
Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
that beatdown at the surprised they didnt do the "shocked fans"" bit :lol:
LOL on the aftershow the annonucer all doing the"solemn" voiceover

ric flair looked like he was about to smack the shit out of dixie :lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
that beatdown at the surprised they didnt do the "shocked fans"" bit :lol:
LOL on the aftershow the annonucer all doing the"solemn" voiceover
ric flair looked like he was about to smack the shit out of dixie :lol:

Like they're supposed to. How are we supposed to take it seriously if they don't.
They might have had more beatdown time if Hogan talked less, though.

Bravo've officially gotten me back into wrestling.

That shit just topped Nexus.

Looks like "reaction" is keeping it Kayfabe.

This is the first ReAction I've ever recorded/watched.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Beer Money and the MCMG's look like the best tag teams in wrestling right now. Period. This is the only match I have seen all night without ONE blown spot.

Side note: Angle is clearly getting up there in age....I hope this is his last run because I don't think he has it anymore.

Angle? Nah, dude can go with anybody. Angle/Danielson is the last great pure dream match left.

And no one can sell a move like Robert Roode... :lol:

I don't know. Bubba Ray can be a fool.:D


Rising Star
They are taking all the criticisms that the IWC have been bitching about for months and turning into a story line.....BRILLIANT.

Absolutely BRILLIANT!

If they did this every week instead of wasting time with on-air promos...Make "reaction" the storyline portion of the show and leave impact as the JUST the wrestling portion, they just may have found away to compete with the WWE.

I have been WAITING for someone to force the product to get better. Competition!!!



Rising Star

now if they'll just fire Russo and Bischoff, it'd be perfect.

Nay! Russo may have finally gotten something right! This has his stamp written all over it. Faction vs Faction and blurring the lines between Kayfabe and shoot are his specialty. Now they have to come up with something for Sting, Jarrett and Nash to keep them relevant because what happened to tonight was brilliant WITHOUT them.


Rising Star
he tag team match was great...the rest of the show sucked

Angle/AJ was surprisingly lackluster with quite a few blown spots
They need to disband the Knockouts division altogether unless you're a 13 year old boy who's never seen pussy before they are useless (none of them can really wrestle)
The 3 way dance w/ Morgan Pope and Anderson was OK...
Shannon Moore looks like he might be either in for a push or he was the best they could do since Samoa Joe is suspended...
RVD/Abyss was a CLASSIC ECW style match (that's a good thing IMO)

but like I said in my previous post...
The Beer Money and the GUNS are the TRUTH.
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Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Nay! Russo may have finally gotten something right! This has his stamp written all over it. Faction vs Faction and blurring the lines between Kayfabe and shoot are his specialty. Now they have to come up with something for Sting, Jarrett and Nash to keep them relevant because what happened to tonight was brilliant WITHOUT them.

Russo will hit a home run every once in a while and then the next week he's back to the same old shit. Inconsistency is what Russo's specialty really is. Deltronz continually hypes up Chikara and if nothing else Chikara and ROH both show that there are people out there who can book a show that is consistent and has a vision along with being unique that aren't currently employed by either of the Big 2 or named Paul Heyman(since he isn't coming to TNA).


Rising Star
Russo will hit a home run every once in a while and then the next week he's back to the same old shit. Inconsistency is what Russo's specialty really is. Deltronz continually hypes up Chikara and if nothing else Chikara and ROH both show that there are people out there who can book a show that is consistent and has a vision along with being unique that aren't currently employed by either of the Big 2 or named Paul Heyman(since he isn't coming to TNA).

ROH still has the 2nd tier feel to it. Their wrestlers still blow spots on the regular and I can't stand to watch that walking pile of nasty they call the Necro Butcher...I've heard good things about Chikara have yet to check them out. Do they have a TV deal?


Rising Star
MCM/Beer Money was single handedly one of the greatest tag mayches i've ever seen, aside from that the show was kinda meh. Reaction is a great idea and i wouldn't be surprised if vince tries to steal it. Oh yea the tornado ddt that roode took was sick, you really can't protect yourself when you take a move like that.


Rising Star
Angle/AJ was surprisingly lackluster with quite a few blown spots
They need to disband the Knockouts division altogether unless you're a 13 year old boy who's never seen pussy before they are useless (none of them can really wrestle)
The 3 way dance w/ Morgan Pope and Anderson was OK...
Shannon Moore looks like he might be either in for a push or he was the best they could do since Samoa Joe is suspended...
RVD/Abyss was a CLASSIC ECW style match (that's a good thing IMO)

but like I said in my previous post...
The Beer Money and the GUNS are the TRUTH.

I agree with everything u said. I was talking to a friend of mine about the main event and he was saying abyss been doing the same match since tna has just been weekly ppvs. that garbage wrestling has gotten tired to me. angle and a j was too short. same with the 3 way dance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I've heard good things about Chikara have yet to check them out. Do they have a TV deal?

Nope, their shows go straight to DVD. They do one recorded show a month, unless it's a big event, which in that case it can be about 3 a month.

If you're curious about Chikara I have 3 recommendations for you.

1. Stay FAR away from the "best of Chikara" release which, in my opinion, was a really poor representation of where the company has been in the last 3-4 years (featuring, for whatever reason, a very VERY green Shane Storm blowing even simple spots).

2. Get the all 3 nights from the King of Trios tournament 2008 or 2009. If you're not sold on Chikara after that, like everyone else I've ever talked to who saw those, then I don't think anything will get you into it. I didn't know about ANY of the storylines for those going into them, and still was VERY into the matches, wrestlers, and storylines. You'll see plenty of people you don't know, some you have known about for a long time, and some surprises. A little something for everyone (if you're a wrestling fan).

3. Don't expect a "big" feel from Chikara. These days production has gotten significantly better than it was even a year ago, but it's still an indies company.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Everyone remember WWF No Mercy for the N64? There's mods with updated rosters.

WWF No Mercy 2010 Mod


WCW Tribute - 1991 thru 1999


Rising Star
Super Moderator


There's a link to download on this page.

I haven't tried it, so download at your own risk. You may be able to find a mod in some of those youtube descriptions.

Edit: Here's something I found.

All you need to do is download a N64 Emulator,
Here is a link to a download page of one of the best !…
Then just install and extract the emulator to your desktop (Using WinRar)
Then download the game you want
Here is a link to the game you want…

Then when you have downloaded the ROM and the emulator just double click on the ROM. It might ask you to chose which program you want to use so just click browse, choose your desktop and then click on Project 64. (The Emulator)
Then most likely it will play! :)
Last edited:


Rising Star
Those N64 wrestling games were great. I had the WM 2000, No mercy, WCW/NWO Revenge and the other 1 that had wcw and japenese wrestlers

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Nay! Russo may have finally gotten something right! This has his stamp written all over it. Faction vs Faction and blurring the lines between Kayfabe and shoot are his specialty. Now they have to come up with something for Sting, Jarrett and Nash to keep them relevant because what happened to tonight was brilliant WITHOUT them.

As already said, Russo is too inconsistent and believes too much like Vince McMahon in "sports entertainment" and not pro wrestling. He didn't exactly invent factions and any decent booker should be able to get over a group with those guys in it.
This story of "Who's the face? Who's the heel?" story with Sting and Nash is very much Russo and it's dull.
That guy has got to go. Dixie should give Heyman whatever he wants. Russo would have been fired by Bill Watts, Jim Crockett, Vince McMahon, Eddie Graham, and/or Jerry Lawler years ago.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
On the WWE front

Tiffany and her husband, Drew McIntyre, apparently had a domestic disturbance in San Jose and she's been sent home and suspended.

And on the sad front
Lance Cade passed away of apparent heart failure. Really sad. I didn't think he was as good as Trevor Murdoch but he was a good young wrestler with potential.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
On the WWE front

Tiffany and her husband, Drew McIntyre, apparently had a domestic disturbance in San Jose and she's been sent home and suspended.

And on the sad front
Lance Cade passed away of apparent heart failure. Really sad. I didn't think he was as good as Trevor Murdoch but he was a good young wrestler with potential.

I guess it should depend on who was the main instigator of the disturbance as to who would be sent home but the WWE always seems to worry about who is bigger and not who was in the right or wrong(i.e. Matt Hardy,Edge,Lita triangle years back or the Booker T-Batista fight).

Sad to hear about Lance Cade. I know that he had a seizure a couple of years back that led to him getting fired. I don't believe that he was much older than 30 but the punishment and the drugs have huge effects on the body.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
On the WWE front

Tiffany and her husband, Drew McIntyre, apparently had a domestic disturbance in San Jose and she's been sent home and suspended.

watch wwe might work this in a storyline..say some wrestler pisses drew off and goes"what you going to beat me like you did your wife?" :rolleyes:


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I guess it should depend on who was the main instigator of the disturbance as to who would be sent home but the WWE always seems to worry about who is bigger and not who was in the right or wrong(i.e. Matt Hardy,Edge,Lita triangle years back or the Booker T-Batista fight).

Sad to hear about Lance Cade. I know that he had a seizure a couple of years back that led to him getting fired. I don't believe that he was much older than 30 but the punishment and the drugs have huge effects on the body.
I guess I was mistaken. I didn't realize that he was only 29.
watch wwe might work this in a storyline..say some wrestler pisses drew off and goes"what you going to beat me like you did your wife?" :rolleyes:

The WWE has done the abusive male to female dynamic before. As for them acknowledging this in a storyline.It won't happen. They are a PG company so an angle like that won't happen.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
by Mike Johnson @ 8:07 PM on 8/13/2010

WWE Diva Tiffany, real name Taryn Terrell was actually arrested at 8 AM on Sunday 8/8 in West Los Angeles, California. She was charged with a misdemeanor (I believe assault, but the police report I was provided did not make that clear) against her husband, WWE star Drew McIntyre.

A domestic disturbance between the two led to both security and later police being called to a hotel, which is not named in the report. Terrell was taken into custody and booked into the Van Nuys Valley Jail at 10:26 AM. She was released on $20,000 bail at 4:55 PM later that afternoon.

McIntyre was not taken into custody or charged.

Terrell is scheduled for a hearing on 9/2 at the Los Angeles Municipal Court, Division 141. WWE immediately sent Terrell home once they were made aware of the situation.

The earlier date and location of her arrest were incorrect and I apologize for the error. The confusion in the dates seemed to come from Terrell not being at TV in San Jose this past Tuesday.

There is a lot of talk among WWE performers that Terrell may end up released as she was in town representing the company as part of Summerslam week and performers have been let go in the past when there were incidents at hotels during Wrestlemania week.

As of right now, the official stance is that Terrell is "indefinitely suspended."

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
by Mike Johnson @ 8:07 PM on 8/13/2010

WWE Diva Tiffany, real name Taryn Terrell was actually arrested at 8 AM on Sunday 8/8 in West Los Angeles, California. She was charged with a misdemeanor (I believe assault, but the police report I was provided did not make that clear) against her husband, WWE star Drew McIntyre.

A domestic disturbance between the two led to both security and later police being called to a hotel, which is not named in the report. Terrell was taken into custody and booked into the Van Nuys Valley Jail at 10:26 AM. She was released on $20,000 bail at 4:55 PM later that afternoon.

McIntyre was not taken into custody or charged.

Terrell is scheduled for a hearing on 9/2 at the Los Angeles Municipal Court, Division 141. WWE immediately sent Terrell home once they were made aware of the situation.

The earlier date and location of her arrest were incorrect and I apologize for the error. The confusion in the dates seemed to come from Terrell not being at TV in San Jose this past Tuesday.

There is a lot of talk among WWE performers that Terrell may end up released as she was in town representing the company as part of Summerslam week and performers have been let go in the past when there were incidents at hotels during Wrestlemania week.

As of right now, the official stance is that Terrell is "indefinitely suspended."

They let go of Mickie for making the bus late and she was the #1 chick. So Tiffany can wrap it up.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
MCM/Beer Money was single handedly one of the greatest tag mayches i've ever seen, aside from that the show was kinda meh. Reaction is a great idea and i wouldn't be surprised if vince tries to steal it. Oh yea the tornado ddt that roode took was sick, you really can't protect yourself when you take a move like that.

Finally got to see it and I cant recall ever seeing anything on par with that match!


by Mike Johnson @ 8:07 PM on 8/13/2010

WWE Diva Tiffany, real name Taryn Terrell was actually arrested at 8 AM on Sunday 8/8 in West Los Angeles, California. She was charged with a misdemeanor (I believe assault, but the police report I was provided did not make that clear) against her husband, WWE star Drew McIntyre.

A domestic disturbance between the two led to both security and later police being called to a hotel, which is not named in the report. Terrell was taken into custody and booked into the Van Nuys Valley Jail at 10:26 AM. She was released on $20,000 bail at 4:55 PM later that afternoon.

McIntyre was not taken into custody or charged.

Terrell is scheduled for a hearing on 9/2 at the Los Angeles Municipal Court, Division 141. WWE immediately sent Terrell home once they were made aware of the situation.

The earlier date and location of her arrest were incorrect and I apologize for the error. The confusion in the dates seemed to come from Terrell not being at TV in San Jose this past Tuesday.

There is a lot of talk among WWE performers that Terrell may end up released as she was in town representing the company as part of Summerslam week and performers have been let go in the past when there were incidents at hotels during Wrestlemania week.

As of right now, the official stance is that Terrell is "indefinitely suspended."

Damn... I guess the honeymoon's over!:cool:


R.I.P. Lance Cade

Lance K. McNaught (March 2, 1981 – August 13, 2010) was an American professional wrestler. He was best known for his time in World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) where he performed under the ring names Garrison Cade and Lance Cade.

After being trained by Shawn Michaels, Cade made his debut in 1999, and worked in Japan before being signed to a developmental contract by WWE. He was assigned to Memphis Championship Wrestling, and later Heartland Wrestling Association, before ending up in Ohio Valley Wrestling (OVW) in 2003. In OVW, he formed a tag team with Mark Jindrak, and they were promoted to the Raw brand in June 2003. In 2004 the team split up, and Cade took time off after a knee injury, before returning to Raw with a new tag partner in Trevor Murdoch. The pair teamed together for almost three years, before they broke up in May 2008. Cade then entered a storyline with Chris Jericho and Michaels, however, he was released on October 14, 2008.

Cade was a three-time World Tag Team Champion with Murdoch in WWE, and has also held the HWA Heavyweight Championship and HWA Tag Team Championship with both Steve Bradley and Mike Sanders. He was a former one-time TWA Television Champion in the Texas Wrestling Alliance.

McNaught died on August 13, 2010 of apparent heart failure. McNaught had not been well in the week prior to his death, and was taken to hospital on August 10 with difficulty breathing, but discharged himself the next day.

Damn... Another one bites the dust too early!:smh: