
Potential Star
I thought about getting that shit tuesday, but I looked it up on IGN and they ain't really add anything to it that made me HAVE to get it. All they did was add the ability to buss objects different ways, a "create-a-match" thing, updated the roster and added a weird semi-free roam feature to Road to Wrestlemania.

Is there any word of a new TNA wrestling game? I been going around to Gamestop trying to find the first one. With the current roster, a new TNA Impact would be pretty dope. It could have a really dope story mode.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
In other Guerrero news the WWE has signed Eddie and Vickie's daughter Shaul Marie to a developmental contract.



i bet if she does get into WWE they might do a storyline where her and vickie end up fighting over dolph ziggler :lol:

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
I think he would've while Bruno was more on the east coast Bruno did travel from time to time and he drew good money.

Bruno could do that in that era but he couldn't have done it in the 80s (if he was in his prime) when the WWF and Crockett were expanding. He was a draw in NY because Vince McMahon got to play up the ethnic diversity of the Northeast. But he could be compared to Bob Backlund and Rick Martel as babyface champions who don't look like world champions compared to Ric Flair. Bruno stands up well compared to Dory Funk Jr. and Harley Race of the 60s and 70s but he wouldn't hold up to the top guys of the 80s.

All Time goes to flair but watch vince put cena at 1 or 3 and have rock at 10:smh: I hate when they release these 50 greatest whatever dvds or magazines, because they always let petty bullshit ruin it.

We know this is going to be some bullshit but it's interesting.

Completely agree. LOD had the look, but they weren't very good workers in their prime, just stiff.

BTW, that Roadwarriors DVD that the WWE put out was brutal to watch during the match portion. Their matches, in general, haven't aged well at all. The Demos on the other hand :yes:

It was fun to see them work the Freebirds and other great teams of the 80s but they aren't as good as you might think. Part of that is because they usually wrestled the top teams and neither of them could afford to do the clean job ('Birds, the Russians) and because they were still very new and green. They don't really start getting better until they start wrestling the Horsemen and the Midnight Express in Crockett all the time.
Demolition had Bill Eadie (the Masked Superstar) and that guy was always great and they worked with an assortment of great teams who were used to build them up and put them over.

i bet if she does get into WWE they might do a storyline where her and vickie end up fighting over dolph ziggler :lol:

I hope she can work but I'm not setting my expectations high. Why don't more parents in the business do with their kids like Rick Steamboat did with his: send them to different trainers and let them work some indies and Japan, where they learn how to work differnt styles, before they ever set foot in WWE developmental, where they learn the "WWE style". That way if it doesn't work out, someone else will probably be willing to give you a job.

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
that shit with mcmahon was just stupid. why did he have that chics campaign poster on his ass ???? I know his wife is running tomorrow but still he's persauding voters

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
that shit was stupid, but at least they showed fine ass stephanie.

to bad we didnt get a full body shot. but back to what i was saying this is why politicans can't take Linda McMahon serious for shit like Vince pulled tonite. Say she does win will they start putting political storylines in WWE ? I can just see Randy Orton and Santino doing a stem cell research storyline.


Rising Star
HHH talking off camera :rolleyes: had they showed him the audience wouldve went crazy lol

and freddie prinze jr back writing for WWE again :smh:

Eh the skit wasn't too bad but it would've been better if vince didn't hog all the air time. Lita still looks good and she got a bigger reaction than any current diva (not a good look)

The Pope

His Holiness Pope Francis
Registered > WWE > Department of Justice threatens WWE
Posted by Roscoe De Soto on 11/01/2010 at 07:13 PM

WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt recieved a letter from the U.S. Department of Justice today which reads:

The Department of Justice has recently received information indicating that your client, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE), might be providing or planning to provide free merchandise to voters at polling places. However, the available information also indicates that, if this practice is actually planned or occurring, it is open and notorious. Accordingly, this letter is to advise you that WWE might be operating in ignorance of applicable federeal criminal law, and to notify you of that law.

Specifically, Section 1973i (c) of Titale 42 of the United States Code makes it a federal offnse to pay or offer to pay an individual a thing of value for voting. Violations of Section 1973i (c) is punishable by imprisonment up to five years and a fine not to exceed $250,000. Please note the Department's understanding that this statute prohibits a person from providing a thing of value--such as clothing--in return for an individual's participation in the voting process.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Richard C. Pilger


Election Crimes Branch



BGOL CSI: Connoisseur of Sluts on Instagram™
BGOL Investor
I was hoping the skit was going to lead to them trashing the RAW GM angle. I also wanted to see how Steph's titties were looking after having that baby.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Eh the skit wasn't too bad but it would've been better if vince didn't hog all the air time. Lita still looks good and she got a bigger reaction than any current diva (not a good look)

yea i read Lita has talked about being interested in returning

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
HHH talking off camera :rolleyes: had they showed him the audience wouldve went crazy lol

and freddie prinze jr back writing for WWE again :smh:

Prinze is said to be popular with the wrestlers because he actually listens to them about their gimmicks and storylines. He has no history in pro wrestling but at least he respects the guys taking the bumps.

yea i read Lita has talked about being interested in returning

They've been trying to get her back for the last couple years but it's her that's been turning them down.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Anyone ever check out the EVOLVE promotion? I just got all four of their releases (it's a very new promotion) and will check them out soon.

I'm reading they use a point system (I doubt it's used the same as Chikara), but the roster is chock full of Chikara and wrestlers from other indies promotions (including Ring of Honor).

If anyone has watched any of their four releases so far, I'd like to get your opinions. At this point, I'm willing to give any promotion a chance if Chikara talent is at least sprinkled in.


Rising Star
Prinze is said to be popular with the wrestlers because he actually listens to them about their gimmicks and storylines. He has no history in pro wrestling but at least he respects the guys taking the bumps.

They've been trying to get her back for the last couple years but it's her that's been turning them down.

I don't think prinze is back writing, i think he was just doing a guest spot but he's been a hardcore fan since childhood. Prinze Seth Green and Shaq have been the best GH since they actually love the business.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Quick update. I'm about halfway through the first show of EVOLVE. Very reminiscent of early Ring of Honor shows (which isn't too surprising considering some of its roster). One thing that makes it stand out is that this promotion really emphasizes records.

Very solid first show, I'm hearing that each show gets a bit better (they're only 4 shows in for this very new promotion, and the newest show has Danielson's last indy match).

Considering I'm catching this at it's beginning, I think I'll add this to my regular wrestling rotation to see how this promotion grows. Very impressed so far.


Support BGOL
I don't think prinze is back writing, i think he was just doing a guest spot but he's been a hardcore fan since childhood. Prinze Seth Green and Shaq have been the best GH since they actually love the business.

He is back to writing. Read on a website that he decided to come back and help out to give fresh ideas. Pretty sure it was Hunter's idea due to his promotion.


Support BGOL
What did Freddie book in the past? Because I don't know if him coming back is a good or bad thing.

Not sure what the main things were but his first time around he worked in the Smackdown Brand. Now they are saying his second time around he will be working as a producer and director.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Anyone ever check out the EVOLVE promotion? I just got all four of their releases (it's a very new promotion) and will check them out soon.

I'm reading they use a point system (I doubt it's used the same as Chikara), but the roster is chock full of Chikara and wrestlers from other indies promotions (including Ring of Honor).

If anyone has watched any of their four releases so far, I'd like to get your opinions. At this point, I'm willing to give any promotion a chance if Chikara talent is at least sprinkled in.

Quick update. I'm about halfway through the first show of EVOLVE. Very reminiscent of early Ring of Honor shows (which isn't too surprising considering some of its roster). One thing that makes it stand out is that this promotion really emphasizes records.

Very solid first show, I'm hearing that each show gets a bit better (they're only 4 shows in for this very new promotion, and the newest show has Danielson's last indy match).

Considering I'm catching this at it's beginning, I think I'll add this to my regular wrestling rotation to see how this promotion grows. Very impressed so far.

Good to know. I follow them loosely but I haven't heard anything bad about them. With the roster and Gabe Sapolsky as owner, I'm sure it's pretty good.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Okay I had a few

The NWA title match between Blue Demon Jr. (c), Adam Pearce, and Phil Shatter in Charlotte on March 14th. We had front row seats to that and all three guys worked real tight so there wasn't one of those moments where the dropkick misses by a foot and the guy still takes the bump. Only one really big highspot and they landed right at my wife's feet and kicked the guy sitting on the other side of her. That's the match where Pearce won the belt back. Just an incredible match.

Another NWA title match with Pearce and Bryan Danielson. This was after it was announced he would be going back to WWE. Another great match. Didn't have front row seats but we were sitting behind Shatter's mom and dad. Nice folks. The highlight was the guest ring announcer (he won a contest) introducing "American Dragon" Bryan Danielson as the "Ultimate Dragon" Bryan Pearce. Everybody broke character and Danielson started shaking the ropes like the Ultimate Warrior.

But probably the best match was the Briscoes vs. the Kings of Wrestling on ROH's Big Bang internet ppv. Worth tracking down to watch. They went so hard Jay Briscoe threw up at ringside after the match.

Upgrade Dave

Rising Star
Hopefully after this election they will go back to TV 14 or whatever they were.

Nope. TV PG is easier to get advertisers than TV14. It's not the rating, it's the booking. Randy Savage attacked Rick Steamboat when they were PG in the 80s. Jake Roberts sicced a snake on Savage under PG in the 90s. Wrestling has always been around the PG style before but it was just better booked. They never had profanity or half naked women and little blood during some of the biggest eras of wrestling.


Rising Star
Nope. TV PG is easier to get advertisers than TV14. It's not the rating, it's the booking. Randy Savage attacked Rick Steamboat when they were PG in the 80s. Jake Roberts sicced a snake on Savage under PG in the 90s. Wrestling has always been around the PG style before but it was just better booked. They never had profanity or half naked women and little blood during some of the biggest eras of wrestling.

Yeah I know all that. I watched it all. But the writers don't know how to do PG good. I have stopped watching Raw bc it's so bad.


Back in the 80s and 90s, PG was the default rating for pro wrestling. A lot of shit happened that wasn't really PG on those shows back then because there wasn't a shitload of politically-driven limitations.

The issue today is not the PG's the fact that the PG rating is a mask to make people outside the industry happy. I'll take 80s PG over today's PG. It's not the same thing. Vince had no problem with blood in the 80s for instance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Agreed. The rating isn't the problem. Some of the best wrestling companies I the world are PG. The problem is the bookng and writIng. It should be common sense, but it shouldn't be surprising that the writing for WWE is at an all-time low when they TV writers instead wrestling writers doing the storylines.

Some argue that the WWE is just catering to kid wrestling fans, but I don't think that's entirely true. They're catering to casual kid viewers, but but necessarily kid wrestling fans. There is a big difference. If the WWE catered to kid wrestling fans, I assure you everyone in this thread would notice a dramatic surge in the quality of the product.


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
HHH talking off camera :rolleyes: had they showed him the audience wouldve went crazy lol

and freddie prinze jr back writing for WWE again :smh:
Again he respects the wrestlers and he seems to be one of the few writers who is actually a fan of wrestling which should be vital but which the WWE largely ignores.
Good to know. I follow them loosely but I haven't heard anything bad about them. With the roster and Gabe Sapolsky as owner, I'm sure it's pretty good.
Co-sign.I wonder if Homicide and Austin Aries will make appearances with Evolve like they did with Dragon Gate USA recently.