Wow more bad wrestling. A taped TNA show and more generic WWE matches. I get WWE is building towards Wrestlemania but they could try harder. Its like i'm watching the late days of WWF/WCW wars but almost 10 yrs later. Hopefully if TNA can use their talent right and drop some of the older talent (i.e. Ric Flair, Nasty Boys, Scott Hall) cause they don't need them and get better ratings then WWE will get off their lazy ass and actually give up better matches all around.
Flair's in the perfect spot for him, a manager. WWE dropped the ball by not making him one years ago. Just like Harley Race transitioned from wrestler to manager, Flair can and should be better than Race was. Pairing him with his almost complete opposite in AJ Styles might not work but his role is fine.
I have a hard time seeing the Nasty Boys or Hall and Waltman being there past the spring. They still don't merchandise for "The Band" while they already have Flair shirts and even "The Pope" sunglasses.
Boy vince better kick this shit into high gear next week, because last night was boring. Austin was a flop as a guest host, and every time i see orton i just want to punch the dude. Austin doesn't care for hogan but they're actually quite similar. Hogan passed the torch to warrior who didn't deserve it, and Austin passed it to cena which was a mistake.
The problem i have with the wwe is their need to push people you don't give a shit about. Kingston was a star on the rise, but orton shows him up during a match "which was very unprofessional" and now he's a curtain jerker.
I said Austin had lost a lot of his star power earlier. This isn't 2001 when he could still go and everyone remembered the "Attitude Era" Stone Cold. This newer, younger generation belongs to Jeff Hardy and John Cena, not Steve Austin.
One thing, Hogan did try to pass the torch to Warrior but Austin never passed anything to Cena. Vince passed it to Cena. The problem with that was the timing, just as Cena was getting over as a heel, they turned him and ended up turning half the crowd against him. But the guy sells too many posters and t-shirts, so we're stuck with the Cena we have now for the time being.
If Austin could have passed the torch, he would have done it for Ken Kennedy. That was his boy like Sheamus is HHH's boy now.