
Rising Star
A PPV that I WILL be at since it's here in Dallas. 3rd row from the front, I'll be there with both of my belts having a ball. Tickets cost a grip but will be WELL worth it.

That's cool. last ppv I went to was St. Valentine's Massacre back in 99. lol

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
A PPV that I WILL be at since it's here in Dallas. 3rd row from the front, I'll be there with both of my belts having a ball. Tickets cost a grip but will be WELL worth it.
HitC can usually be counted on to produce at least one good cage match.
I'm thinking Orton vs. Sheamus but that could be where they bring back HHH against Sheamus.

I agree with that there. That's prolly y they got the belt off Miz.

If Miz had beaten Bryan, I didn't see him winning the belt but now that he's no longer US champ, it's different.
I'm going back to his not winning if he gets the US belt back. Miz will be a champion of some sort come Survivor Series.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
I forgot to mention when I posted about WWE not using talent correctly when they came to their company or switch shows.

My question is does anyone think Al Snow could have been a big star in WWE if they had pushed him? Al Snow probably had one if the largest following in the original ECW. Al was over big time.


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I forgot to mention when I posted about WWE not using talent correctly when they came to their company or switch shows.

My question is does anyone think Al Snow could have been a big star in WWE if they had pushed him? Al Snow probably had one if the largest following in the original ECW. Al was over big time.

I thought ECW gave him a great gimmick that would have translated well in WWF. It had some run in it for a while but they left him as a tag and/or comedy guy. I never saw Snow as World champion material but he should have had at least top IC contender.

As of now, TNA should put a few of their Knockouts with him for intense training and let him produce their matches.
so I guess Nexus comes to an end in two weeks, what a waste!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or worse, we have to suffer through Cena being a "member". It'll be worse than when Rey was forced to join the LWO.


Support BGOL
Or worse, we have to suffer through Cena being a "member". It'll be worse than when Rey was forced to join the LWO.

Daniel Bryan is getting over with the crowd (gotdammit give him better entrance music!!) and Orton is WAYYY over with the crowd.

That means Cena will lose.....join Nexus, and in a bizarre twist of fate a few weeks after, Nexus turns on Wade Barrett making Cena the new super heel......

..........I hope.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I forgot to mention when I posted about WWE not using talent correctly when they came to their company or switch shows.

My question is does anyone think Al Snow could have been a big star in WWE if they had pushed him? Al Snow probably had one if the largest following in the original ECW. Al was over big time.

At the time Snow was signed to the WWF and was on loan to ECW if I remember correctly so they could have taken this gimmick and ran with it but they chose not to.The gimmick would have gotten him over for awhile. I don't know if he would have ever been a big star.
This was another instance of Heyman coming up with an interesting gimmick that utilized somebody correctly and got them over.

Thing is, that guys seem to do much better coming from Raw than they do going to Raw. Other than the Miz I can't think of too many guys who got bigger once they came to the "A show" which is why I think Michael Hayes does a much better job than the people who write for Raw.
Daniel Bryan is getting over with the crowd (gotdammit give him better entrance music!!) and Orton is WAYYY over with the crowd.

That means Cena will lose.....join Nexus, and in a bizarre twist of fate a few weeks after, Nexus turns on Wade Barrett making Cena the new super heel......

..........I hope.

Problem with that is that much like when Evolution turned on Orton I just don't see people caring about Barrett as a face.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
:eek: Naomi!!! Wooo!!!


In the gold pants!!! Wooo!!!

And they tight!!! Wooo!!!

With the booty pushin' heels on, nigga!!! Wooooooo-who-who Woooooo!!!


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
He can still be a heel.........on smackdown. They really need to give him a new finisher.

I just can't see the WWE breaking formula and not have him feud with the group that kicks him out. As a matter of fact, if wrestling has a bible that is a scripture.Thou shalt feud with group that removeth thine wrestler.

Oh yeah, AJ is cute as hell and Alicia Fox is looking sexy as fuck in her short dress.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Daniel Bryan is getting over with the crowd (gotdammit give him better entrance music!!) and Orton is WAYYY over with the crowd.

That means Cena will lose.....join Nexus, and in a bizarre twist of fate a few weeks after, Nexus turns on Wade Barrett making Cena the new super heel......

..........I hope.

I think we should realize by now that WWE doesn't really give a shit what's "over" or not. The most important question about Cena turning heel (not happening any time soon) is "Is there another guy selling merch like Cena?" If Orton can do that or Bryan, then a heel turn is possible. But with new t-shirts and a movie out (dvd should be out in a few weeks), he's not going anywhere.

He can still be a heel.........on smackdown. They really need to give him a new finisher.

Oh God, yeah. I thought he had the worst finisher until I saw Heath Slater's.

I just can't see the WWE breaking formula and not have him feud with the group that kicks him out. As a matter of fact, if wrestling has a bible that is a scripture.Thou shalt feud with group that removeth thine wrestler.

Yeah it is.:D


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Thing is, that guys seem to do much better coming from Raw than they do going to Raw. Other than the Miz I can't think of too many guys who got bigger once they came to the "A show" which is why I think Michael Hayes does a much better job than the people who write for Raw.

You could put Cena in that category. He wasn't on Smackdown for much longer after he defeated JBL for the title or did he get moved the very next night?

If Cena loses to Barrett he will just destroy the group from the inside. Kinda like how Punk caused chaos from the inside when he joined the New Breed.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Being heel doesn't automatically mean less merc sales, remember the NWO shirt that everyone had/has?

Yes but Cena's fan base consists of young children & women. I doubt kids will still be fans of Cena if he turns heel.

This Cena talk makes me think of the reaction Cena got at the ECW arena. One of the funniest moments in wrestling history.

They threw Cena hat & shirt back at him. A black guy rubbed the shirt on his crotch then threw it back.:lol::lol::lol:
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
You could put Cena in that category. He wasn't on Smackdown for much longer after he defeated JBL for the title or did he get moved the very next night?

If Cena loses to Barrett he will just destroy the group from the inside. Kinda like how Punk caused chaos from the inside when he joined the New Breed.

Cena is one of the exceptions and that was when Smackdown could still be seen as nearly on par with Raw. Now it's openly the B show but it has the most cohesive storytelling of any nationally televised wrestling show.

Being heel doesn't automatically mean less merc sales, remember the NWO shirt that everyone had/has?

It doesn't but that's what usually happens. Heels don't sell merchandise on the level of babyfaces, the nWo notwithstanding.

Yes but Cena's fan base consists of young children & women. I doubt kids will still be fans of Cena if he turns heel.

Yep. I see and hear people try to compare a possible Cena turn to Hogan's in 96 but Hulk's turn was the perfect storm: he had been a top face for well over a decade but he was seen as an "enemy interloper" by a huge number of WCW fans. Cena gets booed because he's not interesting and a lot of fans see him as being rammed down our throats. WWE had a chance to get him over on the Rock/Austin/Hogan level but they messed it up by taking away all the "edge" the character had.

This Cena talk makes me think of the reaction Cena got at the ECW arena. One of the funniest moments in wrestling history.

They threw Cena hat & shirt back at him. A black guy rubbed the shirt on his crotch then threw it back.:lol::lol::lol:

I don't like Cena but I'll give him credit for two things: he works hard in the ring and he fully understands that a lot of people don't like him and never will.


BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
It's definitely going to be Cena :lol:

Half the people already hate him as a face, imagine the boos he'd get if nobody cheers for him, they have to give him a good storyline though.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Two very interesting pieces of TNA Knockout news

They have a ppv scheduled exclusively for the Knockouts. It's going to be clips and not new matches. Strange for them to devote this kind of energy to the division now that's it's watered down and revolves completely around the Beautiful People.


They've signed Mickie James and she may debut at the live show Oct. 7 or Bound For Glory (I'd do the live show since more people will be watching but this is TNA).
Now if they go ahead and sign Katie Lea and give Daffney and Hamada more time, they could really get this ship going back into the right direction.


Rising Star
Yes but Cena's fan base consists of young children & women. I doubt kids will still be fans of Cena if he turns heel.

God i hate kids:angry::angry::angry: What's funny is cena is suppose to be the wwe pretty boy, but old ass hhh/hbk attracted the younger bustier broads while cena attracts those fat homely looking skags:lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor

They've signed Mickie James and she may debut at the live show Oct. 7 or Bound For Glory (I'd do the live show since more people will be watching but this is TNA).

at first that was really who i thought it was as the "mystery biker" before seeing it was Tara..


Rising Star
Super Moderator

Roster Trailer

Raw Roster

David Hart Smith
Tyson Kidd
Alicia Fox
The Miz
Triple H
Chris Jericho
John Cena
Randy Orton
John Morrison
Evan Bourne
Shawn Michaels
Mark Henry
Santino Marella
Ted DiBiase
William Regal
Zack Ryder
Vladimir Kozlov
Yoshi Tatsu
Ezekiel Jackson
Gail Kim
Brie Bella
Nikki Bella

Smacksown Roster

Drew McIntyre
Vance Archer
Luke Gallows
Dolph Ziggler
The Undertaker
Rey Mysterio
Big Show
CM Punk
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger
Kelly Kelly
Beth Phoenix
Matt Hardy
Chavo Guerrero
Cody Rhodes
Michelle McCool

Bret Hart (Best Buy Pre-Order & Unlockable)

DLC Pack #1 (Free with New Purchase on XBox 360 & PS3)
Chris Masters
Kelly Kelly Halloween Costume
Rey Mysterio Halloween Costume

DLC Pack #2 (Available during the Holiday Season)
Wade Barrett
David Otunga
Justin Gabriel
Lex Lugar
British Bulldog

THQ has also said that there are 14 unannounced characters. It is odd that Great Khali, Rosa, & Curt Hawkins didn’t make the cut, even though they are all on TV pretty regularly. It should also be noted that in years past, recently released Superstars still made it in the game. So I would imagine that Shelton Benjamin, Carlito & Mickie James are all good bets to be in there.


Roster bios, entrances, & finishers.

Universe Mode Trailer

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
smh @ Layla being DLC...who the FUCK is Vance Archer?

He used to be Lance Hoyt in TNA. Good young big man. I thought they were going to do something with him and Curt Hawkins as a tag but they lost to the Dudebusters and Cody and McIntyre are the champs.
He can do a moonsault from the top rope. Waiting to see if he pulls that out in WWE.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
yeah the Layla thing is funny, people forget SHE is the fucking women's champion, she won the title and they basically made her share the thing with Taker's ol lady

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
He used to be Lance Hoyt in TNA. Good young big man. I thought they were going to do something with him and Curt Hawkins as a tag but they lost to the Dudebusters and Cody and McIntyre are the champs.
He can do a moonsault from the top rope. Waiting to see if he pulls that out in WWE.

Thank you fam. Obviously I'm taking this Layla thing very hard.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
He used to be Lance Hoyt in TNA. Good young big man. He can do a moonsault from the top rope. Waiting to see if he pulls that out in WWE.

I doubt WWE will let him use the moonsault. Vince dosen't like his big men flying.

Brock could nail the sss from the middle of the ring with perfection, but they didn't allow him to use the move.

For what ever reason Brock didn't fully rotate.:smh:


Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
yeah the Layla thing is funny, people forget SHE is the fucking women's champion, she won the title and they basically made her share the thing with Taker's ol lady

Michelle McCool is the new Shawn Michaels circa 95-98. She's singlehandedly gutted the division because whenever a Diva looks like she's going to outshine Michelle they move her or have her put Michelle over with no getback. Even when she loses, she wins. I've seen a lot of stuff in my life but I've never seen the "Freebird rule" used for a singles title.
If you're looking for reasons Amazing Kong will probably never be a Diva, look no further than Michelle McCool.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I doubt WWE will let him use the moonsault. Vince dosen't like his big men flying.

Brock could nail the sss from the middle of the ring with perfection, but they didn't allow him to use the move.

For what ever reason Brock didn't fully rotate.:smh:

I don't think Vince is totally wrong on that. When the big guys do it, it takes some of the "special" off when the smaller guys do it.
Kidman came out and said he was kind of pleased that Brock fucked up his attempt at Mania since the SSP was "his" move.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Kidman came out and said he was kind of pleased that Brock fucked up his attempt at Mania since the SSP was "his" move.

Kidman has been doing the move since the mid 90's and he was fucking up on the move regurlary near the end of his WWE run. That mother fucker was landing it crooked as hell. He even cuncuss Chavo with that move.
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Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Kidman has been doing the move since the mid 90's and he was fucking up on the move regurlary near the end of his WWE run. That mother fucker was landing it crooked as hell. He even cuncuss Chavo with that move.

He got real lazy with it and was the reason it was banned for a couple years. Evan Bourne does it perfectly.