> WWE > Bragging Rights: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 10/24/2010 at 11:18 PM
Report by Marc Middleton:
WWE Title Match: Wade Barrett with John Cena vs. Randy Orton
We go to the ring and out comes the challenger, Wade Barrett. John Cena is walking right behind him, reluctantly. Barrett enters the ring and Cena hops up on the apron, staring at Barrett. Randy Orton's music hits next and out comes the WWE Champion to a big pop.
Orton and Barrett lock up, and Barrett backs Orton up, but Orton backs Barrett up to respond. Orton pounds on Barrett in the corner with a series of right hands. Orton catches Barrett with a boot and a big European uppercut, before sending Barrett hard into the corner. Orton kicks at Barrett's chest, and Barrett responds with a kick of his own. Barrett tosses Orton to the outside, in front of Cena, and he and Cena look at each other, but nothing happens. Orton goes back into the ring, and Barrett hops out, staring down Cena for a second. Barrett climbs back into the ring and catches Orton with a kick to the gut, and a head butt, along with a beat down in the corner. Orton responds with a clothesline.
Orton picks Barrett up and sends him into the corner, but he charges into the big boot, and Barrett lays into Orton with a series of stomps. Barrett locks Orton in a headlock before choking him on the middle rope with his knee on the back of his head. Barrett goes to the outside and begins arguing with Cena, for some reason, and this allows Orton to attack Barrett from behind. Orton slams Barrett head first into the ring steps before sending him back into the ring. Orton tries for the cover but only gets two. He transitions right into a rear chin lock, wearing Barrett down right in the middle of the ring.
Barrett is able to fight out of it, but Orton comes up with a back suplex that's able to put him back down. Orton and Barrett fight on the outside, with Barrett sending Orton shoulder first into the ring steps. Barrett sends Orton back into the ring and tries for a cover but he only gets a two count. Barrett pounds on Orton with a series of right hands. Barrett tags Orton with a couple of rights and lays him down with a left. He again looks over to Cena and says something. Barrett goes to the second rope and leaps off with a big elbow drop that's good for a two count. Barrett kicks and chokes Orton in the corner.
Barrett locks in a rear chin lock, hoping for the submission. Orton is able to fight up to his feet, and out of the hold, but Barrett hits him with a kick to the stomach, followed by a pump handle slam that's good for another near fall. Barrett goes to the outside and brings Orton, alternating between slamming his head on the apron and barricade before sending him back first into the apron.
Barrett goes for a cover but still can only get two. Barrett locks in a rear chin lock, but Orton is quick to fight right back up to his feet. Orton fights out of it, but Barrett tries for another pump handle slam. Orton fights out of it, and is able to connect with a dropkick that sends Barrett to the apron. Orton goes for the rope assissted DDT, but Barrett fights out of it and connects with a clothesline. The ref is knocked down in the melee, and Barrett orders Cena to get to the apron, he does, but Barretrt is pushed into Cena by Orton, sending Cena into the barricade. Nexus make their way down to the ring and begin attacking Orton, four on one.
Cena comes in and goes after all the members of Nexus except Barrett. Barrett argues with him, but Cena points out that he doesn't want to get DQ'd. Barrett picks Orton up on his shoulders and tries for the wasteland, but Orton fights out and hits a series of clotheslines followed by a snap powerslam. Orton goes for, and connects with the rope assisted DDT, planting Barrett. Cena climbs up to the apron, and comes into the ring behind Orton, he goes right for Barrett, and hits the AA. The ref calls for the bell.
Winner by DQ: Wade Barrett
- After the match, Cena goes to hand the WWE Title to Randy Orton. Orton lays him out with the RKO. Bragging Rights goes off the air with Orton posing with the WWE Title belt.