Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
the streak is a sacred thing to me. it is the only sacred thing wwe has right now. U can't mess with that. What u can do is have him on a losing streak.. Matter of fact thats when they should have brought back Bearer. Undertaker getting the shit kicked out of him without his powers. Even people u wouldnt think of beating him take him down. Leading up to Wrestlemania, whoever is kicking the shit out of him worst gets the match. Have UT cut a promo saying while his powers have dwindled wrestlemania will 4ever be his yard, and he doesn't lose there. Then at WM he has an epic match, something drastic happens like a ladder fall through a table or some shit. It finally looks like its over, then the bell tolls, not being able to take what he has become, Shawn Michaels wheels the casket out(just figured it should be HHH in the match, with his standing in the company everyone thinks this will end the streak, plus with michaels coming out looks like him and his boy will bury the Undertaker) when the casket opens its PB urn in hand Lightning striking all that high level bs they are known for. power restored, taker beats HHH in his final match, bang boom over.

the new NXT shit is stupid. a few broads who actually seem to be able to wrestle and the have a wheel the midget around challenge. these chicks are better suited 4 TNA

The one thing I learned watching wrestling in the 80s: nothing is sacred in wrestling.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
The female NXT was a waste of time, as if it wasn't bad enough that the challenges barely have anything to do with wrestling, it's not like they use their divas much anyway. One match a show each week, Championship match against McCool or Melina, battle royal on the Big 4 PPVs. They need to make most of the current divas managers and get these new chicks to wrestle.

They should've made NXT more into a development program and have them do more wrestling related challenges. Kind of like how they do in the video games. Like for a strength challenge for somebody who needs to be stronger, instead of carrying a keg around the ring - how about a suplex challenge in their next match. Or argue with a charismatic superstar to build charisma. Or have a submission match to build submission skills. And have their pros pick out which challenge they need a week in advance. It'll make the rookies want to better themselves, learn new moves, gain weight, lose weight or whatever. They need to shape these rookies if they want to get anything out of them.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Random thoughts

If NXT going to WWE.com means we get less "heel" Michael Cole, I'm all for it. The lead announcer cannot and should not be a character.
I see Naomi, AJ, and Kaitlyn being moved to the main roster after the show in some capacity. The rest, except maybe Jamie, will be back in FCW or released or both.
How did they look booking the same finish in both matches last week and then not having any match this one?

TNA looks like they're headed towards Dixie not getting along with Hulk and Bisch and that might be the way they write them off the show and out of the company. Can't happen too soon.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor

PWTorch.com is reporting that the reason why Cody Rhodes hasn't received a major WWE push is because Vince McMahon is not confident in the superstars' abilities. "Cody Rhodes is capable of a breakout, but Vince McMahon just can't commit to him," said a WWE source. "He thinks he overacts."

WrestleZone has learned that while there has been no official contact between the parties, WWE is expected to discuss a possible return with Strikeforce fighter Bobby Lashley.
Lashley, who just returned to pro wrestling over the weekend in Japan, was the victim of dehydration and lost in his recent Strikeforce outing, putting a huge dent in Strikeforce's plans to match Lashley against fellow former WWE headliner Dave "Batista" Bautista.

Now Lashley finds himself without any leverage in Strikeforce, and as far away from a headline fight against either Fedor Emelianenko or Strikeforce Champion Alistair Overeem as he has ever been.

Lashley, who many dubbed the next Brock Lesnar in MMA, has seen his mixed martial arts career fizzle out since his crushing defeat, and is said to be entertaining the idea of going back to WWE or TNA, with WWE being his first choice due to the higher profile and bigger money paid by the organization.

With every story like this I question the supposed genius of Vince McMahon more and more.So he's not impressed by Cody who is a good wrestler,done a good job establishing himself away from Orton and Dibiase on Smackdown and NXT and has made the most of a bad gimmick but he was ready to put the belt on McIntyre who was unable to get heat for months in spite of a huge push.:smh:

As for Lashley, his problem is that he fought bums and that Strikeforce went out of their way to protect him whereas UFC at least threw Brock in with good reputable fighters. Lesnar may have lost his first UFC fight but it was to a former World champ and he almost had the guy beat within the first 45 seconds of the fight. Lashley lost to a no name badly.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I loved the promo by Jericho this week. It was hilarious and a nice tribute to one of his memorable moments in WCW.


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The only good thing about NXT was Naomi's ass and Kaitlyn's thighs

Wait, you forgot Vickie.


With every story like this I question the supposed genius of Vince McMahon more and more.So he's not impressed by Cody who is a good wrestler,done a good job establishing himself away from Orton and Dibiase on Smackdown and NXT and has made the most of a bad gimmick but he was ready to put the belt on McIntyre who was unable to get heat for months in spite of a huge push.:smh:


That's two votes for McMahon's genius being overrated. I just knew Cody was being "Jannetty-ed" when they split that team up and instantly gave Ted a new gimmick but instead Cody's made his gimmick work like his old man made the polka dots work.
Vince thinks he overacts? Compared to who? Has he seen Cena or Edge or himself? Cody's so good he's getting more heat on McIntyre than Vince could all last winter and spring. Just say Cody's too small, Vinny Mac.

Thats the stuff I miss in wrestling. :yes::yes::yes:

Jericho. That dude probably sold an extra 5000 copies of his dvd with that promo. He's probably one of the few guys that goes off script and it shows.

These are the promos you can have if you don't cater to kids:yes:

Flair's been on fire since hitting TNA and, while I don't need to see him and Foley wrestle, they haven't had a face off in years. If TNA booking would just get out of the way, TNA would be the best promotion anywhere, ROH, Dragon Gate USA and Chikara included.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
okay, okay, okay

I have a better suggestion for the guy to end The Streak: Chris Jericho. He's never beaten the Undertaker, will be able to help Taker maintain the high quality of Mania matches he's been on for a while, and he's already a draw on the level of Taker's last few opponents.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Nexus is featured on Survivor Series promotional posters and advertised for house shows after Sunday's ppv. Guess we know how the Cena-Barrett match ends, huh?

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Nexus is featured on Survivor Series promotional posters and advertised for house shows after Sunday's ppv. Guess we know how the Cena-Barrett match ends, huh?

I was just saying the same thing. It doesnt make sense for WWE to spend money on promoting and shit showing the Nexus if they werent going to be involved in the ppv.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
~Breaking The Code: Behind The Walls Of Chris Jericho~


http://www.fileserve.com/file/Q9CcPTT Disk 1
http://www.fileserve.com/file/U2BB2ea Disk 2
http://www.fileserve.com/file/hNJJRq5 Disk 3

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YE7G9LF1 Disk 1
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=YE7G9LF1 Disk 2
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=08V4JK3T Disk 3

Good Doc and Commentary


D.R.O.P. SQUAD General
BGOL Investor
okay, okay, okay

I have a better suggestion for the guy to end The Streak: Chris Jericho. He's never beaten the Undertaker, will be able to help Taker maintain the high quality of Mania matches he's been on for a while, and he's already a draw on the level of Taker's last few opponents.

Jericho has beaten Taker.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
So tempting, but I'm going to hold off until later this month when I order this along with the first season of RAW DVD sets. :cool:

Oh I am so going to get that. When people say TNA should stop shooting tv in the Impact Zone, they need to be reminded that Raw started at the Manhattan Center and stayed for a very long time.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
okay, okay, okay

I have a better suggestion for the guy to end The Streak: Chris Jericho. He's never beaten the Undertaker, will be able to help Taker maintain the high quality of Mania matches he's been on for a while, and he's already a draw on the level of Taker's last few opponents.

It's a good suggestion if they streak were to end though I doubt that it sill and hope that it won't end. Besides Jericho doesn't need it. His legacy is cemented, he is over and if the streak were to end it'll probably go to a young guy. Plus Jericho seems like one of the few superstars that truly doesn't care about wins and losses like that. He has no problem putting somebody over and realizes the importance of doing certain things a certain way meaning that he knows that he doesn't need that.

My suggestion would be CM Punk who still doesn't have that signature win in the WWE.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
I can't think of one person on the WWE roster right now that would benefit by beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I can't think of one person on the WWE roster right now that would benefit by beating the Undertaker at Wrestlemania.

Are you serious? Anyone that beats Taker at Mania would benefit, some more than others. While I threw Jericho's name out there (since his big signature win was years ago over guys who haven't wrestled on top in a long time), ending The Streak would be a HUGE, career defining move for a younger heel or face, whether Sheamus, Punk :)yes: though he just lost to Taker again tonight), McIntyre :)puke:)or Del Rios. I used to think they were building up to Cena and Taker but Cena damn sure doesn't need it and they haven't done nearly the setup like they did for Michaels with years of tease before a payoff.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I hope they stop crossing the shows over after tonight. Do we really need Nexus and Cena dominating two shows with their bad wrestling and horrible promos? Then they interrupt a building IC feud with Dolph and MVP with Nexus. Cody Rhodes was rolling but he got put in his place quick as soon as Randy Orton was in the vicinity. And Kofi didnt even make the show.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Are you serious? Anyone that beats Taker at Mania would benefit, some more than others. While I threw Jericho's name out there (since his big signature win was years ago over guys who haven't wrestled on top in a long time), ending The Streak would be a HUGE, career defining move for a younger heel or face, whether Sheamus, Punk :)yes: though he just lost to Taker again tonight), McIntyre :)puke:)or Del Rios. I used to think they were building up to Cena and Taker but Cena damn sure doesn't need it and they haven't done nearly the setup like they did for Michaels with years of tease before a payoff.

ok but who would it be, HHH, Drew McIntyre, Wade Barrett, Cena, oh wait I got the perfect candidate, he's been getting a major push, he's done the talk show shit, been on the cover of WWE maagazine and Raw vs Smackdown :::::
