tonight's main event...
Beer Money, Inc. vs. Jeff Hardy and Rob Van Dam
So what is RVD and Hardys tag team name?
-Drug Money Inc?
-Pot Head Society?
-Meth and Weed Connection?
So what is RVD and Hardys tag team name?
-Drug Money Inc?
-Pot Head Society?
-Meth and Weed Connection?
Fuck a promo. How was the actual wrestling?IMO raw beat the shit out of impact tonight. Aside from the main event impact felt like a bad episode of nitro. Batista's promo on raw was hilarious, but cena came out and killed the whole damn segment.
IMO raw beat the shit out of impact tonight. Aside from the main event impact felt like a bad episode of nitro. Batista's promo on raw was hilarious, but cena came out and killed the whole damn segment.
TNA had to know, and have acknowledged, that going to Mondays while WWE was building to Mania was going to make it tougher but it's better to do it now than the fall when Monday Night Football comes back. Raw has been really good lately except the dumb guest hosts foisted on them by USA. Batista has been on fire and should probably never be a good guy again. Randy Orton/Legacy has been the worst feud I've seen a main eventer in since HHH had to wrestle Vladimir Koslov. Get this over with and then break up Legacy. I think they're a good tag team but the company that does tag teams in on Spike or HDNet.
Hernandez and Matt Morgan don't get along but are the tag champs on TNA. So I'm hoping for a LAX reunion. What else are they doing with Homicide? I don't care who Morgan's partner is because they should be building him to the World title.
I agree completely with that assessment, legacy and orton are boring. The build up to his feud with hhh last year was entertaining but the match sucked balls. Cena's never say die shit has been old for 3 years and the "you can't wrestle" chant's were back in full effect last night.
And to answer rocky maivia's question, The wrestling was decent, but i didn't expect them to go balls out and risk injuring anybody b4 mania. Miz vs Morrison was good but truth and show made it much better by providing commentary. The problem with this war is wwe looks big time and tna looks very minor league when it comes to appearance, and tna is focused too much on the geriatric club.
Haven't watch either show on the dvr yet so I can't comment on. But if the "you can't wrestle" chants are back then Cena's in trouble. I thought he was finally starting to win over some of the fans that hate him but I guess Batista has been so good that Cena looks bad in comparison.
Legacy had potential but they've made them look like bitches for the last year. I thought they would be the Arn and Tully to Randy's Flair. Can you imagine Ric Flair beating up and punking Arn and Tully like Randy has them? And then they want fans to invest in a three man match with them? How can Randy not win when he nearly beat them in a handicap match two weeks ago?
I don't have a problem with TNA filming in a studio. ECW became a force and they taped from a shitty bingo hall for years. I know some of ya'll remember when World Championship Wrestling used to come on at 6:05 and they taped in a much smaller studio in front of 50 people and had the best and highest rated wrestling show on tv. But TNA has to stop cramming 90s wrestlers down our throats at the expense of younger, better guys. AJ and Abyss have personalities, why are they junior versions of Flair and Hogan? RVD and Jeff Hardy are good pickups but the only purpose of the Wolfpac should now be putting over Eric Young and making him a star. Awesome Kong is out of the company but we still have Jordan and the fucking Nasty Boys, who were done more than 10 years ago. I don't get this company sometimes.
^^^they should give you a job!! Am I the only one who died laughing at Batista making fun of Cena last night, that was almost some Rock level shit he did. He's gonna lose though, can't have John Cena not get the title at wrestlemania, I also think depending on who becomes champ that night(mainly Cena) the Money in the bank winner might take his shot that night
Legacy had was done all wrong.......had they been thinking "vicious 2nd gen stable" they would have done something like........
Start off with Orton,Rhodes and Dibiase.
Add in David Flair,Many,Sin Snuka, DH Smith, Lacey Von Erich (before TNA got her). Have them run RAMPANT in WWE....beating the shit out of everyone, causing mayhem, winning the tag team, US title, and World Titles, all within the same month. When Vince, at the end of his rope, calls them all out, he finds out that they were being managed by Shane McMahon in an attempt to give WWE a "fresh start."
I'm hoping TNA creates a new 4 horsemen. AJ Styles is a definite shoe in for a contender, however his mic skills are damned awful.
The problem with the Legacy scenario would be the politics. The only reason Evolution did what they did was because HHH was part of the group.If they were on Smackdown I could see it happening but on Raw not likely. HHH, HBK, and Cena can't be looking bad in the WWE's eyes no matter what push they have to put on the backburner to accomplish it. They keep trying to shove Sheamus down our throats but he hasn't beaten any of the big boys yet. Cena slipped thru a table and Orton got DQed.
I hope TNA does create a stable and it seems like the next PPV may be setting it up with Flair establishing a team. Looks like Desmond Wolfe would be a part considering his interactions with Styles and Flair recently. I'd like to see Beer Money Inc. be the other members but their association with Bischoff would probably6 prevent it.
Beer Money is getting the tag titles back...and I'm glad. They're my favorite tag team over there. Also, with Homicide running out after Hernandez got hurt, it's apparent they're going with an LAX reunion.
Mick Foley will be back under the Cactus Jack name. All signs point to it.
Jarrett needs to go back to a heel character. ASAP.
Alpha Male needs to come back as well, Vince shitted on him BAD.
Beer Money is getting the tag titles back...and I'm glad. They're my favorite tag team over there. Also, with Homicide running out after Hernandez got hurt, it's apparent they're going with an LAX reunion.
Mick Foley will be back under the Cactus Jack name. All signs point to it.
Jarrett needs to go back to a heel character. ASAP.
Alpha Male needs to come back as well, Vince shitted on him BAD.
I'm still waiting for Monty to come back and team up with the Pope.![]()
Legacy had was done all wrong.......had they been thinking "vicious 2nd gen stable" they would have done something like........
Start off with Orton,Rhodes and Dibiase.
Add in David Flair,Many,Sin Snuka, DH Smith, Lacey Von Erich (before TNA got her). Have them run RAMPANT in WWE....beating the shit out of everyone, causing mayhem, winning the tag team, US title, and World Titles, all within the same month. When Vince, at the end of his rope, calls them all out, he finds out that they were being managed by Shane McMahon in an attempt to give WWE a "fresh start."
I'm hoping TNA creates a new 4 horsemen. AJ Styles is a definite shoe in for a contender, however his mic skills are damned awful.
Beer Money is getting the tag titles back...and I'm glad. They're my favorite tag team over there. Also, with Homicide running out after Hernandez got hurt, it's apparent they're going with an LAX reunion.
Mick Foley will be back under the Cactus Jack name. All signs point to it.
Jarrett needs to go back to a heel character. ASAP.
Alpha Male needs to come back as well, Vince shitted on him BAD.
Monty Brown vs. Antonio banks aka M.V.P.
The Pounce!!!!!!!!!! Period lol.. Homie f'd up going to WWE. I am only watching TNA, no RAW for a while.. Is anyone watching NXT?
The Pounce!!!!!!!!!! Period lol.. Homie f'd up going to WWE. I am only watching TNA, no RAW for a while.. Is anyone watching NXT?
The Pounce!!!!!!!!!! Period lol.. Homie f'd up going to WWE. I am only watching TNA, no RAW for a while.. Is anyone watching NXT?
1. He left wwe, before that he was about to get pushed.
2. TNA will suffer as long as hogan is in charge.
3. I watch nxt sometimes, but they really need to drop tuesday night wrestling.
it was just a shoulder block....he needs a new finisher. He had EXCELLENT ring presence and decent mic skills.
2 more days until Shawn Michaels retires....he is not ending UT's streak.
-- According to ProWrestling.NET, The Nasty Boys are no longer under contract with TNA Wrestling. The news was first reported by
Bischoff hinted at the possibility of their release when he asked a fan who didn’t care for the tag team when the last time the duo was on Television.
Honky Tonk Man reported that Knobbs was involved with some sort of an incident at a TNA gathering, and SpikeTV executives were not pleased with his behavior which ultimately lead to their release from TNA. While they’re release has been confirmed, the report via Honky Tonk Man has not been independently confirmed.
-- As reported earlier, Consequences Creed was released from his contract. Shortly after the news broke of his release, Creed confirmed reports via his twitter page stating, “Thanks for the support! Yea it's true no more TNA for me. So now it's time to do work son! The only thing that can beat a Creed is a Drago!”
Brown in WWE. They have a bad track record with Black wrestlers, even ones who are either supremely talented and/or hugely over (Shelton Benjamin the former, MVP the latter). They fired Elijah Burke and he was a better worker and talker than Brown.