
Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
All i caught was the Dreamer-Raven match up and that match was way overbooked in a Russo way. Plus a fake Blue Meanie.:smh:

I would have liked to see the Dudley Boyz match in order to see Gertner and catch the Gangstas wreaking havoc.


Rising Star
All i caught was the Dreamer-Raven match up and that match was way overbooked in a Russo way. Plus a fake Blue Meanie.:smh:

I would have liked to see the Dudley Boyz match in order to see Gertner and catch the Gangstas wreaking havoc.

I agree. The Dreamer/Raven was good until the run in. I heard that fake Blue meanie was Axl Rotten.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Thing is, if Strong gets the title the only logical challenger is Richards. And while Strong is a hell of a wrestler him as champ does nothing for me. And somebody winning the title would play in his current storyline that believes that there is a conspiracy against him within ROH.Richards could inherit the rivalries that Black has such as Roderick Strong and Kevin Steen. Plus it looks like the American Wolves tandem is falling apart so him and Eddie Edwards could go at it as well.Besides if he really is retiring it'd be nice to see him with the belt plus he is more than over enough for it to work. And quite frankly I don't if there is anyone in that company that he can't have a great match or carry to a great match if needed.

The guy who I think ROH may be priming for a title run is Steen. He should really drop some weight but he's got the heel shit down and he's a really good wrestler. Plus, there's little danger of WWE picking him off.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
If you didn't like the ppv, blame Dreamer. The only connection TNA had to it was hosting it and giving them their monthly ppv spot. Dreamer brought in the talent and booked the matches.


Rising Star
I do blame dreamer because he did all that crying about his friends, and he goes out there and produces a shitty ppv. ONS was the perfect way for them to go out but dreamer couldn't leave well enough alone. What's sad is that some of them are only in their 30's, but because of the hardcore style they love so much they move around like they're 60.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
From the results, it looks like it won't kill me to wait a little while to watch the ECW reunion via WB (although it's up for stream view or download already). I was actually kind of optimistic about it.

Just got done watching the latest Chikara show (from July 25th). GREAT show. Check out this card.

The Colony (Fire Ant, Soldier Ant, & Green Ant) & Frightmare vs. The Brüderschaft des Kreuzes (Tim Donst, Lince Dorado, Pinkie “Pink Ant” Sanchez, & Tursas)

Jimmy “Equinox” Olsen vs. Shingo Takagi

Amazing Kong & Raisha Saeed vs. The Brüderschaft des Kreuzes (Sara Del Rey & Daizee Haze)

CIMA, Masaaki Mochizuki, & Super Shenlong vs.Team F.I.S.T. (Icarus, Gran Akuma, & Chuck Taylor)

The Osirian Portal (Amasis & Ophidian) & Drake Younger vs. The UnStable (Vin Gerard, STIGMA, & Colin Delaney)

Eddie Kingston & Tommy Dreamer vs. The Brüderschaft des Kreuzes (Claudio Castagnoli & Ares)

Mike Quackenbush, Jigsaw, & Hallowicked vs. World-1 (Masato Yoshino, Naruki Doi, & BxB Hulk)

It was nice seeing Dreamer rep Chikara so hard, and him get inducted into a hardcore Hall of Fame.

September's show is going to feature Manami Toyota (the best female wrestler ever, in my opinion).

Chikara IS wrestling, don't sleep fam' :cool:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
How many y'all remember dis one here:cool:

WTF - Butch Reed beat Rick Flair?!? talk about the stuff you don't hear about...


D.R.O.P. SQUAD General
BGOL Investor
Butch Reed beating Flair was nothing special...Race, T. Funk & Flair did the same thing with lots of top guys during the territory era...it made the top guy look strong and they would always give the title back on some bullshit stipulation...Flair actually lost and won that that title officially more like 22 times (before the internet and when some title changes weren't recognized). Reed never won the title officially...all the run ins and shit told me right away that the NWA President would "reverse" the decision...



Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
The guy who I think ROH may be priming for a title run is Steen. He should really drop some weight but he's got the heel shit down and he's a really good wrestler. Plus, there's little danger of WWE picking him off.

You could be right about Steen. He's been great since his heel turn and yes he's let his body out of hand(might be due to his knee issues). While he's in his current shape he is safe from the E pursuing him.
The WWE wouldn't know what to do with him anyway. They seem to have issues usually with guys who don't fit the traditional makeup of a WWE "superstar" and the fuck with some guys who do like Colt Cabana. He was the victim of bad timing and bad writing. He was gone before Punk's turn and before the NXT show which would have been perfect to get him over.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
How many y'all remember dis one here:cool:

WTF - Butch Reed beat Rick Flair?!? talk about the stuff you don't hear about...

I was a huge HBR fan growing up. He was the top black star in the business IMO from the early to mid 80's.


Rising Star
Well after watching raw i'm expecting team cena to win. Nexus started out strong but have continued to look like bitches whenever cena's posse shows up.


Rising Star
Tamina was looking good. As for Alisha and Melina I'm not sure either melina wins or they drag out the fued till the next ppv. When is Alicia's sister gonna show up?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Nexus crap is lame now. They tried to make it like the NWO but they seriously failed. All these guys do is attack people in back area or they will gang up on one of there opponents (I know the NWO did the same thing but they had an attitude or a swagger with the way they did it). With the NWO everyone wanted to be apart of it and they made it fun. But these bunch of unknown's are boring with lame ass moves.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I would've fingerbanged Tamina right there if she had did that shit to me. I wish she would put them titties on me :itsawrap:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That Nexus crap is lame now. They tried to make it like the NWO but they seriously failed. All these guys do is attack people in back area or they will gang up on one of there opponents (I know the NWO did the same thing but they had an attitude or a swagger with the way they did it). With the NWO everyone wanted to be apart of it and they made it fun. But these bunch of unknown's are boring with lame ass moves.
and the most important thing you forgot is that the NWO members could actually win their matches - individually.....


Rising Star
That Nexus crap is lame now. They tried to make it like the NWO but they seriously failed. All these guys do is attack people in back area or they will gang up on one of there opponents (I know the NWO did the same thing but they had an attitude or a swagger with the way they did it). With the NWO everyone wanted to be apart of it and they made it fun. But these bunch of unknown's are boring with lame ass moves.

Tarver is the hidden gem in the group, but you knew vince would fuck this storyline up. Cena got his ass kicked 2x in this feud but he had to become superman yet again.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
That Butch Reed footage is incredible. Butch was my dude when I was a kid. He wasn't the first pushed Black wrestler I ever saw but he was the first one I ever saw pushed as a serious World title contender.

Interesting tidbit learned this weekend
Remember when Flair feuded with Junkyard Dog in 90 (you have to remember the shitty Dudes With Attitudes vs. the Four Horsemen feud)? That was supposed to be Tony Atlas' spot but he chose to go back to WWF and Vince made him Saba Simba. This was confirmed by Ole Anderson, who was the booker for WCW at the time. While Tony wasn't at his best then either, he was better than JYD,who was badly overweight and really fucked up with drugs.


Rising Star
That Butch Reed footage is incredible. Butch was my dude when I was a kid. He wasn't the first pushed Black wrestler I ever saw but he was the first one I ever saw pushed as a serious World title contender.

Interesting tidbit learned this weekend
Remember when Flair feuded with Junkyard Dog in 90 (you have to remember the shitty Dudes With Attitudes vs. the Four Horsemen feud)? That was supposed to be Tony Atlas' spot but he chose to go back to WWF and Vince made him Saba Simba. This was confirmed by Ole Anderson, who was the booker for WCW at the time. While Tony wasn't at his best then either, he was better than JYD,who was badly overweight and really fucked up with drugs.

Yea i remember JYD not looking quite right, but i was just a little kid so i didn't really know what was going on. Atlas has always been a favorite of mine because in a industry full of dickheads, he's genuinely a nice guy who helps people out whenever they need it. I remember that mtv true life episode about pro wrestling, and that pussy promoter called and cursed him out for trying to put on a wrestling show.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yea i remember JYD not looking quite right, but i was just a little kid so i didn't really know what was going on. Atlas has always been a favorite of mine because in a industry full of dickheads, he's genuinely a nice guy who helps people out whenever they need it. I remember that mtv true life episode about pro wrestling, and that pussy promoter called and cursed him out for trying to put on a wrestling show.

I remember that.
Tony is country as hell but he's a genuinely nice guy and was taking pics and signing autographs for free in the lobby when he could have been getting paid in the ballrooms where the fanfest was being held.
He really put over Ole and you could tell it was genuine and heartfelt. He said Ole could have used any number of big names like Dusty or the Funks but he trained and used two young guys who didn't know shit (himself and Tommy Rich) and made them national stars.
Ole was his normal grumpy self but he noticeably touched and then went back to shitting on Ric Flair (the biggest disappointment of his life and he wouldn't help him if he was laying at his feet choking).


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I remember that.
Tony is country as hell but he's a genuinely nice guy and was taking pics and signing autographs for free in the lobby when he could have been getting paid in the ballrooms where the fanfest was being held.
He really put over Ole and you could tell it was genuine and heartfelt. He said Ole could have used any number of big names like Dusty or the Funks but he trained and used two young guys who didn't know shit (himself and Tommy Rich) and made them national stars.
Ole was his normal grumpy self but he noticeably touched and then went back to shitting on Ric Flair (the biggest disappointment of his life and he wouldn't help him if he was laying at his feet choking).
Um wait - did you mean that was what Ole Anderson said about Ric Flair?


D.R.O.P. SQUAD General
BGOL Investor
Yep. Shit all over the "Nature Boy". Those were his exact words.

Ole is actually a racist piece of shit, and an asshole...but he threw a bone at a few Black guys. He also thinks that Flair has become a caricature of himself (said it YEARS ago) and didn't ever evolve....dude stopped talking to Flair like 14 yrs ago.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Ole is actually a racist piece of shit, and an asshole...but he threw a bone at a few Black guys. He also thinks that Flair has become a caricature of himself (said it YEARS ago) and didn't ever evolve....dude stopped talking to Flair like 14 yrs ago.

Ole's definitely an asshole but I don't know about him being a racist. I think his assholery knows no color and he's just a dick but in a honest, straigtforward way that may not be popular but is respectable.
I wouldn't characterize what he did as throwing a bone to a few Black guys either. He gave guys like Tony Atlas, Butch Reed, and Pistol Pez Whatley some of their first big breaks when he didn't have to. And, according to Tony, took care of him and trained him for free and gave him good advice he now wished he'd taken.
Now with Flair, that's pretty much what he was saying. He talked about Flair only having "one match" (which has a lot of truth to it but there are a lot of top guys you can say that about).
I think it's fair to say if he hadn't blown his money, Ric Flair would have gone into managing and/or the front office for WWE a long time ago. He's been a shell of his former greatness for at least 95 and had been on the decline 5 years prior to that. But he's still good enough to pull off some smoke and mirrors with the right guy to be at least decent.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
One thing before SummerSlam

Can someone tell me what happens if Nexus wins? I keep seeing and listening to them talk like they're "fighting" for their livelihoods and the WWE Universe :)puke:) but how? The Nexus only started this because they felt disrespected on NXT, right? This isn't like the Invasion where they were threatening to "take over" so what's the endgame if Team WWE loses? This angle has had some highs but I can't even suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it for the good parts.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
One thing before SummerSlam

Can someone tell me what happens if Nexus wins? I keep seeing and listening to them talk like they're "fighting" for their livelihoods and the WWE Universe :)puke:) but how? The Nexus only started this because they felt disrespected on NXT, right? This isn't like the Invasion where they were threatening to "take over" so what's the endgame if Team WWE loses? This angle has had some highs but I can't even suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it for the good parts.

That's what's wrong with their writers, every story is ridiculously predictable. At most, if Nexus wins, they'll either keep jumping people on Raw, or go to Smackdown and do the same shit until Survivor Series in November or fight the new NXT guys as a stable. The next PPV is Night of Champions, so unless they plan on keeping them as a stable, and have them win championships, they'll be no use for them.

But because of the loophole in the story that didn't say what would happen if they actually won, it looks almost definite that they're going to lose and be disbanded.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
fuck around and its going to be 7 vs Cena, and he'll probably get through 6 of them and just "not have enough gas to get through it"


fuck around and its going to be 7 vs Cena, and he'll probably get through 6 of them and just "not have enough gas to get through it"

Whatever the story is... it smells like it's gonna be bullshit anyway! The whole SummerSlam lineup blow chunks!! :angry:

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
One thing before SummerSlam

Can someone tell me what happens if Nexus wins? I keep seeing and listening to them talk like they're "fighting" for their livelihoods and the WWE Universe :)puke:) but how? The Nexus only started this because they felt disrespected on NXT, right? This isn't like the Invasion where they were threatening to "take over" so what's the endgame if Team WWE loses? This angle has had some highs but I can't even suspend my disbelief enough to enjoy it for the good parts.

They've wasted all of our time with this Nexus garbage.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Okay, so it wasn't just me. I end up watching Raw late on my dvr and I thought (hoped) they had added some type of stip to wrap this all up somehow. I like the idea of WWE finally pushing young and newer talent (that aren't buddies with HHH)but they spent all year telling us these guys were rookies and needed training from guys like Miz but now they're a threat to the entire WWE. This angle shows how good they could be but how bad they really are. Now David Otunga and Heath Slater and Darren Young have a main event match at SummerSlam while MVP, Mark Henry, and Matt Hardy (the guys who were doing it big a two years ago) are lucky to get a win on Smackdown. Guys like R-Truth and John Morrison need to look out, there's another round of "rookies" coming and Husky Harris, Alex Riley, and Michael McGillicutty might pass them (I like Percy and Kaval but one's Black and the other's short, so no-go).


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
and the most important thing you forgot is that the NWO members could actually win their matches - individually.....

The NWO members were stars or superstars so getting them over was easy and it didn't devalue whoever took the loss. Most of the NXT are really inexperienced and some of them aren't good in the ring yet and they WWE appears to have a problem with having certain guys lose straight up.