
mixed feelings about RVD's debut. dude got the quick win on Sting, but he got beat the fuck down after the match. not a good look.... :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
WWE wasted the entire first 15 minutes on a HBK-Undertaker face-off chat-fest in the ring.

uh-oh, Sting is manhandling the TNA president Miss Elizabeth!!!

sting almost had to choke a bitch :lol:

and did flair say"ambalamps" in his promo..kind of sounded like it lol

..wonder how long itll be before nash has a change of heart and sides with hall/xpac :rolleyes:


Cripto millonario vampiro
BGOL Investor
ok that eric young vs six pac match was better than the whole wwe raw show tonight! :lol:


BGOL Investor
I'm not sure what show you guys are watching but none of this is that good. I mean WWE ain't been good for a long time cause they had no competition so no need to be better and TNA ain't all that, its like WCW all over again, and not good WCW, i'm talking last days WCW. Hell TNA ruined RVD's debut by pushing a Sting Hogan feud. How they have him debut and get beat down for 5mins? The glory days of wrestling have died.


I'm not sure what show you guys are watching but none of this is that good. I mean WWE ain't been good for a long time cause they had no competition so no need to be better and TNA ain't all that, its like WCW all over again, and not good WCW, i'm talking last days WCW. Hell TNA ruined RVD's debut by pushing a Sting Hogan feud. How they have him debut and get beat down for 5mins? The glory days of wrestling have died.

how bout you take your 48 post ass outta here?


BGOL Investor
Clay did sound like he took that personally. :lol:

I think we are just older and its not as awesome now as it was in 97

TNA main event. Ric Flair & AJ Styles vs Hogan & Abyss

WWE main event Vince vs Cena

Don't matter how you cut it, the two shows main events have 3 guys over the age of 55.:smh: TNA should be pushing Styles without the backing of Flair and WWE gotta stop putting Vince out there. Until TNA starts pushing the young guys and until the get a rating over a 1.5 the true monday night wars haven't started. And yes that's the opinion of someone with only 48 posts:rolleyes:


Rising Star
TNA main event. Ric Flair & AJ Styles vs Hogan & Abyss

WWE main event Vince vs Cena

Don't matter how you cut it, the two shows main events have 3 guys over the age of 55.:smh: TNA should be pushing Styles without the backing of Flair and WWE gotta stop putting Vince out there. Until TNA starts pushing the young guys and until the get a rating over a 1.5 the true monday night wars haven't started. And yes that's the opinion of someone with only 48 posts:rolleyes:

Good point...however I'd rather have this than be subjected to more Hornswaggle with no choices.


Support BGOL
after enduring wwe raw...i can say at least vince is trying even thou it was still ass

Tna with all thew old crappers.....yawn...da fuck is aj doing with naitch i fort he was a trailer park guy

Multi - Personality

Rising Star
after enduring wwe raw...i can say at least vince is trying even thou it was still ass

Tna with all thew old crappers.....yawn...da fuck is aj doing with naitch i fort he was a trailer park guy

Man, Vince hasn't tried since he bought competition made him mad TNA gain fans (slowly but, surely) and WWE will slowly start to notice


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not sure what show you guys are watching but none of this is that good. I mean WWE ain't been good for a long time cause they had no competition so no need to be better and TNA ain't all that, its like WCW all over again, and not good WCW, i'm talking last days WCW. Hell TNA ruined RVD's debut by pushing a Sting Hogan feud. How they have him debut and get beat down for 5mins? The glory days of wrestling have died.

:yes: +1


BGOL Investor
I'm just glad to be able to flip back and fourth on Mondays again. Sting heal turn might actually work this time. They shouldn't have let him beat RVD as much as he did though. Hogan...get out of the ring and stay on the sidelines.


Rising Star
WWE wasted the entire first 15 minutes on a HBK-Undertaker face-off chat-fest in the ring.

uh-oh, Sting is manhandling the TNA president Miss Elizabeth!!!

Um that would be called a build, michaels basically pulled taker's punk card. I watched both and tna had more wrestling, but raw is building towards mania. Sorry tna fanboys but mania is vince's top priority not hogan and flair's old asses.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Um that would be called a build, michaels basically pulled taker's punk card. I watched both and tna had more wrestling, but raw is building towards mania. Sorry tna fanboys but mania is vince's top priority not hogan and flair's old asses.



Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I'm not sure what show you guys are watching but none of this is that good. I mean WWE ain't been good for a long time cause they had no competition so no need to be better and TNA ain't all that, its like WCW all over again, and not good WCW, i'm talking last days WCW. Hell TNA ruined RVD's debut by pushing a Sting Hogan feud. How they have him debut and get beat down for 5mins? The glory days of wrestling have died.

Wrestling's "glory days" come and go and Monday night, hopefully, wil be the start of the next rise.
TNA put on a really good show and easily the best Impact! since Hogan and Bischoff came in.
This was very much like WCW in his good day, just a little light on wrestling and still too much useless talk (promos are necessary but some of it on both shows is unnecessary and pointless).

Um that would be called a build, michaels basically pulled taker's punk card. I watched both and tna had more wrestling, but raw is building towards mania. Sorry tna fanboys but mania is vince's top priority not hogan and flair's old asses.

I like the build toward Mania but I've seen Taker-Michaels confront each other before, so Vince wasn't offering anything new. The fact that he put up Cena vs. Vince and Orton-Legacy as his headlining matches means he really didn't care what TNA did.

But one thing is for sure, WWE won't be calling out the ages of TNA stars like they did WCW. When you're building the biggest show of the year on a non wrestling 65 yr old executive (Vince), a guy with an artificial hip (Taker), a guy who had a stroke a few years ago (Bret), and a host of 40 yr olds (HBK, HHH, Batista), you can't pull that card anymore.


Potential Star
TNA has the most talent but Vince Russo is an idiot. WWE is going to win because they have momentum going in because of Wrestlemania. I know you want TNA to win but it just isn't going to happen.
The young talent in the WWE isn't ready yet because I believe it takes a good 5 to 10 years to fully develop into a complete wrestler with good ring ability and excellent mic skills. TNA has the talent is just they are in the incorrect positions. Abyss shouldn't be challenging A J Styles for the Heavyweight Title. Samoa Joe?, Robert Rude s/b a single, X division is fine needs a tag team division. Get rid of the Cliq they no longer matter. A J styles s/b a face not a heel teaming with Ric Flair.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
you could add all of em up and they still wouldn't equal hogan's and flair's age. :lol:

Vince is eating up way more time than Flair and he's older and has never been a wrestler. He's become the very guys he put out of business: the old boss putting himself over at the expense of younger talent.

TNA has the most talent but Vince Russo is an idiot. WWE is going to win because they have momentum going in because of Wrestlemania. I know you want TNA to win but it just isn't going to happen.
The young talent in the WWE isn't ready yet because I believe it takes a good 5 to 10 years to fully develop into a complete wrestler with good ring ability and excellent mic skills. TNA has the talent is just they are in the incorrect positions. Abyss shouldn't be challenging A J Styles for the Heavyweight Title. Samoa Joe?, Robert Rude s/b a single, X division is fine needs a tag team division. Get rid of the Cliq they no longer matter. A J styles s/b a face not a heel teaming with Ric Flair.

It's not about TNA winning but being a viable alternative. If TNA is strong, WWE will get better. Competition makes everyone better. I don't just want TNA to be succesful, I want ROH to be successful. And DragonGate USA. And Evolve.
You have some ideas I agree with but if TNA can make what they have going work, more power to them.
WWE's young talent would be ready if WWE put them in better positions so it's not the talent's fault they aren't ready, it's Vince's.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The Impact! did three things really well: it immediately put RVD and Jeff Hardy in top spots without sacrificing any of their current top guys (Sting got beat and then spent the next ten minutes kicking the shit out of everyone), put the X-Division back on the map with a great match, and FINALLY gave Sting a good heel turn. Logically thinking, why would Sting go at his good friends Ric Flair and AJ Styles? He should want to smash Hogan for screwing him in WCW years ago.

Not having Kong is a bad sign. I hope they keep her but I hoped they would work out something with Konnan:(. Making Daffney a major player in the Knockout division is past due. The chick has a great gimmick and can work.
If they do part with Kong, hopefully they'll bring in indy women stars like MsChif or Krissy Vaine.

Scott Steiner was backstage, so he may be back at tonight's tapings for next week. Or he could have been just visiting.

The show set a table for the development of some good stories for the next couple shows.

Still no merch for "The Band" so I don't expect Hall and Waltman to be around long. Even the Nasty Boys have t-shirts.


Rising Star
IMO they butchered rvd's appearance, and just like wcw used to do they cut hardy off during a fight. Raw wasn't build to this week, they were going for next week which will be huge since scsa is the guest host.

the flash

אֱלהִים is king!!!!
OG Investor
Hope TNA doesent go broke last year they were not bringing in money now they are signing the big names!