
BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
A cheap gimmick they hope will go over because it's MTV's best show. That black guy from NXT season 1 was trying to be a spoof of the Jersey Shore people too. It didn't go over for him either. Only dickheads like those people from those Jersey shows.


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
Le Cool made me chuckle :D with their mockery Brett and Jim.

Natalya is thick.

Alberto was great in his win over Morrison. That will be a good rivalry one day.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
~BORN's Random Stuff 2~

~The Game gimmick that Triple H has was originally intended for Owen Hart. He wasn't suppose to get the huge HHH push that came with it, just the gimmick a nice push~

~Vader's depush in WWF was all a product of Shawn Michaels. He was upset about Vader blowing a spot in their SummerSlam match he got Sid in Vader's spot.~

~WCW superbrawl 1995
The opening match between Paul Roma vs. Alex Wright led to Paul Roma getting fired.
Roma was pissed he had to job to the new up and comer, so during the match he no sold for Alex Wright, barely let him get any offense in and took some liberties with him, which lead to him getting chewed out and fired.~

~Kevin Nash faked a heart attack to avoid jobbing to the Giant at Starrcade 1997~

~WCW was hyping before BATB 2000 a big surprise that "Vince Mcmahon couldn't do anything about", it ended up being Goldberg turning heel, lol. The reason was, it originally was suppose to be Mandalay Entertainment buying WCW for $600 million, but the deal fell through~

~Billy Gunn was originally going to be the driver that ran over Steve Austin at SS '99.~

Jim Cornette was offered the job to be Flair's manager, but he turned it down (was working on trying to start up Smoky Mountain), so they gave it to Curt Hennig. ~



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And here is a question hopefully someone can answer:

When Steamboat came in the WWF around 1991 or something like that, Why did they push him like a new wrestler. They never acknowledged he was in the WWF before or was a former IC champion. He got a decent push (He only lost 1 match), but he left the WWF at the end of the year. Shit was stupid to me.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Hahahahhaha i remember that one. And 1989 was NWA best year with in ring action, Muta-Sting, Muta-Steamboat, Steamboat-Flair, Funk-Flair, Tedddy Long being the crooked ref, Luger having his best run as a heel.

That was the first year of Turner owning the company but before Jim Herd got his hooks into the product.

PWI Year End editions are the all time best I have 86,87,88,00,01,02.

I used to wait all year for the Year End issues to come out to see who got what award.

The first wrestling match I ever saw was in Memphis in the 80s. Brickhouse brown and Eric embry vs devastation Inc.

Skandor ackbar was the heel of all heels.

I feel privileged to have been at the last show he worked before he died. He still cut a great heel promo but all the heat was gone when Kamala came out. No one is booing Kamala in 2010.

A cheap gimmick they hope will go over because it's MTV's best show. That black guy from NXT season 1 was trying to be a spoof of the Jersey Shore people too. It didn't go over for him either. Only dickheads like those people from those Jersey shows.

It is a cheap gimmick but if the kid sticks with it and has good matches, it'll get over. But I wouldn't put a belt on him yet. Build him up and let him get some real heat instead of X-Pac heat.

And here is a question hopefully someone can answer:

When Steamboat came in the WWF around 1991 or something like that, Why did they push him like a new wrestler. They never acknowledged he was in the WWF before or was a former IC champion. He got a decent push (He only lost 1 match), but he left the WWF at the end of the year. Shit was stupid to me.
Steamboat says that's why he left. He was promised a push and it never happened.


Rising Star
And here is a question hopefully someone can answer:

When Steamboat came in the WWF around 1991 or something like that, Why did they push him like a new wrestler. They never acknowledged he was in the WWF before or was a former IC champion. He got a decent push (He only lost 1 match), but he left the WWF at the end of the year. Shit was stupid to me.

They promised him a big run but it never came and Steamboat said fuck it and left. It's on the dvd.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
The tag team division in WWE is str8 garbage...Why would they put the title on Cena and Otunga ???? I thought Rhodes and McIntyre were ok as champs. Also why didn't Cena come out with the rest of Nexus when they attacked The Undertaker??


Rising Star
The tag team division in WWE is str8 garbage...Why would they put the title on Cena and Otunga ???? I thought Rhodes and McIntyre were ok as champs. Also why didn't Cena come out with the rest of Nexus when they attacked The Undertaker??

Vince hates tag team wrestling. they might as well retire the belts.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
89 was a great year for NWA wrestling. I think that's when I really started watching NWA. I watched it b4 that but I really didn't pay it that much attention.
If I remember correctly Flair was the booker at the time.
Someone please explain to me why this goof, whose gimmick the audience CLEARLY HATES/FINDS BORING. Its getting a push??

Well there goes the theory that maybe he could get the gimmick over with his work inside the ring. He didn't even sell moves well.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
The tag team division in WWE is str8 garbage...Why would they put the title on Cena and Otunga ???? I thought Rhodes and McIntyre were ok as champs. Also why didn't Cena come out with the rest of Nexus when they attacked The Undertaker??

Vince hates tag team wrestling. they might as well retire the belts.

They should just throw them hoes in the river and be done with it.

:yes:So he made the Harts faces with Bret,failed to give them any type of push beyond putting the belts on them and then had them lose to Rhodes & McIntyre just for them to drop the belts to Cena & David Otunga:smh:And apparently broke up the Hart Dynasty in the process, jobbed out the debuting Uso's and didn't even give the belts to Nexus members who could work(Slater & Gabriel) or who were over with their characters(Sheffield & Tarver though they're injured). I'd rather see Husky Harris & McGillicutty with the belts then Cena & Otunga.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
:yes:So he made the Harts faces with Bret,failed to give them any type of push beyond putting the belts on them and then had them lose to Rhodes & McIntyre just for them to drop the belts to Cena & David Otunga:smh:And apparently broke up the Hart Dynasty in the process, jobbed out the debuting Uso's and didn't even give the belts to Nexus members who could work(Slater & Gabriel) or who were over with their characters(Sheffield & Tarver though they're injured). I'd rather see Husky Harris & McGillicutty with the belts then Cena & Otunga.

It seems when they have a good tag team they are just itching to break them up. Miz and Morrison was good as was Cryme Tyme ( can't believe I said that )but the fact is they need to revamp their tag team division or just do away with it like they did the crusierweight division.


Support BGOL
If I remember correctly Flair was the booker at the time.

Well there goes the theory that maybe he could get the gimmick over with his work inside the ring. He didn't even sell moves well.

Yep Flair was the booker after Dusty had got fired and i think Ole and Jim Ross was helping out during that time as well


Support BGOL
It seems when they have a good tag team they are just itching to break them up. Miz and Morrison was good as was Cryme Tyme ( can't believe I said that )but the fact is they need to revamp their tag team division or just do away with it like they did the crusierweight division.

Co fuckin sign.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Registered > WWE > Bragging Rights: Randy Orton vs. Wade Barrett
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 10/24/2010 at 11:18 PM

Report by Marc Middleton:

WWE Title Match: Wade Barrett with John Cena vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and out comes the challenger, Wade Barrett. John Cena is walking right behind him, reluctantly. Barrett enters the ring and Cena hops up on the apron, staring at Barrett. Randy Orton's music hits next and out comes the WWE Champion to a big pop.

Orton and Barrett lock up, and Barrett backs Orton up, but Orton backs Barrett up to respond. Orton pounds on Barrett in the corner with a series of right hands. Orton catches Barrett with a boot and a big European uppercut, before sending Barrett hard into the corner. Orton kicks at Barrett's chest, and Barrett responds with a kick of his own. Barrett tosses Orton to the outside, in front of Cena, and he and Cena look at each other, but nothing happens. Orton goes back into the ring, and Barrett hops out, staring down Cena for a second. Barrett climbs back into the ring and catches Orton with a kick to the gut, and a head butt, along with a beat down in the corner. Orton responds with a clothesline.

Orton picks Barrett up and sends him into the corner, but he charges into the big boot, and Barrett lays into Orton with a series of stomps. Barrett locks Orton in a headlock before choking him on the middle rope with his knee on the back of his head. Barrett goes to the outside and begins arguing with Cena, for some reason, and this allows Orton to attack Barrett from behind. Orton slams Barrett head first into the ring steps before sending him back into the ring. Orton tries for the cover but only gets two. He transitions right into a rear chin lock, wearing Barrett down right in the middle of the ring.

Barrett is able to fight out of it, but Orton comes up with a back suplex that's able to put him back down. Orton and Barrett fight on the outside, with Barrett sending Orton shoulder first into the ring steps. Barrett sends Orton back into the ring and tries for a cover but he only gets a two count. Barrett pounds on Orton with a series of right hands. Barrett tags Orton with a couple of rights and lays him down with a left. He again looks over to Cena and says something. Barrett goes to the second rope and leaps off with a big elbow drop that's good for a two count. Barrett kicks and chokes Orton in the corner.

Barrett locks in a rear chin lock, hoping for the submission. Orton is able to fight up to his feet, and out of the hold, but Barrett hits him with a kick to the stomach, followed by a pump handle slam that's good for another near fall. Barrett goes to the outside and brings Orton, alternating between slamming his head on the apron and barricade before sending him back first into the apron.

Barrett goes for a cover but still can only get two. Barrett locks in a rear chin lock, but Orton is quick to fight right back up to his feet. Orton fights out of it, but Barrett tries for another pump handle slam. Orton fights out of it, and is able to connect with a dropkick that sends Barrett to the apron. Orton goes for the rope assissted DDT, but Barrett fights out of it and connects with a clothesline. The ref is knocked down in the melee, and Barrett orders Cena to get to the apron, he does, but Barretrt is pushed into Cena by Orton, sending Cena into the barricade. Nexus make their way down to the ring and begin attacking Orton, four on one.

Cena comes in and goes after all the members of Nexus except Barrett. Barrett argues with him, but Cena points out that he doesn't want to get DQ'd. Barrett picks Orton up on his shoulders and tries for the wasteland, but Orton fights out and hits a series of clotheslines followed by a snap powerslam. Orton goes for, and connects with the rope assisted DDT, planting Barrett. Cena climbs up to the apron, and comes into the ring behind Orton, he goes right for Barrett, and hits the AA. The ref calls for the bell.

Winner by DQ: Wade Barrett

- After the match, Cena goes to hand the WWE Title to Randy Orton. Orton lays him out with the RKO. Bragging Rights goes off the air with Orton posing with the WWE Title belt.

it'll be interesting to see what angle WWE is going to take with this whole Cena/Nexus storyline tomorrow night.


Support BGOL
Seems like Vince is being a scared bitch about things. First they felt Cena turning heel would be great than they pulled up alittle. Vince can't make up his damn mind and this shit is turning into HBK/JBL which was just terrible...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
~WWE Ranks The Top 25 Talkers In Wrestling History~

The official WWE website has named "the Top 25 talkers in WWE history." Here's the list:

25. Sheamus
24. Rick Rude
23. Santino Marella
22. The Million Dollar Man
21. The Miz
20. Jesse Ventura
19. Triple H
18. Paul Heyman
17. Edge
16. Mr. McMahon
15. Superstar Billy Graham
14. Mick Foley
13. Hulk Hogan
12. CM Punk
11. Randy Savage
10. JBL
9. Bobby Heenan
8. Dusty Rhodes
7. John Cena
6. Jake Roberts
5. Chris Jericho
4. Ric Flair
3. The Rock
2. Roddy Piper
1. Steve Austin


why is Arn Anderson not on the list...he was great on the mic


Ally of The Great Ancestors
OG Investor
why is Arn Anderson not on the list...he was great on the mic

I agree but if you read it more closely it says in WWE history.:cool: Sure Arn and Tully had a brief stint as the Brainbusters but Bobby Heenan was the mouthpiece. Arn's best talking was on WTBS and TNT.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
Arn Anderson never wrestled for WWE.

Yes he did. He and Tully Blanchard were WWF tag champs as the Brainbusters. They were even managed by Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

Sheamus and Santino have no business on the list and Cena shouldn't be anywhere near that high.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
I agree but if you read it more closely it says in WWE history.:cool: Sure Arn and Tully had a brief stint as the Brainbusters but Bobby Heenan was the mouthpiece. Arn's best talking was on WTBS and TNT.

So was Dusty Rhodes' best talking. Terry Funk and Jim Cornette should be on the list as well.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
The tag team division in WWE is str8 garbage...Why would they put the title on Cena and Otunga ???? I thought Rhodes and McIntyre were ok as champs. Also why didn't Cena come out with the rest of Nexus when they attacked The Undertaker??

Vince hates tag team wrestling. they might as well retire the belts.

Vince really does see tag teams being able to draw money...with Michael fucking Hayes sitting right there on his booking staff.

Well there goes the theory that maybe he could get the gimmick over with his work inside the ring. He didn't even sell moves well.

That's not a good look. Hopefully TNA will not put the X-Division title on him yet. I think it was a mistake to even put him near Jay Lethal without any build up at all. He shouldn't even be considered a contender until December, after facing Red and Shannon Moore.

wasn't that Chi-town Heat?

Chi-Town Heat was the name for Starrcade '87 (where Flair beat Garvin).

So was Dusty Rhodes' best talking. Terry Funk and Jim Cornette should be on the list as well.

:yes: But Dusty did some good stuff in WWF and got that polka dot shit over when it was meant to embarass him.

Brainbusters and the Rockers great matches in early 89

One of their MSG matches is on Shawn Michaels' dvd and another is on the tag teams dvd.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Yep Flair was the booker after Dusty had got fired and i think Ole and Jim Ross was helping out during that time as well

Actually George Scott took over after Dusty was fired (according to Ric's autobiography). Flair got on a booking committee the first time right before Clash V, with Kevin Sullivan, Jim Barnett, Jim Herd, and Eddie Gilbert.