
Rising Star
You guys are killing Cena. I'll give him some credit for working hard and trying not to suck but the one thing he could do was cut promos and now even that's horrible. He works hard enough in the ring to have decent to good matches regularly but the way they book him as "The Indestructible John Cena" turns a lot of fans off that would probably like him.
Randy Orton is has been getting that way too and he was actually a pretty good wrestler. But it's been forever since he had a memorable match where he wasn't carried by the other guy (Edge).

I've always had a problem with orton, whether it was early habit of getting into trouble outside of the ring or his horribly bad promos. The point where i gave up on him was the kofi feud, a veteran should never show up a guy like that and yet he's getting the big push. Cena is at a point where he's talking too much and he needs to shut up before he gets called out again like this.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
My Amazon order of the Steamboat & Elimination Chamber DVD sets just arrived today. :dance:

If I didn't already have plans tonight my DVD player would be getting a lot use tonight. :cool:

Next order:

Misawa Memorial Collection (6 DVDs!!!!)
WWE: Best of 2009 (Shockingly enough, this has a solid match listing)
WWE: Chris Jericho DVD (I don't even know what the match listing is, but I'm buying it regardless)


Rising Star
My Amazon order of the Steamboat & Elimination Chamber DVD sets just arrived today. :dance:

If I didn't already have plans tonight my DVD player would be getting a lot use tonight. :cool:

Next order:

Misawa Memorial Collection (6 DVDs!!!!)
WWE: Best of 2009 (Shockingly enough, this has a solid match listing)
WWE: Chris Jericho DVD (I don't even know what the match listing is, but I'm buying it regardless)

Impossible i heard this guy on the radio today and he said wrestling fans are 40yr olds who live at home with their parents and have no life:hmm:. Props on the dvds i'm assuming taker/hbk is #1, i would've gotten the misawa collection before i got the elimination chamber dvd.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Impossible i heard this guy on the radio today and he said wrestling fans are 40yr olds who live at home with their parents and have no life:hmm:. Props on the dvds i'm assuming taker/hbk is #1, i would've gotten the misawa collection before i got the elimination chamber dvd.

Match quality-wise, it's not even close (Misawa set >>>>>> perhaps every wrestling set I own)

I've seen a majority of the matches on the Misawa set and the lowest rating I'd give any of the matches I can identify is *** 1/2, with everything else being **** or better. The Elimination Chamber set isn't touching that level, but the Elimination Chamber matches are usually really good (with only one being a stinker). Until next month, I still have a 13 DVD set I made myself of Misawa matches (took me about a month to compile together).

Also, I think you may be confusing the Elimination Chamber with Hell in the Cell. HBK never did the Elimination Chamber gimmick match against the Undertaker. But he did have a ***** classic in the Hell in the Cell. That DVD set is worth owning too (bought that when it first came out.) I thought it was interesting that they included all the Hell in the Cell matches (including the rare Kane vs Mankind RAW Hell in the Cell match from 1998), but still excluded the abortion of a match in the form of Bossman vs Undertaker from Wrestlemania 15. Yeah the match is AWFUL and boring as hell, but from a completist standpoint it would've been nice to have that included (I'm glad the WWE wasn't foolish enough to exclude the Elimination Chamber match that included Benoit).

Still, the Misawa set is about $200 (Japanese prices are the reason why I still import WWE DVDs, despite the fact I can buy the Japanese versions from Tower Records over here much quicker). I need to wait until next paycheck to drop that much on a single item. :cool:


Rising Star
The Elimination Chamber set isn't touching that level, but the Elimination Chamber matches are usually really good (with only one being a stinker).

Also, I think you may be confusing the Elimination Chamber with Hell in the Cell. HBK never did the Elimination Chamber gimmick match against the Undertaker. But he did have a ***** classic in the Hell in the Cell.

I'm assuming you're referring to the 2003 Bore fest? I was actually talking about the satan's prison dvd they just came out with, when i said taker/hbk was #1 i meant the best of 2009 dvd you were going to get.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I've always had a problem with orton, whether it was early habit of getting into trouble outside of the ring or his horribly bad promos. The point where i gave up on him was the kofi feud, a veteran should never show up a guy like that and yet he's getting the big push. Cena is at a point where he's talking too much and he needs to shut up before he gets called out again like this.

Orton's been off since they decided to make Legacy a vehicle to push him instead of building a true heel faction.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Seeing how the original plan was for an ECW Invasion in TNA, I'm thinking Abyss' "They" was going to be the ECW guys. Now I'm really curious to what they do with that angle.

At least I know it won't be Vince McMahon.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Boy if dibiase and rhodes make it it damn sure won't be because orton, legacy was one of the worst stables ever:smh:

EVER. What should have been Flair and Arn and Tully 2.0 ended up being a farce and a waste of time for Dibiase and Rhodes that Dibiase has yet to recover from.


Support BGOL
Is it me or was Sarita looking extra good last night.

Also there was one point where Angelina fell and you could see that perfectly round bubble.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
i think they should have let Rey show a real vicious streak in this match to play up the angle that he might be the one who sidelined the undertaker. its becoming all too obvious it was Kane. If u all of a sudden have Rey go nuts on a few people and really leave em laying, it would kinda take the attention off the obvious


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm assuming you're referring to the 2003 Bore fest? I was actually talking about the satan's prison dvd they just came out with, when i said taker/hbk was #1 i meant the best of 2009 dvd you were going to get.

I'm referring to the ECW Elimination Chamber match. I think it was 2006. The 2003 one was pretty good, with Jericho/HBK carrying the flow of the match, Nash in the match for only a short time to do his power spots, and then Goldberg coming in and cleaning out the competition (which is really the proper way to book him). Pretty fast paced match, so I wouldn't call that boring at all. The shot at the end with Goldberg handcuffed to the chamber bloodied up with HHH yelling over him reminds me of the type of intensity we won't see anymore on WWE TV since they went PG (sans the first of the Nexus beatdowns).

Sorry, I mixed up what you meant about HBK/UT. The DVD is the best of WWW 2009-2010. It includes THIS years WM match between them (which is perfect for me because I have HBK's newest DVD that includes last years WM match).


Rising Star
I'm referring to the ECW Elimination Chamber match. I think it was 2006. The 2003 one was pretty good, with Jericho/HBK carrying the flow of the match, Nash in the match for only a short time to do his power spots, and then Goldberg coming in and cleaning out the competition (which is really the proper way to book him). Pretty fast paced match, so I wouldn't call that boring at all. The shot at the end with Goldberg handcuffed to the chamber bloodied up with HHH yelling over him reminds me of the type of intensity we won't see anymore on WWE TV since they went PG (sans the first of the Nexus beatdowns).

Sorry, I mixed up what you meant about HBK/UT. The DVD is the best of WWW 2009-2010. It includes THIS years WM match between them (which is perfect for me because I have HBK's newest DVD that includes last years WM match).

The ecw one where each guy had a weapon :smh: i forgot all about that shit. I remember after summerslam 03 even with hhh beating goldberg down i still wanted my money back. I was pissed but then i ordered survivor series 03 and hbk once again stole the show. Cena was talking about smackdown's match should've been the main event, but they were all getting eliminated within 2 minutes of each other.:lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
What does EV 2.0 mean?

The name being a Bischoff creation means Eric is all out of ideas and will be out of TNA by the end of the year. It also means WWE owns the name "ECW" and TNA doesn't want to receive any cease and desist letter from WWE because we know Vince loves to sue.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Here's a reason to buy ROH's next internet ppv Glory by Honor IX on 9/11

Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas will reunite to wrestle the Kings of Wrestling, Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero for the ROH tag titles.



Support BGOL
Gotdamn.......I'm not a fan of Melina........but homegirl was looking DAMN good in those jeans.

I guess Alicia can say goodbye to that Divas title.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Checked out a TNA house show Sunday night and it was pretty good. No one was doing any big highspots and this is my THIRD TNA show and Samoa Joe didn't wrestle but it was still a good show with a hot crowd (Beer Money should never be faces) with RVD and AJ having a great main event with Flair showing the fuck off as AJ's manager. Dude shit all over Concord (NC, just outside Charlotte) for being in a dry county and him not being able to find a bar.


Gotdamn.......I'm not a fan of Melina........but homegirl was looking DAMN good in those jeans.

I guess Alicia can say goodbye to that Divas title.

Damn, I only wish that Melina would've came back as a heel! That's when I really was sweatin' her sexy ass!:devil::devil::jackoff::jackoff::jackoff:


Support BGOL
Damn, I only wish that Melina would've came back as a heel! That's when I really was sweatin' her sexy ass!:devil::devil::jackoff::jackoff::jackoff:

Man, believe it or not, some wrestlers are better off as heels.

HHH, Jericho, Melina, John Morrison are some examples.

Cena NEEDS to go back to being a heel and I wouldn't mind seeing Rey Mysterio do a heel turn.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Man, believe it or not, some wrestlers are better off as heels.

HHH, Jericho, Melina, John Morrison are some examples.

Cena NEEDS to go back to being a heel and I wouldn't mind seeing Rey Mysterio do a heel turn.

So it's not just me who thinks Morrison has been bland as notebook paper since they turned him?
I would love to know why they moved him to Raw and clearly had no plans for him. At least on Smackdown, he was always a champion or top contender. Now he's about two steps from being Mark Henry.


Rising Star
Morrison is bland no matter what they do with him. I don't like melina returning, because it looks like fox will be fed to her and she's been really good. Jericho is gold no matter what he does, and it's a shame alot of people don't see it. Orton vs Miz was like having teeth pulled without novocaine, and orton apparently showed up miz last week during his segment with shemus. It goes to show you people are who they are and he won't change.


and orton apparently showed up miz last week during his segment with shemus. It goes to show you people are who they are and he won't change.

Well, it's obvious that he sees himself as the new HHH of the WWE where he can do no wrong in the eyes of Vinnie Mac!

Man, his head must be so big behind the scenes that he probably can't even fit it in the same locker room as the other wrestlers!