had thought orton was going to turn on cena after the match on Raw but it didnt happen..surprised none of the wrestlers inthe back came out to chant "thank you sean" like they did w/ flair
Monty Brown fit more of the prototypical wrestler that Vince McMahon likes to give a push to. He was a big guy. And he was better than others that Vince pushed to title contender status like Vladimir Koslov,Mark Henry or Chris Masters.
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Jack Swagger wins the world title on smackdown Friday.
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Jack Swagger wins the world title on smackdown Friday.
They lose to truth and morrison and shad beats up jtg
That's another surprising development. JTG is be gone soon.
JTG can actually wrestle, i think shad may be the one to go.
JTG can actually wrestle, i think shad may be the one to go.
Yea I agree with you. I think they both can wrestle actually but JTG is the better of the two IMO. The more entertaining anyway. Regardless WWE screwed up with Cryme Tyme. And i'm not even talking about the shitty gimmick. Them cats never were put over. And I don't understand that. I listen to the cheers every other tag team gets and their's seems to be the loudest. Its like the WWE wants them in arms reach and don't want them to get too big.
I just don't get it. And I usually don't scream racism in wrestling(not saying its not there) but the fuck is going on with the black wrestlers in the WWE? Them cats don't even get a chance. How in the fuck does Kofi Kingston get that huge push when he beat the hell out of Randy and now this nigga basically jobbing now? MVP not even on TV anymore and when he was he was basically filler for the US title. Mark Henry was used to put over Big Show and not much else. We all know Shelton is being held back. R Truth is doing the tag team shit with Morrison. Black wrestlers aren't even getting a chance. Meanwhile I gotta sit through this bullshit with Swagger, MCentyre, Diggler and Shaemus? What exactly did they do to deserve a push because i'm not seeing it.
Vince had room for only one black world champion, The Rock.
JTG can wrestle and I think he's better than Shad too BUT Vince McMahon likes the big guys (that guy is such a latent homosexual it's ridiculous)and WWE has been high on Shad for a long time.
All of this. WWE doesn't seem interested in pushing Black wrestlers. Mark Henry got a run with the ECW title after Michael Hayes dropped a "N" bomb and they wanted to pacify him. Even though he worked his ass off and was having good to great matches, he's now a 350lbs jobber. Cody Rhodes beat him in 3 minutes on Raw.
Vince had room for only one black world champion, The Rock.
That's another thing probably holding them back.
And btw, who's idea was it to make Randy Orton a face? I think even Edge has become a face as well.
Rock deserved that shit. I don't think any black wrestlers right now have that same IT factor Rock had. But with that being said I don't see any white wrestlers with IT either. How the fuck is Swagger and Shaemus holding titles?Shit is laughable. And i'm just laughing at how them niggas couldn't find nothing for Elijah Burke and couldn't even touch the mic yet he's over in TNA doing a damn good job at it.
spoiler below.........
Jack Swagger wins the world title on smackdown Friday.
They lose to truth and morrison and shad beats up jtg
You forgot Jericho. Chris Jericho, Edge, and CM Punk were all better heels than Orton which is why all three were on Smackdown, leaving Raw to Orton.Both Edge and Orton are faces even though they were the 2 biggest heels in wrestling this time last year. Edge got hurt and considering the circumstances usually guys come back initially as faces just because the fans seem to have some level of love and appreciation for them when they get back. Plus his return led into a feud with Jericho so he's a face. Orton only works as a face to me if you don't change his character. When he came out with Cena Monday I was like WTF cause it didn't fit his character. If Orton was a loner who just dropped the truth about every and anybody then it could work. Almost on par personality wise with Stone Cold. But since all the WWE cares about is merchandise they will probably turn him into happy, smiley, t-shirt hawking Randy Orton.
Swagger and Sheamus have titles because Vince likes Swagger and Sheamus just so happens to be Triple H's workout partner. So both have 2 of the 3 most important people in the company having their back. I think Punk has the IT factor but he pissed people within the company off too much for his own good. And Burke and Kennedy seemed to have IT but Kennedy couldn't stay healthy and I don't know what the real thing was with Burke. With his ability on the mic he could have sold anything they gave him.
A huge problem is that the WWE likes to hire writers who have had nothing to do with wrestling and aren't even writing fans. So they don't know or appreciate the history of the business and what has worked in the past. Plus based on the idiotic skits most of the those guys are hacks anyway. If you're a talented writer I would expect you to be working on 30 Rock or Breaking Bad not working on Monday Night Raw writing a skit with Hornswoggle and Mak Henry in a fucking hot tub.
Combine that with the company not allowing guys to really freestyle their promos or be creative and come up with their own stuff and the problem is obvious. Michaels-Jericho was a hugely successful feud that lasted for the better part of a year and the 2 of them had a huge hand in how the angle was booked.
So wait a minute, he beats Jericho (World Heavyweight Championship) or he beats Cena (WWE championship)? World Title is kind of vague. Also, I was at Wrestlemania and this guy from Canada had a bill for the next pay-per view that had both Cena and Edge defending the top two titles in it.
I knew this was going to happen. In the un-televised battle royal before Wrestlemania, Cryme Tyme was double teaming people until Shad double crossed JTG. They started having beef then. Shad will stick around while JTG will soon be gone. It also seemed that the Cody Rhodes/Dibiase partnership will be broken up, and that Dibiase will be getting the stronger push. Also, Co-sign on the Black Wrestlers getting screwed. Kofi has been on the fringe for a minute, and most of the others just get jobbed. And, yes at live events Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, Kofi, and Mark Henry get the loudest cheers outside of Cena, RKO, and Triple H so go figure ...![]()
You forgot Jericho. Chris Jericho, Edge, and CM Punk were all better heels than Orton which is why all three were on Smackdown, leaving Raw to Orton.
Him as a face won't last. He's just a natural asshole but the fans are big on the RKO (most of them missed DDP in the 90s) and they forced a turn.
I'm sick of the bs the black wrestlers go through, and vince himself has admitted they need a black superstar to get more black fans. The problem is as long as cena is considered the urban champ, then that won't happen. Basically a black wrestler would have to call cena a wigger on live tv.
I don't think that anybody considers Cena the "Urban Champ" but Vince McMahon and Stephanie McMahon. Women and children like Cena and that's who controls the merchandising. Another problem is that whenever Vince pushes a black wrestler, with Lashley being the exception, the guy is a heel. Elijah Burke got his biggest push as a heel and Booker T got his World Title run as a heel. And Lashley didn't work because he sucked on the mic and McMahon chose to ram him down people's throats without any buildup to get people behind him initially.
I'm sick of the bs the black wrestlers go through, and vince himself has admitted they need a black superstar to get more black fans. The problem is as long as cena is considered the urban champ, then that won't happen. Basically a black wrestler would have to call cena a wigger on live tv.
Vince McMahon's "Mr. McMahon" Character Reportedly Finished
By Michael Bluth
Apr 1, 2010 - 7:35:53 PM
McMahon is a firm believer in pushing younger acts and is not blind to the fact that he's in his 60's and the character more than ran its course.
This time last year Punk had just won MITB and was still a face and Orton was the heel in the main event of Wrestlemania 25 which is why I put him over Jericho who is an all time favorite of mine. Orton is a natural asshole, his situation with Kofi on Raw a couple of months back when he berated him is a classic example. Thing is when he was coming back from his last injury and he was trashing the state of Raw and other wrestlers he was getting cheers. That's what they need to do with him if he's gonna be a face without making him completely boring.
Add Christopher Daniels to the Released list from TNA. Apparently he was released last Wednesday and showed up last night at ROH's internet ppv The Big Bang in Charlotte, challenging Davey Richards, after Richards beat Kenny King in an entertaining match. Daniels-Richards should be incredible.
btw, went to see the show live and it was a great show. If ROH could get a better cable deal, they would be a problem for TNA and WWE.
WTF is wrong with TNA, releasing Daniels? The guy can talk, wrestle, and is a veteran but apparently that's not good enough to perform there anymore.
Oh yeah, the Nasty Boys are gone, their 90 day tryout contract was up. They left without doing much of putting anyone over so them being there was a fucking waste.
according to TNA, they did not know that Daniels was appearing at ROH, so I believe he's still under contract. what this move by him means for his future, however, may have sealed his fate with TNA.
So wait a minute, he beats Jericho (World Heavyweight Championship) or he beats Cena (WWE championship)? World Title is kind of vague. Also, I was at Wrestlemania and this guy from Canada had a bill for the next pay-per view that had both Cena and Edge defending the top two titles in it.
I knew this was going to happen. In the un-televised battle royal before Wrestlemania, Cryme Tyme was double teaming people until Shad double crossed JTG. They started having beef then. Shad will stick around while JTG will soon be gone. It also seemed that the Cody Rhodes/Dibiase partnership will be broken up, and that Dibiase will be getting the stronger push. Also, Co-sign on the Black Wrestlers getting screwed. Kofi has been on the fringe for a minute, and most of the others just get jobbed. And, yes at live events Cryme Tyme, R-Truth, Kofi, and Mark Henry get the loudest cheers outside of Cena, RKO, and Triple H so go figure ...![]()
I wish they'd push the black superstars better. I think if they gave MVP a good face storyline and a stronger finisher he could be in the world title division. I'd rather see him as the top face then John Cena.
And if it wasn't for CM Punk's SES storyline, I would've like to see a Nation of Domination/Right to Censor type of stable on Smackdown with Shad, Shelton and Zeke Jackson and have a heel-MVP be the mouthpiece and them trying to take advantage of Teddy Long because he's a brother. I could see Shad as a Muslim brother who just got out of jail (which could've gelled with the Cryme Tyme storyline) with a suit and a bowtie.
Yea MVP has a shitty finishing move. They either need to make that "BALLIN'" his finishing move or come up with another move other than that playmaker. Its a crowd killer.
I thought it was a good idea to move him from that move to the kicks and a shining wizard type move. Then they went back to the Playmaker. We know it's "fake" but the move shouldn't look it and that one does.