And here is the problem with everything you're saying. You don't get that he's not TRYING TO BE a relationship expert. That's not his goal. He is largely speaking to women who want a man of a certain economic value. But it's through the shattering of that lens that he is unearthing the general overall issues with how Black women perceive and view Black men. But in order for you to fully understand this, you have to be familiar with what he has been doing all along. Just watching a few viral clips won't get you there.
In my last post, I asked you if you ever put his data and stats into a search engine to verify them? Or are you assuming they are correct. I want to see if you answer that this time. We know he's not a relationship expert. Yet he gives relationship advice. His goal is to make money doing the shit he's doing, first and foremost. This dude If that wasn't the case, he'd be doing fragrance, fashion and shoe reviews like he used to. His portrayal of both men and women is his opinion though. It's not law. There is truth in what he's saying but there's also untruth. And he has a bad habit of speaking to every woman the exact same way, even though every woman is not the same. One who is confident in their truth doesn't have to talk over, interrupt, insult, drown out and hang up on someone else rather than let them express a counter-viewpoint. That's bitchmade. That's that fast-talking Candace Owens shit. Truth stands up to scrutiny. You're wrongly assuming I've only watched a few viral clips of Kevin Samuels. I used to be a fan of his and was in agreement with the majority of what he was putting out over the last year. I've watched a gang of full length videos of dude's. If I hadn't, I wouldn't be here debating about it. At this point hundreds of videos later, his shit is really redundant and played out. Delusional Black women trying to get a high value man...blah blah. The women that call in his show no more represent Black women as a whole than the Black people who go on Maury Povich represent Black folks as a whole.
Yes, it's one sided. That's the whole point. A platform giving men's perspective without women telling us who we're supposed to be, how we should think.. or how us just being men is "toxic". You want a woman's point of view? Just turn on the TV. Because most of what is aired on television is the woman's perspective. I can't think of any daytime shows that focus on what men think. Women do not like to be held accountable for the shit they do and definitely not for the bullshit they put men through. And anyone addressing it is a problem...clearly. And notice that all of your critiques is exactly what women have been doing to men through media completely unabated for YEARS. But now this is a problem??
No. I want to hear the points of view of both sides. Men are not always right and neither are women. But both are right many times. The reason daytime talk shows cater to women is because they are targeting stay at home moms. The fact that you reduced women's points of view to daytime tv talk shows says a lot about the reductionist way you see women. There's plenty other sources of intelligent, together women to draw from, just like Kevin Samuels isn't the only brotha with a valid male viewpoint. I'm not in favor of Black women tearing down Black men, but I'm also not in favor of Brothas tearing down Sistas. Moreover, even within the respective genders there are multiple perspectives.
A man has the strength, intelligence and wisdom to hear all sides and form his own opinion. Be a leader instead of a perpetual follower.
I don't have any issue with the dude making money from this as long as he is spitting facts. And that's what people (women/beta males) don't really like. They don't appreciate that he is making women accountable for their own selfish bullshit.
I've always defended him making money doing his thing. He's not always spitting facts. He does a good deal of lying too and he contradicts himself. Beta males are the kind that blindly follow an internet personality and defend him to the death for free because they don't have the strength of character and maturity to think for themselves. Many women don't like the way he disrespects them, and I'm not talking about him shattering illusions of gold-diggers. For example, like I earlier pointed out, his falsely and illogically claiming that domestic abuse wasn't a bigger problem in our grandparents and great grandparents day. He asked, "where's the photos of women with bruises and black eyes, then?"...As if since it was popular for women to wear makeup and sunglasses they haven't been using those things to conceal injuries. In the early parts of the 20th century people posed for professional portraits. A camera was a luxury item, not like today when everyone and their kids have camera smart phones. I also pointed out earlier in this post how up until the 1970s in all 50 states, husbands could legally rape their wives. State sanctioned domestic abuse.
Marital and spousal rape are illegal in every state. Learn how state marital rape laws and spousal rape laws work.
Now THAT'S what a receipt looks like. Where's Kevin's?
*Telling a woman she is wrong for having kids for a sorry ass dude and then expecting a man making money to want her overweight ass and 2 debt-hole kids is what should have been happening all along. But modern women wanted "freedom". Well...they got it. And this is what many have done with it.
*Telling a woman that she likely missed her opportunity to have a healthy marriage because she chose to be a hoe in her 20's..passing up good dudes because they weren't making enough..then in their 30's are upset and calling men trash because no decent guy wants to marry them - YEAH! This is what they should have been taught all along. But now that this one guy is saying it, he's a problem. Even though it's common damn sense.
*Telling a woman that her looks, weight, and how she carries herself will have a huge impact on the kind of man available to her is what they should have been told all along. But women "empower" other women (sell them shit - books, trips, products, etc) by telling them they are queens, they are goddesses, that men should be bowing to them and giving them the world regardless of how they look. It's bullshit. And when they realize it's bullshit, they blame men and call US trash because we don't want them.
So if you don't like the guy...fine. Everything isn't for everybody. But acting like he's pushing a false narrative and or painting women in a bad light when all he's doing is calling them on their own shit is being disingenuous at best.
No one in here ever said Kevin pointing out those things is a problem. That's all you. I started to fade back from dude because I was seeing that brothas were coming away from his videos playing victim and portraying all women as their oppressors (not white supremacy- the oppressor of us all). Yeah there are a lot of single mothers out there TAKING CARE OF THEIR CHILDREN. But while you and Kevin are shitting on them, where's the critique for men who abandoned those children? Where's the criticism for those who have multiple baby mothers fending for themselves, while the fathers have to be taken to court and forced to pay child support? Wouldn't that make those men low value men? THAT is the kind of shit many of our women don't like about this dude.
He doesn't do two hour podcasts several times a week, telling those of us who need to hear it to get our shit together, stand up and be men and take care of our responsibilities. He's one sided as hell. I don't like one-sided people. I've unsubscribed from some Black women's podcasts too because they never had anything positive to say about Brothas. On the other hand, I follow a number of intelligent, mature Black men and Black women that are about uplifting and improving ourselves, families, relationships and communities without degrading each other.