Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Now I really hate Jack Swagger...

:angry::angry::angry:Me too. Why couldn't MVP, Kofi, R Truth, Shad, or Ezekiel be hitting that? However I knew Alicia liked white boys when she was the wedding planner for Edge's and Vickie's wedding and Edge and her kissed:puke:.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Shit... I'd suck on them titties all day!!!:yes::yes::yes:


Oh I'm about to whoop that muthafuckas ass in Smackdown vs. Raw right now. Hell in a Cell, Last Man Standing, First Blood, 3 on 1 all that shit. That's the only way I'm gone feel better about this.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Knowing a good ass when I see it what made me the man I am today. :cool:

But on the real, Velvet Sky & Angelina are dimes. Angelina is actually a really good wrestler too, but she's a MUCH better heel than she's a face (and her recent face run clearly shows)

Right now the only good female wrestlers currently employed in TNA are the ones you mentioned.

That is completely spot on. The diversity mixed with the fact that they could all wrestle was the charm of the TNA Knockout division back in the day.

Velvet is definitely a dime. As good as Lacey was looking Thursday Velvet Sky was putting her to shame. She looks so good that I'm surprised that Vince never signed her and pushed the hell out of her like he did Sunny and Sable back in the day.As for Angelina she has become less attractive to me as she gets more tats.On Impact a couple of weeks ago they showed Angelina in the back getting ready. She was topless with her back to the camera and between her bony ass back and the tattoos it wasn't a good look. Madison is attractive because she has spinner potential and Sarita could definitely get it.
And you're right about Angelina being a better heel than face. When she came back I thought that they were going to jump Lacey and kick her out but instead they did the Angelina-Velvet rivalry which didn't click.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Velvet is definitely a dime. As good as Lacey was looking Thursday Velvet Sky was putting her to shame. She looks so good that I'm surprised that Vince never signed her and pushed the hell out of her like he did Sunny and Sable back in the day.As for Angelina she has become less attractive to me as she gets more tats.On Impact a couple of weeks ago they showed Angelina in the back getting ready. She was topless with her back to the camera and between her bony ass back and the tattoos it wasn't a good look. Madison is attractive because she has spinner potential and Sarita could definitely get it.
And you're right about Angelina being a better heel than face. When she came back I thought that they were going to jump Lacey and kick her out but instead they did the Angelina-Velvet rivalry which didn't click.

Regardless of how you feel about her tats or her face, Angelina has the roundest bubble booty with the smallest waist out of anyone in TNA. That's all I'm saying as far as looks go :cool:


Happy Belated Birthday (July 17) to my baby's mama...
Lacey Von Erich

She turned a sexy 24 this weekend!!






Oh yeah, I forgot... Happy birthday to Daffney too...

Ahhh, One more of Lacey for da road!!:D


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Looks like I won't be making it to the hip-hop show tonight. 2 new Chikara DVDs just popped up at WB. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I hope the wifey doesn't mind staying in tonight :dunno:


Damn, I didn't know Drew McIntyre married Tiffany! What's up with all these new wrestling couples popping up lately?!


Drew McIntyre Confirms He Is Married To A WWE Diva
by Matt Boone
Jul 17, 2010 The following is an excerpt from a recent featured piece on Drew McIntyre from Slam! Wrestling:

When asked about his May 2010 marriage to Taryn Terrel, who is WWE Diva Tiffany, McIntyre paused, took a deep breath, and said that his life has changed that much.

"Well, I don't want to get into that much, but it's pretty much the same," he said.

There wasn't much that he would share, other than confirming that it took place in Las Vegas.

"I've not really told anybody anything, except my parents. But I can tell you that Elvis was not there and the world will never know," he said with a laugh.

Check out the full article over at Slam! Wrestling.

Love those quick Vegas weddings!:D


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Damn, I didn't know Drew McIntyre married Tiffany! What's up with all these new wrestling couples popping up lately!

It's simple. Wrestlers work 200+ shows a year and spend plenty of time together. So it's natural for people to hook up when they spend that much time together on the road and with somebody who understands the lifestyle.It's been going on for a longtime.


It's simple. Wrestlers work 200+ shows a year and spend plenty of time together. So it's natural for people to hook up when they spend that much time together on the road and with somebody who understands the lifestyle.It's been going on for a longtime.
I meant to say what's up with them getting married! I already know that wrestlers like hooking up with other wrestlers, but walking down that isle...?


Support BGOL
Kane has the World Title...........

.........yep, he's the culprit behind UT getting wrecked....unless they change the storyline up. Vince is supposedly pissed that those wedding photos leaked.


Rising Star
Kane has the World Title...........

.........yep, he's the culprit behind UT getting wrecked....unless they change the storyline up. Vince is supposedly pissed that those wedding photos leaked.

yeah i read that and it's only been 12 yrs between reigns. i guess we'll see another Kane vs Undertaker.


Kane has the World Title...........

.........yep, he's the culprit behind UT getting wrecked....unless they change the storyline up. Vince is supposedly pissed that those wedding photos leaked.

yeah i read that and it's only been 12 yrs between reigns. i guess we'll see another Kane vs Undertaker.

About fuckin' time! Congrats to Kane and also the Miz!:yes:

Put da mask back on, Kane!!:devil::devil::devil:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Happy Belated Birthday (July 17) to my baby's mama...
Lacey Von Erich

She turned a sexy 24 this weekend!!





Oh yeah, I forgot... Happy birthday to Daffney too...

Ahhh, One more of Lacey for da road!!:D

I share a birthday with Lacey and "Ms. Zombie Hot"?
Don't let her gimmick fool you, Daffney could get it.

Looks like I won't be making it to the hip-hop show tonight. 2 new Chikara DVDs just popped up at WB. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I hope the wifey doesn't mind staying in tonight :dunno:

Dude, you are asking for trouble:D.

If Miz wins the world title.....

wow......that can work.

I'd prefer Miz winning his first World title than Kane winning another one but good for Kane.
Yeah, Kane and Taker coming up for SummerSlam.

I've been wanting him to go back to mask.

I remember b4 he was famous, he was the christmas monster in memphis wrestling.

I know you remember him as "Diesel" and Isaac Yankem, DDS, his two worst gimmicks.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I notice they had Kane take the belt from Rey instead of Swagger beating Rey and then losing to Kane.

Another clue to his heel turn.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star

So Abyss' "They" isn't the ECW contingent, huh? Now I'm a little more curious. When he stared down Taz a couple weeks ago, I thought that's who it was for sure.


Rising Star
So cena is single handedly taking out each member of nexus, i wish i could say im shocked. MITB was actually a really good ppv alicia and eve showed that the divas can still wrestle, then Layla and k2 completely clusterfucked their way to a finish. Both MITB matches were entertaining but the raw onw gets my vote, and mcintyre will never be over because this is now 2x that the crowd has groaned anytime he's ever been near a ladder. HD vs The USO'S was good but i felt The uso's should've won. Kane was long overdue for a legit title run and he got a big pop when he came down to the ring with the case. Cena vs Shemus was good but in true cena and vince fashion they are fucking up the nexus angle.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So cena is single handedly taking out each member of nexus, i wish i could say im shocked. MITB was actually a really good ppv alicia and eve showed that the divas can still wrestle, then eve and k2 completely clusterfucked their way to a finish. Both MITB matches were entertaining but the raw onw gets my vote, and mcintyre will never be over because this is now 2x that the crowd has groaned anytime he's ever been near a ladder. HD vs The USO'S was good but i felt The uso's should've won. Kane was long overdue for a legit title run and he got a big pop when he came down to the ring with the case. Cena vs Shemus was good but in true cena and vince fashion they are fucking up the nexus angle.

Eve's not bad but she should avoid those dropkick series. Each one connects less than the previous one. Alicia Fox is coming on great. She could have some good matches with Melina by the late summer/early fall.
McIntyre's getting there but really slowly. Now that they've stopped using McMahon to get him over, he can really shine or fail on his own. With an accent that thick, he could use a manager almost as bad as Jack Thwagger.
The Harts/Usos feud has been decent but with the Harts going over clean, it's all but over. I expect to see the Harts on Smackdown for a while to feud with Archer and Hawkins. They have tag teams, they just don't give a shit about them.


alicia and eve showed that the divas can still wrestle, then eve and k2 completely clusterfucked their way to a finish.
Shows how much i know...

It took me a while to figure out what the hell k2 was!:lol::lol::lol:


Rising Star
I'll say it

I love "Showtime" Percy Watson.

He and Low Ki have caught on quickly with fans, but all the internet people and wwe management want alex riley to win but the jock shtick will get old quickly. On another note am i supposed to believe that cena could really beat up tarver? And which was better the hbk superkick to shelton or the rko to bourne, i pick hbk because of the precise timing and execution by both. Orton barely got his fingers on bourne's head so to me it looked like bourne just his a ssp with orton jumping in the air.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
He and Low Ki have caught on quickly with fans, but all the internet people and wwe management want alex riley to win but the jock shtick will get old quickly. On another note am i supposed to believe that cena could really beat up tarver? And which was better the hbk superkick to shelton or the rko to bourne, i pick hbk because of the precise timing and execution by both. Orton barely got his fingers on bourne's head so to me it looked like bourne just his a ssp with orton jumping in the air.

Watson is taking what could be a career killing gimmick and making it work. Plus he has some good in ring skills for a newer guy.
Ki's awesome and will make the main roster anyway.
Riley's not bad but he comes in behind those two and Michael McGillicutty and, to me, Husky Harris.

had a thing for her since her WCW days(when she first came in she beat down the ring announcer before he could finish saying her name :lol: )

And you know when you hit it from the back, she's throwing the pussy back at you, staring up at you with this face


or this one


either way I'm :jackoff: on her back.