Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
WWE has signed ECWA Super 8 tournament winner Austin "Consequences" Creed to a developmental deal.

I have no idea what they'll do with him. He's Black and on the smaller side but this is his shot on the big stage and at least he can make some good money if nothing else.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
WWE has signed ECWA Super 8 tournament winner Austin "Consequences" Creed to a developmental deal.

I have no idea what they'll do with him. He's Black and on the smaller side but this is his shot on the big stage and at least he can make some good money if nothing else.

mabye it's just me but it seems like wwe doesn't push many of their black stars. Fuckin R-Truth held the belt for about a month b4 he dropped it.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
mabye it's just me but it seems like wwe doesn't push many of their black stars. Fuckin R-Truth held the belt for about a month b4 he dropped it.

It's not you. WWE apparently doesn't see the need to push Black wrestlers for any extended amount of time. When they do, it's on some quota shit. When they decided to put the Diva's title on Alicia Fox, R-Truth had to know his time was up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You all are aware that Daffney use to be Booker T's fuckpiece, right? This is before he got with with his current wife.

Just sayin', Booker knew what was up :cool:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
You all are aware that Daffney use to be Booker T's fuckpiece, right? This is before he got with with his current wife.

Just sayin', Booker knew what was up :cool:

Did not know. Booker bangs all the bad ones. He was running through WCW chicks back in the day, huh?


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Did not know. Booker bangs all the bad ones. He was running through WCW chicks back in the day, huh?

They all were. The Nitro Girls had a role and they filled it. Kimberly Page was married to DDP, the Asian one was fucking with Kevin Nash, another one is HBK's wife, and Sharmell is Booker's wife. Guess the locker room is more than just a spot to get ready to wrestle,go over details,and change clothes.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
WWE has signed ECWA Super 8 tournament winner Austin "Consequences" Creed to a developmental deal.

I have no idea what they'll do with him. He's Black and on the smaller side but this is his shot on the big stage and at least he can make some good money if nothing else.

Good shot - that's the homie from Columbus, GA, I hope they use him right.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
They all were. The Nitro Girls had a role and they filled it. Kimberly Page was married to DDP, the Asian one was fucking with Kevin Nash, another one is HBK's wife, and Sharmell is Booker's wife. Guess the locker room is more than just a spot to get ready to wrestle,go over details,and change clothes.

The Nitro Girls got theirs, one way or another.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
This angle has lost a lot of steam and just doesn't seem to be getting back to having the initial impact.
All of them should be working house shows and doing a ton of tag and 6 and 8 man matches so they look good come SS.

I'm thinking it's Vince in a double swerve, like the "Higher Power" story from years ago.

I agree, them just jumping people is stale now. It's like after Summerslam, they plan to drop them from existence except for Barrett.

I think they could at least make a good tag team out of 2 of the 7 of them. They need another tag team anyway. They can't build the Usos without having them some teams to run through. I'm still not sold on the Hart Dynasty because they pretty much got the titles by default.

Maybe the dude who does the 450 splash and Daniel Bryan would've been a good tag team, but I guess you could substitute for the dude with the red hair. Or put Barrett with William Regal.

Am I the only one who can't stand Michael Tarver and that stupid half mask? And that stupid look he makes when he has it on. It's like he's trying to hard.

Shit, Sheffield too. That "Yep Yep Yep", I can't stand that shit. It's not catchy and he looks like Stone Cold's big retarded little brother.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
mabye it's just me but it seems like wwe doesn't push many of their black stars. Fuckin R-Truth held the belt for about a month b4 he dropped it.

Booker T is probably the last black superstar to get a good push.

I guess since they got Cena playing "the wigga" they figured they don't need a black main event superstar.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Am I the only one who can't stand Michael Tarver and that stupid half mask? And that stupid look he makes when he has it on. It's like he's trying to hard.

Shit, Sheffield too. That "Yep Yep Yep", I can't stand that shit. It's not catchy and he looks like Stone Cold's big retarded little brother.

I can't stand those to either. I remember right before they jumped Vince and everyone had that were gonna get you look, they did a close up on Tarver and he had a mad dog foaming a the mouth look on his face.:smh::smh::smh:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I agree, them just jumping people is stale now. It's like after Summerslam, they plan to drop them from existence except for Barrett.

I think they could at least make a good tag team out of 2 of the 7 of them. They need another tag team anyway. They can't build the Usos without having them some teams to run through. I'm still not sold on the Hart Dynasty because they pretty much got the titles by default.

Maybe the dude who does the 450 splash and Daniel Bryan would've been a good tag team, but I guess you could substitute for the dude with the red hair. Or put Barrett with William Regal.

Am I the only one who can't stand Michael Tarver and that stupid half mask? And that stupid look he makes when he has it on. It's like he's trying to hard.

Shit, Sheffield too. That "Yep Yep Yep", I can't stand that shit. It's not catchy and he looks like Stone Cold's big retarded little brother.

I like Tarver a little. I think he would be perfect in the "Virgil" role for Ted Dibiase Jr.. Then he could spend time working on his inring ability at the same time.
I like Sheffield too. I thought the "Yep" shit was wack and when he started behaving more like a heel, it seemed to fit him better. He should just be muscle and not talk too much.

I agree with making a tag out of a couple of them, especially one with Gabriel in it.
I think the current NXT roster is better than the first one and can't see too many of the Nexus guys being around come Mania.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
You all are aware that Daffney use to be Booker T's fuckpiece, right? This is before he got with with his current wife.

Just sayin', Booker knew what was up :cool:


I had her ass CRACKIN UP @ a WCW show back in the day, but didnt get the vibe she fucked with brothas, plus I had a chick with me...you mean to tell me I could of been tagging that?! :(

I've ALWAYS wanted to tag that!:angry:


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I can't stand those to either. I remember right before they jumped Vince and everyone had that were gonna get you look, they did a close up on Tarver and he had a mad dog foaming a the mouth look on his face.:smh::smh::smh:

I don't mind Sheffield and he may make a good heel. He's done an solid job thus far.As for Tarver I think it's safe to say that he's never shown much in the ring. His bid deal has been that he's a dangerous guy.He continually said that bad things would happen if the "pitbull was let off his leash." So it makes sense that he would be crazed and vicious when they are randomly beating down whoever they please.He's far more convincing that Heath Slater.

I guess that they have kept them out of the ring because they are only a couple of them that we know are solid in the ring, Barrett and Gabriel which makes Daniel Bryan's firing even more unfortunate.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I like Tarver a little. I think he would be perfect in the "Virgil" role for Ted Dibiase Jr.. Then he could spend time working on his inring ability at the same time.
I like Sheffield too. I thought the "Yep" shit was wack and when he started behaving more like a heel, it seemed to fit him better. He should just be muscle and not talk too much.

I agree with making a tag out of a couple of them, especially one with Gabriel in it.
I think the current NXT roster is better than the first one and can't see too many of the Nexus guys being around come Mania.

I have to agree about the current NXT roster. The only 2 that stand out as not being ready are Eli Cottonwood and Titus O'Neill. Several of them are way ahead of the season 1 people and it's obvious where some of them fit in. Hennig's son does seem like he would be far better as a heel.

Me and some other people thought that Tarver would end up as the new Virgil prior to the Nexus angle.My only question was which would have been funnier: Tarver as the guy who said the WWE was racist but worked for Dibiase only for the money and to be in the WWE or Tarver as the pitbull who continually tried or asked for Dibiase to let him off the leash and do his bidding.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So Jerry Lynn has confirmed he'll be facing RVD at Hardcore Justice ppv. That's cool but I would have preferred RVD vs. Abyss in some type of hardcore gimmick match.


Rising Star
I don't know what tarver ya'll are watching but he's actually pretty decent. The half mask makes him look like a bad ass and he's good on the mic. Tarver, Barrett and Skip are the only ones who look imposing, while Gabriel is cool he otunga and Slater don't look threatening. The beat downs have gotten a little repetitive, but that's because vince doesn't want them to do anything else.

If cena and his wack pack beat them at SS i will be convinced that wwe can blow any angle no matter how great it is. I'm sure if rock came back vince would want him to put on his tooth fairy outfit.:smh::smh:


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
So Jerry Lynn has confirmed he'll be facing RVD at Hardcore Justice ppv. That's cool but I would have preferred RVD vs. Abyss in some type of hardcore gimmick match.

I keep hearing that it won't feature anybody who wasn't in ECW so we'll have to wait on the RVD-Abyss match.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor

This ECW angle looks promising, I'm glad it wasn't just another invasion angle. I never realized how Vince pretty much shitted on ECW's legacy like that. They took that hardcore independent brand and turned it into some watered down job show. Vince just couldn't let them have their last hoorah.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I had her ass CRACKIN UP @ a WCW show back in the day, but didnt get the vibe she fucked with brothas, plus I had a chick with me...you mean to tell me I could of been tagging that?! :(

I've ALWAYS wanted to tag that!:angry:

I don't think it's a "she's into black guys" anymore than Booker is "into white girls." But they dated prior to him being with Sharmell during their WCW days.I guess if your game was strong enough you could've hooked up though (assuming she wasn't already with Booker at that time. Now that's one brotha I would NOT want to test, real talk. Ask Eddie Guerrero {RIP} or Batista).

BTW, for those curious about some of Daffney's finer work, I highly recommend Shimmer. She wrestled as herself, and Shark Girl.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
straight to DVD i assume..



J Storm

Rising Star
BGOL Investor

This ECW angle looks promising, I'm glad it wasn't just another invasion angle. I never realized how Vince pretty much shitted on ECW's legacy like that. They took that hardcore independent brand and turned it into some watered down job show. Vince just couldn't let them have their last hoorah.

Fuck HOGAN and BISHOFF. When I first watched TNA back in 2005, the first thing that came to mind was ECW in its PRIME. They need to realize the X-Division is the Money Maker.


Rising Star
I am so fucking sick and tired of dreamer crying all the damn time. I liked ecw too but heyman was just as much at fault for it's downfall. I hate hearing that passion and big paycheck crap, because HBK is considered and rightfully so one of the top in ring performers of all time. He had passion and made millions doing what he loved, but apparently you had to work in a small time company to be considered legit.

Dreamer stayed with the wwe for the money so he can take that self righteous bullshit someplace else. I teared up too at the thought of a bunch of wrestlers who are now 5 years older trying to put on a rehash of a classic ppv.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is going to sound weird, but I really feel the spirit of ECW, if you get past the fact that it's not "hardcore," is in Chikara.

There are so many similarities between the two companies (lots of importing from Japan/Mexico, blending styles from different countries, varations of the "traditional" wrestling rules, lots of crowd interraction/involvement, etc.) It's ECW without being a rehash. The promos style of promos that are cut, and other innovations, play towards to the love of wrestling (which is something I wish WWE especially would move towards. TNA, in general, is a mess, so that's the least of their problems).

Recently Tommy Dreamer made an appearance at the Chikara arena, that sort of made it all come together for me with the Chikara/ECW comparison.

If ECW was a "special" promotion in the indies, then the same could be said about Chikara.

Just my 2 cents.


Rising Star
I am so fucking sick and tired of dreamer crying all the damn time. I liked ecw too but heyman was just as much at fault for it's downfall. I hate hearing that passion and big paycheck crap, because HBK is considered and rightfully so one of the top in ring performers of all time. He had passion and made millions doing what he loved, but apparently you had to work in a small time company to be considered legit.

Dreamer stayed with the wwe for the money so he can take that self righteous bullshit someplace else. I teared up too at the thought of a bunch of wrestlers who are now 5 years older trying to put on a rehash of a classic ppv.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know what tarver ya'll are watching but he's actually pretty decent. The half mask makes him look like a bad ass and he's good on the mic. Tarver, Barrett and Skip are the only ones who look imposing, while Gabriel is cool he otunga and Slater don't look threatening. The beat downs have gotten a little repetitive, but that's because vince doesn't want them to do anything else.

If cena and his wack pack beat them at SS i will be convinced that wwe can blow any angle no matter how great it is. I'm sure if rock came back vince would want him to put on his tooth fairy outfit.:smh::smh:

Yea I Agree on all counts. I don't get the beef with Tarver. I like the half mask he has. I wish they all wore a half mask. Especially some of them sissy lookin' dudes like Otunga and the 450 splash dude.

As far as how Tarver acts, he's just being over the top like the rest of NXT. I don't see the beef with him.

I have no faith in the WWE to do this feud any justice. It looks like they're already about to put the nail in the coffin to it. But I got a feeling there's going to be a surprise at Summerslam that will benefit the NXT guys. I can't believe how bad this shit has gotten since that EPIC episode some months ago when NXT made their debut. Not one of them dudes except Barrett has gotten a singles match. That's what has made this whole feud boring. Instead of wasting time forcing Koslov and that weak ass Dibiase gimmick on us they could've been giving some of these dudes matches.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yea I Agree on all counts. I don't get the beef with Tarver. I like the half mask he has. I wish they all wore a half mask. Especially some of them sissy lookin' dudes like Otunga and the 450 splash dude.

As far as how Tarver acts, he's just being over the top like the rest of NXT. I don't see the beef with him.

I have no faith in the WWE to do this feud any justice. It looks like they're already about to put the nail in the coffin to it. But I got a feeling there's going to be a surprise at Summerslam that will benefit the NXT guys. I can't believe how bad this shit has gotten since that EPIC episode some months ago when NXT made their debut. Not one of them dudes except Barrett has gotten a singles match. That's what has made this whole feud boring. Instead of wasting time forcing Koslov and that weak ass Dibiase gimmick on us they could've been giving some of these dudes matches.

I'd prefer they all wore the half masks instead of those goofy looking "N" shirts.

Still holding out hope that a few TNA guys make the show. From what Mike Johnson from PWInsider.com has told me, some of the guys are holding out for 5k and/or multiyear deals with TNA and they may end up fucking themselves out of the show.

I loved ECW but I don't see how this puts over TNA.
Okay Abyss' "they" isn't the ECW contingent (how long can they say "ECW" on TNA television?) but they keep making vague connections betweent them. I'm getting into that subplot a little more. Way more than "Why, Sting? Why?"

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Just watching last week's Impact! and the Knockout street fight. Good, stiff match. They probably should have saved this for a ppv. Fuck the Beautiful People, these chicks put in work. Now bring back Hamada and I'll stop bitching about the Knockout division.
But Russo hates foreign wrestlers and women that can work so that's not going to happen.