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Cena needs to take a year long vacation......then start promoting ads for his triumphant return.

Have a tag match with Cena/Rey/Bourne vs Edge/heel/heel...let the faces win.

Have BOTH Cena and Rey turn heel and beat the shit out of Bourne.

That would make things interesting.


Rising Star
I wish people would stop comparing a cena heel turn to hogan's, when hogan did it he literally changed wrestling with cena it would be reminiscent of his heel run of 2003. This supercena crap is becoming hilarious to me, i mean he get's beat up then jericho hit's him with the codebreaker and he still has enough energy to reverse the W.O.J adn apply the STF. I wish for once someone would shoot on him, like when he does the AA they just get up and brush themselves off lol.
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BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
Barrett's finisher is one of the weakest since Cena started using the FU. I have no idea who comes up with these finishers for these guys. But I guess with powerbombs and piledrivers banned, the range is limited.

Dream on, player. Cena sells t-shirts and caps and WWE isn't giving up that money just yet.
Plus if he did, we'd just have another year of him feuding with the now-face Randy Orton and the returning HHH. Do we really want that?:smh:

Yep, maybe if they weren't aiming for the PG audience they'd have no problem changing faces to heels. Now they got kids who love Cena and Mysterio because they're like Superman and Spiderman to these kids, they really cater to them and they don't got anybody else who can pull that off so I doubt they'll ever let them go heel.

That's why back in the Attitude era, faces like Austin, and The Rock, Undertaker and even Triple H and Kane could go heel and people would still like them, because they didn't cater to kids but were still liked by kids. They push Cena and Mysterio as faces strictly to sell merchandise to the kids.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Here is a blast from the past. Not that PG rated shit we see now. In this post we see a pimp hand and a cap'n save a ho. Damn I miss the old days.



Rising Star
WWE recycles all of the gimmicks and plots every 7 yrs. When the kiddies grow up and get tired of Cena he will go heel..no telling how long that will take tho. Kane will reveal that he was the one who fucked up Taker and we'll see them fight again :rolleyes: The GM will be Vince, HHH, or Eugene :lol:


Here is a blast from the past. Not that PG rated shit we see now. In this post we see a pimp hand and a cap'n save a ho. Damn I miss the old days.

Damn... mama took one for the home team!!:D

I miss Tully Blanchard with Double A as the Brain Busters! Bobby Heenan had them fucking heads up back in the day!!:yes::yes::yes:



Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
It appears as though Melina will be back real soon. And an independent company signed the a good female match up of Awesome Kong vs. Mickie James.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I wish people would stop comparing a cena heel turn to hogan's, when hogan did it he literally changed wrestling with cena it would be reminiscent of his heel run of 2003. This supercena crap is becoming hilarious to me, i mean he get's beat up then jericho hit's him with the codebreaker and he still has enough energy to reverse the W.O.J adn apply the STF. I wish for once someone would shoot on him, like when he does the AA they just get up and brush themselves off lol.

Cena sells for all of 5 seconds and then is back to being in control. Not even Austin or the Rock pulled that shit off during the peak of their runs. They fucked people but just as often were the victim of attacks from heels making them believable. Nothing is believable about Cena from his no selling of attacks to his horrible moveset to his over the top Creflo Dollar esque promos that sound more like a sermon than a convincing wrestling promo.

Unfortunately, it seems as if there are alot of guys who are solid faces that happen to be much better as heels(Jericho,HHH,Angle,Punk,Ken Anderson,etc.)and I think that Cena fits in that category as well but because these kids buy his shirts he's rammed down out throats as the top face even though he is easily the most annoying main event face of the past 20 years and that includes Hogan when his act got old.


Rising Star
Cena sells for all of 5 seconds and then is back to being in control. Not even Austin or the Rock pulled that shit off during the peak of their runs. They fucked people but just as often were the victim of attacks from heels making them believable. Nothing is believable about Cena from his no selling of attacks to his horrible moveset to his over the top Creflo Dollar esque promos that sound more like a sermon than a convincing wrestling promo.

Unfortunately, it seems as if there are alot of guys who are solid faces that happen to be much better as heels(Jericho,HHH,Angle,Punk,Ken Anderson,etc.)and I think that Cena fits in that category as well but because these kids buy his shirts he's rammed down out throats as the top face even though he is easily the most annoying main event face of the past 20 years and that includes Hogan when his act got old.

Exactly. The Cena/Superman shit has run it's course.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
WWE recycles all of the gimmicks and plots every 7 yrs. When the kiddies grow up and get tired of Cena he will go heel..no telling how long that will take tho. Kane will reveal that he was the one who fucked up Taker and we'll see them fight again :rolleyes: The GM will be Vince, HHH, or Eugene :lol:

I thought about it being Eugene, but Eugene probably wouldn't be smart enough to operate a computer and construct complete sentences. I also thought it could be Hornswaggle since he hasn't been around lately but he's on Smackdown.

I think it will be Michael Cole.

The only reason I think it could be The Rock was because he was supposed to guest host Raw last January but couldn't come because of a movie and only wanted to do it if he could do something creative.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Here is a blast from the past. Not that PG rated shit we see now. In this post we see a pimp hand and a cap'n save a ho. Damn I miss the old days.

Man, I remember watching this on tv as a kid. Baby Doll took that shot like a man.

Damn... mama took one for the home team!!:D

I miss Tully Blanchard with Double A as the Brain Busters! Bobby Heenan had them fucking heads up back in the day!!:yes::yes::yes:


In the pre internet days, it was a shock to me when Arn and Tully walked down to the ring with Bobby Heenan. I was still wanting to see them wrestle the Midnight Express for the NWA tag titles.

I thought about it being Eugene, but Eugene probably wouldn't be smart enough to operate a computer and construct complete sentences. I also thought it could be Hornswaggle since he hasn't been around lately but he's on Smackdown.

I think it will be Michael Cole.

The only reason I think it could be The Rock was because he was supposed to guest host Raw last January but couldn't come because of a movie and only wanted to do it if he could do something creative.

Either of those would kill an already dying gimmick. It's got to be someone big or it becomes an even bigger waste of time than it already is.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Small spoiler alert

No more Global title. The new champ (if you don't know, I'm not telling see last week's Impact!) renames it the TV title. Long overdo and it should have never been the "Global" title anyway. It's never too late to do the right thing.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
No more Global title. The new champ (if you don't know, I'm not telling see last week's Impact!) renames it the TV title. Long overdo and it should have never been the "Global" title anyway. It's never too late to do the right thing.

So AJ styles is now the only person to have held the NWA/TNA title, X Division title, Tag Team title, Legends/Global/TV title. I have no problem with that, he's been there the longest and is a great worker. I hope that some time down the road they have a best of 7 series like Benoit & Booker T had back in WCW to determine the TV champ.

Some one posted that Awesome Kong & Mickie James are doing a independent match so that means that Mickies & Shelton's no compete clause are up.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So AJ styles is now the only person to have held the NWA/TNA title, X Division title, Tag Team title, Legends/Global/TV title. I have no problem with that, he's been there the longest and is a great worker. I hope that some time down the road they have a best of 7 series like Benoit & Booker T had back in WCW to determine the TV champ.

Some one posted that Awesome Kong & Mickie James are doing a independent match so that means that Mickies & Shelton's no compete clause are up.

I can never say anything bad about AJ. Great, great wrestler who's improved his promos skills and, no matter what kind of gimmick they give him (remember the Prince of Phenomenal?) tries to get it over. I don't think they gave him and RVD enough time and should have had Van Dam chase a little before putting the belt on him.

They might be but not necessarily. The no competes just keep them from working from TNA, ROH or any other nationally televised company. Danielson could work ROH now but he could only do non-televised matches, similar to Kong in ROH.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Speaking of that
With Kong still not working ROH tv after being gone from TNA since the spring and Daniels popping up on ROH tv immediately after being let go, I think both are still under some sort of contractual arrangement with TNA.


Rising Star
So AJ styles is now the only person to have held the NWA/TNA title, X Division title, Tag Team title, Legends/Global/TV title. I have no problem with that, he's been there the longest and is a great worker. I hope that some time down the road they have a best of 7 series like Benoit & Booker T had back in WCW to determine the TV champ.

Some one posted that Awesome Kong & Mickie James are doing a independent match so that means that Mickies & Shelton's no compete clause are up.

More wcw influence, i hate bringing him up but the benoit/booker t best of seven series was must see tv.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
More wcw influence, i hate bringing him up but the benoit/booker t best of seven series was must see tv.

:yes: When people talk about the best of seven series, they forget Benoit and Booker had several really good ten and fifteen minute draws to build up to it. Booker was really hot that year. He just had those matches with Perry Saturn and Rick Martel where he beat both in one night and had great matches with Fit Finlay while feuding with Benoit.


Rising Star
:yes: When people talk about the best of seven series, they forget Benoit and Booker had several really good ten and fifteen minute draws to build up to it. Booker was really hot that year. He just had those matches with Perry Saturn and Rick Martel where he beat both in one night and had great matches with Fit Finlay while feuding with Benoit.

It's the beauty of the undercard, you can have great main event players but you have to give people a reason to stick around until then.

WWE star John Cena ripped into the performance of NXT rookie Percy Watson on his Twitter page. Cena started by praising the performances of Alex Riley and Husky Harris, but then had the following to say about Watson:

"If Percy Watson makes another one of those faces where I'm supposed to think he's mad but it looks like he just crapped himself...I'll eliminated him. He has gone downhill every single week. Disappointing. He is really one hell of an athlete. I think he may be suffering from yep yep syndrome. Looking for something special when all he needs is what he's got." To read more from Cena, visit Twitter.com/JohnCena.

Who the fuck is this prick to talk, the same guy who tells lame ass jokes one minute then gets serious the next. Cena can lift all the weights he wants but he still wrestles like a bitch.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can never say anything bad about AJ. Great, great wrestler who's improved his promos skills and, no matter what kind of gimmick they give him (remember the Prince of Phenomenal?) tries to get it over. I don't think they gave him and RVD enough time and should have had Van Dam chase a little before putting the belt on him.

They might be but not necessarily. The no competes just keep them from working from TNA, ROH or any other nationally televised company. Danielson could work ROH now but he could only do non-televised matches, similar to Kong in ROH.

True, plus Danielson worked Chikara matches before the ROH matches.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Miss Teschmaster

BKA Brooke Adams Of The Extreme Expose

Funny the reason said for her being fired by WWE was that she was too sexy.​

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
It's the beauty of the undercard, you can have great main event players but you have to give people a reason to stick around until then.


Who the fuck is this prick to talk, the same guy who tells lame ass jokes one minute then gets serious the next. Cena can lift all the weights he wants but he still wrestles like a bitch.

Fuck Cena. He's really not in a position to talk at all. Percy needs some work but he's only been in the business a couple years at most, what's Cena's excuse?


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I will always love Melina

Well she'll be back Monday.

As for Cena, he doesn't get it. He has made it due to alot of hard work. Just not in the ring but in the weight room and kissing Vince McMahon's ass toeing the company line. Sad thing is that his comment are only going to make Percy Watson more likeable.And as for the comment about Watson's faces I'd like to know the last time that Cena cut a promo without having his veins popping out of his neck at some point.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart married over the weekend to fiance Stephanie Washington, 27. Stephanie Washington is a 27 year old woman from San Francisco, California who is now going to school up in Calgary. They began dating earlier this year. Both are due on honeymoon in Hawaii.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart married over the weekend to fiance Stephanie Washington, 27. Stephanie Washington is a 27 year old woman from San Francisco, California who is now going to school up in Calgary. They began dating earlier this year. Both are due on honeymoon in Hawaii.

look like olivia munn's twin kind of :lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Cena talking about people making dumb faces, he must've forgotten this little gem.


You guys are killing Cena. I'll give him some credit for working hard and trying not to suck but the one thing he could do was cut promos and now even that's horrible. He works hard enough in the ring to have decent to good matches regularly but the way they book him as "The Indestructible John Cena" turns a lot of fans off that would probably like him.
Randy Orton is has been getting that way too and he was actually a pretty good wrestler. But it's been forever since he had a memorable match where he wasn't carried by the other guy (Edge).


WWE Hall of Famer Bret Hart married over the weekend to fiance Stephanie Washington, 27. Stephanie Washington is a 27 year old woman from San Francisco, California who is now going to school up in Calgary. They began dating earlier this year. Both are due on honeymoon in Hawaii.

I knew he just got married but I didn't know he just started dating this year. :smh:
That's why he and Flair don't get along: they're the same fucking guy.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
This video shows just how far cena is from reaching rock status.

For the love of God let the GM be The Rock or Austin.

As for Cena, they need to let Cena's character get put out of action by getting jumped really bad, let him go on vacation or shoot a movie or something, then have him come back on some ol' Splinter Cell type of shit were he's just taking people out, heels and faces. Then when he gets his vengeance, he could work his way back to top face. You can tell by the crowd reactions he gets that people are just getting tired of him.

It's the same story every year -
"I'm the Champ"
He gets "screwed" at the PPV
"I want a rematch"
He loses at the PPV
"You don't deserve a rematch Cena!"
Cena faces whoever screwed him, wins
"I'm a solider...blah...blah...respect, loyalty...corny jokes"
He wins at the PPV

Same thing, different people. It's been like that for the past 4-5 years. One time Cena held the title for over a year and he didn't lose it until he got injured.