speaking of samoa joe
TNA Suspends Samoa Joe
Posted by Jeremy Thomas on 08.03.2010
For having a bad attitude...
Samoa Joe has been sent home and suspended by TNA. He was sent home after an incident at the July 13th Impact tapings surrounding his match against Jeff Hardy. That match was scheduled to go to a ten-minute time limit draw and Joe was vocal about not wanting a countdown in the final portion of the match, since it would give away the finish. Jeremy Borash started a countdown with 30 seconds left and after the match, Joe reportedly went backstage and yelled at production team members in the production truck for the countdown. This was apparently a breach of etiquette.
Last week, TNA and Spike TV released the full line-up for the August 12 "Whole F'n Show" Impact special and Joe's name was not listed on the card. Joe is also not listed for upcoming TNA house shows
. Word is that Joe will be suspended for about a month.
I read that and, while I'm a Joe fan, TNA cannot let the talent run amok. He was right in what he was mad about but wrong in how he handled it. This exposes the lack of good tv producers in TNA that they messed that up. I thought that's what Bischoff was supposed to do but if he's not even doing that, I see no reason for TNA to keep paying him. Drop him and give your talent a raise.
I read an interview where AJ doesn't seem to happy either. They need to do better with the talent that built that company and stop sacrificing them to new guys who aren't bringing in any ratings or buys.
Can someone tell me what Sheamus has done to get two title reigns in his first year? He had NO buildup and he's only so-so on the mic. I guess he's a good heel but I don't really HATE him or respect him as champ like HHH or Kurt Angle. In my eyes those two are the standard for being a heel champion and Sheamus doesn't even come close.
I have to say, I like Sheamus. At first I thought they pushed him too fast, seeing he only had one feud on ECW with Goldust and beat up a couple small guys (Jamie Noble and Evan Bourne). But since then, I like how they've built him up and made him credible. They did a much better job with him than they've done with Jack Swagger, who can't beat a one legged Rey Mysterio.
Being HHH's buddy pays off in the end again.
NXT is wack as fuck. They trying to make the best ones at the top slide down the list (Percy Watson and Kaval). It seems as if they are always losing. This Alex Riley dude is wack but they forcing him on people. Percy Watson cracks me the fuck up and reinds me of Charlie Murphy. Kaval.......Lo-ki we all know is dope why are they always on the losing side. Especially Lo-Ki??
That probably would've been better!!
They had all the rookies in the ring and they thought they had to prove who the best kisser was by kissing Laycool! 

Unfortunately, they tricked them and brought in some ugly fat bitch witch disguting sores on her mouth for them to kiss!!

At least for lucky ass Kaval, he got to lock lips with sexy ass Layla... before he too had to kiss that cow!

I wish...!!!
NXT could have been special and different and is, sometimes but shit like this kills it. I watch it with my finger near the FF button for stupid segments like this and any time Matt Striker gets the mic.
I actually hope that WWE never gets ahold of Castagnoli at this point. His certainly wouldn't be able to do any Chikara shows if he were, and his feud with BDK is GOLD right now. Besides, at least Chikara is using Castagnoli the way they should be. I'm thinking he'd become another Koslov in the WWE.
As much as I would be worried about what WWE would do with Claudio, they couldn't possibly make him into Koslov 2.0.
Well percy and kaval are the people's favorite, but riley and harris are the company favorites. Riley is nothing more than miz 2.0, he wears a fake varsity jacket and screams so that must mean he's a bad ass.
Riley's no better than the 5th best guy and that's not how they wanted it. Harris puts me in the mind of a young, heel Leon White (pre-Vader) and he could have a future...just not in WWE. They hate fat guys, no matter how good they are (Trevor Murdoch). Kaval was going to make the main roster anyway so he doesn't need to win but so often. I think Percy surprised them and they don't know what to do.