The power of intermittent fasting


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You doing this at home?

I'm asking because I'm still paying for LA Fitness, but I'm not going to train, just the pool, hot tub, & sauna.

I'm about to get some weights, bench, and cage for the house and just do my shit on my own
Yeah at home. I have adjustable dumbells and an adjustable bench


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do some of these complexes but use your dumbbells.

I did this with the same 135 in the gym Monday and almost died. Had my heart rate up like a mofo. Im gonna knock some out tomm. These look easy but its hard.

Also with dumbbells you can put some weighted burpees in your routine for some HIIT. Jump Rope also

I just finished working out in the garage while on hour 20 of a fast.

Thanks alot man


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Between every meal.

So if I eat a meal at 5pm, I don't eat until 5pm the next day. If I eat at 5pm and something else at 7pm the same day. I don't eat until 7pm the next day.

If it's a day where I've eaten a lot, I'll keep it really light the next day. Like only eat bowl of cereal and a smoothie within an hour or two. Then fast for 24 hours.

It's worked for me. I was at 250 :eek2:

Down to 198. Really would like to get to 185-190 and stay there.
Starting out. What schedule you suggest I use?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good shit. I been fasting for a while. I do 20:4 daily. May move to 24 hr fasts to lose last few lbs of COVID weight


BGOL Legend
I stopped IF because it's effectiveness seems to be stagnant. I started 16/8 back in 2009. Last summer I was up to 20/4 but it wasn't doing like it did those first few years. Now, I wake up and eat about 3 to 4 hours later. About 12/12. :dunno:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Anything that triggers an insulin response is breaking your fast. Insulin release is the trigger to keep your body from burning fat stores.

Water, black cofee and plain brewed tea's are acceptable. Green tea and coffee are goop appetite suppressants along with water that has some pink Himalayan salt added to it.
Hold up someone said avoid vitamins while fasting. I take vitamin D3, B12 and Zinc daily to strengthen my immune. Should I stop?


Rising Star
I stopped IF because it's effectiveness seems to be stagnant. I started 16/8 back in 2009. Last summer I was up to 20/4 but it wasn't doing like it did those first few years. Now, I wake up and eat about 3 to 4 hours later. About 12/12. :dunno:
That the thing. You have to switch up your routine every now, and then as your body adjust to your routine.
One thing people get wrong with intermittent fasting, and working out is going for the extremes too soon. Instead of starting slow, and making adjustments as you go along, and your progress starts to stagnant.


Rising Star
Hold up someone said avoid vitamins while fasting. I take vitamin D3, B12 and Zinc daily to strengthen my immune. Should I stop?
I would say don't stop (especially if you are exercising, which should be) but I am curious as to why someone said that you should.


Rising Star
Look at the vid I posted
I misunderstood. I thought he was referring to the feeding window.
Yeah I don't take or eat shit while in fasting(even things that are supposedly ok).
That's one of the reasons why people should start off slow to get your body adjusted to not eating at certain times, and not feeling hungry, which may temp you to break your fast early.
Even stop fasting altogether.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is the deal. What are you eating when you break your fast? You got to be real with the answer and expectations.

I did 16/8 for about 2 years. I lost 40lbs. I couldn't believe it.

But after a while, I got too cocky. Started eating lots of junk. Pizza, nachos, burgers, fries, total garbage...

Now I gained all the weight back and more and I don't fast either!!!!!

So now I got to get my mind right and get back in sync with things.

I stopped IF because it's effectiveness seems to be stagnant. I started 16/8 back in 2009. Last summer I was up to 20/4 but it wasn't doing like it did those first few years. Now, I wake up and eat about 3 to 4 hours later. About 12/12. :dunno:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Here is the deal. What are you eating when you break your fast? You got to be real with the answer and expectations.

I did 16/8 for about 2 years. I lost 40lbs. I couldn't believe it.

But after a while, I got too cocky. Started eating lots of junk. Pizza, nachos, burgers, fries, total garbage...

Now I gained all the weight back and more and I don't fast either!!!!!

So now I got to get my mind right and get back in sync with things.

40 lbs over how many months?


International Member
IF isn't a magical formula. If you eat like crap. It doesn't matter how long you fast.
Fix you diet first before starting IF.

I gained 20 lbs in the last couple of months. I was close to my target weight. But i fucked it all up with bad food choices.
I also went crazy on the bread, peanut butter and banana (my go to breakfast). Some days i ate like 4 slices of bread with peanut butter.

Peanut butter by itself is a healthy source of fat. But it's very calorie dense... 4 slices with peanut butter. That's almost 500 calories of peanut butter alone.

I was walking 10k-15k a day. That was my only exercise due to covid. But i still gained weight. So ya... if you eat like shit. You can run a fucking marathon but still get fat.

Tomorrow i will get back on track.
IF 20/4; with 2 (semi) big meals and a smoothie to go along. Low fat, high carb whole food plant base works best for me.
I will hit the gym hard (3 days a week). Will eat lentils/ beans and quinoa as my main protein source. A ton of veggies fruit, and a handfull of nuts and some flaxseeds for the omega 3s.

Wish me luck.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
12pm to 8pm, my eating window

One of my coworkers is on the same schedule. He works shift work - 2 weeks of 7am - 3pm days, and 2 weeks of 3-11pm afternoons. Said the eating has been pretty agreeable in recent years. For exercise, he does stat bike, tennis and street running. Once in a blue moon a gym circuit as a friend is a personal trainer. Coworker’s background is bball, and he played in
an over-30 league for years pre-covid.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
One of my coworkers is on the same schedule. He works shift work - 2 weeks of 7am - 3pm days, and 2 weeks of 3-11pm afternoons. Said the eating has been pretty agreeable in recent years. For exercise, he does stat bike, tennis and street running. Once in a blue moon a gym circuit as a friend is a personal trainer. Coworker’s background is bball, and he played in
an over-30 league for years pre-covid.
I realize that I don't need breakfast, I'd rather break my fast at lunch. I regularly take my blood sugar, my blood pressure, and I weigh myself; it is all about accountability. Stats don't lie.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend
I realize that I don't need breakfast, I'd rather break my fast at lunch. I regularly take my blood sugar, my blood pressure, and I weigh myself; it is all about accountability. Stats don't lie.

Agreed. That’s great re: accountability. At work we do monthly vitals on the 1st of every month for our clients. Re: coworker - he’s pretty good re: discipline too. Stays hydrated. Eats a balanced diet. We’re fortunate at work in that a number of our meals and snacks are covered, and I usually bring food from home to cook too. Good perk of the job.

World B Free

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. That’s great re: accountability. At work we do monthly vitals on the 1st of every month for our clients. Re: coworker - he’s pretty good re: discipline too. Stays hydrated. Eats a balanced diet. We’re fortunate at work in that a number of our meals and snacks are covered, and I usually bring food from home to cook too. Good perk of the job.
Good to hear, HFUNK; accountability is the key. I keep a health journal to track my good and bad habits to keep me on right track. Before keeping a journal, I would drift off into the unhealthy wilderness, conveniently forgetting what I had eaten.