Man them damn guards ain't like they are in most games. I'm level 24 and when a gang of them come at you best thing to do it run. A few hits and that all she wrote![]()
You must be stealing shit and drawing your sword when there around.

Man them damn guards ain't like they are in most games. I'm level 24 and when a gang of them come at you best thing to do it run. A few hits and that all she wrote![]()
You must be stealing shit and drawing your sword when there around.![]()
Yup. Got caught out there earlier today. Didnt even know they were around and stole some bs Dvarvin whateverthefuck that always in barrels. 2 of them cut me down in like 2 minutes.
You were right about not finishing. I went off to get the Cat school equipment... Took all morning. Got up to the 3rd tier and without thinking upgraded from 2nd to 3rd tier. Then I had to buy some bs gear to get me by, and now gonna have to level up to wear it.![]()
Why? He dosen't do anything that pisses the player off.
He's just a piece of shit. Beating his wife and killing his child.
Did you get the master armor tools on that island for the quest in Novagrad? It's a lvl 30 armor you get and you lvl about 5 lvls after your current main story.
The tools youre supposed to get from Undrik or whatever his name is??? I havent yet, Im actually in Skellige leveling up, Im gonna go head and cop them while Im here. Preciate it.
It's the best armor in the game imo. Great stats and it looks bad ass. The only downside is the clipping of Gerald's hair depending on the hair style you use.
Bitches just got me. I deserved that shit. In real life Id never pursue two women who were rivals, let alone tell them both I loved them. I know its not an option, but in my mind after I got dumped, I went after Cerys in Skellige. I love a redhead anyway. Ya'boy aint going out on some lonely hearts club shit!!![]()
I warned you all about doing that & not to make my mistake. It probably was to late for you to avoid getting in to deep. You can fuck Len, kiss Triss but you can't tell both you loved them.
It was too late. What can ya do???
Start back over from the beginning.
You can fuck Len about 2 or 3 before you get the Gen to break the spell placed on Gerald & Len. After you defeat the Gen or before Triss gets on the boat (depending on how soon you wen't to Skellige) you have to decide who you wan't to be with.
The most important thing is looking after Ciri. Spoiler: Ciri dies if you don't make the right decisions during conversations & support her.
Damn... I planned on starting again eventually anyway. But I didnt take Ciri to her pops, and IM about to head off for what I expect to be the last few missions in Skellige. I hope she doesnt die. I left a few decisions up to her when some people came to ask her to be with them. Ive got the feeling more head are going to roll behind who I backed when Siggy said I could leave, and I didnt... Didnt trust him, but to be honest I dont trust Emyr either. Guess well see.
That's one of the right things you do that leads to her survival. You're probably good on her surviving. It's her story path that's you can still influence.
Man I just finished. Im more than satisfied with the ending. I wont spoil it for the fam. But the last battle quest was EPIC!!! They kept me on my toes as to who was pulling the strings. I went from feeling double crossed, to sad, to happy. Man this game was fucking awesome, and the ending didnt let me down. Ill be keeping this one in the collection.![]()
Did all of your side characters survive? Being that you didn't take Ciri to see her father I think I know what she became in your play though.
i wish they cold fix those slow ass load way in this dayth and aged should load time be as long as a ps1 game
BTW i have fucked every bitch that i have b. Like WTFn given the opportunity ....i hope it don't fuck up mt ending![]()
i wish they could fix those slow ass load way in this day and age should load times be as long as a ps1 game
BTW i have fucked every bitch that i have been given the opportunity ....i hope it don't fuck up my ending![]()
I have no idea what happened to everyone. The end didn't tell what happened to everyone that helped in the final battles. I know Gerald told Emyr someone died and he couldn't find someone else. Not trying to spoil anything. But only part of that ended up being true. everyone who started at Kaer Morhen was there at the end minus... The Witchers kinda went their own ways after someone died. But i doubt I had any control over that person dying. No clue what happened to all the sorceress after the last battle'. We know i didn't end up with eithet Yen or Tris.I killed Kiera early so she didnt factor. I assume there's going to be a 4th and they left Phillipa, Margarita, and the other chick open for interpretation until then. I have no idea who the main would be given that everyone won't fill the same role for everyone.
Ok I was wondering because Keira saved Lambert when he was about the be swarmed on in my story.
i wish they could fix those slow ass load way in this day and age should load times be as long as a ps1 game
BTW i have fucked every bitch that i have been given the opportunity ....i hope it don't fuck up my ending![]()
Just smashed Jutta in Skellige lol
A new, alternative (optional) movement response mode for Geralt.
A player stash for storing items, available in various locations throughout the game. Stash locations are marked on the player's map.
Crafting and alchemy components no longer add to the overall inventory weight.
Books are now placed in a dedicated tab in the Inventory and books that have already been read are properly grayed out.
Multiple sorting options are now available in the Inventory.
Alchemy formulas and crafting diagrams can be "pinned", meaning all components and ingredients required to make them will be conveniently marked in the Shop panel.
Dozens of fixes for quest related issues, both major and minor.
A few performance enhancements, including the optimization of FX, scenes and general gameplay.
Various improvements to horse behavior.