guy who doesnt even know what he is looking for who is about to do the most permanent thing to the most unique thing theyve come across .....
kill her.
what the entire fuck bro - you cant be serious - again as you say , "engage your brain" but clearly you missed evryone of the messages and themes in the episodes which occur again and again each week for the last 9 weeks.
he didnt kill a hospital full of medical personnel all the guys he shot were soldiers - he left even the nurses alive - if he was "murderous" he would have killed them .Yes moron.. So you kill a hospital full of medical personnel, go against proven science all hide this "most consequential" human alive in a got dam cult commune in the mountains that serves no purpose other than coddling your mourning and emotions. Foh.
Yes.. relevant to them.. Which underscores my point that he is willing to sacrifice humanity for personal satisfaction. How is this not abundantly clear to you? Its really not that difficult. The muthafucka says "find someone else" and is immediately told "there is no one else".. Every action after that is purely emotional and irrational as it pertains to human society on a whole. This isnt debatable.
Bitch Nigga i dont play no got dam video games.. Nor am i referencing one. I am specifically speaking about the show and the acts committed by lead character. Based on everything shown to viewers thus far, Joel is a got dam self centered, shortsighted villainous murderous muthafucka that has chosen personal feelings over global good. Again, this aint debatable.
Shot the lead surgeon in the head. You think those come a dime a dozen during an apocalypse? You're full of shit my man.he didnt kill a hospital full of medical personnel all the guys he shot were soldiers - he left even the nurses alive - if he was "murderous" he would have killed them .
No idea what mind meld magic you use to surmise this, but absolutely NOTHING in the storyline, show or dialogue supports this assertion you seemingly pulled out your ass. By all accounts they were using the cordyceps from this brain to prep and dispense a cure. Anything else you say is mere speculation and bullshit. Stick to the script nigga.and if you think the FF were going to give cure to humanity youre the moron - they werent going to give a cure to humanity - they were going to hold it for themselves - answer my question from above if the FF got a cure would they SHARE that cure with FEDRA?
Yea.. im beginning to think you're a retard at this point. So your argument is now that he should not have let them perform surgery for cure because it was now rendered impossible to do because he killed the doctor? Thus he was justified in taking her away?as soon as the doctor raised that scalpel joel ended him . so if that doctor is dead - handing ellie over to them doesnt get a cure to mankind
No she is not. Joel mentioned a few others are immunedHell nah, nigga! Yo ass about to clip this young chick based off a hunch nigga? You trippin! Get all the way the fuck outta here with that shit! Lmao! And what if you kill her and find that keeping her alive would’ve been the better option? Answer that, smart nigga!
She’s the only immune person on record. It ain’t like you got a gang of immune mofos running around. Fireflies lost half they crew just to get to the city with the hospital to do the surgery. Joel and Ellie barely made it themselves. So, how many you think spread out across the country you going to find that are immune?
Joel had to kill them all because like he said, they weren’t going to stop coming for her. I wish they could’ve found a better way to make it happen because killing the best chance you got for a cure/vaccine is dumb af, my G. That goes for Joel as well, but I get why he did it.
Nah a few others are immune, Joel mentions it
No she is not. Joel mentioned a few others are immuned
It was obvious that he lied to her..he just said that so she wouldn’t know the truth that he slaughtered damn near everybody and that she was about to get killed in the name of scienceNo she is not. Joel mentioned a few others are immuned
Here is the fucked up thing
My bad. I played both and the multi-playerHe lied to her.
I could explain more but it would spoil seasons 2 and 3 for one's who never played the games.
I don’t think they looked that deep into the science of it and just let you think it controls their brain/mind.. cause it would be a whole diff story if it just controlled the body.. people screaming shoot me in the leg but don’t kill me please, please find the cure as their hands swinging viciously at somebodyHere is the fucked up thing
The fungus lives IN the body not the brain - they had a scientist who specializes in this fungus and he says that the fungus affects the physical parts of the mind but the brain is still conscious about whats going on around them they just can't control themselves
So All those people who are screaming and stuff they probably know what they're doing they just can't control themselves
No she is not. Joel mentioned a few others are immuned