Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Ok, so the Undertaker is gonna be out for a while.......this is setting up for his inevitable retirement.

His "assailant" will be Kane.......I have a feeling they're gonna make HIM the culprit which will set up a Kane vs UT match.

I pray to the Wrestling Gods they don't do this. Let Taker put over some young guys on the way out.

There's room is just that the E doesn't seem to ever want to push too many black superstars. I swear that Vince thinks that fans are idiots(just look at his name changes for Gregory Helms and Lance Cade as examples) and easily confused which probably is part of his excuse.

There have only been about 2 legit managers in wrestling the last 2 or 3 years with them being Larry Sweeney and James Mitchell.Sweeney had some issues to deal with and Mitchell fits mostly with certain personalities like that of a Kane
Estrada was a good one for Umaga but just as he was getting over, they moved him to ECW. Then when he started getting over on that show, they let him go. TNA could really make themselves different from WWE just by having a manager or two for some of the guys that are weak on the mic (Generation Me could really use a manager ala Jim Cornette. Not Jimmy but someone that could talk for them.).

Between Taker and Punk Rey has been fucking people up. And with his knee history he needs to get his surgery taken care of. And all Orton's injuries have been arm related and Batista was/is 1 more tricep tear away from retirement anyway.

Rey's a shooter all of a sudden. He's needed that surgery since the late last year but didn't want to miss another Mania. Now he's working because he fucked up Taker and Smackdown is so light on stars. I hope he's making a shitload of money right now.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
i think they going for a NWO-type angle w/ the NXT rookies beating down everyone at the end of Raw..

:lol: @ the little boy"mr king??" and the "shocked fans" in the audience


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was the best ending of Raw I can remember. That shit actually has me anticipating next week. And I agree BP, if WWE does this shit right or want to they need to make this shit a stable like the NWO. WWE made a big splash with those dudes that night. That's the most heat i've seen from them yet. I was wondering what they'd do with them NXT dudes. Especially since they got like another 8 dudes on tommorow.

Them dudes tore that ring up. For a minute I forgot this shit was fake. :lol:

:lol: And i'll never stop laughing at the crazy looks fans give when shit like this happens.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
That was the best ending of Raw I can remember. That shit actually has me anticipating next week. And I agree BP, if WWE does this shit right or want to they need to make this shit a stable like the NWO. WWE made a big splash with those dudes that night. That's the most heat i've seen from them yet. I was wondering what they'd do with them NXT dudes. Especially since they got like another 8 dudes on tommorow.

Them dudes tore that ring up. For a minute I forgot this shit was fake. :lol:

:lol: And i'll never stop laughing at the crazy looks fans give when shit like this happens.

It was so good that you forget how unimpressive the rest of the show was.
They shouldn't keep them together in a NWO-style group for long. Only a couple of them can really go in the ring but guys like Tarver and Sheffield can be used in other capacities (Tarver would be perfect as Ted Dibiase's bodyguard/assistant) while the rest can go on to feud with different wrestlers.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That was the best ending of Raw I can remember. That shit actually has me anticipating next week. And I agree BP, if WWE does this shit right or want to they need to make this shit a stable like the NWO. WWE made a big splash with those dudes that night. That's the most heat i've seen from them yet. I was wondering what they'd do with them NXT dudes. Especially since they got like another 8 dudes on tommorow.

Them dudes tore that ring up. For a minute I forgot this shit was fake. :lol:

:lol: And i'll never stop laughing at the crazy looks fans give when shit like this happens.

took the words out my mouth. this shit had me on the edge of my seat. very attitude era-ish i believe:yes::yes:.


Rising Star
Can we finally stop calling vince a genius because that was one of the worst raw's i've ever seen. You have rampage jackson who the crowd popped for and that's how they use him. Aside from eve looking so damn good last night and the massive beatdown at the end, this raw looked like some wcw 2000 bullshit:angry::angry:. I know page was having a great time because the host get to do stuff not shown on tv, like hanging out with the wrestlers and divas but that shit had me smh in embarrassment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Can we finally stop calling vince a genius because that was one of the worst raw's i've ever seen. You have rampage jackson who the crowd popped for and that's how they use him. Aside from eve looking so damn good last night and the massive beatdown at the end, this raw looked like some wcw 2000 bullshit:angry::angry:. I know page was having a great time because the host get to do stuff not shown on tv, like hanging out with the wrestlers and divas but that shit had me smh in embarrassment.

Who's called Vince a genius? :lol: What's killing the product is that PG rating they want to obtain. I can't knock them because its giving them more money but its why you that whole A team storyline shit. I didn't trip because i've always heard Page was a big wrestling fan and he basically got to live his dream last night.

As far as being one of the worst raw's....I can't really agree or disagree. Its pretty much how Raw has been for the past couple of years since the PG rating. Wasn't really nothing that different between last nights episode and the ones prior. Every once in a while they hit you with an exciting show but its become rare due to that rating.

took the words out my mouth. this shit had me on the edge of my seat. very attitude era-ish i believe:yes::yes:.

Yea that shit did remind me of the attitude era. I wonder how they're going to live up to this shit next week. They can really do damage with this storyline if handled right.

It was so good that you forget how unimpressive the rest of the show was.
They shouldn't keep them together in a NWO-style group for long. Only a couple of them can really go in the ring but guys like Tarver and Sheffield can be used in other capacities (Tarver would be perfect as Ted Dibiase's bodyguard/assistant) while the rest can go on to feud with different wrestlers.

Yea the show really was terrible. Botched moves all over the place. The TNA-like A-Team storyline. Bradley Cooper didn't want no part of that shit I see. He came in for 2 seconds and was on that plane wherever he had to be. :lol: Its going to be interesting to see who gets a push out of those NXT guys. I think its clear Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryant are going to get a push and maybe even the kid Mat Hardy was with. But I wonder what role the others are going to play.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
that end of the show ass whipping was fan-fucking-tastic...........................watch Vince fuck it up by letting Cena whip everbodies ass!!! Yo seen after that more than thorough ass whipping by 8 guys(!!!) he still put his thumb up at the end saying "I'm still good!!"

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Who's called Vince a genius? :lol: What's killing the product is that PG rating they want to obtain. I can't knock them because its giving them more money but its why you that whole A team storyline shit. I didn't trip because i've always heard Page was a big wrestling fan and he basically got to live his dream last night.

As far as being one of the worst raw's....I can't really agree or disagree. Its pretty much how Raw has been for the past couple of years since the PG rating. Wasn't really nothing that different between last nights episode and the ones prior. Every once in a while they hit you with an exciting show but its become rare due to that rating.

Yea that shit did remind me of the attitude era. I wonder how they're going to live up to this shit next week. They can really do damage with this storyline if handled right.

The PG rating itself isn't the killer of the show, it's the poor quality of writing. It's possible to make family friendly wrestling but it can't be done as almost tongue in cheek like they do it. It's like they've taken the worst parts of the 80s without the booking of Pat Patterson and George Scott and without the quality of talent taken from a half dozen territories.

that end of the show ass whipping was fan-fucking-tastic...........................watch Vince fuck it up by letting Cena whip everbodies ass!!! Yo seen after that more than thorough ass whipping by 8 guys(!!!) he still put his thumb up at the end saying "I'm still good!!"

Just once it wouldn't hurt to let Cena take the ass whooping. Super Cena will never be Stone Cold or Hulk. Vince is very lucky that neither TNA or ROH have the money or tv connections to give them a fight.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
That was good, but I'm SURE they will fuck it up somehow.

theyll most likely have vince come out and say he was the one behind it all along..had expected either him or chris jericho to do this at the end of last nite's show

i bet michael cole will be involved somehow,since he was the only one not present during the beatdown(mustve bailed when they came to the announcers table :lol: )..he might do like eric bischoff did back in wcw when he was revealed as the true lead of nwo

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
best.... Raw.... Ending.... Evar!!!!!

"That Was Me First!"



NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Maaaan I fell asleep after the Divas match and missed ALL that shit.

I didnt care about any of these dudes until just now. I hope they do this right.



"That Was Me First!"


true, but you expected that shit from the nWo. these NXT rookies are some punk-ass fresh faces-- you can't tell me anyone expected them to pull this shit off.

given the shock value, however, I doubt the angle will get anywhere near as good as that one moment.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
If Vince was smart he'd have them whoop Smackdowns ass too, in retaliation for the new rookies getting they shit beat in last night!!!!!!!!!!!

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Stop hatin you mad tna didn't do something like that?

dirty d
That's one of my all time favorite Jackie videos in your gif. Love it.
You know Jerry knows what that looks like without the bikini.

Don't really like them either.

It was an nWo ripoff.

Maybe but the nWo was a ripoff itself. The angle was well done and that's more than either WWE or TNA have done with any consistency in at least months.


D.R.O.P. SQUAD General
BGOL Investor
Fuck whatcha heard...Cena can't fuck with Bryan Danielson


The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.


Rising Star
The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.

Broken logic i mean why not fire all of them i'm still curious to the follow up but this seemed unnecessary. It's like they have something good going but they're going to over think it and screw it up.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.

If anything that post is a work designed to further the storyline like back in the day when they had Matt Hardy call into a WWE webshow that Lita was on in order to confront her even though he wasn't employed by them.

Monday's show was horrible. It was so bad that I had turned away and just so happened to turn back. The ring was trashed, the ropes were down, announcers table flipped over, etc. I had no idea what had happened but the intensity of the angle was on a level that hasn't been achieved in the last few years. I just hope Vince doesn't fuck this up like he did the other invasion angle and that the right guys(Barrett,Bryan,Gabriel,Sheffield)get the push.


Rising Star
I think they "Fired" Daniel Bryan only to "sign" Bryan Danielson to build up the Bryan Danielson vs. WWE management/Michael Cole angle...or to use it as an angle to add to more fuel to the fire on this NXT shit that's goin on.

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The following is from WWE.com:

WWE has come to terms on the release of NXT first season rookie Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) as of today June 11, 2010. We wish Daniel Bryan the best in all future endeavors.


This has got to be a KAYFABE but if it is, why would they use BOTH of his names?


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor

This has got to be a KAYFABE but if it is, why would they use BOTH of his names?

Well, damn near everybody knows him as Bryan Danielson and he even referenced his real name on NXT following his elimination.


Behind the Boards
BGOL Investor

This has got to be a KAYFABE but if it is, why would they use BOTH of his names?

That date is wrong.
They posted that on their web site the week before he was eliminated from NXT as part of their annual "spring cleaning". I knew it was Kafabe then.
Why release the dude days before they are going to kick him off the show anyway?

J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Eric Bischoff's response to those that feel that TNA always puts former WWE superstars in the main event matches/storylines, as opposed to TNA's "homegrown" talent:

"First of all, I have to say this, and this piss off some people in TNA, but I hate the term "homegrown talent." We're not selling vegetables here or freshly-made pies. This is about creating awareness. Our survival, our ability to grow our audience, and appeal to a broader audience isn't about appealing to the same people who've been watching this, and quite frankly, the audience hasn't grown all that significantly over the last 4, 5, or 6 years, or you probably wouldn't be talking to me right now.

"This is about growing and expanding the audience. You gotta grow the brand, and you do that by bringing in people (whether they're movie stars, television stars, or anything else) who have a broader appeal because they have been out there in front of other people in a bigger, broader audience than perhaps the talent you already have on the show. That's not a knock at all on the talent that TNA currently has, but it does reflect the need that in order for TNA to grow, you have to bring in people that have a broader appeal worldwide. By bringing some of those people in, it benefits the talent that hasn't been anywhere outside of TNA."

Hows those 1.0 rating coming along, Eric?


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Eric Bischoff's response to those that feel that TNA always puts former WWE superstars in the main event matches/storylines, as opposed to TNA's "homegrown" talent:

"First of all, I have to say this, and this piss off some people in TNA, but I hate the term "homegrown talent." We're not selling vegetables here or freshly-made pies. This is about creating awareness. Our survival, our ability to grow our audience, and appeal to a broader audience isn't about appealing to the same people who've been watching this, and quite frankly, the audience hasn't grown all that significantly over the last 4, 5, or 6 years, or you probably wouldn't be talking to me right now.

"This is about growing and expanding the audience. You gotta grow the brand, and you do that by bringing in people (whether they're movie stars, television stars, or anything else) who have a broader appeal because they have been out there in front of other people in a bigger, broader audience than perhaps the talent you already have on the show. That's not a knock at all on the talent that TNA currently has, but it does reflect the need that in order for TNA to grow, you have to bring in people that have a broader appeal worldwide. By bringing some of those people in, it benefits the talent that hasn't been anywhere outside of TNA."

Hows those 1.0 rating coming along, Eric?

Bischoff has a point. It should be about pushing the best talent regardless of where they came from. Problem is that TNA has done a bad job of pushing people. Rob Terry and Orlando Jordan and The Band instead of Homicide or The Motor City Machine Guns.They have damn near made the Tag Titles irrelevant and the Global title is irrelevant due to bad booking and stupid pushes.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My problem with TNA(there's several but this one just annoys me) is that they have no class of wrestlers. It seems like everyone is in the same class. There should be a couple of guys in position for their main title yet there's like 10. There's no dominant face or heel. Wrestlers don't even fight every week. One week Samoa Joe is on and he won't be back until about a month or two later.

As far as pushing "homegrown talent" I think that should be their first mission. I think they have a better chance bringing awareness to their program by putting over some of their homegrown talent than making RVD champ. People want an alternative. Especially on a Thursday night. And when I say alternative i'm including people like Pope and Mr. Kennedy. They didn't get much burn in the WWE. I'm referring to people like Jeff Hardy, RVD, etc. Let some of the other talent get burn.