the streak is a sacred thing to me. it is the only sacred thing wwe has right now. U can't mess with that. What u can do is have him on a losing streak.. Matter of fact thats when they should have brought back Bearer. Undertaker getting the shit kicked out of him without his powers. Even people u wouldnt think of beating him take him down. Leading up to Wrestlemania, whoever is kicking the shit out of him worst gets the match. Have UT cut a promo saying while his powers have dwindled wrestlemania will 4ever be his yard, and he doesn't lose there. Then at WM he has an epic match, something drastic happens like a ladder fall through a table or some shit. It finally looks like its over, then the bell tolls, not being able to take what he has become, Shawn Michaels wheels the casket out(just figured it should be HHH in the match, with his standing in the company everyone thinks this will end the streak, plus with michaels coming out looks like him and his boy will bury the Undertaker) when the casket opens its PB urn in hand Lightning striking all that high level bs they are known for. power restored, taker beats HHH in his final match, bang boom over.
the new NXT shit is stupid. a few broads who actually seem to be able to wrestle and the have a wheel the midget around challenge. these chicks are better suited 4 TNA
The one thing I learned watching wrestling in the 80s: nothing is sacred in wrestling.