Ok, so the Undertaker is gonna be out for a while.......this is setting up for his inevitable retirement.
His "assailant" will be Kane.......I have a feeling they're gonna make HIM the culprit which will set up a Kane vs UT match.
I pray to the Wrestling Gods they don't do this. Let Taker put over some young guys on the way out.
There's room is just that the E doesn't seem to ever want to push too many black superstars. I swear that Vince thinks that fans are idiots(just look at his name changes for Gregory Helms and Lance Cade as examples) and easily confused which probably is part of his excuse.

Estrada was a good one for Umaga but just as he was getting over, they moved him to ECW. Then when he started getting over on that show, they let him go. TNA could really make themselves different from WWE just by having a manager or two for some of the guys that are weak on the mic (Generation Me could really use a manager ala Jim Cornette. Not Jimmy but someone that could talk for them.).There have only been about 2 legit managers in wrestling the last 2 or 3 years with them being Larry Sweeney and James Mitchell.Sweeney had some issues to deal with and Mitchell fits mostly with certain personalities like that of a Kane
Between Taker and Punk Rey has been fucking people up. And with his knee history he needs to get his surgery taken care of. And all Orton's injuries have been arm related and Batista was/is 1 more tricep tear away from retirement anyway.
Rey's a shooter all of a sudden. He's needed that surgery since the late last year but didn't want to miss another Mania. Now he's working because he fucked up Taker and Smackdown is so light on stars. I hope he's making a shitload of money right now.